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Thread: Anyone on Adderoll,or knows about this stuff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South

    Anyone on Adderoll,or knows about this stuff

    **** this stuff is hardcore, anyone that takes it what do you when u want to fall asleep, its freakin pissin me off when u wanna sleep u cant fall asleep but when u wana stay awake u get sleepy ,AAAAAAAH

    for example yesterdat evening 20mg at 5:30pm, 10mg about 8pm and another 10mg about 10:30pm , I had lots of studying to do , but dang when i wanted to hit the bed at 3am,im constantly thinking and sh1t,if its not that i gotta pissh 10000000x times and dang 7am now and i wanna be awake but no im crashin, dang ****it they need to make a 72hr adderoll that be some tight stuff

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Hey you better watch it with that. Adderrol is toned down crack. Did your studying feel fruitful at all?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    fruitful? i got horny and had to look at some PORNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by D00fy
    fruitful? i got horny and had to look at some PORNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    you would be a lot better off with modafinil - and its not as addictive either - you can get hooked on adderalls too easy so I hear - and not as good

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    My daughter is on it for ADD and she has no appetite at all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rambo
    Hey you better watch it with that. Adderrol is toned down crack. Did your studying feel fruitful at all?
    actually, it is toned down meth, but yeah, dangerous none the less. I've used the stuff once and holy crap, I couldn't go to sleep either. Then when I did, I slept 2 hours and was ready to go...crazy stuff

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    yah its good its like crack in bottle "DAVE CHAPPLE SHOW" or however its spelled hahahaha

  9. #9
    For one, don't be stupid and abuse it.

    If you take it any other way other than how it was prescribed then you are abusing it. And doctors don't prescribe it "20mg at 5:30pm, 10mg about 8pm and another 10mg about 10:30pm".

    Yes, it can be very addictive. When abused. Taking 10-20mg XR a day as prescribed will not cause any horrid addiction. Those are the most common dosages prescribed... how many horror/addiction/etc stories have you heard about someone taking 10-20mg a day as prescribed?

    And the "toned down crack" and "toned down meth" comments are only really applicable to those who take very large doses for recreational use.

  10. #10
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Very addictive if used over a long time, but to study... it's the greatest stuff invented. Just make sure if your using it to study for a test you take it about an hour before you take the test also, because it will trigger the same feelings and memories you had while studying and helps you on the test. TRUST ME!!!!

    Just be careful.. I took it last year during finals to finish a lighting project.. didn't sleep for 50 hours straight, didn't eat but maybe twice, and lost 10 lbs. As soon as the stuff wore off after I finished giving my presentation I fell asleep on my couch for 3 days straight.. NOTHING could wake me up!!! So be very careful, and make sure someone knows what your doing incase you over do it and sleep for days like I did, so you don't freak anyone out!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    whoa im addicted and i dont even have a prescription

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    also i think it gave me some bad acne on my back:/ maybe i need to go tan or goto the beach heard salt water helps it?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    can anyone help me out,i got the 30mg adderoll capsule ones with the pellet balls inside the capsule ,how long will those last for? the life, i ask this because i wanna have some for fall semester of college which starts in august 2004, thanx i really appreciate i

  14. #14
    Swellin Guest
    I was not diagnosed with ADHD until I went to grad school. We live in the sticks, and nobody knew anything about it. I wish I had the drugs for it in HS...would have made a huge difference in both HS and undergrad.
    I started with Ritalin....trashy evil drug...horrible sides.
    I tried adderall....pretty smooth...too hard for me to monitor.
    I ended up with Dexadrine 5mg. My doc prescribed them "as needed."
    I only use them when I have to be focused for long periods of time. Otherwise, this stuff can get you hooked.

    BTW, I asked my wife (a pharmacist) about the likelihood of it causing acne.....never heard of it happening...not listed as a side.

    Be very careful with this is all a form of amphetamine.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by D00fy
    can anyone help me out,i got the 30mg adderoll capsule ones with the pellet balls inside the capsule ,how long will those last for? the life, i ask this because i wanna have some for fall semester of college which starts in august 2004, thanx i really appreciate i
    Adderall XR 30mg brown/clear capsule, Shire 381.

