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Thread: Callin on rednecks...

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    It may be a sore subject for you. You old bastard. You were alive back then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Was it ever confederate???I thought the "GREAT UNION" ran that state in the war we so graciously won.I know we hd control of Key West and other strategic points..............Key West is a bad point to bring up isn't it

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    oh I remember!!!
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  3. #83
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    I thought it was against the law for yankees to display any nascar symbols.

    Oh never mind, thats Rusty. He's not realy a race car driver.
    D A M N Butch..your backing yourself into a pile of sh!t I don't think I can get you out of.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    ...when your lawnmower is not looking too good or performing to its guys put some duct tape on it and it looks and works like its new...well that is kind of like plastic surgery....except it cost alot more than duct tape and it looks 100x better.
    I kind of got aroused by that normal of this "plastic surgery" thing you mention???

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    It may be a sore subject for you. You old bastard. You were alive back then.
    Not a sore subject at all.We wanted some of that black putang you all have been banging for hundreds of years.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Not a sore subject at all.We wanted some of that black putang you all have been banging for hundreds of years.

    I knew the whole war was over jealousy and northern arrogance. I just could not prove it till now. History will know the truth.

  7. #87
    ttuPrincess Guest
    hummm Im not quite sure what to make of all of this.... I have no numbers on the back of my truck... I own no cows, or bulls, or goats for that matter....

    I do enjoy cow tipping!! but alas.. I live in a city with no cows.... but when the wind blows just right, and it's about to rain.. the sweetest smells of cow manure come creaping over this town and it is a joyous occasion!!!! (cattle farms 5 miles outside of town)

    So for those of us with no cows to tip... I suggest duck hunting.. but I use no gun.... just a large fishing net, some worn out jeans, tennie shoes and a small spot light...
    speaking of spot lights.... anyone else enjoy spotlighting?????

    As for the truck... I feel it is complettly useless to buy a truck unless you add a lift, flowmasters, grill guard, headache rack, mud tires and KC lights... trucks are to be dirty.... covered in mud... so that you show off how much fun you had in the field behind Wal-Mart.

    Yes I truely feel this way, why because I am a southern girl.... we are raised RIGHT.. not like them there Yanks ya'll people keep talkin' 'bout.

    So if you be callin' me a redneck.. so be it

    The Hillbilly Princess

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    I knew the whole war was over jealousy and northern arrogance. I just could not prove it till now. History will know the truth. got quiet for a few moments there.I thought it was lunch time for you and Billy Bob back in the shed.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Hey Bull.......

    You know that in the south...

    the difference between a Yankee and a **** Yankee

    Yankee- comes for a visit and goes home..

    **** Yankee- comes for a visit and stays..........

    Yep and a Good Yankee comes down, marry's a southern gal, and moves back up north....:rofl:

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    I kind of got aroused by that normal of this "plastic surgery" thing you mention???
    Don't you all get woodies when the new Truck Trader comes out each month...or is that the Gun and

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    At first I was thinking oh no and then at the end starting with the truck. I was turned on like a high school kid. Nothing sexier than a good looking chick jump out of a lifted truck that she owns.

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    hummm Im not quite sure what to make of all of this.... I have no numbers on the back of my truck... I own no cows, or bulls, or goats for that matter....

    I do enjoy cow tipping!! but alas.. I live in a city with no cows.... but when the wind blows just right, and it's about to rain.. the sweetest smells of cow manure come creaping over this town and it is a joyous occasion!!!! (cattle farms 5 miles outside of town)

    So for those of us with no cows to tip... I suggest duck hunting.. but I use no gun.... just a large fishing net, some worn out jeans, tennie shoes and a small spot light...
    speaking of spot lights.... anyone else enjoy spotlighting?????

    As for the truck... I feel it is complettly useless to buy a truck unless you add a lift, flowmasters, grill guard, headache rack, mud tires and KC lights... trucks are to be dirty.... covered in mud... so that you show off how much fun you had in the field behind Wal-Mart.

    Yes I truely feel this way, why because I am a southern girl.... we are raised RIGHT.. not like them there Yanks ya'll people keep talkin' 'bout.

    So if you be callin' me a redneck.. so be it

    The Hillbilly Princess

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    hummm Im not quite sure what to make of all of this.... I have no numbers on the back of my truck... I own no cows, or bulls, or goats for that matter....

