Do you guys notice that anybody who doens't know **** about bodybuilding can't understand our lifestyle? Many of my friends (and even family) question that **** about me like my diet, why I lift so religiously, and why I hardly drink anymore. My friend came over yesterday and saw my Puming Iron dvd and asked what it was and kinda laughed when he saw it, I was like dude that is the bible. They see it as an obsession. I read somebodys quote on here and it was something like "Obsession is what lazy people call it". I like to use that one.
Nobody else can relate to me except you guys or people at the gym because you all KNOW what it's about. I try to explain it, but you really can't explain the feeling you get in the gym when you pump out that last 1 or 2 reps and you have this crazy sick pump going.
I've introduced a few of my friends to the game because they have seen the reslults I have gotten, but they haven't grasped the concept yet. They aimlessly use Cell Tech or other designer supplements and expect to get huge. I try to explain to them that bodybuilding is a science (diet and such)but they just don't understand.
Anyways, I have a Spanish exam to take, yet this was on my mind for some reason. Anybody else experience this???