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Thread: AR-R dosage chart

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by arshigtx View Post
    Since you guys give syringes now, i was wondering does it come with needles? For instance clen, i know you dont inject it, but do you need a needle to use the syringe? Or can you still draw the substance into the syringe without and administer orally?
    Ar-r gives you a syringe without needle.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    i use a 100iu slin pin to withdraw it and administer orally, its easier and the units are easier to use.

    100iu = 1ml
    do you pry out the needle with pliers? I just know one day I will get sloppy and jab my tongue.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by durak View Post
    do you pry out the needle with pliers? I just know one day I will get sloppy and jab my tongue.
    You can but they do make 1cc syringes without needle.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by durak View Post
    do you pry out the needle with pliers? I just know one day I will get sloppy and jab my tongue.
    no i dont. you just gota be careful.

    i do however suck on the needle at the end to get every last drop of my sweet adex lolol

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic View Post
    This information can be found in many of the threads, but here is an overview of how to effectivley dose Lion's products:

    Dosage Chart:

    60mLs 6mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=6mgs
    1 pump=.6mgs

    30mLs 30mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=30mgs
    1 pump=3mgs

    30mLs .5mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=.5mgs
    1 pump=.05mgs

    30mLs 200mcgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=200mcgs
    1 pump=20mcgs

    Exemestane (Aromasin)
    30mL 25mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=25mgs
    1 pump=2.5mgs

    30mL 5mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=5mgs
    1 pump=.5mg

    30mL 1mg/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=1mg
    1 pump=.1mg

    30mL 2.5mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=2.5mgs
    1 pump=.25mgs

    30mL 200mcgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=200mcgs
    1 pump=20mcgs

    Liquid V
    30mL 25mgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=25mgs
    1 pump=2.5mgs

    30mL 1mg/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=1mg
    1 pump=.1mg
    Ok I posted this in another forums.So sorry in advanced for repeating myself just want to clear something up...When you say "one pump" Do mean just one line on syringe?

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Graniteboy View Post
    Ok I posted this in another forums.So sorry in advanced for repeating myself just want to clear something up...When you say "one pump" Do mean just one line on syringe?
    I believe that ar-r used to have a pump on top of their research chems. But now they give you a measuring syringe.

  7. #47
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    i just order liquid T3 and liquid Clen, what woiuld be a good dosage and schedule for it?

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Mouseofaman View Post
    All research chemicals come with a 1cc Syringe dispenser, unless otherwise specified.

    1cc = 1mL
    Does this include the Ketofin? I can't get onto the site. Server problems.

  9. #49
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    Yes, with ketotifen you get a syringe to measure with. Site is back up.

  10. #50
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    I just got my oral Tamox, it came with an ORAL syringe. It does NOT come with a needle, you don't need one, as an ORAL syringe is just that, to be dispensed into the MOUTH and no where else.

    One tip, in case this stuff tastes nasty and your dose is small enough, is you can draw up the needed amount (like for my Tamox at .5 Mg's a day (I guess, I'm not getting clear info on that yet, still researching)) and use a Double '00' cap to dispense it into to, cap the cap with the other end and then down it with water. Leaves NO taste in the mouth.

    You can buy Double '00' Caps from you local health food store, most carry them for capping one's own herbs.

  11. #51
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    Just ordered clen. I ordered plenty in the past (squirt) ez to measure that way. 1 squirt= 20mcgs.

    With the new syringe how do I properly dose it. Was having a hard time understand 1cc = 1mL so each line is 20mcgs if im not mistaken

    Can someone please confim

    - Marcus

  12. #52
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    Here is an article that might help you understand.. maybe you can post here your findings and help us other newbs out! lol I'm still confused too but not as much as I was before.... I'm trying to learn!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by combatstang View Post
    Just ordered clen. I ordered plenty in the past (squirt) ez to measure that way. 1 squirt= 20mcgs.

    With the new syringe how do I properly dose it. Was having a hard time understand 1cc = 1mL so each line is 20mcgs if im not mistaken

    Can someone please confim

    - Marcus
    1cc = 1ml = 200mcg (ar-r's clen) so .5cc = 100mcg, .25cc = 50mcg, .125cc = 25mcg

  14. #54
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    Any advice Mr. Toothache on dosing of Torem?? I've been doing a full 1 cc of the liquid Torem from Ar-r but not sure if I should do more or even less... gyno is still active and hurts so perhaps I'm not being aggressive enough... Using the oral syringe they provide I fill it up and squirt it into the back of my throat and swallow. Supposed to be stronger than Liquid Tamox... I don't see any difference at all...

