very helpful!
very helpful!
Thanks Bino! Helped a ton.
hii im 22yrs old i was fat but then i cut down n became fit but still i hav sag cheast don know if its gyno ....wat do i do???? wat should i take??? i hav taken fat burners but its still there???plzz help me out im an actor n i reaaly these tits 2 go
ii im 22yrs old i was fat but then i cut down n became fit but still i hav sag cheast don know if its gyno ....wat do i do???? wat should i take??? i hav taken fat burners but its still there???plzz help me out im an actor n i reaay need these tits 2 go
thanks great post.answered my questions on ai vs serms
this has just helped me alot..Many thanks
I didnt want to make anew thread so i will post here..
Ok say you have had gyno for a longer period of time, the op gives the feeling that this is for "fresh" gyno feeling while on cycle.. What if it has been a while is there sitll possaiblity of help or is it knife time only?
Hey bro Im farely new to this I have had a slight formation of gyno and have researched letro and apparently its the best on the market. I do need a little help with letro though should I dose it straight meaning 7 days a week or only 5 on letro and 2 off and also should I take any other supplements while on letro I am not going to start a cycle yet i just want to clear up my existing gyno
C_Bino- I have a question..
I have gyno about the size of a quarter on my right nipple. I have never done steroids, but I did do Pro-Hormones about 2 years ago. After my cycle I was left with gyno on my right nipple. I was wondering exactly what I can take or do to try and get rid of it..
Thanks for the advice..
Hey just a few quick q's i'm 19 never cycled got gyno in september 2010 i assume from puberty late bloomer didn't grow taller till like 17 and 18. the lump hurt for awhile but now no longer hurts and is smaller. i wanna buy some letro and run at a low dose to get rid of it like c bino said. but i can't afford nolva too, to stop a rebound. wut do?
edit: also wut happens to your estrogen levels when you get off it? i imagine my estrogen levels are a bit sketchy due to my age and raging hormones. and wut can i do to prevent loss of libido?
Last edited by supazeus; 01-12-2011 at 04:18 PM.
Great post! Thanks for all the info.
hey whts going on man...i would really appreciate some help im wht you would call a rookie.. im about to strt a cycle but dont know what to start first or stack together? when to start it? how much to take at a time? or what the best way to take them would be? i need a complete breakdwn week by week please help i got ALOT of gear ive taken two cycles before jst test and deca got some decent gains about 12 pounds each time but im going for a home run this time heres what i got...tren 200 x10...test enathate 300 x10...wini 50 x20...anadrol 50 x100 and hgh somatropin 8.8mg or 26.4 iu x3 kits and some nolvadex 20mg x50 for pct which ive made the mistake of never taking the lst two timeS ive u can see its quite a bit...i dont even know what to start or if its too much ive read smtimes less is more i wnt the best gains with as litto side affects as possible again please some1 experienced give me a week by week breakdwn with milligrams and what stakcs (well u get the idea) to get the best results a diet would help too...also ive heard i have to take some insulin while taking the hgh is this true if so how much..any suggestions on supplements pre and post workout such as animal stack? PLEASE HELP I WILL BE FOREVER IN DEBT TO YOU SO ITS= WEEK BY WEEK BREAKDOWN...DIET...PCT...INSULIN?...SUPPLEMENTS?.. . .ps: do u think that letro would wrk for me now i hve gyno that ive had since my last cycle which was about 1 year ago any info helps man...bigdaddyets reffered you...u look like you know what your doing...srry to be asking for so much but i dont know wht im doing here ive heard your supposed to at least keep 50 % of your gains and im back to 0 each time wanna get some good results this time and keep them...thnx again
I've been on letro for about 2 weeks now...
A few quick questions
1. Does letro decrease test or just "function"? Because I am really starting to have trouble "getting it up"
2. Does the nolva afterwards help get the test back to normal?
3. How long is it safe to run? 2 months?
4. Should I see more gains in the gym while using letro?
I got bit on my nipple by a spider once..... It looked like gyno except the purple/black coloring and the addition of the puss pocket.
haha great post. thank you man.
great info as gyno is a major concern for me
I just have one question and anyone that can answer it really. Scenario - You're a newb, you listen to a couple people who "claim" to have the knowledge and decide to just go with sticking yourself.. (F...ed up yes and stupid) Ok now that's out of the way haha. Annnnnyways, you notice a slight tenderness once in one nipple, then itchy one day for a couple minutes... All this mid-first cycle. Advice is Nov from some and letro from others. What would those experienced recommend and how much? Then after cycle, what to use for PCT if you're currently on those "recommended" items during?
