I currently weigh 155 pounds, 20 years old, 8% bf, 5’8”.
I plan to use humalog (if i can get it) instead of humalin r due to that fact that it is faster acting, but will probably end up using humalin r. I plan on taking 2 IU’s of insulin after my first workout and go up 1 IU every workout until I reach 10 IU’s. I plan on using 10 IU’s the duration of the cycle and not exceed that amount since this is my first time using insulin and I don’t want to have anything go wrong.
I will only be working out 3-4 times a week maximum because of the dangers I’ve heard about using insulin more than 3-4 times a week.
My eating plan on days I use insulin will be like this:
Workout, insulin right after, pw shake right after with about 10 grams of carbs for every IU of insulin. An hour later at the latest is when my next meal with carbs will be unless I feel symptoms of hypoglycemia in which case I will eat the meal sooner than expected and some simple sugars right away.
Mon – workout
Tues – workout
Wed – off
Thurs – workout
Fri – workout
Sat- off
Sun- off
PW shake will be about 50 grams protein, 80 grams carbs (50 grams malto, 30 grams dextrose), little fat, 10 grams glutamine, 10 grams creatine. (might use a gainer with 30 grams sugar instead of making my own shake)
The meal following shortly after the shake will be about 50 grams protein, 50 grams carbs (simple and complex), and little fat.
My cycle will be for 3 weeks, 4 weeks MAX if things go extremely well.
I also have a workout partner who is doing the exact same routine with me so we are in this together and not trying this by ourselves.
I should mention though I am on a keto diet. I am going to come off the keto diet for about a week, unless someone tells me I need to be off it more, before starting using insulin.
This isn't set in stone or anything. I need advice. Help me out. Thanks.