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Thread: Has anyone used MR's Long R3 IGF-1????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Has anyone used MR's Long R3 IGF-1????

    Has anyone used MR's Long R3 IGF-1????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yep worked good for me. did it for half of my last IGF cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    yep worked good for me. did it for half of my last IGF cycle
    Just checking... Thanks!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    how many vials do you need for 30day cycle. dumb question but can't figure it out while in class?????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    how many vials do you need for 30day cycle. dumb question but can't figure it out while in class?????
    ..all depends on how much you want to take...

    -each vial is 1mg and that equals 1000mcg-

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    1000mcg's /40mcg's = 25 days bro
    Good luck
    If you want to run more then you need 2 mgs'
    Thats what I did. good luck

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    Has anyone used MR's Long R3 IGF-1????

    I am using mr's long now for 18 days to be exact! and started deca/sustenon the same time, now i dont know whats up but in my last 4 squat sessions i have made serious results?????
    session1 1 205 faliure at 7 reps
    session 2 255 12 reps failure
    session 3 315 8 reps failure
    and session 4 430 9 reps failure!

    i have never used over 300 for like 2-4 reps on a good day i suck at squats
    but now i dont it cant be deca/sustenon because that **** takes forever to work. long r3 ???
    anybody eles had results like this ???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ham & Jam
    I am using mr's long now for 18 days to be exact! and started deca/sustenon the same time, now i dont know whats up but in my last 4 squat sessions i have made serious results?????
    session1 1 205 faliure at 7 reps
    session 2 255 12 reps failure
    session 3 315 8 reps failure
    and session 4 430 9 reps failure!

    i have never used over 300 for like 2-4 reps on a good day i suck at squats
    but now i dont it cant be deca/sustenon because that **** takes forever to work. long r3 ???
    anybody eles had results like this ???
    Cool!!! What are your dosages w/ the long r3??? ...and sus/deca??? Have you noticed a shift in bodyfat% or body weight? Sus if you take it EOD will kick in faster than 1 or 2 x week... What is your calorie/pro. intake daily???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ham & Jam
    I am using mr's long now for 18 days to be exact! and started deca/sustenon the same time, now i dont know whats up but in my last 4 squat sessions i have made serious results?????
    session1 1 205 faliure at 7 reps
    session 2 255 12 reps failure
    session 3 315 8 reps failure
    and session 4 430 9 reps failure!

    i have never used over 300 for like 2-4 reps on a good day i suck at squats
    but now i dont it cant be deca/sustenon because that **** takes forever to work. long r3 ???
    anybody eles had results like this ???
    Cool!!! What are your dosages w/ the long r3??? ...and sus/deca??? Have you noticed a shift in bodyfat% or body weight? Sus if you take it EOD will kick in faster than 1 or 2 x week... What is your calorie/pro. intake daily???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Whats up Ben Lifton...long time no see =-)

    I havent seen you at Sonnys in a while ill probably be there tonight we are eating dinner there................peace bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by PurePower
    Whats up Ben Lifton...long time no see =-)

    I havent seen you at Sonnys in a while ill probably be there tonight we are eating dinner there................peace bro

    I'll stop by probably around 8:30-9pm...been slammed w/ work... Hope it is all going well for you.... later |-)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sounds good bro.......8-)

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    Cool!!! What are your dosages w/ the long r3??? ...and sus/deca??? Have you noticed a shift in bodyfat% or body weight? Sus if you take it EOD will kick in faster than 1 or 2 x week... What is your calorie/pro. intake daily???

    I take 500mg of sustenon 400 mg of deca every saturday morning followd by 80 mcg of long r3. on workout days which are mon, tues, thurs, fri i take the long r3 (40mcg) within 5 min after my workout+60g protein100g dextrose (6:00pm). and on wed and sun i take 30 mcg of long in the morning before i eat. (6:00am). I am currently on 3,100cals, 350pro at 242lbs bw, 11%bf.
    increased weight by 6lbs since day one of long r3 and drop 2% bf. pretty good start! strength increase are going up in basic multijoint movements but not secondary movements.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ham & Jam

    I take 500mg of sustenon 400 mg of deca every saturday morning followd by 80 mcg of long r3. on workout days which are mon, tues, thurs, fri i take the long r3 (40mcg) within 5 min after my workout+60g protein100g dextrose (6:00pm). and on wed and sun i take 30 mcg of long in the morning before i eat. (6:00am). I am currently on 3,100cals, 350pro at 242lbs bw, 11%bf.
    increased weight by 6lbs since day one of long r3 and drop 2% bf. pretty good start! strength increase are going up in basic multijoint movements but not secondary movements.

    SWEET!!!!!! Sounds like it is making a difference!!! That is interesting that your closed chain movements are up but not open chain!?!! Great info HJ thanks, I will be starting mine in about 1 month. How long are you running it 25on/XXoff?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    SWEET!!!!!! Sounds like it is making a difference!!! That is interesting that your closed chain movements are up but not open chain!?!! Great info HJ thanks, I will be starting mine in about 1 month. How long are you running it 25on/XXoff?
    I am going to run my cycle for 30 days on 30 days off. Next cycle will begin after my 30 day break for 40 days at a 5mcg dosage more for each injection to see if it makes a difference. I understand long r3 builds pure tissue 4 lbs a month or so then it does no more if you dont go off for the same peroid of time. then if so is there an end to the gains??? say 3 lbs a cycle. 6 cycles a year, 18lbs of pure tissue a year!? to be realistic. seems to good to be true or not.

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