Originally Posted by xell
beautiful dog bro...sorry to hear taht...
Originally Posted by xell
beautiful dog bro...sorry to hear taht...
Yeah, that is def. him.Originally Posted by Dally
Check out this picture of buster. Notice his jaw muscles.
Here's samson he is two years old.
nice looking dogs you all got,here are some pics of my friendly giant his name is spike and he is a 7 years old englisch bulldog.
Well when I adopted my dog they said he was an Amstaff but it's essentially the same thing especially to someone that doesn't know dog breeds. The fact that he's a brindle makes him more recognizable. He's not registered and has no papers either so basically he doesn't exist.Originally Posted by alphaman
Down here in the States there are lots of organizations that come out to try and counter the Anti-Pitbull bills that keep popping up. No one is going to take my dog. Especially those ignorant phucking media hungry politicians.Originally Posted by Dally
Originally Posted by BigLikeBull
the last thing I would EVER do is underestimate the breed. Different breed specifics are for different ... specifics. Thats all I'm sayin. Game bred dogs would take apart a larger heavier dog in no time. I've seen it done man, a few times. Larger bullies are more simply for weight pulling or show, thats all I mean.
You have a website ... ahh, I just look it up. What are you selling your litters for?
Originally Posted by notus
Samson looks like a Staffordshire bull terrier... not a pitbull Notus, am I right?
He is dual registered as an american staffordhire terrier and a pitbull. (akc and adba) He does look a lot like a staffordshire bull terrier though. He was the runt of the litter and he never caught up to his bro.s and sisters but, I love his look.Originally Posted by Dally
Nice looking dog!Originally Posted by rodge nl.
I saw Bigtex say that Eng. Bulldogs are gonna be part of the banning. Why would this be? I thought they always have good temperments. I don't think I've heard of any incidents where they hurt someone.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
Since everybody's posting pics of their dogs..... here's mine- His name is Spike, I took these pics 5 minutes ago. He turned 16 wks. yesterday, so he's kinda skinny and awkward right now, but he's the smartest boxer out of the three that I've had. He already rings the wind chime on the door when he has to go out!
Good looking dog. He sounds pretty smart too. I hate it when my dogs go through the awkward stage.Originally Posted by alphaman
i ques it depends on who raises him,i only ran in with friendly bulldogs but its a very strong kind of dog so if someone would wanna turn him into a agresive dog and as far as i know you can get any kind of dog agresive then he could do some serieus damage.Originally Posted by alphaman
but mine is very sweet esp with kids,my nephew who is 2 years old always wants to ride him like he is a horse or something but he is fine with it.
I agree w/ this. It's a bunch of witchburning type bs legislation.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
I like your pit, very solid.
Here is my Leo only 66lb but a bad ass
Originally Posted by alevok
how old is leo? hes lookin good.
my female is 69 pounds... carring a few winter pounds tho....
shes gonna run some clen soon so....hehheee![]()
he is 2 years old
YEah guys.. there going after alot of breeds... I can't name them all from memory, but pits, english bulldogs, mastiffs, rots, or just a few being named in the bill. I'll get the complete list. They are only banning them in cities smaller than 1.9 million citizens.
where have they banned pits? does that include bull terriers too? i have always had pits and have an american pit now 85lbs, hes a senior now 10 yrs old. my buddy has a dogo argentine looks like pit but 125lbs. there are alot of pit type dogs now.
I can't fully answer your question, but I know they have been banned in Ontario Canada, witch constitutes for 70% of the population. You can own them, but any new breed will be put to sleep... I hate this garbage!Originally Posted by craneboy
Here is my boy Chester.He goes about 80pounds but he is very short.He is also AKC/UKC registered.All the pits in this thread are very nice examples.
The ban does not fully take in effect here in Ontario until October 29th. Until then you can still get a new pittie. Now would be a perfect time to adopt from a shelter. The pit in my avatar is fron the Toronto Humane Society and she's the best dog I've ever had. They do a real good job of temperment testing and making sure the dogs would do well in a new home. Don't buy and help the Back yard breeders stay in business, adopt, there are so many wonderful pitts that need a homeOriginally Posted by Justin Sane
Isn't Chester razors edge? That's what my dog Samson is.Originally Posted by thinkican
I bought a pit from a shelter once. She was a great pet, very smart. I taught here to balace a treat on her nose, jump a stick, shake, sit up on her back legs to beg, get her leash and bring me my keys.Originally Posted by SexyKitty
Yes,Razors Edge.Samson looks great.Kinda figured he had some Edge lines in him.Originally Posted by notus
Bros I will never ever let two pits play together.
