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Thread: beginner cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    beginner cycle

    wk1-10 300mg of primo depot Schering
    wk1-10 500mg of TESTEX - Testosterone ciclopentilpropionate / Cypionate
    wk1-10 50mg daily of nolvadex
    wait two weeks and then
    wk13-14 day 1 300mg clomid, day 2-11 100mg clomid, day 12-21 50 mg clomid

    as i read through the different newbie parts of this forum i learned how bad it would be to order from an online source. my roommate has ordered from an online source and has good results. now i'm going to spend more time looking for a good source but this is the first cycle that i would like to do. i'm not sure if i should stager when i take the primo and test but let me know what you guys think. thanks for the help. i already have 7 weeks worth of the primo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Suckling at the teet
    Thats a good cycle. I would drop the nolvadex to 20 mgs a day, or get l-dex and drop the nolva to 10 mgs a day. Your PCT is correct. Just make sure your primo is real because there are a lot of fakes out there. Make sure you have everything you need before you start. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    For a first cycle, just stick with the test Cyp 500mgs. Primo is usually faked anyway. JB is right. The Nolva is high unless you are already suffering from gyno.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I would just run the test at 400-500mg/wk for a first cycle. You could throw in some dbol in the beginning for a kickstart if you want. That's what I did, I am am in my fourth week and having very good results. And you only need 20mg/ed of Nolva. PCT looks good, but taking 20mg of nolva w/ PCT would be better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    I wouldn't run the Primo first time through, but if you do, up the dose to 400mg per week or don't bother, save it.
    No way do you need 50mg of Nolva unless you're experiencing signs of Gyno.
    And on that cycle I would run the Clomid;
    Day one: 300mg
    Days 2-28: 100mg
    Get some L-Dex, you;re gonna need it with Cyp.
    And I would be running Trib, I do any way but certainly with's gentle on the organs, but not on HPTA.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    thanks for the advice guys. for the clomid and nolva i was following what was listed in one the newbie forums. that would be a bit cheaper if i only run 20mg a day of nolva so thats ok but i also naturally suffered from gyno when i hit puberty, so maybe i should stick with the 50mg just to be safe. well the schering i have looks real when compared to all the photos on here. it has straights corners and the correct lot number. like i said thanks for the advice guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by wannaBjacked
    wk1-10 300mg of primo depot Schering
    wk1-10 500mg of TESTEX - Testosterone ciclopentilpropionate / Cypionate
    wk1-10 50mg daily of nolvadex
    wait two weeks and then
    wk13-14 day 1 300mg clomid, day 2-11 100mg clomid, day 12-21 50 mg clomid

    as i read through the different newbie parts of this forum i learned how bad it would be to order from an online source. my roommate has ordered from an online source and has good results. now i'm going to spend more time looking for a good source but this is the first cycle that i would like to do. i'm not sure if i should stager when i take the primo and test but let me know what you guys think. thanks for the help. i already have 7 weeks worth of the primo.
    I would stick with a test only cycle and run it at 400mgs. IMO

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