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Thread: knee/joint pain when on gh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass

    knee/joint pain when on gh?

    ok i know my knees and elbows become unbearable to the point i cant even bend down when on gh, what if anything can help this? really struggling, to be honest, im stronger without gh cos i dont get so much joint pain, been on 10 weeks, just took a week off, i was so strong after the week off, no joint pain at all, been back on 2 days lowered dosage to 2iu per day and joint pain back in no time?


  2. #2
    I don't have a study to back this up, but it was what was theorized as the potential cause of joint pain (especially in the hands and feet) in people during clinical GH studies. GH promotes the growth of connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, etc). Even the slight growth of connective tissue in the feet and hands can be enough to displace the bones in the hands and feet (carpals and tarsals), and even the slight repositioning can cause oversensitization/pain in these areas....this should subside once the repositioning ceases. Continuing GH won't necessarily cause the same rate of growth for the duration of use. That doesn't exactly explain the joint pain in other areas though. I did get some pain in my shoulders at first, but after 2 months or so, it was gone. The numbness in my hands and feet doesn't go away while on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    yeah i got the cts also in my left hand, they were gonna send me to a specialist but when i realised why i got it, think ill cancel, so just got to suffer it i guess, its really noticeable with me, soon as i take it my knees hurt when i walk even


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The Original Jason
    yeah i got the cts also in my left hand, they were gonna send me to a specialist but when i realised why i got it, think ill cancel, so just got to suffer it i guess, its really noticeable with me, soon as i take it my knees hurt when i walk even

    It seems to be pretty individualized....some people don't get anything beyond numbness in the wrists, and some get pain in just about all of their joints. Dose will obviously play a factor too, but 4 IUs is a pretty common dose, and there's still lots of variation. If it doesn't go away and you still want to stick with it, you may think about something to lube the joints, like sodium hyaluronate....or even adequan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I have been getting really bad pains in my hips, the only thing I have been doing differently is adding hGH the past few weeks but I have never read of any bros having this kind of joint pain

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    bro funny u mention this, i just realised this morning that, i think my lower back pains that i have been spending 20 quid per week on in the chiros are gh related also, as i stopped it for a week, then no pain, started it again pain again. Its the worst ****ing ache ever in my lower back and its apparent only in the mornings it goes an hr after i wake up


  7. #7
    alevok Guest
    same **** happened to me when I was on(4iuX120days) , I could push 3/4 of the weights I usually do, my elbows my shoulder joints killed me big time, but it went away after I got off. I recommend glucosamine chontrodine (wrong spelling I guess) to ease the pain

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    TOJ is yours between your ribs and your hips, when it first started I thought it may have been my kidneys but now I am thinking its too near the sides to be that (I hope so anyway)?

    When I lie down the compression is relieved so thats why I thought it was hGH joint related

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigun
    TOJ is yours between your ribs and your hips, when it first started I thought it may have been my kidneys but now I am thinking its too near the sides to be that (I hope so anyway)?

    When I lie down the compression is relieved so thats why I thought it was hGH joint related
    yes bro, well i had 2 types of pains, one was/is lower left abdomen right in front of hip bone or behind it, the other is like kidneys lower back ish area, really crippled me when i first got up every morning, was not fun, im hoping it doesnt come back


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Are you injecting near that area TOJ because I have been shooting subQ near the love handle area with the fat burning site specific theory?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    i tried that for a good few weeks last year, didnt really notice anything, now do subq left of the naval area just into fat, dont notice any site specific fat loss there


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Interesting.........I've only had shoulder and elbow pain.Lasted about 1 month then never had a problem since.I was running 4ius ed.Now,several years later,I run 6ius or more and the only side I get at times are swelling of the feet and hands.

    I never noticed any fat burning effect from spot injecting into fatty areas either.

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