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Thread: Why bother with GH if U can get IGF-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Question Why bother with GH if U can get IGF-1

    Perhaps I do not have a complete understanding, I thought that Gh was released from your pituatary gland and eventually converted by your liver into IGF-1. I understood that the actual Gh was of little importance , that the conversion of it to IGF-1 was actually what made it so great .
    Why would anyone one want to both if they are the same exact thing. Am I missing something ?
    Until recenty, I was under the impression that IGF-1 was un-obtainable , but now I see that it is definatly obtainable and might be alot cheaper, why would anyone still do growth if IGF-1 Is available? Futher more why bother to stack them ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    All this is covered in the hgh, igf-1, slin forum!!! Peace or I'm sure Einstein will resolve anything you do not understand after your research...Peace

  3. #3
    GH doesn't convert to IGF-1 in the liver but rather increases the production and release of IGF-1 in the liver. IGF-1 does mediate most of the anabolic effects of GH, but GH itself does directly have many roles independent of IGF-1. GH may very well be responsible for upregulating IGF-1 levels intramuscularly too. GH acts directly on connective tisse and many components of the immune system. GH's lipolytic (fat loss/releasing) effects are independent of those of IGF-1. There is a lot more covered throughout various posts though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Rilla
    Perhaps I do not have a complete understanding, I thought that Gh was released from your pituatary gland and eventually converted by your liver into IGF-1. I understood that the actual Gh was of little importance , that the conversion of it to IGF-1 was actually what made it so great .
    Why would anyone one want to both if they are the same exact thing. Am I missing something ?
    Until recenty, I was under the impression that IGF-1 was un-obtainable , but now I see that it is definatly obtainable and might be alot cheaper, why would anyone still do growth if IGF-1 Is available? Futher more why bother to stack them ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Thanks alot Bro . I appreciate u clearing that up for me.

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