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAMWolff View Post
    Any advice Mr. Toothache on dosing of Torem?? I've been doing a full 1 cc of the liquid Torem from Ar-r but not sure if I should do more or even less... gyno is still active and hurts so perhaps I'm not being aggressive enough... Using the oral syringe they provide I fill it up and squirt it into the back of my throat and swallow. Supposed to be stronger than Liquid Tamox... I don't see any difference at all...
    I've seen people dose torem 120/120/90/60 and 90/60/30/30 both said that was adequate pct and recovered fully.

  16. #56
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    OK, is that the cycle? Sorry, still trying to figure out all this stuff tballz... not sure what 120/120/90/60 is... I assume it's 120mg's which would be double the dose but then how long do I do that dosage before dropping it to 90 mg's and then eventually to 60 mg's??

  17. #57
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    120/120/90/60 is 120mg/day for the 1st and 2nd week then 90mg/day for the third week then 60mg/day for the last week.

  18. #58
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    FINALLY... thank you so much tballz..... tballz... love that handle... i hear ya dude! lol

  19. #59
    How about the doasge on the UDCA

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylan Rich View Post
    How about the doasge on the UDCA
    I took ar-r's udca e3d. So that's 250mg e3d while on cycle and with pct.

  21. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by JRoadZ View Post
    I remember gagging when the Clomid from AR-R hit my tongue...yuckk!! I really tried giving it a shot too, but I couldn't deal with that Tropical Fruit / Mint mixture.

    Does anyone know what the Clen and T3 tastes like?? I just ordered some...along with some pins and sterile vials to transfer some ST****H I also plan on ordering soon.

    I plan on using an oral syringe so in my math (correct me if I'm wrong)...

    200mcg = 1ml
    200 / 1 = 0.005
    If I started out Day 1 with 40mcg
    40 x 0.005 = 0.2ml (which is miniscule)

    I guess no one cared to strain their brain on my logic in the above post on how I THINK dosing should be with the oral syringe, and not a pump spray (which I did NOT receive in my package...was I supposed to??)
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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by macrylinda View Post
    I guess no one cared to strain their brain on my logic in the above post on how I THINK dosing should be with the oral syringe, and not a pump spray (which I did NOT receive in my package...was I supposed to??)
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    how about you fuk off you lil scammer

  23. #63
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    Ar-r doesn't send out pump sprays with their chems anymore.

  24. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    120/120/90/60 is 120mg/day for the 1st and 2nd week then 90mg/day for the third week then 60mg/day for the last week.
    Question about the dosage for Liquid Tamox that RAMWolff was discussing. I just recieved my bottle today and am eager to get started using it. However, I want to get the proper dosage information.

    The 1ml oral syringe has a scale listing .1 .2 .3 etc... How much of the syringe is needed for Weeks 1 &2 @ 120mg, Week 3 @ 90, and Week 4 @ 60? Is it a simple scenario where .1ml is equal to 10mg thus making one full syringe of 1ml equal to 100mg? I took the .5 yesterday [smells and tastes like mouthwash and isn't that bad at all] But After seeing the 120/120/90/60 will use that daily dosage.

    I just took another .5ml and will take the remainder later today after work once I hopefully get a response

    Thanks Guys
    Last edited by VanDamage0069; 08-19-2010 at 10:35 AM.

  25. #65

    Thumbs up Ureka!

    LOL, ok I maybe I noob but I think I got it figured out for my dosage, just let me know if I’m right!

    120mg/day for the 1st and 2nd week then 90mg/day for the third week then 60mg/day for the last week for Liquid Tamox

    Tamox bottle states 50 mL bottle with a density of 20mg/mL

    Weeks1&2 Daily Dosage is 120mg = 6 mL or 6 full syringes
    Week 3 Daily Dosage is 90mg = 4.5mL or 4.5 syringes
    Week 4 Daily Dosage is 60mg = 3mL or 3 full syringes

  26. #66
    I ordered some syringes off ar-r to dose with my clen the syrine is 1ml so one pump i assume is 1ml, so how much clen is in the 30ml 200mcg clen, is there a forumala for the stregth of the product so i can figure that out. thanks in advance

  27. #67
    I'm on day three and burning through this Liquid Tamox so fast! 120mg a day for the first 2-weeks is 6mL and half the bottle is almost gone! Did I figure out the dosing correctly?

