is there any doubt that this man is not the best body builder on the planet? pulease....
is there any doubt that this man is not the best body builder on the planet? pulease....
he has a huge waste? i guess that pictures can be taken at the wrong(or right) time huh.
Like to see a front profile of his stomach on the first pic. BLOAT. Second pic looks damn good. No doubt, he's got muscle over muscle. Ever see his ass in the off season! KAAPOW! Sorry Kev, still not convinced. Not balanced enough for my taste. Might have a different opinion if I was closer to Pro BB size and shape like you are though.
just refuse to accept the truth huh BRM? tsk, tsk, tsk...![]()
wow...okay kev i am impressed...but i am sure there are some great pics of other pros who look even better.
shredz, you been talkin' to the big red machine?
I just watch his trianing video, UN F^&King real! He trains harder and heavier than anyone i have seen. He out trains the rest!
Us Canadians gotta stick together. As for you Eye Candy, your citizenship has been revoked!Originally posted by bigkev
shredz, you been talkin' to the big red machine?![]()
How about Claude Groulx, he got overlooked big time at O, should have been Top 10.
That man is a FREAK............... sorry that's not a man, he is no longer human![]()
know your friends well, but know your enemies better
Nice back! but where's the christmas tree?
I think he's still top notch, but the gh kits are playing havick on the abdomin!
Best arm's in the sport too!
But weider doesn't back loser's either!
Ronnie has taken BB to a whole new level PERIOD!
For all you doubters, when Ronnie first became MR O everyone jumped on the wagon. He took size to another level before any of the other guys had the balls to do so. Now you start to doubt that he is still the man. I saw Ronnie at last years Arnold (He was able to come in lighter) he looked amazing. When he comes in good shape again this year will the doubters come back to his side? Either you are there or you aren't.
BigKev, I am with you, Ronnie looks amazing.
Capital X
I don't mean to doubt you guys. Ronnie is the man. He's Mr. O, but I wouldn't say he was the one who took the sport to the super freak level that it's at. Lee Haney was the original super freak, followed by Dorian Yates. Remember the criticism that they got from all of the folks that were more into the traditional look. Especially Yates. If you took all of the criticism articles from the last 6 or 7 years written about Yates and held them up to today’s articles about Coleman. They would mirror each other. Don't get me wrong; I completely respect the accomplishments of Coleman. He's attained a level of size and muscularity that others could only dream of. And really, I believe that even if guys like Dexter Jackson tried to obtain that look, they wouldn't be able to. I'm still just one of several guys who still believes in the more traditional look.
I would like to see a pic of Ronnie before he won his first Olympia, can you post one of those? Just curious to see what he looked like before he won it. Thanks.
hi everyone ! new here ! some amazing pics of big ron , met the man once HUGE,HUGE ! ....once had a chat with j.d dawodu about ronnie.....even he was amazed by rons size!...and j.d is one big boy!....respect where its due!
Pictures speak a thousand words.......
Last edited by HARDCORE; 01-14-2002 at 02:22 PM.
Ronnie looks like shit compared to Cutler, Jay definetly deserved to win, he was in a completely different league then Ronnie, he was cut and big, he had amazing seperation , Ronnie just looked like a fat bloated bodybuilder that's 2 months out from the contest.
jay cutler is in second place because that is where he belongs. obviously you guys have no contest experiance what so ever. ronnie was fat? jay had absolutely no cuts in his lower back, in fact, he had small fat rolls. his ass was perfectly smooth. come on fellas! here is a pic of ronnie at the 2001 mr O hitting an ab shot. get with the program!![]()
Originally posted by HARDCORE
Pictures speak a thousand words.......
is this the best arguement you can find? its the worst pic they could find! and the best one they could find of jay! oh, did i mention that jay now writes a column for muscular development(the mag that the link is to) called"a cut above"? of course they are promoting him!.you want to see ronnies abs? look at the pic above. jay was a cut above the rest of the feild, but above ronnie? not a chance!
Gotta disagree on his butt being smooth
this is war!
*mans the battle stations*come on kev hit me with your best shot!
his abs honestly don't look that great if you look at them here
i will concede that jays abs where slightly tighter, but as for the rest of the physique? ronnie out classes him by a mile. jay just doesnt have the muscle maturity yet. this is desity at its best. this is why ronnie is numero uno!
awesome pics bro.
ronnie, like lee haney and dorian before him, turns around, and the show is over.
gotta agree....jay had ron on abs....thats it ..!!..look at it part for part....whose chest is better?...ron.......whose back is bigger?..ron..whose arms are better?.....ron ....delts?....ron...legs?...ron...abs?....jay....s urely u cant claim jay was better cause he has a better abs and thighs shot?....anyway...jays arms are small compaired to his torso...condition wise , i think jay was smooth from behind...he is a great b/b but no coleman beater!! with ya bigkev !!