I took Leo to my friends summer house yesterday. He also has a pit that grew up with leo. Since Leo is older he always tolerated his presence. Anyways they were swimming together at the beach. We were throwing objects to the sea for them to pick them up, for thirty min nothing happened. While we sat on the sand talk about things, they were still in the water swimming, all of the sudden we heard them growling, and bum, they started fighting in the water. They bit each other and they went down under the water. We jumped in the water and grabbed both of them but they were connected bad. We tried everything to seperate them, finally my gf found a stick at the beach I could use as a break stick so I could release Leo's firm grip. Jacumo has a big hole in his ear, Leo has several wounds on his face and his left leg. Those guys pratically grew together, we never expected that was coming.
Anyways lesson learned, never ever let two male pits play together. Shit does happen.
Hmmmm... I've never ran into that problem unless the pits are naturally dog aggressive. Most of my pits, when not dog aggressive could and would play along with each other with no problems whatsoever.Originally Posted by alevok
I hate to tell you this by MOST pits are naturally dog aggressive, even if they don't show it, it's in their genes. Ask any expert on pits and they will tell you this. You can socialize a pit until you are blue in the face, they may get along perfectly well with every dog you've ever introduced them to but that doesnt mean they are not inherintly dog aggressive. All I'm saying is if you know you're dog is okay with other dogs, let them play just NEVER leave them unsupervised, the worst thing is for sh*t to happen when you're not around, you may end up with a dead dog.Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
Well yeah, my dogs are never just left alone unsupervised with other dogs. I have two that do run free in my yard with a mutt that belongs to my kids and I've never had a problem.I used to breed 'em for years some time ago. Got out of it do to to many people trying to buy them for fighting purposes and ended up spending all my time getting them back instead of selling them. They all had run time in the yards but wer kept in their kennels when not supervised. Out of the hundreds I've breed and trained I only had about 12 or so that were dog aggressive no matter what the training. I just try to educate people in the manner of blaming the deed not the breed. I'm not trying to start anything.Originally Posted by SexyKitty
That's to bad that your boy got into a fight. I let my two boys play together all the time (never unsupervised) and never had any problems.Originally Posted by alevok
Trust me, I agree with the "Blame the Deed, Not the Breed", 150%. I feel this applies mainly to human aggressiveness though. Under no circumstance whatsoever should any pitty show human aggressiveness and unfortunatly when they do it usually has to do with, the owner, abuse, neglect, being trained to be aggressive and of course inbreeding due to popularity etc, etc...Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
99% of pitties in my mind are the most loving, intelligent, caring dogs that just want to give and receive love and please there owner, which is why blame the deed, not the breed is so applicable. My only point is that animal to animal aggressiveness is in their genes and can't be "trained out" necessarily, nor will they all show it as many don't (it's just part of their history, they were bred for big-game hunting and of course their history in the dog fighting ring does not help iether) Not implying all pitties will show it, just that most are capable (even a little and even if they've never shown it before) and should not be left unsupervised with other animals. My dog for example is scared of other dogs, she would never show aggression but may misinterpret playfullness from the other dog for aggresiveness and may do something out of fear of the other dog. Definitely not trying to start anything iether...i love these dogs, they get a bad rap, but I would not want any other breed.
she isnt scared sweety, shes causious. She has scars all over her face and neck and chest and arms, from the fights she's been in.
She was brought in with a larger male and dumped at the Humane society so, were not sure whassup with her past.
She is a great dog tho, really really amazing dog...cant say enough about er.
MOST other dogs dont know when to keep their distance from some dogs and thats what causes some problems, some dogs are a wee bit more tuned into the other dogs attitude at the time of their first hello's. I let her play with a HUGE dog de bordeaux and she was great, because that big fella knew when to fuk off, and when to try and hump....
hmmmm......maybe I should take some lessons from that big ol dog de bordeaux...![]()
geesus harley sure looks like a lil baby in that pic... thats the humane society pic they posted of er.
She sure is thin there.... she was all stressed and off the juice at the time
this is joonie. he's 4 years old. half pit/half rotty
not to brag, nor do I do this, but I will put up 10K that a smaller dog has NO CHANCE here against Shakes...hell Ill go 7500 on 2 at the same time versus him. But, honestly, he would rather give the 18 month old child next door piggy back rides..Great Dogs..Originally Posted by Dally
the dogs go for about 1800, trained and guaranteed...price is by wieght really, which can be determined at a fairly early age..
check these out, a perfect match for my pitbull...These are the REAL DEAL, no better Cane Corso's out there....http://www.italiancanecorso.com/ ENJOY!!
Looks like my wife!!!!but weighs less! lol
Originally Posted by BigLikeBull
YOUR the exact kinda person who has given the breed a bad name... you wantin to put up money to see a dog fight...
your a fukin idiot, an obviously HAVE NO CLUE WHAT MAKES A GAME BRED DOG AS LETHAL AS IT IS
YOU BREED AND SELL ... FOR SIZE .. thats how you price it.
to be quite honest I have edited this post before posting WAY TOO MANY times... and I refuse to be any part of what makes the breed any worse off than it is.
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