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Thread: pre cycle questions - thanks in advance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    pre cycle questions - thanks in advance

    Right now i cant nolvadex. i can get clomid. im gonna be stacking 500mg sustanon 250 with 25mg naposim ed for 8 weeks. Do i need anything for gyno during the cycle or can i just use clomid at the end?

    my stats - 195lbs , 14% body fat, 6'1'', almost 22, 1 cycle under my belt

    Ive been training since i was 16 but took a year off once and lost it all now im never gonna stop cause i got it back.

    also wanted to ask for a list of anti estrogen products - if there are any other than clomid and nolva

    also can someone give me the proper dosage of clomid or anything else they might recomend - ive read 300/150/50 does that mean 300 ed for week 1 150 ed for week 2 , 50 ed for week 3?

    thanks in advance - sorry also for not understanding all of the terminology

    another question - what does it mean to aspirate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Strong Island
    Quote Originally Posted by tod682
    Right now i cant nolvadex. i can get clomid. im gonna be stacking 500mg sustanon 250 with 25mg naposim ed for 8 weeks. Do i need anything for gyno during the cycle or can i just use clomid at the end?

    my stats - 195lbs , 14% body fat, 6'1'', almost 22, 1 cycle under my belt

    Ive been training since i was 16 but took a year off once and lost it all now im never gonna stop cause i got it back.

    also wanted to ask for a list of anti estrogen products - if there are any other than clomid and nolva

    also can someone give me the proper dosage of clomid or anything else they might recomend - ive read 300/150/50 does that mean 300 ed for week 1 150 ed for week 2 , 50 ed for week 3?

    thanks in advance - sorry also for not understanding all of the terminology

    another question - what does it mean to aspirate?
    your cycle can use some help bro. aside from that it's always a good idea to run 10mg's of nolva throughout your cycle, and it's a lot easier to get than you may think. You may want to look in the PCT forum and check Pheedno's stickies, lots of info that would be useful to you. To aspirate means once you push the needle in your muscle, you draw back on the plunger to see if you get an air bubble, this means your in the muscleand it's ok to shoot. if you draw back and get blood you best pull the needle out and put it somewhere else cause your in a vien...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    get the nolva. find it before you start. If this is your first cycle do not go with sust. It must be injected frequently and it is hard to keep blood levels steady. Choose test enan or cyp so you only have to inject 2x per week. Look for liquidex as well. Don't screw around and not use anti-e's, you will need surgery to correct problems later on that could have been avoided if you are prone to gyno. The stuff is cheap. There are tons of gyno horror stories on this board. So simple to avoid. Make sure you have all you need in hand before you start.

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