I will now be doing test prop cycle at 150MG EOD for 10 weeks.
As my last Test E cycle was bunk, about 7 weeks in I switched to prop.
Also taking .25mg or .50mg arimidex every few days
Old Test E Log
Keep in mind my BF% was 14% before I started Test E because I just finished up my last natty bulk and cut for 2 weeks then moved onto the test and ran it for 7 weeks which did nothing.
So I upped my food intake in the sense It would be more used since I was on AAS but ended up not being real.
Ended up with some more bf.
No excuses, it is what it is and I know how to cut when the time comes.
Im running prop because I will not gamble again right now on a long ester to fine it is bunk hence why I am running prop.
Day 1- was shooting at first ED @ 75mg
Just did first shot of prop at 75mg.
Main this prop is much thicker than the test I was using
Hopefully I don't wake up with a limp in my ass
Day 2- Ass is a little sore
When people request I will repost the photos.
About to hit delts again
Ass feels like it is bruised but no signs of bruising
Prop is much thicker.
Will have to start hitting quads, first time this week.
I hope that I do not flare up again in my delts like last time
Hitting left delt today with 75mg prop
This time I heat 2 inches of water in a small tupperware cup for 1 min in the microwave and sat my vial in it for 1-2 mins and pulled after.
Im shooting with a 23G 1"
I ordered some 25G 1" today
Day 4-
Woke up at 196
Normally been waking up at 194 or 195.
Also leaner.
Today i noticed I need more food than I normally been eating.
This is a good thing!
Day 5- Up to 197.6 now
Did last nights shot in the quad, pretty painless and really easy.
I was pretty scared to hit the quad since there is way more nerves and I read stories of people hitting it and what not.
My oil is just really thick, i warmed it up in hot cup of microwaved water for 2 mins.
Anyways, I even had to add like 1/2 cup of rice to some meals + a protein shake pre workout plus at wakeup.
Not even end of week 1 and im very happy with whats been going on as before.
I have not taken pics yet and I will Monday night, sunday marks 1 week since I started on a sunday.
Prefer not to take a pic of me sunday since sat and sun are rest days.
Hunger Levels are increasing.
During leg days I will do lunges this week comming up, I normally leave them out because then I cannot do deadlifts.
But I need that compound movement, so awesome, but then again my legs are my best part and my back could use some thickness.
last year during cutting after show