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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #4321
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    Well my somatotype is kind of hard to define - i seem to be ecto ,but not the lean one This means you are a hard gainer. [B]The best drug combo for such a body type is is test/tren/masteron/ GH and an occasional oral to help you gain additonal strength but the first four injectable anabolics mentioned are key to gaining additional lean mass without carrying as much bodyfat.. when i go over 300 gr of carbs i start putting on fat on my belly, I store fat mostly at the waist area as well as the lower chest area while my legs stay extremely lean all the time. It`s hard to put some size on and extremely easy to lose it (except for the legs). You should not bulk up but rather eat clean, train hard and work on gaining lean mass at a slow pace. 4 days per week of training is perfect! I have a very similar somatotype as you..[/B]

    What i`m thinkig of ,for the upcoming Reload, is having for consecutive protein/casbs meals as the last one will be my pre-workout meal ( i`m always hungry during the day). Then just a protein shake immediately post-workout and a solid meal (fish, walnuts, salad) an hour later as this will be pretty much my last meal for the day. Do you think not having carbs postworkout will disrupt my lean muscle growth? I feel you shoul dhave a few carbs post workout if you are trying to gain mass. A medium sized apple would be a good choice. Very important quesiton. Regardless of what you take, how you train or what you eat, you will never become as big and lean as your counterparts who are mesomorphic. Take in 1.5 grams of protein per gram of body weight. You may have to reduce carbs to 200-250 per day if you begin to gain too much body fat. You can still get a good body but like many of us you do not have the genetics to excel in bodybuilding. You will have to work hard and consistent to make noticeable improvements.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-13-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #4322
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I just concluded that having less than 200 gr of carbs daily makes me extremly week, flat and overall feeling like sh*t. I set my protein at nearly 300 gr (my lean bodymass is 170 lb), carbs at 250 and fats are aprox 50 gr.

    having in mind i just finished my 8 week cycle (reload) looking like:

    1-8 test prop 400 mg
    1-7 stanozolol 50 mg daily
    6-8 tren acetat 40 mg ED
    1-8 proviron 50 mg daily

    and we talked about second reload looking like this
    9-10 deload 250 mg test enantat
    11-18 test enantat 750 mg weekly
    11-18 boldenon 600 mg weekly
    19-20 deload 250 mg test
    PCT starts week 23 - is that correct?

    SHould i consider exchanging boldenone with tren or leave it like this for lean gains? ( i reckon it`d be too long to remain on tren)?

  3. #4323
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Last edited by slimshady01; 08-12-2012 at 05:31 AM.

  4. #4324

    One month ago my stack included 20 mg of Stanozolol ED and 50mg of Winstrol EOD. Here is stats of my liver enzymes/cholosterol after 3 weeks:

    1. LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase): 262 (135 - 225)
    2. CPK (Creatine kinase): 1242 (38 - 174)
    3. AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase): 60 (<40)
    4. ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase): 46 (<31)
    5. GGT (Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase): 10 (6 - 42)
    6. Cholesterol: 2.25 (<5.2)
    7. HDL: 0.57 (1.15 - 1.68)
    8. LDL: 1.46 (2.59 - 4.14)
    9. VLDL: 0.23 (0.26 - 1.0)

    Is it wise to include Tren to my current cycle (Test E 500mg. EW) with these enzymes/cholosterol levels, or should I normalize them beforehand?

  5. #4325 are right of my workout partners.. was only capable of 6 sets of shoulder presses.....wihtout shoulder pain.. ...8 was too much..!!!!!!.what percentage overhead press build side delts vs front??? why so many people.. say lateral raises are a must to get capped delts??????

  6. #4326
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  7. #4327
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfsmane View Post
    Should one build off shoulder presses for cannonball deltoids then use isolation movements such as front and side dumbbell raises sparingly?
    Absolutely! I dont recommend that you do direct exercise for your front delts, especially if you are doing incline presses for chest and over head shouldeer presses. It's best to avoid training chest and shoulders within two days of each other as well.

    Side lateral raises are often said to be the king for building side delts, but the real king is the over head shoulder press done in good form. They also nail the front delts. Exercises like front raises are a waste of time IMO! Side lateral raises are good for isolating the side delts but not as good for building huge side shoulders as presses. Over head presses for the shoulders are what squats are for the legs. Side lateral raises for the shoulders are what leg extensions are for the quads. Reverse cable flyes are needed to balanace out the rear delts.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-13-2012 at 06:38 AM.

  8. #4328
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=Live for the PUMP;6105196]Wow! What a read! This makes a lot of sense. I guess I need to incorporate a de-load in my routine![/QUOTE]Thank you! At first it can be mentally hard to do a deload but it's certainly needed if you train hard like you should be during the reloads. You will come back refreshed, stronger, get better pumps and get sore without having to over-train to make it happen.

  9. #4329
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=bigp87;6106157]Hey Ronnie, great thread!

    I consider myself a Endomorph body type, can gain bodyfat fairly easy etc.

    I'm weighing around 200LBS at the moment, 5"7, 25 years old with bodyfat at around 16% i'd estimate. I am currently on cutting cycle consiting of sus & Tren, and used dbol for kickstart.

    I'm considering doing a 20 week slingshot cycle as you have outlined. I have done fair few cycles in the past, and I don't feel many side effects however the gear is 100%. I am quite tolerant to most drugs I would say...

