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Thread: crazy long bulker

  1. #41
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I would keep the GH dose the same on every day you take it. You can split 4IU by having 2IU in the AM upon waking up and 2IU in th early afternoon.

    I would leave the humalog PWO only.


  2. #42
    as a new guy I feel running so many at the same time,,,,,if u do get sides how will u know what gear it's from ? best of luck and post your gains as U go ..

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I would keep the GH dose the same on every day you take it. You can split 4IU by having 2IU in the AM upon waking up and 2IU in th early afternoon.

    I would leave the humalog PWO only.

    thanks man thats exaclly what im going to do!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Why is running Winstrol and Tren together a bad idea?
    Do u mean why is he running winstrol and tren together?

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7

    Do u mean why is he running winstrol and tren together?
    Tell me oh wise one, why is it a bad idea?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7

    Do u mean why is he running winstrol and tren together?
    why did u just rephras what he posted?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    Im so pumped I can hardly weight. I have been stocking up large amounts of food for this cycle. today I bought 64 17ounce t-bone steaks. in a week or so Im going to pick up 16 5.5lb jugs cyto sport mass and mass tech.
    I picked up a ton of vitamens and separted them all into packs for my daily intake(L-glutamine,V-c,*****-3 and 6,super primrose,glu sulfate,E-400, msm powder, creatin,dextros, and both animal packs nitro and the other vitamen pak. I also got injectable B12 witch I will probley never quit using. a bunch of chicken breast and tuna. got to get some sweet patato's when i start.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    I feel almost useless here. Seem that you probably have run way more juice than I have.... But,
    Inregards to what you might want to consider running at the end (Bridging for your next cycle).
    With all of my previous cycles, I start running 400/mgs of Primo a week the last 4 to 6 weeks of my cycle and continue out another 4 to 6 after. I also add 200 - 250 mgs/ per day of Teslac beginning a week after my last Test shot at the end of my cycle, and I run it like that for 4 weeks, then I drop to 100 - 150 ed for 2 more weeks and then off. (Yes I run Teslac, all through my PCT).
    I don't know if the Primo really helps, but it has almost became like a habit for me to always run Primo at the end of my cycle.
    Teslac.... I love it. It does so much more than just raise Test levels.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    Im so pumped I can hardly weight. I have been stocking up large amounts of food for this cycle. today I bought 64 17ounce t-bone steaks. in a week or so Im going to pick up 16 5.5lb jugs cyto sport mass and mass tech.
    I picked up a ton of vitamens and separted them all into packs for my daily intake(L-glutamine,V-c,*****-3 and 6,super primrose,glu sulfate,E-400, msm powder, creatin,dextros, and both animal packs nitro and the other vitamen pak. I also got injectable B12 witch I will probley never quit using. a bunch of chicken breast and tuna. got to get some sweet patato's when i start.
    i wouldnt drink a single shake in all honesty. only time i EVER think bout utilzing shakes through out my diet is when i use insulin.. but from past experiences insulin really isnt worth it.. the gains are so minimal its just pointless imo.
    only supplements i hvae found effective are aminos. hell multivitamins arent even anything special unless your depleting and on a very strict diet that is only incorporating a small variety of foods.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    regular shakes that just contain protien dont do jack for me(I got a fast matabolism). but when I use mass shakes I allways can feel and see a diffrence. I only use the shakes to get my protien up to were it is sopos to be. all the vitamens are a exsperament. Im going to see how my values check out compared to the last time i was on. I used the same vitamens 2 cycles ago and all my values were perfect thats what I hope will happen this time.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    any body use lion igf-1? if so how was it?

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    I wont be useing any igf-1. but I will be using lots of food!!! food baby! cant wate to start eating pounds and pounds of food. I been cuting with clen/t-3 and I hate it. my abbs are starting to come out and Im geting what mite be a vein in my lower abb but I got like 2 weeks to go. then Im going to be huge Mother f*&^@#!!!sucks right now cause i hate being this light Im like 209lbs when i wake up.

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