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Thread: RUHL 4 weeks out!!!!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    He must be good he is Mr O,

    truth of the matter a good big one will always beat a good small one end of story.
    I have to agree with you. and yes to each his own, different strokes for different folks. most people say "I'ld never want to look like that" becuase they simply CANNOT. I'd like to look like that but my genetic wont allow me to.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    *Clears throat* Phil Heath & Dave Henry
    Great physiques but will not win while Ronnie is still in the game, a larger BB will always be looked at more than a smaller BB (key word being looked at)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    I have to agree with you. and yes to each his own, different strokes for different folks. most people say "I'ld never want to look like that" becuase they simply CANNOT. I'd like to look like that but my genetic wont allow me to.


    Why be a bber If your not interested in looking or being a top competitor in bbing???

  4. #44
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Great physiques but will not win while Ronnie is still in the game, a larger BB will always be looked at more than a smaller BB (key word being looked at)
    I agree. But they do place higher than guys bigger than them.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #45
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    I would never want to look like Ronnie Coleman MM...I like playing sports, sleeping without an oxygen mask, being able to scratch my own back, and see my own dick without having to roll back my GH gut, hahaha, i just don't like coleman, obviously, lol


  6. #46
    Undecided, looking anything like Coleman isn't something I think many of us have to worry about, not even if we spent a lifetime trying to acheive it.

    I don't care too much for him personally, but the dude's a freak, you gotta respect what he's accomplished and sacrificed to be where he's at today.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I would never want to look like Ronnie Coleman MM...I like playing sports, sleeping without an oxygen mask, being able to scratch my own back, and see my own dick without having to roll back my GH gut, hahaha, i just don't like coleman, obviously, lol

    LOL, I feel you, but I wonder what Ronnie would have to say about you. fair is fair, he would have a right to his own opinion just like you do.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I agree. But they do place higher than guys bigger than them.
    Carlos, your right , here is something to think about. at the NY Pro, Darrem beat Dennis, if that was the Olympia, would the olympia judges allowed Darrem Charlie to place in front of Dennis James?? my opinion is I DOUBT IT. yes smaller guys can win smaller shows but we have to face reality, thats not th ecase when it comes to the Olympia. believe me I would love nothing more than smaller guys to start winning the Olympia, which will mean I might have a change because I cannot get that freakie size, so it would benefit me and you as well, but it is what it is for now.

  9. #49
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Carlos, your right , here is something to think about. at the NY Pro, Darrem beat Dennis, if that was the Olympia, would the olympia judges allowed Darrem Charlie to place in front of Dennis James?? my opinion is I DOUBT IT. yes smaller guys can win smaller shows but we have to face reality, thats not th ecase when it comes to the Olympia. believe me I would love nothing more than smaller guys to start winning the Olympia, which will mean I might have a change because I cannot get that freakie size, so it would benefit me and you as well, but it is what it is for now.
    Very true. For the olympia the bigger the better!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  10. #50
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    Hardcore Life!!!! Arrrgggggg!!!

  11. #51
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    bump wut about the waist enforced mandatory at the olympia, how come they dont enforce it?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    If a bigger guy has a "better" physique then ofcourse, but he shouldn't win because he is bigger, that, to me, is all that Coleman has brought to the BBing stage, and I think that is bullshit...

    Are you kidding me kid?

    That's all Coleman brought to the Bodybuilding stage?

    That's the most stupid and disrespectful thing i've ever read.


  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Are you kidding me kid?

    That's all Coleman brought to the Bodybuilding stage?

    That's the most stupid and disrespectful thing i've ever read.

    Maybe I was exaggerating just a tad....hahaha, I just don't like coleman, I would be better served just leaving it at that, lol, sorry about the rant...


  14. #54
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I would never want to look like Ronnie Coleman MM...I like playing sports, sleeping without an oxygen mask, being able to scratch my own back, and see my own dick without having to roll back my GH gut, hahaha, i just don't like coleman, obviously, lol

    It does look like you don't like Colman, which is a shame because he as done huge amounts for the sports and his physic speaks for itself,

    Just a shame you cant recognize this or even more so SEE it
    Last edited by marcus300; 09-12-2006 at 10:36 PM.

