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Thread: a lesson for military members

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    a lesson for military members

    I have a story for all you military member out there, because i know there is plenty on here and it concerns the use of AAS. I have many close friends in the military, so i wish them the best and hope the deployed ones come home safe.i have read many threads concerning using AAS while in the military. For the most part,u have been worried about random piss test,but the fact is,they Dont test for it, unless your under some kind of investigation,or specifically being tested for the use of AAS. other worries r when they draw blood,do pyshicals,etc,..u dont have to worry. But there is a new delima u should worry about. as u know we are involved in war, and these days theres always the possibilities of Nuclear,biological agents,etc. our military gives our members certain vaccinations before there shipped out (antrax vaccination,small pox shot whatever). ok here's the catch. a really close friend of mine was getting deployed to iraq not too long ago, and when he was getting ready for deployment he went to get all his biological agent shots or vaccinations. and of course u fill out your questionaire of what types of medicines have u take,etc,and WHAT NOT TO TAKE with these. and as the military members on here know,these shots r important and u cant deploy without them.Well as he was filling out his questionaire for his small pox shot, in BOLD letters it said, u cannot take this shot if AAS use has been within a year--or something like that). wtf r u going to tell everyone, y cant u take that shot-your pretty much screwed. he was very very lucky though, with these shots, theres alot of do's and dont do's with them,very dangerous stuff.looking down the list he realized another dont do is taking his specific perscription acne medication(cant remember what it is called).so he told the contigency doc that he was on the med,and had to show the doc his perscip papers,and in the end didnt have to deploy.he was lucky. im sure this is going to happen to someone else,just wanted to warn your GI' in the end, its just best to sure other delima's like this one will show up,sometime down the road. u guys take care and be safe.

  2. #2
    Well thats good to know.

    Good post Bro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i've laready had my my anthrax shots (all six of them)-- good info though, and i am now out of the military..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zx7racing
    i've laready had my my anthrax shots (all six of them)-- good info though, and i am now out of the military..
    Me too, thanks for the info

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Charm City
    great info bro...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    what is that acne medicine? I'd really like to know

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rampage76
    what is that acne medicine? I'd really like to know
    Probably accutane

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas

    This sounds like BS to me. I am a combat vet and have been all over the world w/ the military, except Australia and Antartica. This was from '82- '90 and I took several types of acne meds during this time. We were exposed to radiation from nuke powered ships and subs, and the easiest to absorb rads. is through an open wound/sore or an ance pimple. During this time I took every type of shot, vaccinee, etc that you can think of, even antropine once, all while taking acne meds.

    If taking acne meds would keep you from getting deployed, everybody would be taking them.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by stengun

    This sounds like BS to me. I am a combat vet and have been all over the world w/ the military, except Australia and Antartica. This was from '82- '90 and I took several types of acne meds during this time. We were exposed to radiation from nuke powered ships and subs, and the easiest to absorb rads. is through an open wound/sore or an ance pimple. During this time I took every type of shot, vaccinee, etc that you can think of, even antropine once, all while taking acne meds.

    If taking acne meds would keep you from getting deployed, everybody would be taking them.


    I'm inclined to agree. I also read up on the anthrax vaccination and they say that the danger is in immune system suppressing medications. These include some steroids, but I don't think AAS would be too dangerous to the point where you have to worry about anything serious. I'm sure there are plenty of people on AAS that are taking their vaccinations before deploying.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    this shot was for the small pox. the reason i think he got by on it (acne med-it wasnt accutane either,some pill form)was because small pox has something to do with your skin(dont know,never had it),and taking the shot and the medicine,might have,or might not have did something.maybe the doc wasnt sure,and change his status to nondeployable,until the next bucket,when he's off bucket is 15months.(AEF concept).if you dont believe me, ask someone who's gotten the smallpox shot,the questionaire will in BOLD letters say a statement about use of AAS and this shot.anthrax is a different story also,not much research has been done with it,it can in the end come back and effect ppl,just a couple months ago the FDA didnt approve it anymore.the status has changed from approved to un and then back.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rampage76
    I'm inclined to agree. I also read up on the anthrax vaccination and they say that the danger is in immune system suppressing medications. These include some steroids, but I don't think AAS would be too dangerous to the point where you have to worry about anything serious. I'm sure there are plenty of people on AAS that are taking their vaccinations before deploying.

    your probably right, but later say that the smallpox was released and the AAS in his system made the vaccine ineffective,there goes one dead soldier,audtopsy reveals AAS and vaccine both in his body...hmmm,i wouldnt want to be that person...(just an example). gotta think there's not warning statements for nothing...esp with an issue like this(i bet hardly anyone knows anything about the smallpox shot-if u ask any mil person they say thats the WORST shot). and the comment of that guy above you,many ppl had the same attitude as he did going into the gulf war,think about all the GI's that came back with problems,..(and this is what started getting the anthrax and the smallpox shots)..and im sure he didnt have the smallpox shot cause my pops had been in for 26 years(was a combat controller in the AF) and didnt even recieve until he went to afgan. in 2001. just something to think about.

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