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Thread: Bush Administration Censors Howard Stern

  1. #1
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    Bush Administration Censors Howard Stern

    Looks like the Bush Administration is clamping down on its radio critics, Howard Stern being first . . .

    Clear Channel Drops Stern on FCC Threat

    By JONATHAN D. SALANT, Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON - Federal regulators Thursday proposed $495,000 in indecency fines against Clear Channel Communications for broadcasts by Howard Stern, prompting the nation's largest radio chain to drop the country's best-known shock jock.

    Clear Channel suspended Stern in February from its six stations that carry his program, which regularly features graphic sexual discussion and humor. It decided to make the move permanent after the Federal Communications Commission (news - web sites) cited the chain for 18 alleged violations from Stern's April 9, 2003, show.

    "Mr. Stern's show has created a great liability for us and other broadcasters who air it," said John Hogan, president of Clear Channel Radio. "The Congress and the FCC (news - web sites) are even beginning to look at revoking station licenses. That's a risk we're just not willing to take."

    In a statement posted on his Web site, Stern said he was not surprised by the fine. He characterized it as furtherance of a "witch hunt" against him by the Bush administration.

    "It is pretty shocking that governmental interference into our rights and free speech takes place in the U.S.," he said. "It's hard to reconcile this with the 'land of the free' and the 'home of the brave.'"

    The FCC investigation was prompted by a listener in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who complained about a Stern program that included discussion of sex accompanied by flatulence sounds.

    Federal law bars radio stations and over-the-air television channels from airing references to sexual and excretory functions between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children may be tuning in. The rules do not apply to cable and satellite channels or satellite radio.

    The FCC imposed the maximum fine of $27,500 for each of 18 violations on six Clear Channel stations: WBGG in Fort Lauderdale; WTKS-FM in Cocoa Beach, Fla.; WTFX-FM in Louisville, Ky.; KIOZ in San Diego; WNVE in Honeoye Falls, N.Y.; and WSDS-FM in Pittsburgh.

    The FCC fined each station for two specific incidents during a single program, the first time the commission has done so. Previously, the FCC levied fines for an entire program, no matter how many different indecent utterances occurred.

    Commissioner Michael Copps, who usually dissents from indecency decisions because he says the penalties aren't strong enough, was part of a unanimous commission this time.

    "I have long advocated that the commission use all of the tools it has to tackle indecency on the public airwaves," he said. "Today's decision is a step forward towards imposing meaningful fines."

    Last month, the FCC proposed fining Stern's employer, Infinity Broadcasting, $27,500 for a Stern show broadcast July 26, 2001, on WKRK-FM in Detroit. The show featured discussions about sexual practices and techniques.

    Infinity paid $1.7 million in 1995 to settle various violations by Stern. The Center for Public Integrity, a watchdog group, said fines against Stern accounted for almost half of the $4 million in penalties proposed by the FCC since 1990.

    Stern has charged on the air that he's being punished for his criticism of President Bush (news - web sites). Clear Channel's political action committee and its employees have given $265,800 to Republicans for the 2004 election, more than any other broadcaster, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan research group.

    "You've got to vote Bush out to send a message as a Howard Stern fan," Stern said during one recent broadcast. "There's a cultural war going on. The religious right is winning. We're losing."

    A conservative advocacy group, the Parents Television Council, applauded the FCC's decision.

    "Stern is a repeat offender of the most commonsense decency standards and we welcome the news that the FCC is moving to combat these patently indecent shows," said L. Brent Bozell III, the group's president.

  2. #2
    perfect i dont think i heard one good thing come out of that dudes mouth... not too sure how i feel about the governments increased role in censorship though. kinda scary

  3. #3
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    I don't listen to Stern, I think he is a moron...

    But the government censoring him now THATS really scary. Whats next? Book burnings?


  4. #4
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    Freedom of Speech, REMEMBER THAT !!!!!!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 5211969
    Freedom of Speech, REMEMBER THAT !!!!!!

    theres a difference between freedom of speech and channeling your trash talk to millions of people

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    theres a difference between freedom of speech and channeling your trash talk to millions of people
    freedom of speech protects the ppl u disagree with, and it should, bc if the gov controls what is on the radio, tv is next, then your pc, and what you say and before you know it, we are phuckin russia... this has got to stop, email your congressman, or start a

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    freedom of speech protects the ppl u disagree with, and it should, bc if the gov controls what is on the radio, tv is next, then your pc, and what you say and before you know it, we are phuckin russia... this has got to stop, email your congressman, or start a
    i'm not saying i'm anti-free speech i could just careless that this utter retard is off the air... having powerful retards is not cool my friend

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    With 4 more years of bush,we'll have to ask permission to piss!!!!