    I want a pure out lean mass cycle, with maximum muscle gained as possible.., what do do you think of the following for someone with my stats.

    The highest mg cycle so far i have ran is Test E @ 750mg, Deca @400mg, DBOL @ 40mg ed.

    Week 1-8: Test E - 500mg - 750mg ??
    Week 1-8: Deca - 400mg
    week 1-8: Dbol - 25mg - 30mg (can I run higher?)

    Week 9-10: Test E - 250mg

    Week 11-18: Test E - 1000mg
    Week 11-18: Deca - 500mg or Tren E - 400mg ?
    Week 11-18: Dbol - 50mg ED

    Week 19-20 Test E 250mg

    Week 21-24: Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Would these dosages be alright? Or should I up them further.
    Should I replace the deca with tren for the full 20 weeks?


  10. #4330
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I just concluded that having less than 200 gr of carbs daily makes me extremly week, flat and overall feeling like sh*t. I set my protein at nearly 300 gr (my lean bodymass is 170 lb), carbs at 250 and fats are aprox 50 gr. Then don't go lower than 250 carbs per day. I am the same exact way!

    having in mind i just finished my 8 week cycle (reload) looking like:

    1-8 test prop 400 mg
    1-7 stanozolol 50 mg daily
    6-8 tren acetat 40 mg ED
    1-8 proviron 50 mg daily

    and we talked about second reload looking like this
    9-10 deload 250 mg test enantat
    11-18 test enantat 750 mg weekly
    11-18 boldenon 600 mg weekly
    19-20 deload 250 mg test
    PCT starts week 23 - is that correct? This is correct and if you added 1CC OF TREN per day to this test/eq cycle it would be much more effective!

    SHould i consider exchanging boldenone with tren or leave it like this for lean gains? ( i reckon it`d be too long to remain on tren)?You can run tren along time just like test. In fact, they have discovered that the combination of these two drugs would work well for long term TRT! ADD THE TREN! Here's an article that helps explain- "The use of the anabolic steroid trenbolone has a long history in the bodybuilding but it has never really been considered a steroid suitable for therapeutic use in medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved tren for use in humans. The media has often demonized it as a dangerous veterinarian steroid never intended for human use. However, the perception of trenbolone may soon change with the publication of a favorable study in a major scientific journal.

    Joshua Yarrow and his colleagues at the University of Florida feel that trenbolone may be a viable alternative to testosterone for androgen replacement therapy. They are set to publish their study results in the February 2011 issue of the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism.

    The researchers report that trenbolone enanthate may have certain advantages over testosterone that may make it an appealing treatment option for some individuals. Bodybuilders may be familiar with many of these findings.

    Trenbolone is not adversely affected by the aromatase or 5-alpha reductase enzymes that metabolize testosterone into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, respectively. Bodybuilders have enjoyed tren for years precisely because they are able to avoid steroid side effects related to estrogen and DHT.

    Yarrow reports that low-dose trenbolone enanthate effectively produces anabolic effects in muscle size and partially maintains bone mineral density without causing prostate enlargement or polycythemia in castrated laboratory rats.

    Supraphysiological dosages of testosterone enanthate were required to produce anabolic effects similar to low-dose trenbolone administration. However, negative side effects of prostate enlargement and elevated hemoglobin became problematic at this dose of testosterone.

    Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) may be the current darlings of scientific research into alternative options for androgen replacement therapy, but University of Florida researchers are excited by the “SARM-like potential” of trenbolone.

    They suggest that the actions of trenbolone are similar to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Low-dose trenbolone is called “SARM-like” because of the positive anabolic effects in muscle and bone without negative side androgenic side effects of prostate enlargement or polycythemia.

    Trenbolone may have benefits over testosterone in terms of androgen receptor activation, the upregulation of growth factors such as IGF-1 and fibroblast growth factor, and anticatabolic mechanisms.

    Competitive bodybuilders have often preferred using trenbolone in the weeks prior to a bodybuilding competition due to its purported effects at accelerating fat loss.

    The current study confirmed that trenbolone has more potent lipolytic effects on visceral adipose tissue than testosterone milligram per milligram. Furthermore, visceral fat loss increased in a dose-dependent manner with trenbolone. In other words, the more tren used, the greater the fat loss.

    Trenbolone’s lack of aromatization, while generally desirable, has often been problematic for bodybuilders who have used trenbolone as the only steroid in a cycle. Therefore, most bodybuilders include an aromatizable steroid such as testosterone or Dianabol in their trenbolone steroid stacks.

    Researchers also recognize that the lack of aromatization could be a potential problem if trenbolone is used alone in androgen replacement therapy. In their study, trenbolone only provided a partial bone protective effect when administered to castrated rats. The authors attribute this to the non-aromatizable nature of trenbolone.

    They conclude that low-dose trenbolone enanthate treatment has SARM-like effects on muscle/fat body composition. Androgen replacement therapy with low-dose trenbolone could potentially produce anabolic gains comparable to supraphysiological testosterone treatment without the associated side effects. The therapeutic risk-benefit profile of low-dose trenbolone appears superior to supraphysiological testosterone treatment; however, additional research into this treatment option is necessary.

    The researchers should be applauded for dispassionately and objectively researching the potential of trenbolone in androgen replacement therapy. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that has been demonized more than others due to its limited use (in pellet implants used by veterinarians to increase muscle growth in livestock). Fortunately, they looked past the political stigma associated with trenbolone to revisit a therapeutic use for an old steroid.

