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Thread: injectables in a sachet

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I wasn't aware of 20ml sachets...I know the manufacturer and supplier of the 5ml sachets sells them in quanitities of 5/20/40ml's but it is just either 1/4/8 of the 5ml sachets bundled together.

    I see what you are saying about the anonymity of the guys we are trying to long as those don't get posted i'm good.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    5 ml are good to go, I've used T cyp with great results.

  3. #43
    DUKE: PM me your source on the 20ml sachets. If I'm correct, it's just a deal they're giving for 4 of the 5ml sachets with a price discount.

  4. #44
    the website told me "what would you do with 5ml sachets plus there expensive" .

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded
    the website told me "what would you do with 5ml sachets plus there expensive" .
    Sachets (legitimate ones) are insanely cheap. For under a few hundred dollars, one can acquire a full cycle of material plus PCT using sachets. Normally this would be much more for an online order.

  6. #46
    are the 20ml ones legit

  7. #47
    The stuff is legit and works fantastic, however What is most important is the process of transfering the juice. Make sure you filter it once and maybe a second time. Its a gamble not filtering it!

  8. #48
    I learned the hard way, i was very very clean, i got a huge abcess on my thigh and luckly i nursed my self back to health, with 0 surgery, if anyone wants to know how just email me

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    What is the best way to filter ?

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by rise2gr8ness
    The stuff is legit and works fantastic, however What is most important is the process of transfering the juice. Make sure you filter it once and maybe a second time. Its a gamble not filtering it!
    Would you mind PMing me the UGL name for the bad/unclean gear you received?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DecimaMAS
    Would you mind PMing me the UGL name for the bad/unclean gear you received?
    I will bet that the lab starts with S and the source starts with A

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    the 20ml sachets are good there is a lab report on there prop, it was sent in by another board & all was good.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Kale, i'm sorry to say but people have problems with gear all across the boards, and it isn't always the gear that is the problem. Even when someone has great sterile technique they may mess up in one small way and that could cause an infection/ automatically pointing fingers towards the source and the lab probably isn't the best way to go about things. A ton of people get that UGL from that source and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, the only problems people say they have is that it is a little more painful due to a high BA content...other than that MOST people are perfectly happy with those stealthy sachets and have run great cycles with them and ordered them more than one time.

  14. #54
    the 20ml sachets must be pretty big

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded
    the 20ml sachets must be pretty big
    That'd be the other problem. A 5ml sachet is pretty easy to conceal in the mail and most syringes can withdraw the contents in 2 passes at most.

    I'd hate to be sitting there for 15 minutes trying to suck out a bunch of Test from some gigantic breast implant. I just don't know about these..

    But hell, I'll try it once if you come back with some good reviews.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BoleBiff
    Frank12391: about those 3ml sachets from india..have you tested them? what was the results?
    No, I personally havn't but recieved enough feed back from users about them. Theres been alot of posts and P.Ms flying around. These sachets have been around since Feb 2006.

  17. #57
    good or bad feedback?

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Very good, but only the 5ml ones. They are definatly good to go bro, I assure you, except for those people who complain about abcesses but you know they didn't swab the sachets or even wash them first and contaminated the gear from crap sitting on the outside of the packs. I never had a problem. Do a search on sachets, theres tons of reading here.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Long Island, NY
    i did my first sachet shot 2 hours ago. it was 1cc of test e. no pains and no issues so far. i used a 25g syringes. it was hard as hell to push. i even heated it up under water. i guess i'm gonna have to go with 23's now. going to hit 1cc of eq on friday. not even going to attempt 25's with this shit. if no problems arise, then the cycle is on in full effect. (i havent tried these substances yet so this is why i am only doing 1cc of each this week).

    wk. 1-14 400mg eq
    wk. 1-15 500mg test e
    wk. 11-15 100mg eod masteron

    .25mg l-dex ed

    still debating when to incorporated hcg. possibly at the midway point. 250iu's every 4 days. still doing research on it. only deciding to go this route because i had to do two rounds of pct after my last cyce to get back to normal.

  20. #60
    so nobody has used the 20ml ones then i take it?

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I don't think there is any 20ml ones. People have seen 20mls advertised and are probably asuming there are 20ml sachets. The source is actually refering to 4 x 5ml sachets. If you order 80mls then you will get it split into 5ml sachets, you know what I'm trying to say?, Mfs

  22. #62
    the source i found is advertising them as actually 20ml sachets. pm me if you think youcan help me more

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    ok, here's the deal on the sachets. there are 3 ugl that produce them.

    the original source makes the 5ml. packs, u can find reviews and lab reports all over the net, but here's one by hooker http://www.*************.net/*******...e.php?artID=36
    i've used them, they work, but u will have to deal with a few days of post injection soreness, some people will get more severe reactions.

    next came the 3ml sachets, haven't tried em yet, but the reviews have been mixed so far.

    finally, we have the 20ml sachets, haven't tried em yet, but i think the reviews have been positive so far.

  24. #64
    cool thanks yahya for clearing that up

  25. #65
    where have you seen the reviews on the 20ml ones please send me the links thanks

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    ur welcome, it seems the mods are editing out any links to other websites. i guess all i can say is to try some other boards. there are reps for these labs out there and reviews both pro and con. u can try ************, professionalmuscle, ******, ********, mesomorphosis, outlawmuscle, **********bodybuilding, offshorebodybuilding, chemicallyevolved, ******** etc.

  27. #67
    cool ill check them out thanks

  28. #68
    I'e used the sachets several cycle now and experienced no soreness whatsoever and very satisfied with the results. BTW, I'm not talking about the Indian crap either.

    I am very interested in learning if the 20ml and the company that sells them are legit. If anyone is using them or has used them please let us know your results as far as recieving the items and the quality of the product.

  29. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by 6dra6on6
    I'e used the sachets several cycle now and experienced no soreness whatsoever and very satisfied with the results. BTW, I'm not talking about the Indian crap either.

    I am very interested in learning if the 20ml and the company that sells them are legit. If anyone is using them or has used them please let us know your results as far as recieving the items and the quality of the product.
    Good to see you've joined the board.

    Bump on this topic.

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