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Thread: question regarding arimidex/nolva/test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    question regarding arimidex/nolva/test

    ok so i'll be doing 600mg's test enth a week and 450Mg's EQ a week..... Do i necessarily need to take arimidex for the first 3 weeks? What about nolvadex? If the test doesn't kick in till about week 5 - would this be ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I don't use anything till i'm finished my cycle, I know others like to take stuff during their cycles. I don't feel this is necessary unless you are running very long cycles. I"m on my 7th cycle and have never needed to take anything during the cycle till this one. I"m doing a gram of test with some deca per week and i my bp shot up, so i added some Nolvadex to get rid of some water, but only 10mg eod as this was enough to reduce my water bloat and bp. Everyone is different, you might need something within the first 3 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks for the reply - any more opinions?

    i think im going to hold off ont he nolva and winny till week 3 or 4 or until i notice signs of gyno - whichever comes 1st

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevan
    I don't use anything till i'm finished my cycle, I know others like to take stuff during their cycles. I don't feel this is necessary unless you are running very long cycles. I"m on my 7th cycle and have never needed to take anything during the cycle till this one. I"m doing a gram of test with some deca per week and i my bp shot up, so i added some Nolvadex to get rid of some water, but only 10mg eod as this was enough to reduce my water bloat and bp. Everyone is different, you might need something within the first 3 weeks.
    First bro...get some pants on in your avtar!

    I think you should always run nolva from day one. You will find most of us on here do. We all react differently to gear and do not take someones advice not to take an anti-e based on the fact that he didn't need one. Although it takes time for the strength to kick in, it is in your bloodstream from the start and why take any chances. Further, whether you get gyno or not, nolva helps improve the hdl/ldl ratios of your cholesteral which are worsened by steroid use.

    There is no reason not to take it every day. It helps your blood work, prevents gyno, prevents bloat and is very cheap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ok so the nolva is reccomended - but what about arimidex?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    It's a good idea to take Nolv@ 10 mgs ed and l-dex @ .25 mgs ed.The l-dex will keep more watr off you than the Nolv will.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    It's a good idea to take Nolv@ 10 mgs ed and l-dex @ .25 mgs ed.The l-dex will keep more watr off you than the Nolv will.
    I concur

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    It's a good idea to take Nolv@ 10 mgs ed and l-dex @ .25 mgs ed.The l-dex will keep more watr off you than the Nolv will.
    oh ok - thanks for clearing everything up - so then the water retention can begin anytime after your 1st injection... whether or not you can tell the test has kicked in.....?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    oh ok - thanks for clearing everything up - so then the water retention can begin anytime after your 1st injection... whether or not you can tell the test has kicked in.....?
    Not after your first shot,but within 2 weeks you can start to hold water.At these doses your taking,it's not going to break your bank at all.You actually should take nolv a week prior to starting your cycle.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    oh ok - thanks for clearing everything up - so then the water retention can begin anytime after your 1st injection... whether or not you can tell the test has kicked in.....?
    Test, in active form, is available right after injection. The idea of half-life is misleading. Test is immediately being cleaved from the ester to which it's attached, but it takes a period of time (half-life) for a sum of half of the test to have been made bioavailable. Your test levels are constantly on the rise as you build up to the period when your test "kicks in", which it really doesn't. It gradually reaches a peak plasma level where its effects are most noticeably felt. Sides (and gains) begin well before they're obvious.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ok i gotcha - thanks for the info..... very helpful and gives me a better understanding of whats going to be happening on cycle.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Very very good and informative statement. Test levels are instantly rising from the start. It's the saturatioin period you are looking for so to speak as the time of "kick in". Sides may appear instantaniously. You can run ldex/nolv from day one if you want.

    I personally run nolva only. I dont run them at all until I feel or notice side affects. Mainly, lumps beginning or nipple irritation. The combo of ldex/nolva at the recommended dosage , meantioned by Da Bull, is meant to keep estrogen levels from spilling over or kept in check but remember...estrogen is necessary. So it is up to you to figure out within your cycle what you intend or need to do.

    Nolvadex is an estrogen blocker or in other words mimics estrogen altogether filling in the receptors instead. Ldex or armidex is an anti-aromatizer and stops test from converting to estrogen all together. I recommend ldex/armi to users that are prone to gyno and cant rely on nolva alone.

    Another point kept in mind is the amount of dosage in your cycle you are administering. At high dosages, hormones can not be converted over to test fast enough and convert to estrogen. So at high dosages this combo maybe recommended.

    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Test, in active form, is available right after injection. The idea of half-life is misleading. Test is immediately being cleaved from the ester to which it's attached, but it takes a period of time (half-life) for a sum of half of the test to have been made bioavailable. Your test levels are constantly on the rise as you build up to the period when your test "kicks in", which it really doesn't. It gradually reaches a peak plasma level where its effects are most noticeably felt. Sides (and gains) begin well before they're obvious.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    im doing 600mg's of test enth a week for 13 weeks and 450mg's of EQ a week fr 12 weeks.... i think i may go with 10mg's nolva and .25 armidex throughout - unil PCT then i'll up the nolva

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