    Special thanks to Michael Scally, M.D. for his diligence in staying on top of anabolic steroid medical research and sharing this study with MESO-Rx.

    Yarrow JF et. al. 7{beta}-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (Trenbolone) Exhibits Tissue Selective Anabolic Activity: Effects on Muscle, Bone, Adiposity, Hemoglobin, and Prostate. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print"]
    [ /QUOTE]above
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-13-2012 at 08:22 PM.

  11. #4331
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    One month ago my stack included 20 mg of Stanozolol ED and 50mg of Winstrol EOD. Here is stats of my liver enzymes/cholosterol after 3 weeks:

    1. LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase): 262 (135 - 225)
    2. CPK (Creatine kinase): 1242 (38 - 174)
    3. AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase): 60 (<40)
    4. ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase): 46 (<31)
    5. GGT (Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase): 10 (6 - 42)
    6. Cholesterol: 2.25 (<5.2)
    7. HDL: 0.57 (1.15 - 1.68)
    8. LDL: 1.46 (2.59 - 4.14)
    9. VLDL: 0.23 (0.26 - 1.0)

    Is it wise to include Tren to my current cycle (Test E 500mg. EW) with these enzymes/cholosterol levels, or should I normalize them beforehand? It's the winstrol increasing your liver enzymes and cholesterol levels. Adding tren would be a great option! /QUOTE]above

  12. #4332
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post are right of my workout partners.. was only capable of 6 sets of shoulder presses.....wihtout shoulder pain.. ...8 was too much..!!!!!!. i was afraid of that! what percentage overhead press build side delts vs front??? around 60% front delts and 40% side delts. why so many people.. say lateral raises are a must to get capped delts?????? It's because lateral raises work only the side delts and do in fact help add a capped look but lateral raise are not the best exercise for geting capped delts on the side. The best overall exercise to build the side delts is the shoulder press. Many great shoulders were built by using shouder presses alone. Work up to pressing a lot of weight in perfect form using a moderatedly wide grip, and your shoulders will become massive boulders. I prefer a hammer strength machine to help take the strain off the rotator cuffs and I do not allow my hands to go below my earlobes. Dumbell presses are great for people with healthy shoulders! Lateral raises come in second place for building the capped looked. Genetics plays the biggest role and anabolics help a lot as well in how much cap you can build.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-13-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  13. #4333
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ronnie just reposing one you missed..

    You put together my cycle under my circumstances i have... Here it is again .

    weeks 1-8
    Test 500
    Tbol 75mg

    Weeks 11 -18

    Test 400
    Deca 400
    EQ 400.

    Question 1..
    Can i up the EQ to 600? I have 300mg EQ in 1cc so it would be easier to measure or is there a reason to stay lower.

    Also starting my prime 2 weeks out right now.

    AS far as training I reread your post and it looks like 4-6 sets per body part at 12-15 reps stop few sets before failure?

    Just making sure cus normally you dont go so many sets but at a higher rep range with lighter weight maybe its ok?

    I also deceded to go very low carbs for this prime and higher fat for a better insulin response once i bulk Aug 27th.

    I will have a small refeed meal every 3rd day to refill some what.

    Thanks Ronnie.

  14. #4334
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6111552]
    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    I just concluded that having less than 200 gr of carbs daily makes me extremly week, flat and overall feeling like sh*t. I set my protein at nearly 300 gr (my lean bodymass is 170 lb), carbs at 250 and fats are aprox 50 gr. Then don't go lower than 250 carbs per day. I am the same exact way!

    having in mind i just finished my 8 week cycle (reload) looking like:

    1-8 test prop 400 mg
    1-7 stanozolol 50 mg daily
    6-8 tren acetat 40 mg ED
    1-8 proviron 50 mg daily

    and we talked about second reload looking like this
    9-10 deload 250 mg test enantat
    11-18 test enantat 750 mg weekly
    11-18 boldenon 600 mg weekly
    19-20 deload 250 mg test
    PCT starts week 23 - is that correct? This is correct and if you added 1CC OF TREN per day to this test/eq cycle it would be much more effective!

    SHould i consider exchanging boldenone with tren or leave it like this for lean gains? ( i reckon it`d be too long to remain on tren)?You can run tren along time just like test. In fact, they have discovered that the combination of these two drugs would work well for long term TRT! ADD THE TREN! Here's an article that helps explain- "The use of the anabolic steroid trenbolone has a long history in the bodybuilding but it has never really been considered a steroid suitable for therapeutic use in medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved tren for use in humans. The media has often demonized it as a dangerous veterinarian steroid never intended for human use. However, the perception of trenbolone may soon change with the publication of a favorable study in a major scientific journal.

    Joshua Yarrow and his colleagues at the University of Florida feel that trenbolone may be a viable alternative to testosterone for androgen replacement therapy. They are set to publish their study results in the February 2011 issue of the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism.

    The researchers report that trenbolone enanthate may have certain advantages over testosterone that may make it an appealing treatment option for some individuals. Bodybuilders may be familiar with many of these findings.

    Trenbolone is not adversely affected by the aromatase or 5-alpha reductase enzymes that metabolize testosterone into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, respectively. Bodybuilders have enjoyed tren for years precisely because they are able to avoid steroid side effects related to estrogen and DHT.