  15. #55
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    Regardless of anyone's particular bent, you gotta give the pros (and amateurs) respect. They've had to sacrifice personal time, money, relationships, etc., in order to build up their body (along with a few helpings of sauce along the way) to extreme proportions, for which the payoff is relatively small. Only the top guys can actually make money and come away with more than a few trophies to show for it.

    While we can all pick on a bodybuilder's particular weaknesses (and yes, I'm guilty of that as well) and argue the merits of some over others, they all deserve respect for what they have accomplished. And while I might prefer Jay and Dexter over Ronnie and Markus, I wouldn't mind looking like any of them. These guys have physiques (and so do some AR members) that 99% of the world's population don't. I'd say that uniquely qualifies them for a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T (sing it Aretha), especially from members of an AAS forum.

    Cheers to all!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Regardless of anyone's particular bent, you gotta give the pros (and amateurs) respect. They've had to sacrifice personal time, money, relationships, etc., in order to build up their body (along with a few helpings of sauce along the way) to extreme proportions, for which the payoff is relatively small. Only the top guys can actually make money and come away with more than a few trophies to show for it.

    While we can all pick on a bodybuilder's particular weaknesses (and yes, I'm guilty of that as well) and argue the merits of some over others, they all deserve respect for what they have accomplished. And while I might prefer Jay and Dexter over Ronnie and Markus, I wouldn't mind looking like any of them. These guys have physiques (and so do some AR members) that 99% of the world's population don't. I'd say that uniquely qualifies them for a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T (sing it Aretha), especially from members of an AAS forum.

    Cheers to all!
    damn, spot on

  17. #57
    Nicely said CSAR.

  18. #58
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    Jul 2004
    are u kidding me? I'd love to wake up like Markus one day. That sh*t would be nuts. Walking down the road, people's jaws dropping left right and center. I'd head straight for the beach hahaha

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    are u kidding me? I'd love to wake up like Markus one day. That sh*t would be nuts. Walking down the road, people's jaws dropping left right and center.
    ....saying "I didn't know the circus was in town".....haha

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    He already has. In 04' he placed 5th in the olympia, so I wouldn't say that.

    I definitly hope he comes in better then last year though. Very disappointing show by him.
    yeah last year sucked....i was definately disappointed.....i want him in the top 5 again this year.....DO IT RUHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #61
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    hahaha yeh man I'd say that would be one of the many thing's they'd say.
    I'd love to give it a go for a few days anyway. It would be cool just for the pure shock value.

  22. #62
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    Yeah, but dude its kinda like the saying, "you'd rather have people laughin with you than laughin at you"...I mean yeah people are in awe when they see that, but at the same time, its like "wow thats amazing, but I'm glad I'm don't look like that"...And ofcourse some of the members of this board will say things like, "oh well they couldn't look like that if they tried" and that is prolly true, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't want to look like a freakshow even if they could....


  23. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Yeah, but dude its kinda like the saying, "you'd rather have people laughin with you than laughin at you"...I mean yeah people are in awe when they see that, but at the same time, its like "wow thats amazing, but I'm glad I'm don't look like that"...And ofcourse some of the members of this board will say things like, "oh well they couldn't look like that if they tried" and that is prolly true, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't want to look like a freakshow even if they could....

    What i don't understand is, why are you so passionate about this kind of debate. I would bet my house that deep down inside you would LOVE to look like Ruhl.

  24. #64
    lol, he hasn't stepped on stage yet and doesn't understand the addiction that will soon follow. Give him another 5wks after his contest and see how he responds

    It's not about how big you can get it's about perfecting the body God gave you, Markus Ruhl has done just that with the genetics he was dealt.

  25. #65
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Yeah, but dude its kinda like the saying, "you'd rather have people laughin with you than laughin at you"...I mean yeah people are in awe when they see that, but at the same time, its like "wow thats amazing, but I'm glad I'm don't look like that"...And ofcourse some of the members of this board will say things like, "oh well they couldn't look like that if they tried" and that is prolly true, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't want to look like a freakshow even if they could....

    You are very negative for someone who wants to compete. You do realize the 'average' person you're describing would laugh at you on stage in oil and posing trunks. Not laugh with you, at you and call you a gay freak for being on stage.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  26. #66
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    lol, he hasn't stepped on stage yet and doesn't understand the addiction that will soon follow. Give him another 5wks after his contest and see how he responds

    It's not about how big you can get it's about perfecting the body God gave you, Markus Ruhl has done just that with the genetics he was dealt.