    I do enjoy cow tipping!! but alas.. I live in a city with no cows.... but when the wind blows just right, and it's about to rain.. the sweetest smells of cow manure come creaping over this town and it is a joyous occasion!!!! (cattle farms 5 miles outside of town)

    So for those of us with no cows to tip... I suggest duck hunting.. but I use no gun.... just a large fishing net, some worn out jeans, tennie shoes and a small spot light...
    speaking of spot lights.... anyone else enjoy spotlighting?????

    As for the truck... I feel it is complettly useless to buy a truck unless you add a lift, flowmasters, grill guard, headache rack, mud tires and KC lights... trucks are to be dirty.... covered in mud... so that you show off how much fun you had in the field behind Wal-Mart.

    Yes I truely feel this way, why because I am a southern girl.... we are raised RIGHT.. not like them there Yanks ya'll people keep talkin' 'bout.

    So if you be callin' me a redneck.. so be it

    The Hillbilly Princess
    Will you marry me????

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Thats not how the joke goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Yep and a Good Yankee comes down, marry's a southern gal, and moves back up north....:rofl:

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    hummm Im not quite sure what to make of all of this.... I have no numbers on the back of my truck... I own no cows, or bulls, or goats for that matter....

    I do enjoy cow tipping!! but alas.. I live in a city with no cows.... but when the wind blows just right, and it's about to rain.. the sweetest smells of cow manure come creaping over this town and it is a joyous occasion!!!! (cattle farms 5 miles outside of town)

    So for those of us with no cows to tip... I suggest duck hunting.. but I use no gun.... just a large fishing net, some worn out jeans, tennie shoes and a small spot light...
    speaking of spot lights.... anyone else enjoy spotlighting?????

    As for the truck... I feel it is complettly useless to buy a truck unless you add a lift, flowmasters, grill guard, headache rack, mud tires and KC lights... trucks are to be dirty.... covered in mud... so that you show off how much fun you had in the field behind Wal-Mart.

    Yes I truely feel this way, why because I am a southern girl.... we are raised RIGHT.. not like them there Yanks ya'll people keep talkin' 'bout.

    So if you be callin' me a redneck.. so be it

    The Hillbilly Princess
    First off us yankees don't consider you Texans southern.your a whole seperate batch of feces that festered itself on American society...J/j girl

  15. #95
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Mart and Big Texas.. dont forget.. I cook too.. and I look pretty darn good when I get all dressed up in my clothes from the Good Will when we go to see Mama at the pen on Sundays!!

  16. #96
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Was it ever confederate???Key West is a bad point to bring up isn't it
    I don't know....Clinton let them folks from Key West in the Army...I guess that is kind of fitting for your Union.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    LMAO!!!! seriously crack me up....

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    I don't know....Clinton let them folks from Key West in the Army...I guess that is kind of fitting for your Union.
    Clinton the the "lite in the loofers" gang in to keep you southern boys occupied while the real men did the job.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Are you making fun of me. No making fun of me or teasing me will be aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Mart and Big Texas.. dont forget.. I cook too.. and I look pretty darn good when I get all dressed up in my clothes from the Good Will when we go to see Mama at the pen on Sundays!!

  20. #100
    ttuPrincess Guest
    You Yanks may think you won that war, but you have no idea what you really started.. taken our slaves away... why you think we have so many chitlens' runnin round here?? them are new slaves... don't cost as much either....

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    So do you all still shop at the Piggly Wiggly....?....

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    You Yanks may think you won that war, but you have no idea what you really started.. taken our slaves away... why you think we have so many chitlens' runnin round here?? them are new slaves... don't cost as much either....
    True..the northern industrial states pay your way now while you guys sit home watching day time TV and drinking beer....pretty slick move you all.

  23. #103
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Are you making fun of me. No making fun of me or teasing me will be aloud.
    what??? are you gonna send that dang ol' one eyed three legged bird dog after me again?? you know Im tired of it humping my tires when I pull up....

    see dogs really do take after their owners!!!!

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    You Yanks may think you won that war, but you have no idea what you really started.. taken our slaves away... why you think we have so many chitlens' runnin round here?? them are new slaves... don't cost as much either....
    Very true girl...but see we needed them to work our factories and take our calls while we are out making White Collar money....

  25. #105
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    So do you all still shop at the Piggly Wiggly....?....
    .. Nope, it was a sad sad day when our piggly wiggly closed down.. shame to see it go...

    As for you Da Bull and your comment bout us Texans.. don't think I have forgotten about you.. Im thinking real hard about a come back for that one...
    Hillbilly Princess

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    That was me humping your tires. I could not have sex with my cows for a week after you ran over my pride and joy.