    Yarrow reports that low-dose trenbolone enanthate effectively produces anabolic effects in muscle size and partially maintains bone mineral density without causing prostate enlargement or polycythemia in castrated laboratory rats.

    Supraphysiological dosages of testosterone enanthate were required to produce anabolic effects similar to low-dose trenbolone administration. However, negative side effects of prostate enlargement and elevated hemoglobin became problematic at this dose of testosterone.

    Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) may be the current darlings of scientific research into alternative options for androgen replacement therapy, but University of Florida researchers are excited by the “SARM-like potential” of trenbolone.

    They suggest that the actions of trenbolone are similar to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Low-dose trenbolone is called “SARM-like” because of the positive anabolic effects in muscle and bone without negative side androgenic side effects of prostate enlargement or polycythemia.

    Trenbolone may have benefits over testosterone in terms of androgen receptor activation, the upregulation of growth factors such as IGF-1 and fibroblast growth factor, and anticatabolic mechanisms.

    Competitive bodybuilders have often preferred using trenbolone in the weeks prior to a bodybuilding competition due to its purported effects at accelerating fat loss.

    The current study confirmed that trenbolone has more potent lipolytic effects on visceral adipose tissue than testosterone milligram per milligram. Furthermore, visceral fat loss increased in a dose-dependent manner with trenbolone. In other words, the more tren used, the greater the fat loss.

    Trenbolone’s lack of aromatization, while generally desirable, has often been problematic for bodybuilders who have used trenbolone as the only steroid in a cycle. Therefore, most bodybuilders include an aromatizable steroid such as testosterone or Dianabol in their trenbolone steroid stacks.

    Researchers also recognize that the lack of aromatization could be a potential problem if trenbolone is used alone in androgen replacement therapy. In their study, trenbolone only provided a partial bone protective effect when administered to castrated rats. The authors attribute this to the non-aromatizable nature of trenbolone.

    They conclude that low-dose trenbolone enanthate treatment has SARM-like effects on muscle/fat body composition. Androgen replacement therapy with low-dose trenbolone could potentially produce anabolic gains comparable to supraphysiological testosterone treatment without the associated side effects. The therapeutic risk-benefit profile of low-dose trenbolone appears superior to supraphysiological testosterone treatment; however, additional research into this treatment option is necessary.

    The researchers should be applauded for dispassionately and objectively researching the potential of trenbolone in androgen replacement therapy. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that has been demonized more than others due to its limited use (in pellet implants used by veterinarians to increase muscle growth in livestock). Fortunately, they looked past the political stigma associated with trenbolone to revisit a therapeutic use for an old steroid.

    Special thanks to Michael Scally, M.D. for his diligence in staying on top of anabolic steroid medical research and sharing this study with MESO-Rx.

    Yarrow JF et. al. 7{beta}-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (Trenbolone) Exhibits Tissue Selective Anabolic Activity: Effects on Muscle, Bone, Adiposity, Hemoglobin, and Prostate. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print"]
    [ /QUOTE]above
    Ronnie, Thank you for the article. This is great to read and I will add it to my tren knowledge book for my other cycles!!!

  15. #4335
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    NOTE: Compound exercises are key to maximize hypertrophy for the chest, lats, quads and shoulders! Relying on exercises such as side lateral raises to maximize growth of the side delts is like depending on leg extensions for building maximum size for the quads, cable cross-overs for building maximum size for the chest, and straight arms pulldowns for building maximum size for the lats. So, you should not rely on isolation exercises such as lateral raises as your main shoulder exercise for the delts, but rather shoulder presses. Use isolation exercises only after you have fatigued the muscles with compound exercises.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-14-2012 at 07:47 PM.

  16. #4336
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Hey Ronnie just reposing one you missed..

    You put together my cycle under my circumstances i have... Here it is again .

    weeks 1-8
    Test 500
    Tbol 75mg

    Weeks 11 -18

    Test 400
    Deca 400
    EQ 400.

    Question 1..
    Can i up the EQ to 600? I have 300mg EQ in 1cc so it would be easier to measure or is there a reason to stay lower. YES I WOULD GO TO 600 MGS OF EQ WEEKLY. NORMALLY IT TAKES A MINIMUM OF AROUND 600 MGS WEEKLY TO NOTICE ANY APPRECIABLE GAINS. GO LOWER IN DOSAGE ONLY IF YOU BEGIN EXPERIENCING ANXIETY ATTACKS.

    Also starting my prime 2 weeks out right now.

    AS far as training I reread your post and it looks like 4-6 sets per body part at 12-15 reps stop few sets before failure? I WOULD STOP 1 REP SHY OF GOOD FAILURE AND 2 IF YOU HAVE JOINT PAIN DURING DELOADS. 4-6 SETS PER BODY PART IS GOOD.

    Just making sure cus normally you dont go so many sets but at a higher rep range with lighter weight maybe its ok? THE HIGHER THE REPS, THE MORE SETS YOU CAN DO AND STILL RECOVER BECAUSE IT'S EASIER ON YOUR JOINTS.

    I also deceded to go very low carbs for this prime and higher fat for a better insulin response once i bulk Aug 27th.

    I will have a small refeed meal every 3rd day to refill some what. You can do that! Lower your protein as well.

    Thanks Ronnie.

