Things I’ve come to realize while here on AR...and I have to tell someone because I think they are closing in. The truth must be known!
1. Mass Junkie, there really is no Mass but I’m banking on the Junkie thing (I believe it’s the cause for his foot fetish)
2. Big Texan isn’t from Texas (I’m all for hangin if so inclined…just in case you were wondering)
3. Money Boss Hustler isn’t black (This just plain sickens me…if he ends up swinging with Big T I’ll understand)
4. Rambo is not Sylvester Stallone…I’ve spoken with Rambo…..Sly is a little brighter....but Sly could never tug a scrotum like Rambo.
5. CB25 got his name from his good bros….they claim it how many times he’s ruined it for a brother on the make.......cb...get it? Geez, work with me here.
6. Bouncer is actually a secret agent for the Queen! He’s James Bond…..I mean he’s James Bond’s mildly retard brother…sorry bout that.
7. Nathan is a being from another galaxy ….who crashed landed on the planet and is killing time by ****ing with us until his rescue ship arrives.
8. Big Green…….he’s green.
9. bdtr is actually a Silverback gorilla masquerading as a man….I uncovered this last year sometime. A gorilla that hates fruit….go figure right?
10. PTbyJason only works at All Sport while he waits for a call back to the “Apprentice”….it’s been his life’s ambition to be fired by Donald.
11. Mart just had his second child……………MBH you better at least chip in some child support.
12. Abstract had the freakiest **** avatar with that eyeball picture of his…but he changed it….but he’s the same smartass…**** it.
13. Mudman…..he’s very dirty.
14. Ripsid sucks at fantasy football….but he makes losing fun.
15. The Chosen One…………Shall never hold the AR Fantasy Football Title…..unless he bribes larger than me.
16. Steven Hawkins and he's working on Nathens space ship.
Last but not least…Pheedno……is secretly taking over the world….his first step….a bloody coup for AR......and I heard he just ordered some plutonium.
I’d tell you more but I now have to break down my whole system and move to another location or they’ll find me……………….