  9. #9
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    I agree but.....

    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    theres a difference between freedom of speech and channeling your trash talk to millions of people
    One moment he is going after roid heads(me) and now he is going after people for what they say. That is taking it a little to far. The only reason he is doing this is because a lot of dead beat parent's out there cannot keep their children from whatching this crap. "Hey I wonder what those weird noises are coming from little Timmy's room??" Take the TV away from them so they cannot watch it at night. Hell, if I had a Tv growing up I **** sure would have watched it. From what little I have seen of the show he has had some pretty hot chic's on there. Furthermore, if pothead Louie wants to sit there in his home and wank off to The Howard Stern Show then so be it. This is America!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    i'm not saying i'm anti-free speech i could just careless that this utter retard is off the air... having powerful retards is not cool my friend
    i hate howard stern, and bush, i just know that the more power we give the goverment, the more phucked up society will be... we will have no rights, no privacy, and when the day comes when a goverment officer comes to say what i can watch and what i can hear...well boom and it sucks to be him.... if we allow our rights to be taken, we are just like sheep

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    i'm not saying i'm anti-free speech i could just careless that this utter retard is off the air... having powerful retards is not cool my friend

    Yah, but if the Bush Administration is putting pressure on broadcasters because of the content of his show (and Stern has been growing more and more anti-Bush lately) then it becomes a bigger problem than just a potty-mouth DJ. It becomes a situation where the White House controls what people can and cannnot say on the public airwaves.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Yah, but if the Bush Administration is putting pressure on broadcasters because of the content of his show (and Stern has been growing more and more anti-Bush lately) then it becomes a bigger problem than just a potty-mouth DJ. It becomes a situation where the White House controls what people can and cannnot say on the public airwaves.
    it also becomes a issue of what the goverment deems as suitable for ppl, and im sure this board and the contents are just as closly thought of in a negative light as what HS says.... it starts with him bro, it may stop with us..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    With 4 more years of bush,we'll have to ask permission to piss!!!!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Yah, but if the Bush Administration is putting pressure on broadcasters because of the content of his show (and Stern has been growing more and more anti-Bush lately) then it becomes a bigger problem than just a potty-mouth DJ. It becomes a situation where the White House controls what people can and cannnot say on the public airwaves.
    understandable, this kinda worries me as well. but i don't think pulling guys like these off the air is neccesarily a bad thing. people tend to over-react and get their back up over issues like these when really who is gonna remember or care who howard stern was in 5 years?? there needs to be some sort of control though, society is pretty desensitized as it is.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    freedom of speech protects the ppl u disagree with, and it should, bc if the gov controls what is on the radio, tv is next, then your pc, and what you say and before you know it, we are phuckin russia... this has got to stop, email your congressman, or start a
    well said bro. the point is not that howard stern sucks. bush is out of control. he is the most unamerican man in america.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    well said bro. the point is not that howard stern sucks. bush is out of control. he is the most unamerican man in america.
    care to elaborate on out of control and the most unamerican man in america?

  17. #17
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    america is built on certain ideals, i.e. the constitution. In the constitution you will find a few amendments which are known to most as the Bill of Rights. I think free speech speaks for itself. As he has cut this show from the air, he is depriving american citizens of the right to speak freely. even if he doesnt like what howard has to say.

    Now, lets elaborate further. Right to a trial by jury. Well, with the patriot act in place, you dont have that right anymore. you can be held indefinately without being formally charged.

    In the wake of 9/11, this country has seen the epitome of 'lead by fear.' and it has come soley from this administration. It seems to me that the only person scared here is george. and he's not worrying about the lives of americans....he's worried about a second term.

    America has always been about international diplomacy...until now. Bush is leading this country down a **** hole. and he would have you follow him.

    why is he unamerican? because he is taking away our liberty.

    why is he out of control? well, the censorship is one thing, invading a foreign country for no reason is another, LEAVING OUR TROOPS OUT TO DRY is another. They are fighting his families war, and the thanks they get is cut spending and not enough manpower on the gorund.