  17. #4337
    Hey ron you might have missed my question on the other page,

    I've cut down from 195lbs to about 180lbs now on slingshot test and winny. My question is when I go into PCT will I loose even more weight from the water i'm retaining from the test? I got as low as 176lbs when I barley drank any water and had no carbs a few days ago but as soon as I had carbs and drank my gallon of water I jumped back up to nearly 185 and my ab definition disapeared. Im guessing this is all just water weight from the test? It will all fall off going into PCT? I have an AI but stopped using it because I wasn't experiencing any gyno like symptoms

  18. #4338
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ron few more question.. you got my cycle all lines up now its time to get my training and DIET!! on par.

    Im the endo ecto build "lose muscle fast hard to gain without fat" I think im going to take your advice and not really bulk but eat some what normal.

    I maintain at around 2500 calories but i also have been doing 45 min of medium cardio 5-6 days week. I also have a huge cheat Sunday night but that all comes off in 2-3 days.

    I was thinking for my cycle to stay around 2700 calories and I may not do any cardio if so i think just once a week now.

    As far as macros... Right now im pondering 300-350 carbs... 2x bodyweight " im 177 now but pretty lean". Protein 1 to 1.5 " i know you will say 1.5 lol" Then fats will be whatever trace fats i get from my food. This is more in line with Chris Aceto style bulking, should end up being 15-20% fats. I just cant do carbs and fat very long without getting fat.

    Now i read through an old post of yours that said you like rotating high carb days followed by a lower carb higher fat and veggie day. You said this was keeping you very lean.

    Do still feel the same about this style dieting? Or should i just eat the same everyday "minus off days where i would cut carbs in half".

    I like the first 3 meals carbs protein followed by last 3 protein fat and veggies. My only concern is eating 100 carbs each meal for my first 3 meals or even higher.. I think i would feel like a bloated pig not sure.

    If you still think the high carb followed by the low carb days are worth it how would i go about doing it.

    YOu see how my how carb day will be so would a low day be something like:

    175 carbs
    Protein the same
    fats???? If i was 20% before what would i up to?...

    Im thinking i could go first 3 meals carbs protein then last 3 protein veggies and make it work.. I would lower calories by 200 to stay around 2500.. Upping my fats to make up for some of the carbs removed?

    And would i really rotate each day? I train Monday through Friday due to work. Saturdays i wouldnt want a high carb day falling on this day and Sunday I normally have my cheat meal at night.

    Monday - Chest
    Tuesday - Back
    WED - Shoulders
    Thurs - Arms
    Friday - Legs
    Sat - OFF
    Sunday - Off "cheat night"

    Seeing my training schedule how would you incorporate high and low days "thats only if you think this is still a good diet option"

    Thanks Ron,

  19. #4339
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    Hey ron you might have missed my question on the other page,

    I've cut down from 195lbs to about 180lbs now on slingshot test and winny. My question is when I go into PCT will I loose even more weight from the water i'm retaining from the test? I got as low as 176lbs when I barley drank any water and had no carbs a few days ago but as soon as I had carbs and drank my gallon of water I jumped back up to nearly 185 and my ab definition disapeared. Im guessing this is all just water weight from the test? Some water weight is from the test but mostly of it's from the carbs and water you took in. When you combine carbs with water you will hold water because it's the carbs that make your body hold onto the water you drink. Salt intake magnifies this effect! When people go into ketosis, pretty much everything they drink runs just right through them even while using test and taking in modest amounts of salt because there are no carbs to hold the water. It will all fall off going into PCT? The water retention from the test will leave but when you add carbs (depending on how many you add) your ab definition will blur even when you remove the test from your regimen. I have an AI but stopped using it because I wasn't experiencing any gyno like symptoms

  20. #4340
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    ron few more question.. You got my cycle all lines up now its time to get my training and diet!! On par.

    Im the endo ecto build "lose muscle fast hard to gain without fat" i think im going to take your advice and not really bulk but eat some what normal. this is what i have to do as well. I have the same type of build. It is what it is.

    i maintain at around 2500 calories but i also have been doing 45 min of medium cardio 5-6 days week. I also have a huge cheat sunday night but that all comes off in 2-3 days.

    I was thinking for my cycle to stay around 2700 calories and i may not do any cardio if so i think just once a week now. i think 15-20 minutes of cardio 3 times per week would be okay for you while trying to gain size but no more. And if you want to skip the cardio and put more time into training that would work well. Cardio is good for your heart but the more energy and time you expend doing it, the less time you have left to train when trying to add additional muscle mass. Diet, not cardio, is far more imporant for heart health and what your look like!
    as far as macros... Right now im pondering 300-350 carbs... 2x bodyweight " im 177 now but pretty lean". Protein 1 to 1.5 " i know you will say 1.5 lol" important note: Actually in your case 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight will work well because it's the ecto-meso and mesos that need more protein due to having more muscle mass and higher metabolisms. I have found that hard gainers get fat taking in too much protein along with the necessary carbs and fats requirements needed to function properly. Many people have it backwards thinking hard gainers need more protein but just the opposite is true! then fats will be whatever trace fats i get from my food. This is more in line with chris aceto style bulking, should end up being 15-20% fats. I just cant do carbs and fat very long without getting fat.