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    what??? are you gonna send that dang ol' one eyed three legged bird dog after me again?? you know Im tired of it humping my tires when I pull up....

    see dogs really do take after their owners!!!!

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    .. Nope, it was a sad sad day when our piggly wiggly closed down.. shame to see it go...

    As for you Da Bull and your comment bout us Texans.. don't think I have forgotten about you.. Im thinking real hard about a come back for that one...
    Hillbilly Princess
    I'm waiting impatiently...have another beer..get the kids out of the trailer and turn on Dr.Phil for some intellectual comments.

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Speaking of getting the kids out of the trailer....does Texas even have any birth control? Or do you all spend that money on beer and cigarettes?

  29. #109
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I'm waiting impatiently...have another beer..get the kids out of the trailer and turn on Dr.Phil for some intellectual comments.
    I was thinking of watching "Sweet Home Alabama".. and listen to our national anthem of the same name.... I always get a wamr fuzzy feeling when I hear that song

    And I don't watch Dr. Phil... to many big words for me.. I prefer the free porn on Jerry Springer.. plus my cousin Billy Bob and Mary Sue Ellen are on there today

    HBP (this is going to be my new signature)

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    You can bad mouth Texas all you want but they are the only state that leave the union and become self supporting. If they would do that and keep all you yankees out I would move there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    Speaking of getting the kids out of the trailer....does Texas even have any birth control? Or do you all spend that money on beer and cigarettes?

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    Speaking of getting the kids out of the trailer....does Texas even have any birth control? Or do you all spend that money on beer and cigarettes?
    The only birth control they have down there is the death penalty.

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    You can bad mouth Texas all you want but they are the only state that leave the union and become self supporting. If they would do that and keep all you yankees out I would move there.
    WTF..Texas..self supporting??Give me a fuking break!

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    You can bad mouth Texas all you want but they are the only state that leave the union and become self supporting. If they would do that and keep all you yankees out I would move there.
    LMAO....true that....but us yankess have to go where we can make the most worries...we'll trun our cell phones off in the resturant....

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    The only birth control they have down there is the death penalty. I cannot top that...nice job Da Bull

  35. #115
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    Speaking of getting the kids out of the trailer....does Texas even have any birth control? Or do you all spend that money on beer and cigarettes?
    Hell no we dont use birth control.. we gotta have more chitlens to hold up then broken down cars when we run out of cinder blocks...
    plus I just lost my 13th child last month.. him was playing in them old tires out in the yard... other kids must have put him inside um.... and forgot bout him.. cause we just found him... not sure how long he was in there for... oh well

    dammit ill be back gotta put my curlers in

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Hell no we dont use birth control.. we gotta have more chitlens to hold up then broken down cars when we run out of cinder blocks...
    plus I just lost my 13th child last month.. him was playing in them old tires out in the yard... other kids must have put him inside um.... and forgot bout him.. cause we just found him... not sure how long he was in there for... oh well

    dammit ill be back gotta put my curlers in
    They have to locate the cars through all the long weeds you got growin in the front yard before they jack them up.....

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    We will save this for another debate but yes they are the only state that can sustain itself.i.e. Oil, water, millitary and they are southern. All the key ingredients for a good country.
    You can't come anyways so what does it matter. No YAKEES.

    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    WTF..Texas..self supporting??Give me a fuking break!

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Hell no we dont use birth control.. we gotta have more chitlens to hold up then broken down cars when we run out of cinder blocks...
    plus I just lost my 13th child last month.. him was playing in them old tires out in the yard... other kids must have put him inside um.... and forgot bout him.. cause we just found him... not sure how long he was in there for... oh well

    dammit ill be back gotta put my curlers in
    Yeeeeehaaaaaaa...sounds like uncle"SAM" just sliced you off a big piece of American don't get much better than that huh?

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    We will save this for another debate but yes they are the only state that can sustain itself.i.e. Oil, water, millitary and they are southern. All the key ingredients for a good country.
    You can't come anyways so what does it matter. No YAKEES.
    They have resorted back to slavery in a sense.We take away one form from them and the open thier boarders for another.....btw how's your spanish coming?

  40. #120
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    They have resorted back to slavery in a sense.We take away one form from them and the open thier boarders for another.....btw how's your spanish coming?
    How's live in FL...close to Miami in fact. Quite of few hispanic brothern down there in the tip.

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