God d amn,you lost 20#'s in 1 wk?You did start at 215 didn't you?That's alot of weight to drop in one wk.But then again,I dropped 10#'s in 3 days being sick this past wk also,so you can put some back on again.
Keep plugging bro.
God d amn,you lost 20#'s in 1 wk?You did start at 215 didn't you?That's alot of weight to drop in one wk.But then again,I dropped 10#'s in 3 days being sick this past wk also,so you can put some back on again.
Keep plugging bro.
Yep. 20lbs in 7 days. ****in' crazy eh? I didn't believe it myself. I went from 215 to 195 and it's exactly 7 days later. Crazy **** eh.
But I lost 10lbs the last 3 days from being sick. So who knows. Whatever, I just want to get better fast.
man keep up the work i am sure you'll get your goals, YOU CAN DO IT
u lost 20 lbs!!!!!!.......sounds like u lost a lot of water weight RTB.....being sick and def a high fever can drain u of water quick....make sure u are getting more than enough fluids the next few days....dehydration can set u back big time(which I'm sure u already know all this).
Day 8
What's up guys, first and foremost I'm getting over the Flu. I think what helped me get over it faster than usual is the amount of good food I ate. I ate whatever I could get my hands on in hopes of getting better, and it seems to have helped. The only two things I can complain about is:
1) It's very tough for me to breathe out of my nose so I've been using this thing called Otrivin. Awesome stuff.
2) I blow my nose maybe 100 times a day.
My weight has gone back up to 210lbs. A lot of it is water that I lost during the last week. I missed my shot of 300mg Cyp last night, so I shot up 600mg today and I'll be continuing normally on Wednesday with 1cc EOD.
I did a Heavy Back workout, or atleast tried, and a light Chest. My backworkout consisted of...
Chin Ups (8,6,4)
Barbell Rows (8,6,4)
Corner Rows (8,6,4)
Iso-Lateral Row (8,6,4)
Chest was 3 Machine Press' with reps of 20,15,10.
My lower back was too sore today. It kinda replicated the lower back pain you get from D-Bol. The pump was immense right off the back from the Chin Ups. That's the reason I decided to skip Deadlifts this back workout.
I already made my meals for tomorrow so I should be back on Track. I haven't done any cardio since I've been on, and I plan on starting tomorrow with some AM cardio to see how things go.
I just can't get over my lower back pump/pain. It was intense, I had such a hard time doing the Barbell Rows because my back was hurting so much...
Day 9
What's up guys,
I'm feeling a little better today, not that much better, but good enough.
I hit the gym and did Heavy Shoulders and light arms. Pump was good. The poundages were nothing spectacular because I feel weak as **** so I won't even bother posting them.
Ah, tomorrow's another day.
I forgot to mention that I started cardio today. I did 25 minutes this morning at 3.5 with an Incline of 5 and then again when I got home from work around 11pm for another 30 minutes with 4.0 and an incline of 5.
Actually felt VERY good.
Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 02-17-2004 at 11:02 PM.
I hope you get over that sickness sh!t.
Thanks Consistency.
I just finished taking a shower and the wheels are the first thing I noticed looking a hell lot more cut. My quads are just seperating allover the place. Tomorrow is Quad day so look out for pics after the Pump! Watch out Big Ol' Legs...I'm comin' for you.![]()
Day 10
300mg Cypionate
.40mcg Clenbuterol
I originally was going to do Hamstrings, Calves and Forearms today, but I ended up changing the routine a little bit.
I did calves first.
Standing Calf Raises (10, 10, 10)
Donkey Calf Raises (10, 10, 10)
Seat Calf Raises (10, 10, 10)
I hit up Hamstrings next...
Lying Leg Curls (8,6,4)
Seated Leg Curls (8,6,4)
Standing Leg Curls (10, 10, 10)
I was going to move onto Forearms, but said **** it and decided to add in Quads so I can have an extra rest day.
For Quads I did...