    Now i read through an old post of yours that said you like rotating high carb days followed by a lower carb higher fat and veggie day. You said this was keeping you very lean. it helps keep you stay lean because you are controlling both carbs and calories but it's not necessary to take that approach. It's just another way of doing things. Some prefer that method while others do not because the high carb day causes distres to their gi tract and throws off their sugar levels.

    do still feel the same about this style dieting? Or should i just eat the same everyday "minus off days where i would cut carbs in half". [u][/u]important note: Both ways work. The most simplistic and healthiest method IMO is to stay on the same diet 5 days a week then have a moderate carb up on wednesday (add in an additional 50 carbs that day) and then have a larger carb up on saturday. On saturday allow for one cheat meal such as a hamburger and fries which is a fat load as well.
    i like the first 3 meals carbs protein followed by last 3 protein fat and veggies. My only concern is eating 100 carbs each meal for my first 3 meals or even higher.. I think i would feel like a bloated pig not sure. you can have 5 carbs melas per day and just dont take any in at bedtime meal.if you still think the high carb followed by the low carb days are worth it how would i go about doing it.

    You see how my how carb day will be so would a low day be something like:

    175 carbs
    protein the same
    fats???? If i was 20% before what would i up to?...

    Im thinking i could go first 3 meals carbs protein then last 3 protein veggies and make it work.. I would lower calories by 200 to stay around 2500.. Upping my fats to make up for some of the carbs removed?

    And would i really rotate each day? I train monday through friday due to work. Saturdays i wouldnt want a high carb day falling on this day and sunday i normally have my cheat meal at night.

    Monday - chest low carbs
    tuesday - back low carbs
    wed - shoulders moderate carbs
    thurs - arms low carbs
    friday - legs low carbs
    sat - off high carbs plus 1 cheat meal
    sunday - off "cheat night" low carbs

    note: The above protocol works well because you will be your hungriest and most depleted folwling back and leg training sessions!
    seeing my training schedule how would you incorporate high and low days "thats only if you think this is still a good diet option"

    thanks ron,
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-20-2012 at 09:22 PM.

  21. #4341
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Awesome post Ronnie.

    I actually like hearing that i need only 1 gram protein per lb. I always thought that i was gaining fat from 1.5 -2 which im done in the past.

    Now when you say low carb days and that one high carb day on Saturday what is low to you and what is high?

    When i said was going 300-350 is that what i would do on the lower carb days or actually the 175? I THINK "not sure" i may be able to get away with the 300-350 spread through 5 meals "most in morning and post"
    so long as my fats are low in those meals.. BUt then would a high day consist of 400 -500? on my cheat day?

    Just want to have this dialed in perfect as i follow diets 100% and if low carb days are lower then 300 or so my total calories would be under 2700. " might not grow?"

    Here are 2 pics of me, one in the morning un pumped can see abs.... Abs are almost gone after my coffee and breakbeast... really pisses me off lol.

    Then another pumped at the gym.

    again im 5-10 about 175-177 ecto endo...
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    Last edited by slimshady01; 08-16-2012 at 09:01 AM.

  22. #4342
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6111552]
    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    I just concluded that having less than 200 gr of carbs daily makes me extremly week, flat and overall feeling like sh*t. I set my protein at nearly 300 gr (my lean bodymass is 170 lb), carbs at 250 and fats are aprox 50 gr. Then don't go lower than 250 carbs per day. I am the same exact way!

    having in mind i just finished my 8 week cycle (reload) looking like:

    1-8 test prop 400 mg
    1-7 stanozolol 50 mg daily
    6-8 tren acetat 40 mg ED
    1-8 proviron 50 mg daily

    and we talked about second reload looking like this
    9-10 deload 250 mg test enantat
    11-18 test enantat 750 mg weekly
    11-18 boldenon 600 mg weekly
    19-20 deload 250 mg test
    PCT starts week 23 - is that correct? This is correct and if you added 1CC OF TREN per day to this test/eq cycle it would be much more effective!

    SHould i consider exchanging boldenone with tren or leave it like this for lean gains? ( i reckon it`d be too long to remain on tren)?You can run tren along time just like test. In fact, they have discovered that the combination of these two dwould work well for long term TRT! ADD THE TREN! Here's an article that helps explain- "The use of the anabolic steroid trenbolone has a long history in the bodybuilding but it has never really been considered a steroid suitable for therapeutic use in medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved tren for use in humans. The media has often demonized it as a dangerous veterinarian steroid never intended for human use. However, the perception of trenbolone may soon change with the publication of a favorable study in a major scientific journal.

    Joshua Yarrow and his colleagues at the University of Florida feel that trenbolone may be a viable alternative to testosterone for androgen replacement therapy. They are set to publish their study results in the February 2011 issue of the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism.

    The researchers report that trenbolone enanthate may have certain advantages over testosterone that may make it an appealing treatment option for some individuals. Bodybuilders may be familiar with many of these findings.

    Trenbolone is not adversely affected by the aromatase or 5-alpha reductase enzymes that metabolize testosterone into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, respectively. Bodybuilders have enjoyed tren for years precisely because they are able to avoid steroid side effects related to estrogen and DHT.

    Yarrow reports that low-dose trenbolone enanthate effectively produces anabolic effects in muscle size and partially maintains bone mineral density without causing prostate enlargement or polycythemia in castrated laboratory rats.

    Supraphysiological dosages of testosterone enanthate were required to produce anabolic effects similar to low-dose trenbolone administration. However, negative side effects of prostate enlargement and elevated hemoglobin became problematic at this dose of testosterone.

    Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) may be the current darlings of scientific research into alternative options for androgen replacement therapy, but University of Florida researchers are excited by the “SARM-like potential” of trenbolone.