    You have 7.5mg of each salt (4 total).

    Plasma concentration of both dextro- and levoamphetamine reach peak plasma concentrations at about 7 hours.

    My doctor told me that they (XR) are generally purported to last 8 hours, however, he further stated that patients usually notice, or 'feel' the effects for only 6 hours... sometimes even less.

    Note that each individual differs in their response to stimulants. Just because it lasts "6-8 hours" does not mean that you can sleep after that time period has elapsed.

    I personally have minimal side effects with stimulants. I could (and have) gone to sleep within an hour after taking a several ephedrine hcl tablets. In adderall doses under 20mg, I can usually go to sleep within a couple hours.

    To directly answer your question, they "last" 6-8 hours. Whether you can fall asleep after 6-8 can't really be answered.

    If you want any "official" information on the drug, feel free to ask, as I still have the original pamphlets and materials from Shire that I recieved when I first started the medication.

    As Swellin said, please, be careful. This is an amphetamine. Speed. Illegal. Schedule II controlled substance. More illegal than steroids. Take the drug for what it's intended for; as you said, studying at college. Do not cross the line to abuse. This should go without saying, but I hear of many kids doing it... DON'T snort it. For one, that's purely recreational use. Two, the pill and its binders are not meant to be snorted.

    Since you will be attending college, you should consider seeing a doctor there. Many colleges understand the competitive nature of the university, and are very generous when it comes to diagnosing ADD and prescribing adderall and other "study aids".

    REMEMBER, unless you have a prescription, it is very illegal. You will be handled by the authorities the same as the local tweaker speed addict living on the street.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    thx for the input , what is the expiration on the capsule adderoll xr? 6months ,1yr?

  17. #17
    Hmm... there is no information whatsoever about an expiration date.

    I am quite positive they will be perfectly fine after 1 full year. Two to three years and there may be a loss of potency, but I don't think it would be very significant (certainly no more than 5-10%). This is assuming they are kept in their bottle, away from extreme temperatures, excess moisture, direct sunlight, etc.

  18. #18
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:41 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    thanks for the good input, sh1t im still trying to study for my business stats test ,crap college sucks

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thaey had me on 75 mg ed for a few months, i just stopped taking it cause i lost 40 pounds of muscle on it.... greattttt time...

    stay away from the $hit.

  21. #21
    Oh my... ... ya know, paragraphs really do serve a purpose!

    Good post.

    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    i too was diagnosed with a.d.d. and was using it for a very long time (over a year and a half straight--very rarely missed a day).

    That's really not that long of a time...

    as a matter of fact, taking this med is definately one of the biggest regrets of my life.

    As an aside: for some of us, the ends justify the means. Success in the university or the workplace, in todays society, is what drives many of us to make potentially dangerous decisions. For better or for worse, that's the way things are nowadays.

    40mgs/day is the highest dose prescribed for the biggest of people.

    Incorrect, the maximum amount a physician can prescribe is 1mg/kg body weight per day.

    i didn't eat throughout the day and binged late at night once it wore off.

    Many drugs have this effect. Your lack of control of your hunger and eating habits is solely your own fault.

    i became depressed and withdrawn from friends and other social situations. my heart rate would always be way too high for comfort.

    Although common with stimulants, any changes with respect to your heart should be reported immediately to your medical practitioner. There are warnings on all prescription medications... it is your job to report them to your doctor. You are completely responsible to report any and all symptoms or side effects.

    to this day, i believe damage was left with me.

    Long-term damages from proloned excessive use of amphetamine is well documented, but there are no documented cases of permanent damage with 30mg/day racemic amphetamine for 1.5 years.

    i wouldn't be surprised if my heart was enlarged from the use too.

    Doubtful. If you are truly concerned, see a physician.

    and one last but very important lasting effect is that sex or masturbation isn't the same as it was when on adderall. i experienced the extreme high from sex while on the stuff for so long that when i came off, sex was boring comparitively speaking

    Of course it wouldn't be the same. This is really a psychological issue. You experience something artifically drug induced, of course it will not be the same when not using that drug.