Squats (12, 10, 8)
Leg Extensions (8, 6, 4)
One-Leg Extensions (15, 15, 15)
*followed by 10 minutes cool down on the Bike*
I decided to skip the forearms and do them later today with my PM cardio.
I finally feel a bit better and I've start the Clen today. Feels good. It's my first time using Spiropent Clen Tabs, and I like them better since it's a more controlled dosage. I took some pics of my wheels today, as soon as I get my digital camera working, I'll post them up. Last night I did 10 sets of 20 standing calf raises with just my bodyweight before I went to bed. Nice pump, but that's about it.
Here's my legs. Really can't see any cuts in the picture, but the size is there.
Glad to hear your feeling alittle better RTB. Being sick can def make your workout suffer, but u have done a nice job working thru it.
A sign of having a good workout is when u add quads in when you weren't going to do them.hahaha You should def get a shock out of adding them. You quads look friggin thick bro....keep up the great work.
Thanks Bornbad.
Wheels have always grown good for me. I actually have to start cutting back on them 'cause I think they're getting too out of proportion. What can you do eh?
Nice wheels Ronny!!!
Go get 'em tiger,I'm in your corner wishing you the best.
Days 11, 12, 13
What's up bro's. For those of you who pm'd me, sorry for getting back to you so late. Been busy with other stuff.
On day 11 I did a Heavy Chest and Light Back workout. Day 12 was Heavy arms and Light Shoulders. Awesome pump. But the Test has yet to kick in...
Today was Day 13 and I had a cheat meal. I had too. But I limited myself very well. I grabbed some Hot Chicken wings from Eastside Mario's and could only finish a pound (6-8 wings). For some reason that **** filled me up. Maybe because my stomach lining has shrunk from all the liquid meals and the small amounts of food I eat during the day? Either way, I was happy in the end that I got full very fast. Tomorrow is back to normal.
I did some AM cardio. 30 minutes seemed to fly bye lately, so I'm going to up it to 45 minutes. I've already noticed that I'm thinning out very well, even though I feel puny. I went out tonight and was told that my face looks thinner and that I look a little smaller. I'll take it as a compliment.
I shot up my Quad again on the right side, no pain this time. I actually pinched it a bit this time around and shot the dart right in. Usually I go slow with the dart, but this time I just jabbed it in and no pain. I'm still rocking the Clen and next Monday is the big day for T3, Fina, Winny. Looking forward to adding those substances.
I'm weighing in at exactly 203lbs and I'm still getting over my sickness before. My workouts are suffering, but I'm still cranking out as much as I can.
Tomorrow, like today, is just a rest day from weights and some more cardio. I'll probably do 45 minutes AM on an empty stomach and then 45 minutes again sometime during the day. Cardio is actually very....I don't know how to put it, but relaxing.
Ronny u limited yourself very well for that cheat meal....awww chickin wings(thank goodness I'm bulking), I love chicken wings.
Sounds like your leaning out quiet well.
LOL at cardio being relaxing.......I was thinking of a much better word myself.![]()
Hey Ronny.... how are you feeling in your clothes now that you're cutting? I am starting to disappear in mine......
What bodyfat % do you think you're at now?
Bro, I feel ****ty in normal clothes now. I feel so skinny, but I feel lean...which amazingly is a good feeling. I feel very athletic again. I'm glad I retained most of my muscle in my arms. I feel like I look paper thin in my regular clothes and the weight loss is noticeable by almost everybody...except me.
Bodyfat %? I have no clue. I know I'm down atleast 1%.
Day 16
I messed on the days somewhere, but today is offically day 16. Weight is at 204lbs but I'm pretty solid.
I changed up my routine reps a bit today and hit up Chest and Back with both of them sharing the reps of 10,8,6.
My routine went as follows
Incline Dumbell Press
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Incline Dumbell Flies
Machine Iso-Row
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
All for reps of 10,8,6.
I did cardio late in the afternoon at 3.7mph and at an incline of 7%.
Diet got changed a bit today to see how I would do on it.