    They suggest that the actions of trenbolone are similar to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Low-dose trenbolone is called “SARM-like” because of the positive anabolic effects in muscle and bone without negative side androgenic side effects of prostate enlargement or polycythemia.

    Trenbolone may have benefits over testosterone in terms of androgen receptor activation, the upregulation of growth factors such as IGF-1 and fibroblast growth factor, and anticatabolic mechanisms.

    Competitive bodybuilders have often preferred using trenbolone in the weeks prior to a bodybuilding competition due to its purported effects at accelerating fat loss.

    The current study confirmed that trenbolone has more potent lipolytic effects on visceral adipose tissue than testosterone milligram per milligram. Furthermore, visceral fat loss increased in a dose-dependent manner with trenbolone. In other words, the more tren used, the greater the fat loss.

    Trenbolone’s lack of aromatization, while generally desirable, has often been problematic for bodybuilders who have used trenbolone as the only steroid in a cycle. Therefore, most bodybuilders include an aromatizable steroid such as testosterone or Dianabol in their trenbolone steroid stacks.

    Researchers also recognize that the lack of aromatization could be a potential problem if trenbolone is used alone in androgen replacement therapy. In their study, trenbolone only provided a partial bone protective effect when administered to castrated rats. The authors attribute this to the non-aromatizable nature of trenbolone.

    They conclude that low-dose trenbolone enanthate treatment has SARM-like effects on muscle/fat body composition. Androgen replacement therapy with low-dose trenbolone could potentially produce anabolic gains comparable to supraphysiological testosterone treatment without the associated side effects. The therapeutic risk-benefit profile of low-dose trenbolone appears superior to supraphysiological testosterone treatment; however, additional research into this treatment option is necessary.

    The researchers should be applauded for dispassionately and objectively researching the potential of trenbolone in androgen replacement therapy. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that has been demonized more than others due to its limited use (in pellet implants used by veterinarians to increase muscle growth in livestock). Fortunately, they looked past the political stigma associated with trenbolone to revisit a therapeutic use for an old steroid.

    Special thanks to Michael Scally, M.D. for his diligence in staying on top of anabolic steroid medical research and sharing this study with MESO-Rx.

    Yarrow JF et. al. 7{beta}-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (Trenbolone) Exhibits Tissue Selective Anabolic Activity: Effects on Muscle, Bone, Adiposity, Hemoglobin, and Prostate. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print"]
    [ /QUOTE]above
    Thanks. I'm typing from my cell therefore will go shortly
    Dont have the budget to add tren to above. I cqn either go for the abovementioned reload test/eq or:
    11-18 500 tes enanthat
    11-18 300-400 tren enanthat
    i guess i'll have to throw some B6 75 mg daily
    as well as 20 mg tamoxifen
    tren distroys my libido, how exactly should i incorporate hc?like this:
    11-12 3x500iu
    13-23 2x 250iu
    approved of? Is this better than test/eq?

  23. #4343
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    Hello again Ron

    Im not sure if this is something you want to get into or discuss for obvious reasons. But i thought id ask because your views on serious muscle needs serious aas supplement.

    im in my mid thirty's average build, decent genetics never cared for doing a show. But my friends who compete and just won the local provincials here have inspired me and made me question "what if" I can be a very dedicated and driven person and very competitive. I know i cant just get back into the game, do drugs and eat and sleep and train and win 1st.. but id be happy with 13th! just to say at my age i did a show against younger guys who have been training dedictaedly for years! oh though i will win first cause im fricking awesome!

    my question can be broken down to two possibility's

    1.) what extent of peptides and aas would i need to use to be show read in 11 months? would i have to be "on" from now till the final week of the show?

    Im not expecting you to write out a cycle plan for, but something to help point me into the right direction. I understand this isnt healthy or probably smart just to do 1 show for the hell of it. Maybe if they give out pro cars at the over 40 category i can work for the and get my old man HW procard haha. I hope you can help me out to the best of your ability with out asking to much of your time.

    thanks so much!

  24. #4344
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    question my current cycle
    test e 250mg a week
    test p 700mg a week
    npp 700mg a week
    masteron 400mg aweek
    winny 50mg a day

    was think of adding in tren a because i love the strength gains what do you think ?
    i get very few sides from tren. have ran up to 800mg tren a per week


  25. #4345
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi Big Ron...

    I think you missed my post in the page before :


  26. #4346
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.

    What AI do you recommend for blast and cruise long term? Adex or stane or some other? I've always used adex but have heard you shouldn't stay on adex long term.

    Thanks man!

  27. #4347
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks Ron!

  28. #4348

    noticed my right nipple is a little more pointy and puffy then normal and my left one looks somewhat normal. I never had any pain and I feel a tiny lump but it could just be bodyfat? it just feels and looks puffy. Also when if i squeeze it a get like a clear milky discharge. I'm running adex at .25mg EOD, should I up my dose or just wait until my PCT in the next 4 weeks, or start taking nolva alongside the test now? Will this subside once I start my nolvadex in PCT?
    Last edited by totallyok3d; 08-20-2012 at 09:07 PM.

  29. #4349
    ron -

    Should i change my workout routine in any way when going into PCT? Less reps keep heavy weight like it was on cycle?

  30. #4350
    ron -

    after my 6 weeks of PCT (you recommended 6 weeks since no HCG, would 8 be excessive or will 6 be fine?)