    Personally I could careless what anyone thinks. I am trying to perfect my body. Reach the goal of what I see as perfect and screw anyone else who disagrees.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  27. #67
    I think too many people blame their genetics for not being able to achieve the kind of mass that the pro's like Coleman and Ruhl have. Below is a picture of what Ruhl used to look like at 19 years of age, he wasn't exactly big naturally, neither was Ferrigno who was a skinny nerd lookin character in his teens. Ofcourse there are some genetically unfortuante people who just cannot grow, but i think most people just don't understand what it takes to look like a pro, the dedication, the iscolation, sacrifice, brains(bodybuilding is mostly mental), the money(these people probably spend 100k+ a year just on AAS & GH etc, not including food). What i'm trying to say is, good genetics isn't all these guys have, my hat goes off to them for their dedication and hard work and i would kill to one day achieve what Markus Ruhl has.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	markus,%2019%20anosb.jpg 
Views:	335 
Size:	8.9 KB 
ID:	73347  

  28. #68
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    thats a nice pic spyder ! yup lots of sacrifice, i know that for sure, no more late night partying,no new car for now, cuz lots of money spend on food and supplements, and it just gets worst later on, but once u step onstage u get bit bu the BB bug wanna prove u are the best and win right?

  29. #69
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    not wanting to look like a pro isnt an issue for most and never will be. we arent that lucky.

    its not ronnie or ruhl's fault they can carry 275 shredded to the glutes. they are the alpha and ***** of the bodybuilding culture along with schlierkamp. that kind of size is serious and deserves alot of credit and respect. drugs only played a part, that is a lifetime of work.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    jesus his skin is like, clear. but 300+ lbs with abs is sick
    Abs at that size! Amazing!!!!

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    I think too many people blame their genetics for not being able to achieve the kind of mass that the pro's like Coleman and Ruhl have. Below is a picture of what Ruhl used to look like at 19 years of age, he wasn't exactly big naturally, neither was Ferrigno who was a skinny nerd lookin character in his teens. Ofcourse there are some genetically unfortuante people who just cannot grow, but i think most people just don't understand what it takes to look like a pro, the dedication, the iscolation, sacrifice, brains(bodybuilding is mostly mental), the money(these people probably spend 100k+ a year just on AAS & GH etc, not including food). What i'm trying to say is, good genetics isn't all these guys have, my hat goes off to them for their dedication and hard work and i would kill to one day achieve what Markus Ruhl has.

    Alotta truth in that statement!!! I'm not arguing any of that...


  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    are u kidding me? I'd love to wake up like Markus one day. That sh*t would be nuts. Walking down the road, people's jaws dropping left right and center. I'd head straight for the beach hahaha
    I agree. In bodybuilder terms, Ruhl is a freak in every good sense of the word. The dude's as big as a house and I'm in awe at the mere thought of the dedication it took to build his body to those proportions.


  33. #73
    I agree CSAR!

  34. #74
    big boy

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremiahkentjensen View Post
    big boy
    old thread.

  36. #76
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    Its especially funny given he retired...

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder View Post
    I think too many people blame their genetics for not being able to achieve the kind of mass that the pro's like Coleman and Ruhl have. Below is a picture of what Ruhl used to look like at 19 years of age, he wasn't exactly big naturally, neither was Ferrigno who was a skinny nerd lookin character in his teens. Ofcourse there are some genetically unfortuante people who just cannot grow, but i think most people just don't understand what it takes to look like a pro, the dedication, the iscolation, sacrifice, brains(bodybuilding is mostly mental), the money(these people probably spend 100k+ a year just on AAS & GH etc, not including food). What i'm trying to say is, good genetics isn't all these guys have, my hat goes off to them for their dedication and hard work and i would kill to one day achieve what Markus Ruhl has.
    Ah, well, don´t have a pic at hand right now, but take a look at Andreras Klöden Nr2 tour de france, winner of Dauphine Libere and tell me something more about genetics (and look at some of his opponents) :-))

  38. #78
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    old sheit

  39. #79
    man look at the size of his foreams

  40. #80
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    son of a.....that guy is LARGE!

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