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Thread: Prostitution is common?

  1. #41
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    Tax sex? LOL. WTF. What happens if you dont pay your tax... lmao

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Also notice the lounge is no longer conversation.. its filled with people that need to be heard and argue invalid points.. atleast in this thread and a few others lately...
    yep I am getting this feeling too

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post

    "the real joy of sex is when the women actually wants to have sex with you even if she is attracted to your status"
    Yea. Love making is the best in all honesty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart
    (if a guy can, for some reason, only get off while someone is doin something freaky to a certain body part, but he has yet to meet anyone willing to do this for him...paying another person that finaly gets him off would be awsome for him.
    I have no problem getting off with just my hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to have a woman there to "clean me up" tho!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart
    and it looks like its ok for men to have lots a sex..but a lady is trash if she does??? as if the penis is immune to all diesies yet a va-jay-jay is a magnit to them lol i dont understand this way of thinking lol
    It's a double standard. Get used to it. haha. At the end of the day I dont wanna date/marry a slut. But damn they are fun.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    yep I am getting this feeling too
    its been a ruff week around here.

    I see you and Dukki return on the same day. Coincidence?

  5. #45
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Even when you're married it aint free lol.....
    This isn't actually directed at Haz as I have heard the above statement my entire life. Even from my father.

    Having said that, what kind of women are you guys marrying? My wife is well educated, has a comparable income, was independent before I met her and stays independent now. I imagine this becomes more common with every generation as women gain more equality.

    Like socialism, I think prostitution is an OK idea...until selfish humans try it, and are incapable of not treading on the weak. Prostitution will always be surrounded by organized crime, slavery, exploitation and drugs. I don't want to be involved.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    "sells her body" could be considered MANY things...including many of the sexy pix posted on the site lol

    some people dont need to see sex as an emotional connection every time they do it.... but other people may need the connection. Should we punish the people that dont need the connection, just cuz we do?

    "the real joy of sex is when the women actually wants to have sex with you even if she is attracted to your status" will allways be better for both people, but some people dont actualy need that, they want a show that maybe other girls/guys wouldnt do for them. (if a guy can, for some reason, only get off while someone is doin something freaky to a certain body part, but he has yet to meet anyone willing to do this for him...paying another person that finaly gets him off would be awsome for him.

    and it looks like its ok for men to have lots a sex..but a lady is trash if she does??? as if the penis is immune to all diesies yet a va-jay-jay is a magnit to them lol i dont understand this way of thinking lol

    respectable...mmmm, like a lawyer that knowing defends a serial killer? or a high powerd man that is awsome at his job but everyone in the comapny knows he is stealing from their 401k? or the strait A frat boy that gets chicks drunk at paties so he can fvck them? or the parent thats active in the community yet hasnt seen their own child/paid support in years? more respectable to be on welafre and struggeling while burdoning sociaty than to be independant ? ...Maybe prostitution is generaly seen as unrespectable beacuse its deemed illegal, or cuz some of the clints are married and getting serviced, or maybe cuz no education is needed to do it.
    good post

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    This isn't actually directed at Haz as I have heard the above statement my entire life. Even from my father.

    Having said that, what kind of women are you guys marrying? My wife is well educated, has a comparable income, was independent before I met her and stays independent now. I imagine this becomes more common with every generation as women gain more equality.

    Like socialism, I think prostitution is an OK idea...until selfish humans try it, and are incapable of not treading on the weak. Prostitution will always be surrounded by organized crime, slavery, exploitation and drugs. I don't want to be involved.
    Only while it is illegal.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    its been a ruff week around here.

    I see you and Dukki return on the same day. Coincidence?
    With Dukki you didnt know when he is going to pop up....and if you were implying me and dukki were on holiday you are wrong cause dukki took DSM with him....

  9. #49
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    Last edited by jasc; 08-12-2011 at 11:44 AM. Reason: shltty phone

  10. #50
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    Last edited by jasc; 08-12-2011 at 11:45 AM. Reason: thanks android..

  11. #51
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    not trying to hijack, but cal you could have the best avatar on the site... I have missed seeing it lately

  12. #52
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    u really had to say it 3 times????

  13. #53
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    my bad... good old android phone.. submitted the first 1.. edited it.. browser crashed and 3 pop up lol

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    my bad... good old android phone.. submitted the first 1.. edited it.. browser crashed and 3 pop up lol
    Thought so..........

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Also notice the lounge is no longer conversation.. its filled with people that need to be heard and argue invalid points.. atleast in this thread and a few others lately...
    Uhhh...isnt that what people are doing here? A topic was brought up and people are discussing it...Might be opinionated but, I havnt seen any body bashing any other members?

