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Thread: real problem here with cycle....please read.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    real problem here with cycle....please read.

    ok bro's here is the issue,
    im in a bulking cycle of test. i started with 100mg/ml testo LA from jurox (cypionate) and was going to finish with enanthate due to its readiness to me. im at the test switching point now. Heres where the problem starts!
    i have done 6 weeks of the cypionate and was intending to do 6 weeks of enan but i have had absolutely no results with the cyp. i thought maybe im a late bloomer but i thought at least strength or sex drive would be up. my sex drive hasnt changed at all. so im really thinking the cyp was fake. i know for a fact that the enan is real cause a mate is using it and he has blown up.
    now i feel that there is no point in doing the 6 weeks of enan if the cyp was fake. it would just shut me down for bugger all gains. so im thinking of calling this 'cycle' quits.
    now if i continued it, just after the cycle finishes i am starting a certain militaryspecialist course wich is very physically intensive. so im thinking ill stop now and with pct my natural test levels should kick back in time IF the cyp was real.
    if the cyp wasnt real then stoping now is the best option.
    so do you guys suggest i keep on incase its real or stop to be sure?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Took me 6-7 weeks for my susta to kick in. start taking the enen and order more. In six weeks you should be able to get more.

    Its common sense. Either stop and wait for another cycle or take the rest of it and order more if you feel it is fake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Took me 6-7 weeks for my susta to kick in. start taking the enen and order more. In six weeks you should be able to get more.

    Its common sense. Either stop and wait for another cycle or take the rest of it and order more if you feel it is fake.
    i understand your point but the thing is the cycle was timed to end not far from the beggining of the military course im doing. i cant prolong my cycle or be cycling during it cause i will be out field/jungle for nearly 6 weeks. grubby and hurting and being punished.
    so i have the 6 weeks left to play with (plus pct time). if the cyp was fake, 6 wks of enan will shut me down for no good. so i believe maybe i should cut my losses now and start fresh in a couple of months when im sure my gear is legit.
    your thoughts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    how much cyp did you take each week?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    how much cyp did you take each week?
    350mg. low dose but thought it best to keep it low considering im new to AS. plus the suggested cycles from AR had enan at 200mg/wk so just kept it lower.

    anyway i should have at least seeen an increase in sex drive.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Hm. Thats a tough one. 6 weeks of Test En IF the cyp was fake????
    If you are almost certain the cyp is fake, I would just call it a loss and start from scratch at the bet conveniance. It might just take awhile for it to kick in. Maybe take the test E for 2 weeks to make sure the cyp is fake or real. If no results two weeks later, stop and save the 4 weeks worth.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yeah i think ill cut losses. its my safest bet. then ill do a course in a few months with enan and eq i know is legit.

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