Thanks for the info on this C BINO, good writeup
Last edited by polarb68111; 02-27-2011 at 07:19 AM. Reason: horrible nightime spelling?
I would really appreciate it if you could answer this question for me. I'm taking your advice on doing Letro to reverse my gyno problem, so i'm about to start the Letro but currently i'm taking about 1.25mg of Finasteride a day for my hair problem. Can i start Letro while i'm on Finasteride?
this is great information
letro also stops tren gyno? like lactating nips.. grosss but does it????
so many conflicting theoriesi just wanna get rid of the lumps i have that used to lactate, nolva would reverse this process or letro?
it is from tren tho: thats a fact~!
matt, heres the thing, this is 6 months after cycle, can it be used by itself to just reverse it?
well done
on day 23 of my tren and test prop and i have a lump in my right breast. Should i run the letro in accordance to option 2 of bino's guide? If so then after day 5 what do i do?
how do you know its not prolactin related?
I have been on and off small cycles for about 18 years now never taking much more than 250 of sustanon per week with 200 deca and some arimidex. Until the last one which I started four mouths ago and I whet up to 800 sustanon, and 600 deca, each week, 2.5 HGH ed with 1-mg of arimidex ed. By the end of this cycle I got gyno bad for the first time. It is around the size of a large! marble under both nipples. With the info from your thread I started taking Letrozole after my pct. I am up to 2.5 ed for one week now. The sensitivity is almost gone but the lump has not gotten any smaller, that I can tell. How long should I expect to be on letrozole at the 2.5 mg per day to eliminate the gyno? Also I am planning to start a new smaller cycle in 30 more days. Should I just continue on with the letrozole, but at the .25 per day or stay at 2.5 per day? Should I take a break from the letro before starting?
Bino thanks for all the great info, here is a few specific questions though.
I have developed gyno after taking a test booster. i am currently taking nothing. Can i just run straight Letrozole? what happens after the first 5 days? do you repeat the process? Will this kill my sex drive? Desperate for some answers, thanks in advance.
I have not been on any cycle for well over a year. I am taking Letro now to reverse gyno effect. Therefore I fit into category 3 of your post. I have two questions for you.
1. Before I read your post, I already kicked off my liquid Letro by administering just 1 dosage thus far of 1.5mg, which I was going to continue EOD...... Should I just administer the next dose at .50mg (as according to your protocol) and just build up from there following your dosing method?
2. Your protocol states using Nolvadex to combat estrogen rebound. Assuming I follow your Letro dosing/tapering instructions correctly.......and I DO NOT incorporate Nolva at the end, is that going to give me BIG problems? Reason being, I simply do not have Nolva at this time.
Thankyou for reading, I look forward to your help.
Hey Bino. Great post! Wish I had read something like this a year ago... I ran a course of D-bol 9 months ago. Had some tess I planned on running alongside it. Into week 4 I got chronic tonsillitis and couldn’t go on training and had to stop my course and as a result ended up with Gino. It’s not massively bad but I defiantly want to try and reduce it so it’s unnoticeable. Guess you could say I didn’t do enough research before hand... I was taking Nova but stopped soon after I became sick. Anyway getting my hands on some Letro hopefully today. What do you think my chances are of reducing the size of the lumps as it has been 9 months since the gino appeared? Some of the lumps are still slightly tender but nothing like they were...
gyno: what if you took steroids in the past (over 1-2 yrs ago) but didn't cycle off properly (i have gyno now). i checked my levels (testosterone, blood work, etc) and they all seem to be normal. i don't know how much estrogen i have in my body but what should i do? should i do the 3rd option? vie been off steroids for over a yr so i think everything is out of my body but how do i get rid of this gyno without surgery?
gyno: what if you took steroids in the past (over 1-2 yrs ago) but didn't cycle off properly (i have gyno now). i checked my levels (testosterone, blood work, etc) and they all seem to be normal. i don't know how much estrogen i have in my body but what should i do? should i do the 3rd option? vie been off steroids for over a yr so i think everything is out of my body but how do i get rid of this gyno without surgery?
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