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Uhhh...isnt that what people are doing here? A topic was brought up and people are discussing it...Might be opinionated but, I havnt seen any body bashing any other members?
    what are you stupid?

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    what are you stupid?

    that was a really shitty thing to say asshole

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    ...and lets not bash on chicks to much, cuz the fact is..the whole reason for selling sex is cuz men want to buy it.

    also its in our nature to seek the man that can provide most for us, its ACTUALY hard wired in us..its how we regulate who will be the best provider for any children we may have with a man. Sure this is now a usless drive due to womens rights and equal employemnt, but it was only a few hundred years ago that we were utterly dependant on men due to the laws or tribe rulers (men). Its a survival skill installed in us to adapt to the enviroment we had to live in.
    Just like its in mans nature to be drawn to younger healthyer females cuz they will prob produce a healthyer child and your blood line will continue (exmple...not too many hott pix of fat ladyz posted all over the site lol).
    Maybe next time your ready to belittle a "gold digger" you can see it more as a chick that has perfected the skill of finding a man that will provide best for her self and possible child, and he is ok with that cuz he has mastered the skill of providing so that he can get a sexy healthy lady to produce a good child with.
    I hear you sexy4, dont mean to harsh on all females and this isnt directed towards you but....
    Just so my quote isnt taken too far out of context, I dont have a problem with women selling the kitty..At least they own up to their actions. Because, yes, if there wasnt a market for it then it wouldnt exist.
    No more is it the dope dealers fault that here are drug addicts, he is simply capitalizing on a demand for something that will be there whether he is involved or not.
    I have a problem with women who think that they are above dating a man because he doesnt drive the right car or live in the right area code. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a relationship with someone who is responsible/educated but when you only look for man to pamper a female then you are a goldigger. And have destroyed all of what women now claim to be. "independent self made, blah blah.." Either you be subservient to the male and let him provide for you(which is fine)
    or the female should be liberated/independent and provide for herself and dont look at my status before you choose to have relations with me. That is worse than a prostitute in my book. That makes her a WHORE!!!

    And with all statements I make in my life that can come off as racial or discriminatory if the shoe fits then wear it, If that is not who you are then it shouldnt bother you because I am not talking about you..

  19. #59
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ not at all , no worryz. Im a big gurl, if I thought something was too harsh and directed at me personaly ~ YOU'LL KNOW lmao

    *she says with a smart *ss smile and fun scarcasum*
    hell, if you guyz can toleerate my horrid spelling/gramer, I can tolerate you male way of "thinking?" lol

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Also notice the lounge is no longer conversation.. its filled with people that need to be heard and argue invalid points.. atleast in this thread and a few others lately...
    Interesting you should say this, im not having ago but you've only been here a month which makes me suspicious.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  21. #61
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    I'd be willing to bet that most people commenting on this thread have never actually seen or met a prostitute in person. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, which is probably the number 1 most highly populated illegal prostitution area on the East coast. These women are complete fvcking trash. Missing teeth, hair falling out, needle makes in their forearms, sleep and live on the street, and ever since I started working the door of a club outside, I've see some of them offer sex for as low as $10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why should we feel sorry for these scumbags? Get a fvcking job and live a normal lifestyle! The men that pay these women for sex are just as low as the prostitutes themselves. If you are unable to get laid, then maybe you should start changing things about yourself (including your personality) to make you more appealing to women. I don't understand how a guy could pay for sex and feel good about himself. What does he do, go back to his boys and brag: "Yeah I just got some amazzzzzzzzzingg asss, it cost me $200 though." What a joke.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Interesting you should say this, im not having ago but you've only been here a month which makes me suspicious.....
    If you go back through and read my posts you will find there is nothing to be suspicous about.. no bashing/starting arguments.. however when I state my opinion n people pick out little tidbits and criticize, then yes I will defend it respectfully...