300g Protein
100g Carbohydrates
40g Liquid Carbohydrates
25g Fat
I feel my carbs are at a good amount. I eat 50g Carb (whole wheat bagel) in the morning with 50g Protein and post workout I eat the same meal. The rest of my carbs come from my protein shake.
I can slowly start to feel the Test kicking in which is an awesome feeling.
I missed it...
Oh yeah it's agreat feeling, keep kickin ass.
Days 17, 18, 19
Woo man. I finished my first bottle of PVL Cyp 300 today and I'm feeling great.
I'm completely over the Flu, my training and diet have been bang on and everyone's noticing the changes. So far, I've been told they're very drastic. Not only that, but I can feel the Test kicking in.
Upping my carbs a bit has made a world of a difference in my physique and training. Not only that, but so has hitting cardio twice a day. I also screwed hitting every body part twice a week (once light, once heavy) and stuck with a medium range of reps between 6-10 and it's working better then I thought.
So far, here's what I've noticed...
- Face is more chiselled and leaned out
- Forearms are bigger and more vascular, I love it (from training them on their own)
- Quad seperation is kicking in nice and they're shrinking (which I want) to match up the rest of my body
- Back has become more deeply etched
- My muscles are looking more dense
- My tricep heads are kicking in
- I'm slowly, but surely, losing the excess fat on my waist
Here's what I've been told...
- My face looks definately leaner
- I look skinny in normal clothes
- When I'm in a T-Shirt, I look ****in' good (those are exact quotes from my cousin)
- I look like a mini-Goldberg (same cousin) after I went in the hot tub
I'm not the strongest guy in the gym by any means, but I'm definately one of the more Aesthetically pleasing physiques. I've screwed playing the numbers game on weight and I'm always changing up my routines, grips and stances to hit every muscle group. This week, I've concentrated on my weaknesses, which is actually enjoyable for me. I never lock out, and trust me when I say it makes a TONNE of difference in your muscle shape. All my muscles are looking forward. Try it out for yourself.
Anyways, I missed Wednesday's workout because of School and Family affairs, so I'll be doing that on Saturday rather then not do it at all.
Today was Chest and Back and I did...
Underhand Grip Deadlifts
Decline Bench Press (wide grip)
Decline Dumbell Flies
Underhand Grip Rows
Flat Dumbell Press
Chin Ups
Cable Crossovers
All for reps of 10,8,6. Insane pump today. The Test is definately kicking in.
I took down a protein shake (10g Carb, 50g Protein, 3g Fat) immediately after and came home and rocked 30 minutes on the Treadmill while my Chicken baked in the oven.
I feel good. I feel very, very **** good.
Almost forgot, I weighed in this morning at 196lbs. 19 days ago I was 215.
Goes to show you, cardio, diet and a solid workout regime can do wonders for you if you stick too it and have the right 'supplements'.
Nice work Ronny. I too am cutting now and even though it's hard work, I feel it's MUCH more rewarding once you.....and everyone else.....start noticing the changes....
I agree with you 100%. When you think you haven't changed and someone asks you what you've been doing because you look so lean, that just pushes you even more.Originally Posted by Polska
**** Ronny 19 days in and your down 19 lbs, great job bro.....it is very rewarding when others notice what your hard work and dedication have done....I have not dieted down with "supplements" as of yet(key word here is yet), but I have done it with diet and cardio(unless u count a very un-educated cycle of deca and winny), so I can only imagine how much faster and better the results can be...as always keep up the hard work and dedication.
hey ronny... can you post a layout of what your typical day would look like meal wise? how many meals in a day and what they consist of? I am curious to see the diet.
Days 20,21,22
I had a killer arm/shoulder workout on day 20 and my abs are still sore from working them out. I'm starting to slowly see my Serratus kick in, which is awesome. I haven't weighed myself lately on purpose, I don't want to worry about the scale anymore, but what I see in the mirror.
For some reason, I feel my arms have gotten smaller, but all my sleeves are tight on me. I guess it's a pyschological thing, or my proportions have changed. Regardless, the viens are starting to pop out nice in my Forearms (which have grown considerably) and my abs are coming in nice.
