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Thread: Outsourcing

  1. #1


    Since its a major topic in the news how do you feel against America outsourcing our jobs to other parts of the country? I personally do not see a problem with it since more people benefit from it than lose out. The benefits clearly outweigh the costs. Productivity rates have continued to climb to record levels in recent years and as a result we get better prices and higher standards of living. Yeah I feel bad for the single working mother who loses her job to a self checkout machine in the grocery store but the Industrial Age is behind us and businesses have to make decisions for the long term prosperity of their existence.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    No source posting! Just kidding. I think that outsourcing is somewhat like slave labor. It eliminates the possibility for american competition.

  3. #3
    But how? don't you think it creates competition since cost of production decreases and companies have to fight to keep up with lower prices.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    I don't like anything in which the high end executives get paid more and american workers take pay cuts or get laid off.

  5. #5
    Chris-True politician you are Lol

    I do see what your saying but this is a classic case of efficient economies of scale and capitalism at its finest. Unfortunately though some have to suffer for the economic benefit of all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    creates competition how? maybe competition between japan, mexico, thai, etc... since we are sending all our jobs over seas - there is no competion.. yes, we recieve lower prices and a huge selection of goods in our market; but if everyone is unemployed then how exactly is that raising our standard of living?
    we are becoming a country of service not one of production. its costing industries less to ship our jobs over seas at the cost of the american unemplyment rate..
    ohh and i'm pro union too.

    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    But how? don't you think it creates competition since cost of production decreases and companies have to fight to keep up with lower prices.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    wait till china's sanctions are one's gonna have jobs...not even mexico, india etc..
    China's labor cost's are 10 cents per day, and that's when the workers are getting paid...but usually it's free cuz most factories use prison labor...which is free.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    This would be just another example of free trade except for the fact that people are loosing thier jobs in such numbers. All that is happening now is the middle class is loosing its ground while the rich get richer. I know that free trade must go on, but its not like prices are getting lower on things that are produced through outsourcing--Its just that some bigwig's pockets get fatter. That is why it is a problem, its not about productivity or effeciency, its about some guy at the top taking in all the green.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    bad, americans need jobs

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Michigan State University
    Outsourcing is a scary topic. I thought I'd be safe because I'm in engineering and it seemed like it only hit manufacturing, but now many engineering jobs are being outsourced to India, especially computer science stuff.

    But its really simple economics, there's always gonna be someone else thats gonna wanna do your job for cheaper in a free market. I liked clinton's approach which was pretty much to retrain/educate our people.

  11. #11
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    wait till china's sanctions are one's gonna have jobs...not even mexico, india etc..
    China's labor cost's are 10 cents per day, and that's when the workers are getting paid...but usually it's free cuz most factories use prison labor...which is free.
    Yep they're all ready closing plants in Mexico and moving the jobs to China. We are not only exporting the jobs but also the knowledge, skills and equipment. All so the small minority of executives and shareholders can keep an even greater portion of the profits at the expense of the American worker. If this keeps up our country will end up like Brazil where 90% are poor or servents for the wealthy. Instead of encouraging outsourcing through tax incentives we should be creatively seeking ways to remain competetive. Every other country in the world addresses this issue but you are called protectionist if you do that here. Watch Lou Dobbs on CNN or listen to what Pat Buchannon a very staunch Republican has to say. This is a very dangerous trend that could eventually lead the USA to lose it's economic dominance to China by the turn of the century.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Think of it this way. The United States has one of the highest standards of living in the world, if not the highest. For that reason our salaries have kept a higher pace then most of the rest of the world. When we enter a global market as we have now then the standard of living naturally pulls towards the average. This will bring the standard down in the United States and up in other countries. Bad for the avergage person in the US and good for people in places like India.