    Bush is getting americans killed....all in the name of safety. SAFETY? bush is unsafe. i am ashamed for the number of times i even shook his hand.

  18. #18
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    fine u hate him, dont listen. i listen sometimes, i think the show used to be a lot more funny before stuttering john and jackie martling left. arrtie lang just sucks and is corny with his stupid jokes and forced laughter. anyway its a funny show, its not serious, its to make people laugh and have something to listen to while going to their crappy job. stern supported bush about the war and all until he started censoring radio , cuz thats his livelyhood.

  19. #19
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    i personally think sterns show is the funniest, if you dont like it dont listen. its as simple as that.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    i personally think sterns show is the funniest, if you dont like it dont listen. its as simple as that.
    I fully agree, and I don't listen to him...

    But it would seem your government has different ideas...


  21. #21
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    I never cared for Stern. But trying to make connections to Bush and Stern is a joke. So now Bush is in direct relation to Howard Stern being fined??? BULLSHlT. It has to do with that wacko JANET JACKSON and the halftime show.... Ever since then, the FCC has been cracking down on ALL radio stations. Not just Howard Stern. TOCK, that was pretty lame that you make it out to be BUSH cracking down on Stern.

    Stern has gotten away with SO MUCH r rated stuff on morning radio due to his popularity. It has NOTHING to do with FREE SPEECH. It has to do with decent radio broadcasting.

    Driving your kid to school and having him listen on the radio to TWO PORN STARS describe how to find the G and C spot for her climax is FAR BEYOND FREE SPEECH witch hunts.....

  22. #22
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Yah, but if the Bush Administration is putting pressure on broadcasters because of the content of his show (and Stern has been growing more and more anti-Bush lately) then it becomes a bigger problem than just a potty-mouth DJ. It becomes a situation where the White House controls what people can and cannnot say on the public airwaves.
    I just found out the company I work for won the contract to produce Bush's campaign films. When it was announced, people actually started booing. The sales rep stood up and said COME ON, MONEY IS MONEY!

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    I don't listen to Howard Stern but he has the right to be offensive and we have the right to change the channel. I don't want someone making the decision for me.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich

    Driving your kid to school and having him listen on the radio to TWO PORN STARS describe how to find the G and C spot for her climax is FAR BEYOND FREE SPEECH witch hunts.....
    all the parent has to do is change the channel, its as simple as that

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    all the parent has to do is change the channel, its as simple as that
    Yeah I know... when I read that I was wondering what the heck kind of parents allow their kids to listen to someone like stern?????

    Ain't no way I'd let my kid listen to stern... I allow my boy to watch and listen to stuff intended for older than his age, but I do draw the line at obsceneties like Stern.

    But I'd never dream of censoring people like stern... if others want to listen to his bile, then good for them.


  26. #26
    Bush has nothing to do with Stern. Just so you know the biggest fines to date on Stern were during the Clinton adm. in '96. So all of you that hate Bush and try to pin anything you can on him, your point here is mute. This would have happened no matter who was in the White House. Regardless if your a Stern fan, which I am, it sucks. Especially since I live in South Florida where they took him off. If you want to give your support I suggest you check out this site- Stopfcc

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiFi
    fine u hate him, dont listen. i listen sometimes, i think the show used to be a lot more funny before stuttering john and jackie martling left. arrtie lang just sucks and is corny with his stupid jokes and forced laughter. anyway its a funny show, its not serious, its to make people laugh and have something to listen to while going to their crappy job. stern supported bush about the war and all until he started censoring radio , cuz thats his livelyhood.
    I can't agree more! Artie was the begining of the end as far as I'm concerned. I still wish I had the choice to listen though. A few p*ssies get offended and we all have to pay!

  28. #28
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    just cause you have the freedom to speak your mind doesn't mean you should say extremely offensive and hurtful things. Sometimes what he says can be funny... but most of the time I am just amazed at how aweful it is.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    just cause you have the freedom to speak your mind doesn't mean you should say extremely offensive and hurtful things.
    I've read some of your posts. That's a bit hypocritical of you to say don't you think?

  30. #30
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    stremf...your avatar kills me!! Is that you?? J/K

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Yankeebstrd
    stremf...your avatar kills me!! Is that you?? J/K
    No, it Ali G. If you have never seen him or his show I suggest you check it out, very very funny stuff. Here is a link if you want: Ali G

  32. #32
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    Look bro's I think Howards show sucks, but it works like this:

    The radio has 2 knobs, the first changes the volume higher or lower.

