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Thread: Easy question about joint pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Easy question about joint pain

    Lately after I lift, I am having an annoying ache/pain in my shoulder joint. It's not the rotator cuff, but down in the actual ball and socket joint of the shoulder. I am going heavy right now and am off cycle. I know I have heard some people on here talk about herbs or supplements that help with joint pain, so I was wondering what they were. This is not an injury, just typical pain that you get when you go heavy. Help me out bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    deca works the best but if you want to stay off the juice try glucosamine with MSN. 2000-3000mg ed, It takes a few weeks to kick in though.

  4. #4
    Could very well be bursitis, especially if the pain feels "deep". Naproxen may help. Gluc/chond/MSM may help some. Deca will likely alleviate the pain, but is usally just a band aid, so to speak.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Charm City
    As always Einstein is right on. I too had and still have that pain. It was so bad I had xrays and mris done to no avail. Doc said its basically arthritis of the shoulder. Really flares when I flat bench, oddly enough I dont usually have a problem on shoulder day . Anyway like Steiny said msm/chrondroitin/glucosamine did work to some degree.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by omen78
    As always Einstein is right on. I too had and still have that pain. It was so bad I had xrays and mris done to no avail. Doc said its basically arthritis of the shoulder. Really flares when I flat bench, oddly enough I dont usually have a problem on shoulder day . Anyway like Steiny said msm/chrondroitin/glucosamine did work to some degree.
    Holy crap, it's like you read my mind. The days i do flat bench it screams with pain, but shoulder days it actually feel OK. Like Einstein said, I too thought it was bursitis since it was away form the typical area you would feel rotator cuff pain and it was deep. Glucosamine was what I remebered hearing too, so thanks bro's, you helped me out there. By the way, if i am correct, the only way to "cure" (for lack of a better word) bursitis is rest and time, right? If so, i am screwed, because you know I can't stop lifting!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Could very well be bursitis, especially if the pain feels "deep". Naproxen may help. Gluc/chond/MSM may help some. Deca will likely alleviate the pain, but is usally just a band aid, so to speak.
    Exactly where I was headed with the diagnisis. I'll stay away from the deca becasue i have no desire to mess up my next cycle by throwing it off with that now. Naproxen, huh? Remind me, which OTC px reliever has naproxen in it?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by firefitr5287
    Holy crap, it's like you read my mind. The days i do flat bench it screams with pain, but shoulder days it actually feel OK. Like Einstein said, I too thought it was bursitis since it was away form the typical area you would feel rotator cuff pain and it was deep. Glucosamine was what I remebered hearing too, so thanks bro's, you helped me out there. By the way, if i am correct, the only way to "cure" (for lack of a better word) bursitis is rest and time, right? If so, i am screwed, because you know I can't stop lifting!
    I had to take time off awhile back for bursitis in both shoulders. I had ultrasound treatment as often as possible at the highest frequency I could just plain became too much (the pain from the bursitis that is). It hasn't shown itself again.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by firefitr5287
    Exactly where I was headed with the diagnisis. I'll stay away from the deca becasue i have no desire to mess up my next cycle by throwing it off with that now. Naproxen, huh? Remind me, which OTC px reliever has naproxen in it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Thanks bro! You've been a big help!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bro - use naproxen 2 220mg tabs every 12 hours around the clock - but DEca works wonders for me - my knees stop creaking LOL

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