Tomorrow I start my Fina, Winny and T3. I'm looking VERY forward too it.
30 minutes cardio (empty stomach)Originally Posted by Polska
Meal 1
Protein Shake (50g Protein, 10g Carb, 4g Fat)
Meal 2
Protein Shake (50g Protein, 10g Carb, 4g Fat)
Whole Wheat Bagel (10g Protein, 50g Carb, 4g Fat)
Meal 3
Protein Shake (50g Protein, 10g Carb, 4g Fat)
10g Glutamine
Meal 4
Chicken Breast (50g Protein, 0 Carb, 0 Fat)
Whole Wheat Bagel (10g Protein, 50g Carb, 4g Fat)
Meal 5
Protein Shake (50g Protein, 10g Carb, 4g Fat)
10g Glutamine
Meal 6
Tuna (25g Protein, 1g Carb, 3g Fat)
Meal 7
Protein Shake (25g Protein, 5g Carb, 2g Fat)
10g Glutamine
Meal 8
Tuna (25g Protein, 1g Carb, 3g Fat)
Second Cardio Session
Meal 9
3 Whole Eggs (21g Protein, 10g Fat, 0g Carb)
Protein - 356g
Carbs - 147g
Fat - 42g
Hope that helps.
And on my High-Carb days I usually throw in 4 Extra Bagels. Adds another 200g Carb and 800 Calories.
I keep things as simple as possible because they work.
Seems like way too many shakes and not enough whole food...........
I agree. But with my schedule and time restraints, it works very well for me. Not only does it fit my schedule, but it works.Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
I'd rather down a shake then eat nothing at all.
I'm wondering why your trying to lose so much weight so quickly when you have 3 months to get ready for the show. Losing 19 lbs in 3 weeks is great- don't get me wrong- it just seems like your sacrifing a lot of your hard earned muscle mass when you don't really have to. I understand a fitness model's ideal physique is different than a bodybuilder's physique but isn't your goal to preserve as much muscle as possible while getting your bf down in the low single digits. I know from personal experience if I lose more than 3 lbs a week while cutting my energy levels go down the drain and my body looks flat as a pancake.
You are not the only one who has a crazy schedule.....Here is what I do if you need a few tricks......It might sound nasty but it does the job
Sunday nights I cook a BUTT load of chicken...maybe 8-10 peices.......put a little seasoning on it for taste. Wait for it to cool and simply throw them in plastic baggies.
You can bring them anywhere, its a good idea cuz you can just gobble em up even if they are cold. I know it doesnt sound great but it does the trick. I even throw a few veggies in there sometimes. If you ask me its even easier than a shake!
In the morning when you wake up, open the fridge and grab a couple baggies of chicken and your good to go for the day!
I just think you would make better progress with more whole foods. What kind of shakes are they and what kind of protein(s) does it have? If you are drinking shakes you want them to digest slowly until you reach your next meal, unless its post workout then you want a faster absorbing protein.
Just trying to help a bro out!
Thanks bro.Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
Hope all goes well.
I laugh at myself after I read your entire post. I thought that i might be taking to much Test then I looked at yours. Your wheels look great and I agree with the whole foods concept. I hate shakes but I take them when I dont have time. I want to see your final pics actually 3 weeks out would be better.
And when and where is the show, if its local I wouldnt mind checkinbg it out.
Good luck either way
Reppin T-dot
If I looked right that diet came to 5 protien shakes and 3 solid meals....that is a lot of shakes Ronny......but it seems to be working very well for u....continue the great work bro.
Are you still alive ronny? Give us an update!
Yeah I'm wanting to try the set up soon, keep us posted bro.
ronny your a ****ing monster bro.. it seems to go extreamly well but if i can add something.. kick the am cardio to 45 mins.. 30 mins is kind of short.. i got great results form a 45 min cardio.. plus slap on some headphones and the time flies by.. and god bless![]()
Ok well whatever happened to ronnie???
Awhile back Ronny posted he might have to lay low on the boards for personal business reasons. I assume that is why he hasn't posted in some time.
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