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that most people commenting on this thread have never actually seen or met a prostitute in person. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, which is probably the number 1 most highly populated illegal prostitution area on the East coast. These women are complete fvcking trash. Missing teeth, hair falling out, needle makes in their forearms, sleep and live on the street, and ever since I started working the door of a club outside, I've see some of them offer sex for as low as $10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why should we feel sorry for these scumbags? Get a fvcking job and live a normal lifestyle! The men that pay these women for sex are just as low as the prostitutes themselves. If you are unable to get laid, then maybe you should start changing things about yourself (including your personality) to make you more appealing to women. I don't understand how a guy could pay for sex and feel good about himself. What does he do, go back to his boys and brag: "Yeah I just got some amazzzzzzzzzingg asss, it cost me $200 though." What a joke.
    well yea AC hookers street hookers are bad. But are we comparing them or the the high end escorts down there too?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that most people commenting on this thread have never actually seen or met a prostitute in person. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, which is probably the number 1 most highly populated illegal prostitution area on the East coast. These women are complete fvcking trash. Missing teeth, hair falling out, needle makes in their forearms, sleep and live on the street, and ever since I started working the door of a club outside, I've see some of them offer sex for as low as $10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why should we feel sorry for these scumbags? Get a fvcking job and live a normal lifestyle! The men that pay these women for sex are just as low as the prostitutes themselves. If you are unable to get laid, then maybe you should start changing things about yourself (including your personality) to make you more appealing to women. I don't understand how a guy could pay for sex and feel good about himself. What does he do, go back to his boys and brag: "Yeah I just got some amazzzzzzzzzingg asss, it cost me $200 though." What a joke.
    Ok .....So tell me this how is it different then taking a girl on a dinner date and drinks after and being a gentleman and paying for it.....Just saying sex is not free you pay for it one way or another. Have I done it with prostitute....nope..will I do it? Never say never. Nothing is free in this world there is always a catch. Do I look down on anybody based on what they do for living....nope I form my opinion on the type of person you come out as when I talk to you not what they do for living or color or religion.....

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that most people commenting on this thread have never actually seen or met a prostitute in person. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, which is probably the number 1 most highly populated illegal prostitution area on the East coast. These women are complete fvcking trash. Missing teeth, hair falling out, needle makes in their forearms, sleep and live on the street, and ever since I started working the door of a club outside, I've see some of them offer sex for as low as $10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why should we feel sorry for these scumbags? Get a fvcking job and live a normal lifestyle! The men that pay these women for sex are just as low as the prostitutes themselves. If you are unable to get laid, then maybe you should start changing things about yourself (including your personality) to make you more appealing to women. I don't understand how a guy could pay for sex and feel good about himself. What does he do, go back to his boys and brag: "Yeah I just got some amazzzzzzzzzingg asss, it cost me $200 though." What a joke.
    x2.. I think you hit the nail on the head in this post n the previous one... When people talk about prostitutes in situations such as this thread, most people are referring to high end call girls.. when in reality most prostitutes are trash, they crawl the inner citys and will jump in your car for $20 or their next fix.. Growing up in Detroit and Cleveland I've seen and intetacted with many of them while working at bars, no I've never touched one... The high end good looking ones are definitely the minority unless you're in LA or Vegas

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Ok .....So tell me this how is it different then taking a girl on a dinner date and drinks after and being a gentleman and paying for it.....Just saying sex is not free you pay for it one way or another. Have I done it with prostitute....nope..will I do it? Never say never. Nothing is free in this world there is always a catch. Do I look down on anybody based on what they do for living....nope I form my opinion on the type of person you come out as when I talk to you not what they do for living or color or religion.....
    Going on a normal date, dinner, drinks, movie or whatever could indicate a potential relationship. Two people get to know one another, and attempt to enjoy each others company. If you happen to have sex afterwards, then so be it. If not, well maybe she's a keeper and theres always time for another date. How many guy do you know paid a prostitute for sex, fell in love, and had a wonderful marriage and relationship?

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Going on a normal date, dinner, drinks, movie or whatever could indicate a potential relationship. Two people get to know one another, and attempt to enjoy each others company. If you happen to have sex afterwards, then so be it. If not, well maybe she's a keeper and theres always time for another date. How many guy do you know paid a prostitute for sex, fell in love, and had a wonderful marriage and relationship?
    Thats the thing Bronzer not everyone is looking for a relationship.
    Some people go on dates just to have fun for the night with someone with no expectations of going out again. Just something to do for the evening.
    Or someone may get an escort for the same reason. Have dinner some conversation and get laid.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Going on a normal date, dinner, drinks, movie or whatever could indicate a potential relationship. Two people get to know one another, and attempt to enjoy each others company. If you happen to have sex afterwards, then so be it. If not, well maybe she's a keeper and theres always time for another date. How many guy do you know paid a prostitute for sex, fell in love, and had a wonderful marriage and relationship?
    ok then how many guys you know that took the "potential" keeper on a date spend over 200 on her and she decided never to see them again? I known plenty....
    you are looking at this thing differently then I am ... u r looking for a potential partner in every girl you date....and sometimes its not a good thing.....At ur age (i am thinking u r 22) dont u want to fvck everything that have vagina and not asking for money?