    And wouldn't you know it, the other one changes the **** channel. Brilliant.

    I'm offended by lots of things, I don't sit there and listen to them and then call up the governor bitching about it.......

  33. #33
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    The next age is gonna be SATELITE RADIO. No censoring. Once we get tired of the FCC, we will switch to satelite and Im sure Howard Stern will love it.

  34. #34
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    already there are many people who have switched to satellite radio. i hate the radio period, but most people i know say they like it.

  35. #35
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    Two things about this...

    1) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a "non-partisan" agency... it's connected to congress, not the White House. It's more like the GAO or OMB than anything. The 5 commisioners are put thru a process similar to judges, where the president nominates them, then congress confirms them to a 5 year term. They answer to Congress, which of course is all up in arms over Janet Jackson's tit. The white house technically has no influence over them, but we all know that there is politics to be played, especially when we are talking about multi-billion dollar businesses (TV, Radio).

    2) I have XM radio... and it is the ****. I have it in the car, here in the home office, and now I can listen to non-censored music, non-censored comedy (hello george carlin!) and non-censored talk shows, without commericals. It's worth the 10 bucks to get that... it's like HBO for the car.

  36. #36
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    I'm all for freedom of speech and all that jaz but the line needs to be drawn somewhere right? Or do we just let ANYTHING go?? Why have a government at all then right? Their job is to make decisions on certain things they feel in our (societies) best interest. It's almost like when you as a parent makes a decision for you child because in the long run you feel that you know what's best. This country would go to the dogs if people like stern and the rest of the pigs out there get free reign. I know some of you might like it but I can promise you society would perish. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. You can't say ban and sensor drugs but don't ban someone from having people just about have orgasms on the radio (howard stern movie) But I guess banning/censoring drugs is wrong to????

  37. #37
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    Of course a line needs to be drawn somewhere.
    In crowded theaters, free speech does not extend to that which causes panic or danger, or otherwise gets people hurt.
    On the other hand, free speech in art museums does extend to nudity, and even profanity.
    IMHO, what gets broadcast on 101 FM or 1080 AM should be limited to that which does not produce public injury. If people, however, discover that their delecate sensibilities have been offended, they can always change the station.

  38. #38
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    Man I never want to be a dog on a leash.... and do you honestly think the government knows or for that matter will do what is in the best interest of all the people, come on. Presidents have brain farts just like regular ppl. Congress men are not all knowing. You let them take Howard now, cause he farted on air, and whats next. I can't believe that there are such hypocritical views on this. Basically some ppl on this board think we should have access to AS and other things because we are capable of making those decisions for ourselves, but should not have access to an audio clip of an orgasm... blows my mind. Why don't we just go to a straight dictatorship, then they can tell you what clothes to wear when you get up in the morning and how many kids your allowed to have. Yeah well don't sign me up for anything where I'm just a soldier and supposed to do what I'm told. God gave me my own brain, and I **** well am capable of using it....... How bout you????

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by roccoswello
    Man I never want to be a dog on a leash.... and do you honestly think the government knows or for that matter will do what is in the best interest of all the people, come on. Presidents have brain farts just like regular ppl. Congress men are not all knowing. You let them take Howard now, cause he farted on air, and whats next. I can't believe that there are such hypocritical views on this. Basically some ppl on this board think we should have access to AS and other things because we are capable of making those decisions for ourselves, but should not have access to an audio clip of an orgasm... blows my mind. Why don't we just go to a straight dictatorship, then they can tell you what clothes to wear when you get up in the morning and how many kids your allowed to have. Yeah well don't sign me up for anything where I'm just a soldier and supposed to do what I'm told. God gave me my own brain, and I **** well am capable of using it....... How bout you????
    amen bro!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Of course a line needs to be drawn somewhere.
    In crowded theaters, free speech does not extend to that which causes panic or danger, or otherwise gets people hurt.
    On the other hand, free speech in art museums does extend to nudity, and even profanity.
    IMHO, what gets broadcast on 101 FM or 1080 AM should be limited to that which does not produce public injury. If people, however, discover that their delecate sensibilities have been offended, they can always change the station.
    Tock...the title of your thread is that Bush admin is responsible for the censoring of radio. Nice how you throw such an uneducated biased opinion out there and are not able to support it....again.



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