Well i have yet to see the size gain, Ill give it till week 7
Well i have yet to see the size gain, Ill give it till week 7
Just did shot in glute 22g 1 1/2"
Guys I do have pics except for week 4 since I was a little down guessing gear.
So i will post pics hopefully when I notice something
Just in case anyone was wondering.
Today Marks week 5, did glute today.
Starting to get comments about a puffy face.
Hopefully thats good.
I think I will have more bloodwork done this week to see how my levels are because so far I don't see shit
This time I will get it done Wednesday, not the same day of my shot
Noticed some strength gain today doing bench presses
Got another comment about bloated face
Also removed Probolic-SR and replaced with cottage cheese
Also added a banana at breakfast
Sits me at
3818 Calories
318.7g Protein 33.4%
351.6g Carbs 36.8%
121.1g Fat 28.5%
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-07-2009 at 09:18 AM.
Not sure If im really carb sensitive but when I eat 1/2 cup of brown rice im much leaner and less bloated looking whereas I eat 1 cup per meal im more bloated.
But I dont want to drop the carbs and miss out on muscle.
Did other shot today.
No big changes yet
Good thread so far.. I'm thinking of doing the same cycle myself for my first. Do you regret not doing anything else like D-bol at the start to kickstart the cycle? I'm on the fence about doing that myself. Just want another opinion since we are the same height and almost the same size. Thanks
No I do not regret it at all
Honestly So far I personally think my test is shit because I have not seen anything major and im entering 6 weeks.
If i would of took the dbol I wouldn't have known anything until week 5-7.
Also my first cycle, stick with one compound so you can see how your body reacts personally.
Make sure your diet is in check other wise your wasting time just going to look like a puff ball for 3 month and then lose it all.
Post a pic as well
Also understand PCT.
Read the sticky threads.
I been here 2 years and read alot, seen a shit load of threads.
Information is key.
I just started, take the time and really evaluate your goals.
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-11-2009 at 08:02 PM.
Good advice.. I'll definitely do my research and be sure all variables are covered before I even consider venturing to the dark side. Good luck with your cycle, I'll keep reading and I hope your gains start reigning in soon...
Did another shot today
Cut out the oats from my diet since 5 1/2 cups really drained me.
Added 2 egg whites
Upped Chicken from 6oz to 8oz
Cut out 2 read meat meals replaced 1 with chicken 1 with tuna albacore
Dropped fat from 30% to around 23-25%
Might add oats back if I dont crap it all out only did because I had 5 1/2 cups.
Today i had my usual meals and this time was different
I only cut out oats today
But im hungry and started eating my 1:30pm meal at 12:30
Which never happens.
I am hoping and assume my body is craving more food due to an increase in Lean muscle/BMR rate and not because I cut out my oats.
WEEK 6 Day 2
Notice a bit of Pumps increase last night
I noticed my size was a bit bigger today PWO
Started the get tiny red acne on my shoulders
Hopefully this is good news.
Also woke up lower weight than normal
Also Added back my oats today to see if i get that hunger feeling 1 hour earlier than normal.
Once again Im eating my 1:30pm meal at 12:30pm.
This is a good sign to me.
Keep it up man,
get some pics up![]()
Where are they then man, get up posted up![]()
WEEK 6 Day 6
Did shot in glute
Nothing major yet in strength or size.
Still under 200 pounds
Woke up today at 196 1 pound up from the normal.
Will end up getting bloodwork done and if it comes back underdosed I will add test prop.
If it comes back dirty I will add cut up and start a test prop cycle, F enthante and waiting weeks to find out.
After talking to a few people
IM switching up to test prop ED at .75mg for 10 weeks
I have 40ml on hand I will need 52.5.
So far on this test I have noticed no strength gains.
I have a little bloat but Im pretty sure its from my diet and I have yet to go over 200 pounds.
Diet is "anal" clen.
If my diet had "eat 4 oz of horse crap" Id most likely eat it, Just How I am with my goal
So I got to order some more prop but I Will keep this going.
Id like to do bloodwork before I start but thats 350$.
So Monday would of been 7 weeks into this cycle so it may be 6 + 10
Or just 10 with this gear being bunk.
Will keep this updated
Posting some recent photos
Sorry to hear about the bunk gear dude. You seem to be handling it well. Keep at it.
last year during cutting after show
After last natty bulk on creatine + alri mass stack + beta alanine
Day before starting Test E after 2 weeks of morning cardio to clean up a bit from natty bulk
Taken a few days ago I think friday night after being on test E 500mg PW week 6
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-20-2009 at 05:29 PM.
O yeh this is not me......WTF
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-22-2009 at 09:43 PM.
Just did first shot of prop at 75mg.
Main this prop is much thicker than the test I was using
Hopefully I don't wake up with a limp in my ass
Ass is a little sore
When people request I will repost the photos.
About to hit delts again
Ass feels like it is bruised but no signs of bruising
Prop is much thicker.
Will have to start hitting quads, first time this week.
I hope that I do not flare up again in my delts like last time
Hitting left delt today with 75mg prop
This time I heat 2 inches of water in a small tupperware cup for 1 min in the microwave and sat my vial in it for 1-2 mins and pulled after.
Im shooting with a 23G 1"
I ordered some 25G 1" today
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-20-2009 at 05:32 PM.
Perhaps I missed something. Was it bunk gear?
Seems like it
Did 1.5ml 150mg today
Going to move to EOD for now since ED seems to screwup my workout the next day or 2
Thread Here
Woke up at 196
Normally been waking up at 194 or 195.
Also leaner.
Today i noticed I need more food than I normally been eating.
This is a good thing!
Last edited by jackjackson; 07-22-2009 at 03:31 PM.
Made some changes to my diet.
This is my current diet.
I will keep watching. Good luck!
you def looked bigger in those last pics u mite now of had bunk gear imo~~~
Up to 197.6 now
Did last nights shot in the quad, pretty painless and really easy.
I was pretty scared to hit the quad since there is way more nerves and I read stories of people hitting it and what not.
My oil is just really thick, i warmed it up in hot cup of microwaved water for 2 mins.
Anyways, I even had to add like 1/2 cup of rice to some meals + a protein shake pre workout plus at wakeup.
Not even end of week 1 and im very happy with whats been going on as before.
I have not taken pics yet and I will Monday night, sunday marks 1 week since I started on a sunday.
Prefer not to take a pic of me sunday since sat and sun are rest days.
Hunger Levels are increasing.
During leg days I will do lunges this week comming up, I normally leave them out because then I cannot do deadlifts.
But I need that compound movement, so awesome, but then again my legs are my best part and my back could use some thickness.
Moved to a prop cycle
yeh dude i think u got some bad gear. u felt any changes in mood that mite signal the test is kicking in?
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