    Furthermore I was advised to use Tamox over Letro because its less harsh. I developed the Gyno awhile ago should I switch to Letro after the first bottle of Tamox is empty?

  28. #68
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    Torem did just fine for me Van... Also I think you may be overdoing it... I still have a quarter of my original bottle left and my gyno is gone. When I read your 6 full syringes I was like .. no I did just two a day and that was enough!

  29. #69
    Hey Wolff,

    So what dosage should I be taking then? I did the math and 120mg equals 6mL of Tamox?

    I found this out on another forum:

    never more than 40mg.....
    some say 40,40,20,20...... and some say 20,20,20,20

    Was the 120mg you were discussing for the Torem rather than the Tamox?

  30. #70
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    Like I said, I filled up two oral syringes (1 Ml each) and that was plenty for me... I had pretty bad unilateral gyno on the left pec, flat and normal now and no more pain!

  31. #71
    I'm glad its gone for you, hopefully the Tamox does the same for me!

    2 more days left to complete week 1. Although I am going to have to order more by mid-week 3 after doing three days initially of 120mg.

  32. #72
    So far, the Gyno is still with me, I am approaching Week 3 of treatment with Tamox tomorrow. I had to order another bottle because of my inititial over doses. I also ordered a bottle of Letro and will begin using after I complete the full 4-weeks of Tamox. Should I jump right into the Letro, or wait x numbers of days or weeks?

  33. #73
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    What is the normal dosage for clomid? As in how many oral syringes per dosage for week 1?

  34. #74
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    Oct 2010
    Just received my T-3 from AR-R. Now, maybe I am a little "slow" or missed something but I would like to be clear....the T3 is 200 mcg/mL, the syringe they send with it is a 1mL so if I wanted a beginners dose of say 50mcg that would be .25mL correct? As some others have posted, if this math is correct, this seems like a very small dose. That leads me to my next question...I am under a pretty good suspicion that I have Hypothyroidism, I just submitted blood and saliva tests so wont have my numbers back for about a week but I have been charting my Basal Body Temp and it has been around 95.6 for the last 10 days, from all the research I have done this quite low temp is very indicative of hypothyroidism. So my question is, does anyone have an opinion on what a "good" starting dose would be? Should it be done in cycles? And finally, is the T3 to be just swallowed or held under the tongue for a while like with some other stuff? I know most of this info I will get when my results come back but I am impatient and would like input from those with experience. Thank you

  35. #75
    Just got my order and would like to take 1ml should I feel the syringe all the way or .1? TY

  36. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by VanDamage0069 View Post
    Question about the dosage for Liquid Tamox that RAMWolff was discussing. I just recieved my bottle today and am eager to get started using it. However, I want to get the proper dosage information.

    The 1ml oral syringe has a scale listing .1 .2 .3 etc... How much of the syringe is needed for Weeks 1 &2 @ 120mg, Week 3 @ 90, and Week 4 @ 60? Is it a simple scenario where .1ml is equal to 10mg thus making one full syringe of 1ml equal to 100mg? I took the .5 yesterday [smells and tastes like mouthwash and isn't that bad at all] But After seeing the 120/120/90/60 will use that daily dosage.

    I just took another .5ml and will take the remainder later today after work once I hopefully get a response

    Thanks Guys
    I have the same question, I would like to take 20mg does that equal .2 on the syringe.

  37. #77
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    If you're talking about ar-r's tamox it's dosed at 20mg/ml so 1ml would equal 20mg.

  38. #78
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    why not change the pump over to the syringe dosage for all chem and state weather they need to be refridgerated or not/ temp storage?

  39. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    why not change the pump over to the syringe dosage for all chem and state weather they need to be refridgerated or not/ temp storage?

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Ok so I havnt used Clen as of yet.. I need some advise if someone could PM me the answers to this.. Im confused about measurements.. So if one bottle is as follows 30mLs 200mcgs/mL
    10 pumps=1mL
    10 pumps=200mcgs
    1 pump=20mcgs
    and If I plan to use the following chart: Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg

    I plan to do this cycle 2-3 times. how many bottles will I need? (I feel like such a idiot)

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