    I really like my standard of living but I am a realist. The people in India for example are very well educated and are multi lingual. It is hard for us to compete for those jobs when they will gladly take 1/5th the pay and are more educated than the average american by far. I am in the technology industry and I can see my type of job gone from the US in 5 years. I work for a major bank and know that upper management is considering outsourcing right now. I am working hard to do a couple of things. Get a graduate degree done ASAP, and become debt free in the next 3-4 years. Meaning I am paying off my car in 20 months and then will pay my mortgage off in about 4 years. Also I am going to really try to figure out something profitable to get into in the next few years that is outside of the systems development/ database areas. To get to where I have no debt means some frugal living and alot of sacrafices for 3-4 years but I will feel much more secure knowing I can have a smaller salary and still keep my standard of living, since my fixed expenses will be my property taxes and insurance only.

    What is amazing is that in India the government is going out of its way to support its people in learning English and obtain the latest technology skills to the point where it is like public transportation here, it is public training there. They are going after this market and I don't see anything stopping them.
    Last edited by scottp999; 03-20-2004 at 06:07 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    Since its a major topic in the news how do you feel against America outsourcing our jobs to other parts of the country? I personally do not see a problem with it since more people benefit from it than lose out. The benefits clearly outweigh the costs. Productivity rates have continued to climb to record levels in recent years and as a result we get better prices and higher standards of living. Yeah I feel bad for the single working mother who loses her job to a self checkout machine in the grocery store but the Industrial Age is behind us and businesses have to make decisions for the long term prosperity of their existence.
    Acctualy its one of the worst things that can happen!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    With labor unions requiring higher salaries and all of the BS that comes with hiring an American worker nowadays, how can anyone be surprised by the outsourcing. Also, unemployment is VERY low right now.

    American workers, thanks to Clinton and the democraps, produce far less than they ever have. By requiring all of the benefits, time off, high pay, FMLA, etc....American's have put themselves on a pedestal saying "this is how I will work...". Well, that's not really how it should be.

    I could go on...but I'll quit now.



  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    With labor unions requiring higher salaries and all of the BS that comes with hiring an American worker nowadays, how can anyone be surprised by the outsourcing. Also, unemployment is VERY low right now.

    American workers, thanks to Clinton and the democraps, produce far less than they ever have. By requiring all of the benefits, time off, high pay, FMLA, etc....American's have put themselves on a pedestal saying "this is how I will work...". Well, that's not really how it should be.

    I could go on...but I'll quit now.


    No way. Productivity rose rapidly in the 90s due to the growth of IT. Americans are the most productive workers on earth. The jobs that are being outsourced now are whitecollar such as customer service, software development, engineering,etc. The blue collar jobs started disappearing a long time ago. Yes it must be the cursed American worker who demands a living wage, decent housing, education, freedom from poveerty in old age, indoor plumbing, electricity, adequate nutrition and the ability to have healthcare without going broke. **** those b*stards. Let the Chinese, Pakistanis, Mexicans , Indians and other third world coutries do the work for $.10 an hour and live in squalor and disease until those selfish Americans are willing to work and live in poverty just like our third world friends so that the corporate elite and their wealthy share holders can make even an greater portion of the profits.
    Last edited by markas214; 03-20-2004 at 09:11 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    I must admit that the other day during a meeting... it was brought up to build a factory in mexico. I said no to the idea

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    With labor unions requiring higher salaries and all of the BS that comes with hiring an American worker nowadays, how can anyone be surprised by the outsourcing. Also, unemployment is VERY low right now.

    American workers, thanks to Clinton and the democraps, produce far less than they ever have. By requiring all of the benefits, time off, high pay, FMLA, etc....American's have put themselves on a pedestal saying "this is how I will work...". Well, that's not really how it should be.

    I could go on...but I'll quit now.


    While I agree that there are some lazy union workers, they are by far a minority, and they certainly do not make the 5-6 figures like the kinds of jobs that are now being outsourced. And as for unemployment being low? That is because so many people have quit looking for jobs, Bush and the White House had to back off of their prediction for adding jobs because there have been virtually NO new jobs in the U.S this year.

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