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Thread: deca only and prohormones

  1. #1

    deca only and prohormones

    I was planning on doing a deca only cycle as my first time with steroids. I did more research and realize that the risks are too high with out added test (deca dick). My question is if there are any prohormones strong enough to take with the deca to combat the sides. I had trouble getting the gear and would like to not go back now. I can always save the deca, but I'd like to start the cycle asap.

    6'2 235 lbs
    BF: 16%
    training for 10 years

    240 with 10% body fat.

    Thanks for any help!1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Pro Hormones won't help.Get some test,and in the mean time,chop that bf down a little.

  3. #3
    That's what i figures. I asked because and article in MD suggested increasing test levels post deca with a prohormone (1AD then 6 OXO). What should I get my body fat down to? Why should it be low before juice? Won't the roids help lower my bodyfat along with diet?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i think juice really show's if u get your bf under 15-16%.

  5. #5
    do some more research, get the b-fat down, get some test. and some pct goods and do it the right way.

    Captain Anabolic

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