Originally Posted by
OK, I knew I forgot something. A story. True story. Happened this week, at a checkpoint in the territories. You probably haven't heard this one, so I'll tell you, and then you might want to try and answer a few questions for me.
A few days ago a 10 years old Palestinian kid was given a bag containing a large bomb by his "brothers" (Palestinian terrorists), and told to take it accross an IDF (Israeli army) checkpoint, and in return he'll get paid. The plan was, that in case the child was stopped, the terrorists would detonate the bomb from a distance and that way they would "at least" get to kill Israeli soldiers. The child was stopped, but the bomb didn't go off because of a "technical problem". These things aren't unusual. The Palestinian terrorists have been filmed hiding behind children as they shoot at Israeli soldiers, or taken children out of school to throw stones at soldiers. Several Palestinian mothers have been interviewed after their children became suicide bombers and said they were honored that theirs sons became "martyrs" and would gladly give their others sons for the same "cause".
Now you tell me, if you were shooting at me, and I shot back at you only to hit your son, which you placed in front of you for self protection, who's fault is it? Mine, for defending myself, or yours for sticking you kid in the line of fire?
Regarding the IDF, yes, people do get killed by mistake. It happens in every war, but between that and claiming the IDF delibirately attacks civilians....Did you know that the PA used bodies of people killed in road accidents and claimed they were killed by IDF? This was checked by an international mission of doctors who reached the conclusion many of the dead died from accidents or disease. Did you know that the Palestinians fake funerals and one of them was even filmed and shown on Israeli TV with the "deceased" (sp'?) running off when an explosion occured? Did you know that the IDF is probably one of the most humanitarian armies in the world, with a superior value of human life? Did you know that if an IDF soldier shoots someone, and then shoots them again "to make sure they're dead" it's illeagal and that soldier will be sent to jail? Did you know that IDF soldiers are put on trial if they know of mistreatment or violence against others by their fellow soldiers of officers and don't report? How many soldiers died in Jenin? Do you honestly think this number would have been killed if the IDF didn't do it's best not to kill innocent people? Wouldn't it have been easier, in your opinion, to just go and wipe out the whole camp? Why wasn't that done then? It would have surely spared the lives of the dead Israeli soldiers. So having said that, where does that put your points about all Israelis going to the army?
Yes, it's manadory to serve in the Israeli army, as it is in many countries including European countries such as Germany, Greece, and if I'm not mistaken Italy. So if a bomb went off in one of these countries it would be ok, because they're not just civilians, they're either soldier, were soldiers, or will be soldiers....right?
And speaking of that, it's mandatory in Arabic countries as well, so does that mean I can hop onto my F-16 now and bomb the hell out of Damascus?
You said "not all women in isreal are non-combatants. some are in the militry.
in isreal from what i understand militry duty is mandatory for all single non-married women including men as well for about 16-20 months."
And your point is? I'm an Israeli female, I did my service in the IDF, and I can't even kill a cockroach, let alone a person. Does the fact I served in the army make my life worth less?
And to the person who asked me why the media doesn't support the US.....Come to Israel and you'll see how much you're supported. Israel stands behind the US 100% on the war against terrorism. It's time the rest of the world does the same.
And Bouncer, you tell physio his reply is nice???? What's nice about it? Read what he said, it's exactly what terrorists say when they shoot and Israeli baby "this baby would have grown up to be a soldier".