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Thats the thing Bronzer not everyone is looking for a relationship.
    Some people go on dates just to have fun for the night with someone with no expectations of going out again. Just something to do for the evening.
    Or someone may get an escort for the same reason. Have dinner some conversation and get laid.
    and thats the difference....the later kind got laid and first sucker didnt...even though they spend the same....

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    ok then how many guys you know that took the "potential" keeper on a date spend over 200 on her and she decided never to see them again? I known plenty....
    you are looking at this thing differently then I am ... u r looking for a potential partner in every girl you date....and sometimes its not a good thing.....At ur age (i am thinking u r 22) dont u want to fvck everything that have vagina and not asking for money?
    I never looked at in that perspective, and you may be right. My maturity level is a lot higher than most my age, which isn't necessarily a good thing either.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Thats the thing Bronzer not everyone is looking for a relationship.
    Some people go on dates just to have fun for the night with someone with no expectations of going out again. Just something to do for the evening.

    Or someone may get an escort for the same reason. Have dinner some conversation and get laid.
    Good point....

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I never looked at in that perspective, and you may be right. My maturity level is a lot higher than most my age, which isn't necessarily a good thing either.
    i know what u r thinking but last time the girl said that to me I ended up fvcking her 10 minutes after this conversation...thought you should

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    what are you stupid?

    Better stupid than ugly!! heheheh...

    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    that was a really shitty thing to say asshole
    Now we got some good bashin going you like us now jasc,,

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Better stupid than ugly!! heheheh...

    Now we got some good bashin going you like us now jasc,,
    i wanna kick ur ass.....err lick the ass in ur avi

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Better stupid than ugly!! heheheh...

    Now we got some good bashin going you like us now jasc,,

    whatever makes you happy..

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    what are you stupid?

    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i wanna kick ur ass.....err lick the ass in ur avi
    In the words of the late Zyzz." COME AT ME BRO !!!" Yeah I am pissed because I forget who she is..I found her via some protein powder google search..ya know chasing the side bar stuff that comes up when you type in something?
    Anyways she is smoking hot all the way around but all I have left is the memory..and of course my avvy...I love her..heheheheh.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    whatever makes you happy..
    Oh cmon dont get yer panties in a bunch.. Just havn a little Friday fun brutha!!

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    whatever makes you happy..
    <-- use to make me happy 10 yrs ago ....... I got the live "things" now

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that most people commenting on this thread have never actually seen or met a prostitute in person. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, which is probably the number 1 most highly populated illegal prostitution area on the East coast. These women are complete fvcking trash. Missing teeth, hair falling out, needle makes in their forearms, sleep and live on the street, and ever since I started working the door of a club outside, I've see some of them offer sex for as low as $10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why should we feel sorry for these scumbags? Get a fvcking job and live a normal lifestyle! The men that pay these women for sex are just as low as the prostitutes themselves. If you are unable to get laid, then maybe you should start changing things about yourself (including your personality) to make you more appealing to women. I don't understand how a guy could pay for sex and feel good about himself. What does he do, go back to his boys and brag: "Yeah I just got some amazzzzzzzzzingg asss, it cost me $200 though." What a joke.
    While I do agree a lot of prostitutes are bad off, you can't cast such a wide net on the entire profession. There are bad people everywhere. Living in Vegas you get to see both extremes in this case. I personally know a couple working girls who have husbands, kids, etc. They also pay their mortgages, taxes, and are respectable people. To equate all prostitutes in this bad light shows the ignorance of the profession. The drug addicts you mentioned aren't doing it because they want to, they are doing it to fuel an addiction. Some of the girls here do it because they love sex, they get to select and prescreen their clients and many also see the same few clients for years!

    Too many people have hang ups about sex. It is what it is. I suggest trying out a working girl, she may teach you a few things.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    While I do agree a lot of prostitutes are bad off, you can't cast such a wide net on the entire profession. There are bad people everywhere. Living in Vegas you get to see both extremes in this case. I personally know a couple working girls who have husbands, kids, etc. They also pay their mortgages, taxes, and are respectable people. To equate all prostitutes in this bad light shows the ignorance of the profession. The drug addicts you mentioned aren't doing it because they want to, they are doing it to fuel an addiction. Some of the girls here do it because they love sex, they get to select and prescreen their clients and many also see the same few clients for years!

    Too many people have hang ups about sex. It is what it is. I suggest trying out a working girl, she may teach you a few things.
    Just wait till the other boys in school find out about mommy's profession. The poor child is gonna go through living hell.

    One step ahead of you though, already nailed a porn star

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