    Will waiting a month or 2 after PCT be long enough before I go back on cycle, or could I wait even less or should I wait longer?

  31. #4351
    ron -

    running test e and winny right now as i mentioned above. I changed my diet up and got down to 180lbs (endomorph) Im looking to get more shredded and have my abs visible which I think will be obtained if i get down to the low 170's.

    I'm currently stuck at 180-179 and can't seem to get passed that. I eat 250g P, 100g C(about 80g from veggies), and 30g F. This got me down to 180 but I cant seem to make and progress anymore, Im just stuck aroudn there. I eat this diet mon-friday and by the time it gets to friday i feel like complete crap, irratable, terrible sleep, weak, headaches from the low carbs. I have a moderate carb day saturday and lower my protein and on sunday have a cheat day that consists of mainly all carb sources for a refeed then back on it monday. Again, this is just keeping me around 180lbs, no changes really. What would you suggest to break this platue?

    I'm also doing cardio about 5-6x a week either PWO, fasted am, or after my last meal before bed. Sometimes I get 2 sessions in 1 day all 20-30 mins.


  32. #4352
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    awesome post ronnie.

    I actually like hearing that i need only 1 gram protein per lb. I always thought that i was gaining fat from 1.5 -2 which im done in the past.

    Now when you say low carb days and that one high carb day on saturday what is low to you (250-300) and what is high? 400 plus

    when i said was going 300-350 is that what i would do on the lower carb days or actually the 175? start with 250 then go to 300 if needed. I think "not sure" i may be able to get away with the 300-350 spread through 5 meals "most in morning and post"
    so long as my fats are low in those meals.. But then would a high day consist of 400 -500? On my cheat day? yes

    just want to have this dialed in perfect as i follow diets 100% and if low carb days are lower then 300 or so my total calories would be under 2700. " might not grow?" you will still grow on 250 carbs per day on the 5 low carb days given you eat enough fats to have a calorie surplushere are 2 pics of me, one in the morning un pumped can see abs.... Abs are almost gone after my coffee and breakbeast... Really pisses me off lol. [b]that's normal./b]

    then another pumped at the gym.

    Again im 5-10 about 175-177 ecto endo...

  33. #4353
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    Thanks. I'm typing from my cell therefore will go shortly
    Dont have the budget to add tren to above. I cqn either go for the abovementioned reload test/eq or:
    11-18 500 tes enanthat
    11-18 300-400 tren enanthat
    i guess i'll have to throw some B6 75 mg daily
    as well as 20 mg tamoxifen
    tren distroys my libido, how exactly should i incorporate hc?like this:
    11-12 3x500iu
    13-23 2x 250iu

  34. #4354
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by yellow View Post
    no, i don't take both egg whites & whole eggs raw, ron.. I mix 1 cup of egg whites and 1 whole egg in a bowl and beat them.. Then i lightly cook them in a frying pan (not overcooked). i would not eat an egg everyday due to them causing an increase in cholesterol, especially while using steroids.
    i am an ecto-endo type person.
    If my dinner at 8.15 pm (it's about 45-60 minutes post workout) consists of 9 oz of boneless chicken breast + 1 cup of steamed broccoli + 2 slices of whole wheat bread (substituting the extra virgin olive oil with whole wheat bread), do you think it blunts the release of gh at night, since i go to bed at 11.15 pm? no, it's not going to blunt gh release!but my last meal of the day at 11.00 pm just consists of protein & fats (1 scoop of whey protein isolate + 1 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter).

  35. #4355
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post

    what ai do you recommend for blast and cruise long term? Adex or stane or some other? masteron is the best choice if it works for you but it can cause anxiety for some if they go above 200 mgs per week. If masteron is not strong enough use aromasin long term. Some people who have gyno really bad have to resort to letro to keep the pain down. You don't have to use anything if you don't have gyno! i've always used adex but have heard you shouldn't stay on adex long term.

    Thanks man!

  36. #4356
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    noticed my right nipple is a little more pointy and puffy then normal and my left one looks somewhat normal. I never had any pain and I feel a tiny lump but it could just be bodyfat? it just feels and looks puffy. Also when if i squeeze it a get like a clear milky discharge. Your prolactin levels are too high. Get on some cabergoline! I'm running adex at .25mg EOD, should I up my dose or just wait until my PCT in the next 4 weeks, or start taking nolva alongside the test now? Increase adex to .05mgs daily and get something to decrease prolactin levels. Will this subside once I start my nolvadex in PCT? I don't think it will subside until 6-8 weeks post PCT without carbergoline.

  37. #4357
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks ron did you meen increase to .50mg adex daily? not .05mg?

  38. #4358
    Great post very straight forward and helpful tips.. Thanks

  39. #4359
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    Sup man,

    I kinda poked around in this thread a bit n found most of the answers I wanted. Plz critique. Initially i wanted to do 3 or 4 series of slingshotting so 3 reloads n 3 deloads in total. But after reading a bit seems like for the more hpta concerned person 2 8s is the way to go with a mild bridge. followed my a more elaborate pct with 2400iu hcg for 2 weeks? but then did u follow this with a serm? Also recovery wise, how elaborate would pct be if i did run 3-4 series?

  40. #4360
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6123565]
    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    Hi Ron,

    When saying you`d run test alone at 1 gr - you mean on top of 300 mg tren weekly, or ditch the tren and use ONLY test? I`m a bit confused, sorry.

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