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Thread: "Generic Bluetops": Any info on them?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by john5
    idid a search on yahoo for kefie blue tops and nothing came up , is there another name i should be looking for?

    Kefei is the correct spelling.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Skull, who told you the Blue's were 120IU? They are 12iu/vial or no?
    Just started them yesterday btw.

    So do they look good and everything at least?

    Keep me posted and let me know as soon and if you notice the effects of it.

  3. #43
    Thanks baron.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    So do they look good and everything at least?

    Keep me posted and let me know as soon and if you notice the effects of it.
    Started them a couple days ago.. so far so good. I need a few weeks to let you know anything IMO.
    Bumping to 20IU EOD for the next 5wks so I should know soon

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    good luck brother!!! keep us informed! im on igf right now and am starting hgh right after into my cycle!!!

  6. #46
    I'd run the GH with the IGF atleast 2months prior to cycle for best results.. JMO though.

    Start with 2iu/day and bump it up after IGF is over and cycle begins... 6-8iu's.

  7. #47
    20 ****in IU's! Oooooh, yer one 'a those rich Mufukers huh?

    MUS BE NICE!!!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thnx for advise i will def try that and bridge it right into my cycle!!! sounds great!!

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    20 ****in IU's! Oooooh, yer one 'a those rich Mufukers huh?

    MUS BE NICE!!!
    Not rich.. you figure generic at as cheap as it is.. 20iu EOd = 300iu/month for only 2month span is some money but not totally ridiculous, some ppl pay more than that for prescription GH and run it for only 2-4iu/day. Plus I put most of my money into my lifestyle so it doesn't bother me. I have a goal that needs to be reached in the next few years. 230 under 10%

  10. #50
    yea I guess yer right.

    Shit only 230?! well for the next 2 years I guess thats really good but I want to get to at least 250 15% or under eventually.

    I would die happy. Its a fukin dream.

  11. #51
    haha Only 230.. on my frame that would be a monster.. have you seen MrMent?! I'll be competing nationally by that time.

  12. #52
    Ohhhh yea, I forgot yer gonna be another franko arent ya ?

    Yea, 230 on me would still be big but I gotta get higher than that.

    Mr ment is an inspiration, huge as SHIT!!!

  13. #53
    Hows it comin Ibd?

    Anythign to confirm their quality?

    Edit: oh wait, you need a few weeks huh?

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    i've been on my blue tops for almost 3 weeks now. I have already noticed an increase in vascularity. I feel like a baby with all the naps I have been having to take these past couple weeks. I also have noticed that, even though I have increased my food intake, my stomach looks like it does when I wake up. Meaning usually throughout the day with my food consumption my belly will get bigger and more bloated but since I have been taking gh it looks empty. I have not been on long enough to notice any drastic body fat or composition changes yet.
    All of this has been great but I get those red welts about 75% of the time. I've been trying to inject in my thighs so the welts stay away from my stomach.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by big1boy
    i've been on my blue tops for almost 3 weeks now. I have already noticed an increase in vascularity. I feel like a baby with all the naps I have been having to take these past couple weeks. I also have noticed that, even though I have increased my food intake, my stomach looks like it does when I wake up. Meaning usually throughout the day with my food consumption my belly will get bigger and more bloated but since I have been taking gh it looks empty. I have not been on long enough to notice any drastic body fat or composition changes yet.
    All of this has been great but I get those red welts about 75% of the time. I've been trying to inject in my thighs so the welts stay away from my stomach.
    The red welts are a reaction to 192aa. Stop using blue's. Trade them
    to some one who does not get 'red welts'. Seriously!

  16. #56
    No all I needed was a FEW DAYS.. I had huge red welps all over my stomach after a couple days.. 192 for sure.. this 191 generic is all BS I think.
    I'll probably throw them in the trash.. lol j/k.

    Deff not impressed or happy with results.. I'll stick with Jino's.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    No all I needed was a FEW DAYS.. I had huge red welps all over my stomach after a couple days.. 192 for sure.. this 191 generic is all BS I think.
    I'll probably throw them in the trash.. lol j/k.

    Deff not impressed or happy with results.. I'll stick with Jino's.

    No way!
    Damn, Im glad I waited.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    No all I needed was a FEW DAYS.. I had huge red welps all over my stomach after a couple days.. 192 for sure.. this 191 generic is all BS I think.
    I'll probably throw them in the trash.. lol j/k.

    Deff not impressed or happy with results.. I'll stick with Jino's.
    I'm sorry to here that your not getting good results. I know you cant talk sources on here but did you get them from the same guy as the people seeing good results on this board. Different sources carry different blues. Not all blue tops are the same.

  19. #59
    I don't know who they got them from, but mine suck. Good thing I only got 1kit used 20IU's in one day so only have 80iu left.. TRASH lmao

  20. #60
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    That's probably why they are so cheap, i am a true beleiver of paying a little more but getting a better product. I mean i understand in some cases you can find deals on stuff and get lucky but when it comes to GH i just think it's worth to spend a little more for the name brands, i mean generic is generic, there is a reason why it's so cheap. This is going into our bodies and we need to put the cleanest stuff in there.

  21. #61
    Yea that's like buying a halfprice steak and expecting it to taste good.. hmm maybe not lol

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

    Blue Tops

    When something seems to good to be true it usually is. What are you doing up shouldn't you be resting your muscles IBd?

  23. #63
    I'm carb depleted.. don't listen to anything I say for the next 6wks LMAO

    Lucky I didn't talk about a donut or cheesecake.

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