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Thread: Short Cycle and PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Short Cycle and PCT

    I am coming to the end of a very short cycle, only two weeks, and I am wondering how I should do my PCT if at all.
    My cycle looked like this.
    week 1 500 mg test e
    week 1 250 mg deca
    week1-2 100 mg tren ed
    week 1-2 50 mg winny ed
    I am prepared to run PCT as is normally recommend with Clomid, Nolvdex, and Tribulus, but I am wondering how long I should do it for. Is there any way for me to know if it is no long necessary to keep taking the clomid.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    what, a two week cycle...whatever. I would still run pct. I have never heard of this. 2 weeks, i mean what kind of cycle is that ****.

    What results did you get? Why not a longer cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I don't really know, but if it was me, I would bother doing any pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I gained about 7 pounds over the two week period. I don't like the idea of being on a cycle for a long time. I had read about short cycles and thought I would try it. So far i am very happy with my results. I just want to make sure I keep them and so I thinking about what kind of PCT would be best. I just don't want to be taking clomid if it isnot needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You should run PCT as normal, but Short Cycles should be ran with fast-acting esters. That Deca and Enth was a waste. Also supposed to be pre-loaded on day 1, don't know if you did that?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I do not think the deca and the test were a waste. The reason being I have done those two by themselves taking only one shot of each and I made fairly good gains during that two week period as well. I agree a shorter acting esters would be better but I didn't have those available. I wanted to make sure I had some test in there and an AS that was mostly anabolic. I think overall they all worked pretty well together and I will definetly do it again. I might switch the deca with a fast acting EQ though next time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hopefully you keep your gains. Have you ran a short cycle before? Was it successful?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The last time I did 1 shot of TEST e and 1 shot of DECA. I gained about 5 lbs from it and it is still with me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    yes the deca and test e was a waste...what you felt was a placebo effect, and you probly started training harder b/c you knew you werent "natural" time use short esters, this 2 week crap sounds like a load of **** to me...

    to your question...were you shut down???...i would probly venture to say NO, but i would still run clomid for the standard 21 days to be safe...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    why 2 weeks?? should have aleast done 4 weeks....the deca and Test weren't even in your system while you were on the other drugs....but hey if it works stick wit it....i think i might try a short cycle next time....but more like 4 - 6 weeks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    coldstone you look like you could use a little of my placebo effect.

    Anyway I have no desire to defend anything here I am simply stating what I have done.

    I contemplated going longer but I really wanted to see if 2 weeks was long enough. I have already made good gains so I want to see if they hold. I doubt if a person with lots of steroid experience would be able to do short cycle like this as their receptors are propablly depreciated. This would explain why many people claim deca and test take weeks to kick in. When I take these two I can feel it with in 2 days, and the scale confirms that they are working.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    i'm willing to bet you'll make more gains from the elevated test levels that PCT will give you than you did from your "cycle"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Since I noticed this thread here and this opinion relates from the other post you posted bro Im going to bring it here.

    LuvMyRoids vbmenu_register("postmenu_873480", true);
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    In my opinion the best method of a cycle stack is to equate the best way to reach a saturation period, keep from causing unbalanced spikes in test levels, and to stay at that saturation phase or hold it there as long as possible for proper gains and less side affects.

    I dont see the point of a 2 week cycle and causing the surge in your system like that. I have seen this mentioned before but if it were such a good method then why is it not highly recommended among the multitude of boards I visit? I dont see that kind of cycle highly promoted here.

    Youre asking for severe side affects and permanent damage causing such spikes in your pasma levels and sudden increase and decrease in the test levels. In my opinion in the long run this causes or hinders gains and I find it hard for someone to keep the gains in the long run as well. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dr_ma
    If you are worried about being shut down try doing shorter cycles. I have read alot about 2 week cycles and alot of people like them. You won't get shut down nearly as hard in only 2 weeks. I am just finishing my first 2 week cycle of tren, winny, and test and I have gained 7 lbs. I'll have to wait and see how much I can keep, but from what I read it isn't unrealistic to keep all of your gains from these short cycles.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Also, now that I seen what you are taking. I find it hard to believe you gathered any gains what so ever even on the shorter esters like acetate and winstrol. It takes a week atleast to get gains from those two and usually its only a pound or two by the follwoing week if that.

    As for the test and deca. You definitely got nothing from those two. Takes weeks for those two esters to release. You are a newb for a reason and you need to do some research bro before you start promoting this kind of a cycle. I have seen this before and as I mentioned in my post this is not recommended.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Luv My Roids. You are right I have been lying through out this whole post. Maybe if I waste enough of my life on this worthless message board I will become as smart as you. Then I will be able to make real gains by using steroids the "right way". Then there wont be any reason to call me a newbe.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    yah, i know, truth hurts. Anger rests up in the bossom of fools.
    Quote Originally Posted by dr_ma
    Luv My Roids. You are right I have been lying through out this whole post. Maybe if I waste enough of my life on this worthless message board I will become as smart as you. Then I will be able to make real gains by using steroids the "right way". Then there wont be any reason to call me a newbe.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    enanthate takes around 2 and a half weeks to kick in, hence the idea of taking prop or dbol to kick start the cycle, and one shot of test e and deca did not do anything, its in your head

    sorry bud, you just wasted your money with that
    i would say fu#K the pct

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dr_ma
    I am coming to the end of a very short cycle, only two weeks, and I am wondering how I should do my PCT if at all.
    My cycle looked like this.
    week 1 500 mg test e
    week 1 250 mg deca
    week1-2 100 mg tren ed
    week 1-2 50 mg winny ed
    I am prepared to run PCT as is normally recommend with Clomid, Nolvdex, and Tribulus, but I am wondering how long I should do it for. Is there any way for me to know if it is no long necessary to keep taking the clomid.
    I wouldnt do deca on such a short cycle... your body senses nandrolone as naturally being 1/10th of testosterone in your body do having 250 mg nandrolone will make body think you have 2500 mg of test in your body... meaning, hard shutdown that can last weeks....

    Myself I respond most early on in a cycle right up to the first week and then as the cycle progresses, gains diminish to near zero after 7 weeks... if you are an early gainer I'd suggest a short cycle being no shorter then 5 weeks of deca and 6 or 7 weeks of testosterone... test lasting 1 to 2 weeks longer then the deca. You can take things like tribulus and/or tongkat ali right thru entire cycle and lasting right thru entire PCT... while not being as strong as HCG, trib/tongkat will cause "some" LH production even during any cycle and therefore cause some testosterone production from your testicles.. this generally staves off testicular shrinkage and can aid recovery.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    just much did you pay for you cycle

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Gothenburg in Sweden
    Hehe... cool cycle..

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by big swoll
    just much did you pay for you cycle
    The tren was $25 a gram, the winny was $40 a gram, the deca was $40 for 3 grams, and the test e was basically just given to me by a friend.

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