that back lat spread is effing sick!
that back lat spread is effing sick!
can you describe cycle
looking good, keep updating your progress
I will post some pictures tomorrow!!! I have started cutting..... Cycle was as follows:
Weeks 1-4 SARMS S4
Weeks 1-4 E-Stane/X-Tren three caps each every day
Weeks 5-6: PCT
Weeks 7-10: M-Drol at 30mg a day
all I can say is WOW!!
keep it up brother.....
just get on ther gear already man lol
stuff the prohormones, their just killing ur liver
plus their steroids anyways, might aswell take the real stuff lol
least on the test you can shag like a rabbit aswell hehehe
(a very muscly rabbit with huge quads that would kick a foxes arse lol)
Yea man u a big 216. U should b able to cut lbs no prob and stay a beast. You got all that beef to eat up that bf. Nice work on the bulk! Its hard for a lot of people to grow a back like that. Legs lookn thick too. Awsome work! I was lookn for this thread cuz I read the sarms one. Sweet!
Last edited by 6ft5; 01-25-2010 at 07:06 PM.
Oh, I have a buddy that has a bb hernia. It wasn't that bad but he wanted to get it fixed. He had a bit of a distended belly look. Anyway he's had it dun and wasn't liften or anything just goofn around guess, patch messed up. Then he has had to get it fixed like three or four times after that. It wasn't even that bad to start. Now he's all round due to recovery time, lack of exercise. Ect..
i kinda skimmed thru the thread. and i think a good question that hasnt been asked is how tall are u?i would guess short..but being short makes it alot easier to be i just gotta get the stocky part down cause im only 5'7 lol
you asked to be critiqued so im gonna have to say that even tho most of you is just about right, the only thing i can see that could use work is bicep peak. could be fixed with body fat lowering to bring out shape.. or could just be genetics.
6ft5 thanks for the comments brother!!!! I am cutting right now....Lost 6lbs so far in two weeks.....Not trying to lose to much weight to fast.....
Yeah they want to cut me open and put a screen in, however I can't take that much time off......They are saying 4 months before I can lift a weight....No thanks...
I am 5'7"!!!! I'm not that short!!!!! LOL!!!!
I focused on my peak for the last month, so once the pictures are posted let me know!!!!
Let's see the gun show! Keep it up ur and gona have to shop at the big and tall store then get ur threads himd up. Lol! Has ur sight improved w ur off the s4? I'm intrested, but I don't know if I could read a tape measure if I were to do it.
Looking good brother!!!
Well u should hav shredd bout 8 lbs by now. I bet u look even bigger w a little bf gone. When u gona post pics?
That's good to hear! I hate workn too much.. I've been building a big azz deck. Guess it made my back tired and straind it sun on puiny weight doin deads. now I walk like a robot. I was just trn to grow a back like urs. Lol! Hope I feel better by next back day.
Nice physique Okinawa! Lets see some updated pics and see your progress brother.
Okanawa, let's see the cut results? unless u have anuther thread, if so let us fans check it out!
6ft5 I have been deployed for over 17 days....I continued to cut, but I was losing to much size so I started to consume more calories. I have my weight set with me, but I can't do as many exercises that I would normally do.....I get home on Friday so I can hit the gym on SAT!!!!!! Can't wait to hit the gym!!!!! I feel like I am losing strenght also.....I will post some pictures when I get home...I am more ripped then I have been......You shall see!!!!!
I here that! Can't wait! I'm deployed to a cheap ass hotel w no gym. But I'm building a nuther big ass deck. Hella hard work. Lol. But pounded the gym 5 days last week. I dropped a few pounds so I could start sum sust250. and swam laps 2 times and hot box last week. Got my cycle diet in check I got a few pics in my alblum not startng a tread cuz my laptops in the shop I'm on blackberry. I think I hit 240 sumthin real lean. Can't wait! Ahhhh! Lol. O yea when ur deployed what kind of lifting or workout do u do?? Cuz when I'm out I bring alittle wheight w me but usuall hit abbs good arms, pullups dips ect. Then blast lagging on weekends and sumtimes 2 a days if I eat a lot and feel good.
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