ok so I'm not going to make you keep going back to my thread so here you go.
I was looking up the hypertrophy program...this one says to hit every set to failure and do a 3-0-1 tempo. Split days:
I do abs everyday and calfs every other day. Cardio before workout 30min at 70,50,70 %
Hey Bigsex what kind of bumps.....red with a little surface area or what?
Its a little late for me to go down that road now. Plus I am more into getting people healthy through diet and exercise. Not that MD's dont want to do that either. I just want to be the guy that helps that heart failure patient get back to a state of health to where they can enjoy their grand kids and live a good quality of life.
Last edited by MuscleScience; 02-20-2010 at 10:13 PM.
What about the workout though? Good, bad is there better?
why cardio after weights........I do my cardio and then rest....gets blood moving, warms up muscles......nutrients get carried faster.......or am I completly of track.....I am not tired at all off of 30min cardio.....I can run for a long time, four miles is a just a morning wake to me.....thats all I did in service run around a airfield
Do they go away?
U sure its not from shaving or heat? Do they go away? I have this red bump on my bicep its were two vessels meet at the surface......or something like that....doctor looked at it..actually two
lymph nodes should be a different shape and little larger......I think
Im thinking heat bumps or something caused by friction but I am no md
that sounds like a lymph node to me but I'm not a MD
I think thats what they are......which could mean infection
Its almost as if they have a slight football shape to them
One major reason is because your going to deplete the muscles glycogen stores. Secondly your hormone response will drop from doing cardio to wieghts.(adrenaline) Simple weight training is really a local effect relative to that of cardio which has a strong systemic effect.
You really only need a good five or ten minute warm up to get the body ramped up and ready to go.
Bottom line is if it works for you and like it better, then who am I to tell you any different. I just want to point out that doing HIT training is taxing and you want to be at your optimum at that point. How you get to your optimum is really up to you.
But you have lymph nodes everywhere, I wonder why it wouldn't be under your arm pit, neck, groin
Can you think of any instances that aggravate them or cause them to flare up.
Bottom line is that you need to seek the proper medical professionals in order to get a definitive diagnosis. We can guess and conjecture all night but a in person exam by a doctor is of course always best.
you don't have to be sick to have an infection or something alein in your body...I think the lymph nodes are in place to trap infections......I know that in some of the classes I have had studying std's like herpes......the lymph nodes in the groin area are raised during an outbreak.....but I could be way off man so go to the doctor
not sayin you have herpes man......sorry just in case
Muscle science is the hypertrophy exercise effective for size or should I keep studying HIT
Not really.
I thought at first, maybe it was a reaction to the deodorant I was using, and since then, I've used countless varieties, but they still pop up.
Then I thought maybe its because I shaved. Probably haven't shaved in a year, and they still pop up.
I really don't know. And your right. I need to see a doctor.
lol great, I got herpes.
Im pretty sure I dont, actually almost 100% sure, but hell, I guess its always a possibility. I have no clue...
The program in general.......I am looking for a workout program while my body can recover faster
Well not to be an a** but herpes can stay dormant and steriods are actually not a treatment........sorry still not saying you have herpes......just saying.....go to the doctor though if you type swollen lymph nodes in google you will not sleep for weeks...and it could be nothing at all
Sorry MuscleScience not meaning to jack up your thread, just trying to help my bro BigSex
I see, yeah I think it can work for you. It has the potential to anyway. I would point out that you have to find a program that your body responds best to. I have been working out for 14 years straight(except for major injuries). I have to say that I have tried about every program out there and there are basically 2 that I have found that I grow and get stronger on. I even write programs for people that they grow like weeds on, but they do nothing for me.
Your the only one that will ever know whats best for you. Of course there are fundamental elements in every training program that have to be there. Other than that its basically trial and error, to be honest. That is one of my secrets, so keep that on the downlow....![]()
umm not that i think someone will read this...and with delving to 5 pages of explanation...lets look at that question in an easier way..
if you were in a vehicle that was moving @ 1300fps and you fired a gun ( and for our purpose here) the projectile left the barrel @ 1300fps you would not keep pace with the bullet now would you...
so now you have the question of Albert's proposal that the speed of light is constant...
it's not, light is made of matter.. and like all matter when subjected to external forces it's speed does change... simple example if light was to reach the beginning vortex ( meaning more to the left it does not escape the field is caught till gavity of the black pells it apart creating hawkins radiation) of a black holes grav field it bends. thus direction is changed by gravity it will accelerate.... but light for unknown reason will return to it's known speed.
speed of light is also changed as it enters ..say water and is refracted.
this is an oversimplified answer. men in dark rooms have written books that are a mind numbing grind to understand to explain parts of how all this works...
but i think you get the jest.
i doubt anyone will read this...lol
Last edited by opie308; 01-30-2009 at 05:51 AM.
True or false, the chest is one muscle? If you only ever did flat bp, your chest would grow the same as a person who did flat, incline and decline?
There are actually two muscles in the chest The Pec major and Minor. The Pec Major has a very broad origin. It arises from the Clavicle and the Sternum with fibers also attaching as low as the 7th rib and into the abdominal fascial sheath. Each head has a somewhat different action. For example the Sternocostal head extends the upper arm, while the clavicular head flexes the upper arm. So each part of the muscle has a slightly different pull on the arm if you will. Doing different exercises hits different parts of the muscle to an extent. It is important to remember that relative to other muscle groups the chest is not considered a large muscle group. People will often hit the Chest as hard as they would their legs and back. This can be counter productive and can lead to injury or overtraining.
The pec minor actually pulls the shoulder blade down and towards the midline of the body.
Here is a real good site that I used in anatomy classes to help me visualize each muscle and its action.
First, thank you for your response MuscleScience.
Ok, are we saying the pec major and minor are the same muscle with two heads, or they are completely seperate?? From what ive learnt it is one muscle with two heads and you can not train one without training the other. Ive also learnt that the only reason we do incline, decline and flat bp, dp, is to make a chest training session more interesting, (no one really wants to do 15/20 sets of flat bp). Im sure i have scientific studies to support this, i shall try and find them..
No the Pec Minor and Pec Major are two completely different muscles all together.
Simply put the Pec Major is a triangular shaped muscle because of the way the fibers must lay from their attachment point to there insertion point on the upper arm. This means that the line of pull for each fiber is slightly different throughout the muscle. I am not saying that one part of the muscle contracts while another does not. What I am saying is that depending on the position of the upper arm, a particular part of the muscle is going to be under tension slightly more than another part. Again its because of the way that the fibers lay in relation to their particular attachment point.
EMG studies will show full recruitment of the Pecs when you do a bench or incline ect. EMG does not directly tell how much load a part of the muscle is under only the electrical activity of each part based on the number of motor units that are stimulated to fire.
Last edited by MuscleScience; 02-02-2009 at 02:46 PM.
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