    (this is most likely due to the excess dopamine production while using--don't know if it left me with any neurological damage either).

    Yes, but I highly doubt you sustained permanant neurological damage.

    anyway, enough ranting about my past. obviously you aren't even close to being in the same situation as me, but it feels good to get my story out there for all to see.

    Drugs affect people very differently. It is always wise to hear as many peoples' reports as possible before one considers use.

    btw, the acne might be from adderall b/c i too experienced a slight increase in acne while on. it was too insignificant to tell for sure though. my only possible explanation for it is that adderall stimulates production of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) and i believe cortisol (from stress). this altering of your hormones and neurotransmitters might be a cause for acne. also, dopamine inhibits prolactin which indirectly may cause a slight rise in testosterone

    Perhaps increased metabolic rate leads to stimulus of the sebaceous glands, causing acne if one is commonly prone? Seems plausible.

    (don't get your hopes up though on this fact because this med probably made me waste a good year and half training hard in the gym because of how catabolic it is).

    Given proper diet and rest, 30mg should not be catabolic to a noticable extent. If one allowed their diet and rest to be affected by adderall, that would contribute to an overall catabolic state in the organism.
    Your results are certainly atypical. Have you discussed all of this with a physician?

    Remember, it is a long process to get a new drug into the market in America. Adderall has been thorughly tested (save long term effects in excess of 20 years or more) and approved for medical use. There are always exceptions to the rules (as you appear to be), but generally speaking , adderall is a safe drug when use as directed by a doctor.

  22. #22
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:45 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    y0 i can tell u that 40mg on right now,i dont even want to force feed myself ,cause if u try u probably cough so bad and barf it out, and i really appreciate everyone lookin at this thread ,i should be careful in the future

    yah its pretty catabolic my strength levels went down, drop 2waist sizs in a month easily
    Last edited by D00fy; 03-25-2004 at 02:13 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    When im on adderoll i feel

    -Need to be alone,private,dont want to talk to anyone,focus on what your trying to finish
    -loss of appetite,no point in trying to force feed yourself, it feels weird
    -you feel/wish you can be on this all day all the time,justing focused and study and whatever,
    -Get stressed out from dumb questions or annoyance

    When im coming of adderoll

    -Wanting to take another tab,feels so good
    -Weird cough,like your goin to barf your guts out, its like a smokers cough or something, also happens when you try to feed yourself and replenish the glucose feels like u gonna barf your guts out
    -Not focused,not feeling justified that something will done,you want task and task to accomplish

    Is there anyway to train yourself to be natural and not use adderoll, bad college mistake, this stuff is passed around like skitties at college,didn't think i was addicted til last nite i popped 10mg every 2hrs, total of 40hrs, til i got bomberded by someone to quit studying and goto sleep

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    anyway, i would like to know where you got the 1mg/kg of body weight info from b/c 40mgs with few exceptions is the limit according to my doctor. maybe that is the highest he feels comfortable prescribing?

    The doctor told me, word for word, "The most [Adderall] I'm allowed to prescribe to anyone is 1mg per kg they weigh". I am basing my assumption on this, further, check out other boards, as well as the poster above us. Many are prescribed over 40mg/day. I also personally know many people that have or are on doses up to 60mg/day prescribed from their doctor.

    also, the heart rate thing was monitored occasionally by my doc and he sometimes would even hear arrythmias (sp?) too. my resting hr was usually around mid 90's. not very relaxing, lol. he would tell me not to worry about it (maybe because they were so few and far apart).

    I am speechless. If your doctor told you to ignore stimulant-induced arrhythmia, you need to find a new doctor. Heart arrhythmia is a bad thing... no doctor should allow a patient to continue with any medication that causes that. Wow.

    also, i know that not reporting side effects to the doc was my fault completely. i didn't report or complain of anything for a reason--i wanted to stay on that dose because of my psychological dependancy.

    I understand. However, many of the effects you experienced may have been lessened or eliminated had you 'followed the directions' and reported any side effects.

    i am sorry but i do have to disagree with your statement "your lack of control of your hunger and eating habits is solely your own fault." unless you have experienced the extreme appetite suppression that adderall gives, it's hard to understand. i ate during the day, trust me i ate. but not as much as at night. one of the primary side effects of adderall is loss of appetite. i really never had CONTROL of hunger and i don't believe anyone does whether they are on meds or not. if you want to talk about fault, blame the med in this situation.

