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Thread: test test and more test

  1. #1

    test test and more test

    Quick question:

    When i did Test E i was using the testosterone 200 ( Brovil ) and my sex tool was threw the roof!!!! I was prbably shooting 300-400mg a week ( not a whole lot ) it was insaine how hard i got! I stopped with AS for a long time a recovered fine. Ive messed with Sust250 since then and found that its great for the Anabolic effects but i wasn't getting the same reaction down stairs??? is their a difference in test and what does what? any idea's?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    Quick question:

    When i did Test E i was using the testosterone 200 ( Brovil ) and my sex tool was threw the roof!!!! I was prbably shooting 300-400mg a week ( not a whole lot ) it was insaine how hard i got! I stopped with AS for a long time a recovered fine. Ive messed with Sust250 since then and found that its great for the Anabolic effects but i wasn't getting the same reaction down stairs??? is their a difference in test and what does what? any idea's?
    my tool didnt work at all after the 4th week of sust, ill never use the stuff again

  3. #3
    Ya! me too... after about a month and a half i noticed everything starting to fade

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    Ya! me too... after about a month and a half i noticed everything starting to fade
    yeap thats exactly what happened to me, i had this one girl all naked and ready to bang and my tool wouldnt work lol. it sucked lol. never again will i take test, im on EQ/Tren right now and im hard all day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    yeap thats exactly what happened to me, i had this one girl all naked and ready to bang and my tool wouldnt work lol. it sucked lol. never again will i take test, im on EQ/Tren right now and im hard all day
    your not having test as the base of your cycles?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    how much sust are you guyzs using? if its not much or equal or less then what you used before it won't have the same effect....theres no reason why sust will make u limp unless your only using enuff to kill ur natural test levels or your using something liwek deca or tren with it.. give use the whole cycle

  7. #7
    Well i would work my way up to 750mh about every 5 or 6 days. I later found out that sust is better when shot every other day! Im just comparring the test E to the sust and what it does to my tool? there's a big difference in my hard on's

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the lab
    haha.....if you can't have sex with a girl even though shes naked in front of probably wasn't the test were just-----NERVOUS!!!-----
    **** HAPPENS!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Motor City
    What do you mean you were taking "like 300-400mg a week"? Were you guessing on your doses?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    yeap thats exactly what happened to me, i had this one girl all naked and ready to bang and my tool wouldnt work lol. it sucked lol. never again will i take test, im on EQ/Tren right now and im hard all day
    no test?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i agree with big mike i have a buddy who takes 1000mg of sust a week and he screws hid old lady all the time

  12. #12
    I've never used it but my friend said it makes him horny 24/7

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    no test?
    hell no

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_mike
    haha.....if you can't have sex with a girl even though shes naked in front of probably wasn't the test were just-----NERVOUS!!!-----
    **** HAPPENS!
    nope not at all, the girl ive banged plenty of times it was just from 4th week of my sus cycle and after. i was running 500mg a week and it shut me down, i wouldnt get hard for crap. because of that ill never touch the stuff again. at the end of my cycle i went back to 250mg a week and my tool came back to life lol. it was my first cycle and i didnt know much and i was told to start at 500mg for the first 8 weeks, then drop to 250mg for the last 2 and then 2 weeks later start clomid

    only other time i couldnt get hard was when i was on E one night with my ex. i couldnt feel any part of my body lol, and my gf of 3 years was just like sh-t your body doesnt like E at all lol. i was 18 at the time

    for those asking my cycle now is
    Tren 50mg/ed
    EQ 400mg/wk
    and im hard and ready every second of the day. figures right? i think im just a super odd person
    Last edited by jcstomper; 03-14-2004 at 07:45 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by backer123
    your not having test as the base of your cycles?
    nope i dont like all the sides with test, especially after what happened on my cycle of sust. im completly happy with the result of gotten on my cycle now. i have no water retention, no bloat, no gyno, no acne, and as long as my tool works ill keep it like that. and so far its been fine once if stayed away from any test in my cycles. i guess my body dont like the fake stuff lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    nope i dont like all the sides with test, especially after what happened on my cycle of sust. im completly happy with the result of gotten on my cycle now. i have no water retention, no bloat, no gyno, no acne, and as long as my tool works ill keep it like that. and so far its been fine once if stayed away from any test in my cycles. i guess my body dont like the fake stuff lol
    Have you done this before. If so, did you keep your gains. Im interested in this simply because i am trying to help somebody who may be in the same position as you are.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by backer123
    Have you done this before. If so, did you keep your gains. Im interested in this simply because i am trying to help somebody who may be in the same position as you are.
    yes i have, what do you want to know? or just PM me

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    i've taken sus and my dong worked fine...i'm on enanthate right now and have had a problem here and there...same thing...with this chick, totally naked, boned her lots of times before, but all of a sudden no erection..I was pissed!!....I'm 21 that shouldn't happen....but now i'm ok...I think it was just a fluke...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
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    Quote Originally Posted by palequail
    i've taken sus and my dong worked fine...i'm on enanthate right now and have had a problem here and there...same thing...with this chick, totally naked, boned her lots of times before, but all of a sudden no erection..I was pissed!!....I'm 21 that shouldn't happen....but now i'm ok...I think it was just a fluke...
    exactly, i was 22 at the time, now im 23

  20. #20
    Im 23 as well, and when i was doing the Test E i look'd like a porn star 24 hours a day! But when i came off, i crashed.....bad! But my second cycle was with sust and it was never really a problem. Just this last cycle, i ran it for 5 months ( Alittle longer than hoped ) and around the first month i had problems gettin it up! Nothing big at the time but it started getting worse and worse thats why i end' my cycle. My next test cycle will be with test E or prop! Ill never touch sust again....

  21. #21
    i saw ur message about sus givin u a limp one. i took it at 21 years old and got them all the time. after i stopped, i had tiny balls big erections and could last longer than ever, im on nothing now, still get hard but dont last as long....similar to u, or u know why that also lookin to get back on with something that jacks me up and does the same makin me go all night, appreciate the help

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