I agree with BigKev, Ronnie was better overall. Yes Jay had great abs and his legs looked awesome. Ronnie has much better symmetry (see picture of Ronnie standing relaxed in the Blue/purple trunks) The man is breath taking. The shoulders are wide, the waist is thin, his lats are large and the legs balance him out. Ronnie has the frame that has always been impressive. Don't get me wrong Jay is in incredible shape. I know he will make his mark at the Arnold. Ronnie may have to take a look at his game plan for next year. If he stay at the status quo that he will be beaten in 2002.
Capital X
Cutler freaking bent that roidgut over and tore him a new one. Jay was tighter and bigger and better balanced than the reigning champ, hands down. Politics at their best.
Last edited by Anaballick; 01-17-2002 at 07:28 PM.
i gotta say coleman is HUGE and STRONG, biggest and strongest in fact. But but but.......his roid gut is nasty, his abs suck, and that ruins his great physique for me. For what would be otherwise undenyably the best body in the history of the universe the roid guy ruins his body in a whole, he had 3/4 of the whole package, and i think the olympia should really be the whole package. Beautifully proportioned, yet stunningly muscular.
Couldn't agree more Justin, if someone has the perfect physique with 12 inch arms he can't be crowned champion. If we are really going to give the title to the freakiest biggest man alive its gotta goto Kovacs, his gut is a lot more impressive than Ronnie's and he has 27 inch arms.
Originally posted by silverfox
I just watch his trianing video, UN F^&King real! He trains harder and heavier than anyone i have seen. He out trains the rest!
Ronnie might train harder and heavier than anyone, but check out his form, he is so pumped full of drugs, that it doesn't matter how he trains, he'd still be huge, he'd still be a freak! Ronnie takes so much drugs that he doesn't need technique or barely even needs to train, he is still going to work the muscle and be a freak. During his pre contest, he looks great, but on stage he is pure shit!!!!
Basically my opinion is the same as a few ppl who have already posted their opinion. Mr. Olympia represents the best physique, the ideal physique, the entire package, and most importantly should be FLAWLESS. Now i know it might be impossible to be flawless, but u can't just say so what if he has a big gut if he still has the widest back. The point is that the gut is an extremely large flaw, and i hope big kev doesn't respond by saying that having a big gut is part of what he thinks is the ideal physique.
I have heard ppl say i wish i had his arms or legs, and etc., but never have i heard someone say:
"ahhh i wish i had a gut like that, just maybe if i work real hard for a long time, then maybe one day too i can acheive such a gut."
I know this is an old thread and i dont expect BK to answer but maybe someone else could. Were in the rules does it say that the glute should be judged? I thought it was the part they didnt look at for points...Originally posted by bigkev
his ass was perfectly smooth.
You are missing the point. Ultimately the judges are looking at the entire package, look at any of ronnie's back poses. He has this huge but at the same time incredibly define back, helping create the illusion of a smaller waist, and then not just the back but his outstanding glute and hamstring development add so much to the pose. If u look at a bodybuilder who doesn't have that type of glute and hamstring development it just looks horrible next to a guy like ronnie.Originally posted by palme
I know this is an old thread and i dont expect BK to answer but maybe someone else could. Were in the rules does it say that the glute should be judged? I thought it was the part they didnt look at for points...
By the way, i don't know if u're into bodybuilding and doing the posing thing, but is there a single pose where u're not supposed to flex a certain muscle? If u do are asked to do a front double biceps pose, why would u want to flex your legs when they should be looking at your biceps?
get my point?
Of course if i was right,then ronnie wouldn't have won the mr. olympia, so clearly i am way off.
I think it´s you thats not getting my point. The glute isnt judged and there for shouldnt be involved, otherwise they would be wearing thongs.Originally posted by saboudian
You are missing the point. Ultimately the judges are looking at the entire package, look at any of ronnie's back poses. He has this huge but at the same time incredibly define back, helping create the illusion of a smaller waist, and then not just the back but his outstanding glute and hamstring development add so much to the pose. If u look at a bodybuilder who doesn't have that type of glute and hamstring development it just looks horrible next to a guy like ronnie.
By the way, i don't know if u're into bodybuilding and doing the posing thing, but is there a single pose where u're not supposed to flex a certain muscle? If u do are asked to do a front double biceps pose, why would u want to flex your legs when they should be looking at your biceps?
get my point?
I just want a rule clearify, offcourse i think it´s better with a ripped glute then a smooth one.
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