    Hmm... we seem to disagree here.

    I argue this (and feel free to dispute it): A 'normal, healthy' diet can be maintained on ANY stimulant or drug, provided the only effect is appetite suppression and not vomiting, nausea, etc. Further, I argue that a person CAN eat with suppressed appetite... whether he WANTS to notwithstanding. I maintain that one can physically consume food with ANY degree of appetite suppression on the basis that one does not need to 'feel' hungry in order to eat.

    However, if you had physical symptoms such as vomiting, etc. etc. preventing food from STAYING down, my argument is invalid.

    and i also disagree about 30mgs not being too catabolic. believe me it is. if you are trying to bulk or get big, you don't want to be on it or any stimulants for that matter. it is like constantly having a blockade or hinderance on your muscle building. i was just able to maintain my build, never really grow. it justs eats away at muscle--far from muscle sparing.

    The physical action of this amount of amphetamines simply will not cause wasting. An increased metabolism may result in more calories being burned per day, thus causing muscle/weight loss given the additional fact that you stated you were unable to eat correctly.

    Further, if you could not eat correctly, how could you judge the extent of catabolism induced by the medication?

    maybe i wasn't specific enough by saying "my biggest regret." what i meant was i wish i hadn't taken it on a daily basis but rather on an as needed basis at a much lower dose.

    Yeah, I understood. I was just saying, mainly regarding MYSELF, that we (I) must go the additional yards if we want to succeed. I only take adderall during the semester -- never any time else. I would prefer to not take it... but to get through 20+ hours of classes, labs, 40+ hours sitting-on-butt homework, all in physics and math -- where I have never had a history of excelling... this is what I need to do in order to maintain a cumulative GPA good enough for grad school. I am no genius... I have to work my butt off. And I probably could'nt do it without something to help my memory and concentration. But I know, in todays world, I need a good STABLE job if I want to fully support a family.

    who knows, maybe i did have some idiosyncratic reactions to it. regardless, i am happy i am off now.

    good talking with you samoth.
    Doofy: Adderall is not intended to work the way you are taking it. It is not a binge and purge medication. It is a constant, steady, daily medication.

    It is NOT a stimulant to stay awake in order to study. It is a medication, whos side effect is CNS stimulation, that has been shown to improve concentration in those clinically diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

    If you are not taking it as directed, you WILL experience side effects: you are judging amphetamines as a stimulant used recreationally,
    I am saying that you need to judge Adderall as a prescribed daily medication.

    Actually, Doofy, do me a favour. Make a doctor's appointment and talk to him about ADD symptoms and the various medications available. I would hate to see you experience negative effects, addiction or legal problems.

  26. #26
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:46 AM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Behind You
    Ha if you think 40mg a day is alot, one of my real good freinds takes 100mgs a day. PRESCRIBED!!! She only weighs 115lbs!!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    and i see where you are coming from. i too continue to this day to look for ways to increase my attention span, memory, and focus. adderall worked for me to an extent, but with too many sides unfortunately. i guess i was just too sensitive. more power to you though if it works for you. good luck.
    We live in a very fast paced society. That is not any reason whatsoever to resort to drugs to succeed, but, well, if it's at my disposal, and it's safe (ie. approved and legal to dispense), and it will give me an edge over those other students in my class... then I'll do it.

    But... let's suppose everyone else thinks that way too. What then??

    There is a nasty vicious circle here.

    Let's suppose: I start to take a drug to give myself an advantage because Fred is already on something that gives him an advangage. I proclaim, "F--- that, I'm not gonna let him have an unfair advantage over me -- I'll take what he's taking so I can be at his level". But then the other guys around us realize that Fred and I have an advantage over them -- "that's not fair!" they cry. They also start taking the drug to keep up with Fred and I, who set the standard higher for everyone else. Pretty soon, more and more people will start taking the drug because they feel they need to be at the level of the people already on the drug. Before you know it, everyone's on the drug.

    So it ends there, right?

    Nope. A new drug is introduced that is even better than the previous one. The whole cycle starts again, and the standard rises again.

    Unfortunetly, there is no solution. Don't take the drug, and you will be overshadowed by those who do. Do take the drug, and you will be contributing to the vicious circle.
    Last edited by samoth; 03-26-2004 at 12:04 AM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by OwnItOnDVD
    Ha if you think 40mg a day is alot, one of my real good freinds takes 100mgs a day. PRESCRIBED!!! She only weighs 115lbs!!
    I have never in my life heard of that dosage. With all due respect, I believe you are mistaken.

  30. #30
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:48 AM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    be careful i had a prescription for 20mg adderall and the tablets were so addictive that i went from 180-155 pounds in about 2 months, becuase when i was on it i lost my appetite until i wore off and i secluded myself which included not going to the gym, and missing out on fun nights that i now have again becuase i rarely take it but when it is necessary. i found that the 20 mg XR tablets still leave me with an appetite and i can control phobias of being social and whatnot, but it definately messes with ur mind and makes u think the worst of thoughts. i ruined a relationship nearly because of my paranoia and anxiety

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    We live in a very fast paced society. That is not any reason whatsoever to resort to drugs to succeed, but, well, if it's at my disposal, and it's safe (ie. approved and legal to dispense), and it will give me an edge over those other students in my class... then I'll do it.

    But... let's suppose everyone else thinks that way too. What then??

    There is a nasty vicious circle here.

    Let's suppose: I start to take a drug to give myself an advantage because Fred is already on something that gives him an advangage. I proclaim, "F--- that, I'm not gonna let him have an unfair advantage over me -- I'll take what he's taking so I can be at his level". But then the other guys around us realize that Fred and I have an advantage over them -- "that's not fair!" they cry. They also start taking the drug to keep up with Fred and I, who set the standard higher for everyone else. Pretty soon, more and more people will start taking the drug because they feel they need to be at the level of the people already on the drug. Before you know it, everyone's on the drug.

    So it ends there, right?

    Nope. A new drug is introduced that is even better than the previous one. The whole cycle starts again, and the standard rises again.

    Unfortunetly, there is no solution. Don't take the drug, and you will be overshadowed by those who do. Do take the drug, and you will be contributing to the vicious circle.

    interesting thoughts. yes, i too wouldn't consider taking illegal drugs for this reason, but would take approved medications. i have considered nootropics though, which some people rave about. who knows if they work; could be a placebo effect. and i would "be contributing to the vicious circle," right.

  33. #33
    ttuPrincess Guest
    this visious cycle you speak of is just the way the world works......

    plus the money from the drugs keeps the economy going...

    and the new drugs being produced from all of this is just a way we , as a society, have found to constantly improve ourselves and knowledge..... think of it as suvival of the fitest!!!


  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    you know what would happen if all the cocaine, heroine, weed, x dissppeared tommorow.. ? there for be chaos, riots, a civil war..

  35. #35
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    you know what would happen if all the cocaine, heroine, weed, x dissppeared tommorow.. ? there for be chaos, riots, a civil war..
    and the economy would bust because all those people who sell it would not be getting thier money.. The money that they turn around and spend on all of the expensive cars and crap like that, then the big companyies would not get thier money, so employes would be laid off, then they couldnt by food, so supermarket employes would get laid off...

    I could go on and on, but that would be goign into another visious cycle.... ahhhh gotta love the way the world works!!


  36. #36
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:50 AM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    i don't know about that. that's a bit extreme imho. but we might have a spike through the roof in suicidal rates or any hostile crimes for that matter. so yes, maybe a little chaos, but no civil war. and i am sure we would also have a huge spike in scientists (former addicts) who would be working day and night researching new chemicals that would give similar effects, lol. i wouldn't want to be walking the streets of any neighborhood of which was known to have plenty of drugs, lol.

    do you have any idea how many people use drugs...? Just think of crack heads.. then think of the recreational users, all the club goers that pop e, then the white coller's that sniff coke like its a nasal decugestent..

  38. #38
    Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 05:51 AM.

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