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Thread: Preparing for 1st Show in 24 Months - MY LOG ON DIET/TRAINING

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2009
    My Daily Log - 12/01/12 thursday
    Trained Back today -
    Pull downs behind neck, 4 sets of reps between 8-10, increasing the weight in each set...
    Pull downs front, 4 sets again reps 8-10...
    Deadlift - 4 sets - 60kg 10 reps/ 100kg 8 reps/ 140 kg 6 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps...
    Bent over Rows with t-bar - 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 60 kg 10 reps/ 80 kg 8 reps...
    Seated rows - first three sets 10 reps then a set where i started off high weight 10 reps, knocked weight to half and did 8 reps, knocked weight down and did 8 reps.
    Machine Pulls, man i meant to find the name of this machine, 3 sets 6-10 reps, each arm pulling 40kg/60kg/70kg/
    I was going to do some bent over dumbbell rows but i was feeling a bit tired by now and out of breath so i left that till nxt time..
    30 mins cardio, speed 3.5, 25 mins, incline 8, burnt around 300 cals, then a slow run for 10 mins burnt about 80 cals...
    Feeling good, just got a bad bloated stomach, i think it might be my cnp propeptide shake bloating me out...

    JP2011 - 50 years of age and no skin? he must look in good shape... I did not know that salt could affect your body fluids this way but it makes total sense... Dehydrates...

    Thanks again guys especially Jp2011 and alexISthrowed... by the way alexISthrowed - what does your name mean?

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    North West, England
    Ye he looks immense 4 his age, he wud give some of the young lads a run 4 ther money, he lives n breaths bodybuildin. Ye its crazy how fine the line is wen it cums 2 the last few days b4 a show, in terms of salt carbs n water lol. Ur very welcome, happy 2 help

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Murder Mitten
    Thanks guys, like jp said don't dream man go out there and get it.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2009
    AlexIsthrowed - Man i am trying hard to go out and get what i want, my mates are all sat there eating kebabs, dining in restaurants and then there is me with my pack lunch eating my chicken or tuna...
    One day Lads i will have my pic up like Jp2011 and alexISthrowed....

    Todays Log - Fri 13th Jan 2012
    Trained Bi/Tri
    Started with close grip bench press, 4 sets, 10 reps of 60kg, 6 reps of 60kg, then i had to knock the weight down as my wrist felt funny, 40 kg 8 reps, Just the bar 15 reps...
    Skull Crusher - 4 sets, 10 kg each side, 8 reps all four sets...
    Rope pull downs - 4 sets 10 reps increasing weight each set...
    Bar pull down - 4 sets 10 reps...
    Barbell curl for biceps, 5 sets, 12 reps/heavier weight 10 reps/ even heavier 8 reps/ same weight 8 reps/ light 10 reps...
    Preacher curls, 4 sets - 10 kg each side, 8 reps.... 15 kg each side 4 reps, 10kg each side 8 reps, 10 kg each side 4 reps...
    Dumbbell curls - 5 sets - started with 15kg each arm 10 reps, then 19.5 kg each arm 8 reps, then 22kg each arm 5 reps, then 10kg each arm 10 reps, then 7.5kg each arm 8 reps...
    21s 3 sets light...
    concentration curls 3 sets to failure which was only around 5 reps with a 10kg weight...
    Cardio - 30 mins, speed 3.5, incline 10-15, cals 430, distance 1.6 miles.
    feeling good, another week completed, avoiding weights this weekend but will go do cardio for 45 mins on sat and sun... back to weights on monday??? is that right???
    i will be weighing my self on sun again... should i weigh my self every night like an obsession or once a week ok???

    Thanks Ladz

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    AlexIsthrowed - Man i am trying hard to go out and get what i want, my mates are all sat there eating kebabs, dining in restaurants and then there is me with my pack lunch eating my chicken or tuna...
    One day Lads i will have my pic up like Jp2011 and alexISthrowed....
    That's what It takes man! You will find out who your true friends are. The true friends will respect what you wanna do and support you the whole way. By the way throwed is ghetto talk for wasted lol. I'm not ghetto at all I just like the song still throwed by abn. It's just the name I use on most of the forums. Doesn't go with bodybuilding really, I used to party way to much when I was in school, now I rarely drink. Bodybuilding was a huge lifestyle change for me, and gave me something positive to focus on.

  6. #46
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    May 2009
    I have friends who understand and those that don't... That pushes me to show them....
    Bodybuilding is a way of life as you say but many don't understand this and end up being negative about it... It's not just about pushing weights, that's just one hour, it's what you do for the other 23 hours that matter, ie food...
    Thanks for the advice and time mate....

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    You get out of it what you put into it. I sacrifice a lot to do everything 100% with this sport but that's what it takes.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's Log, a little late...
    It's Sat night, did not sleep Friday night, which is real bad and I feel like crap... About to head to bed...
    Fri ended up going to see some friends, which was ok, diet was good on Friday too... Had to help a friend out with his work all night Friday till 5 am, he helps me a lot so I couldnt say no... Sat morning I promised my brothers to install CCTV in there business premisis which I had to do as Sunday I devote for family... So had a mad day fitting CCTV, had one meal all day which comprised of chicken and chips, then came home and had my chicken breast... Feeling shattered and pissed that I messed up my diet today and missed cardio, saying that I was running around all day... I am even more motivated to get it spot on now...
    Weighing my self tomorrow... Any one advise on frequency of measuring my weight? Weekly/Daily?..
    Hope you all had a good weekend, good night and catch you tomorrow...

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    I weigh myself everyday and write it down. I like to see how subtle changes effect my weight, and I like to have a detailed record of weight loss. If you are easily freaked out by gaining a few lb's weigh yourself once a week.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    North West, England
    I usually weigh myself every 3-4 days, little things can change ur weight by a few lbs such as if u drank more water than usual the day before, or even if u havent been to the toilet b4 u weigh urself lol. I weigh myself once a week off season n 3-4 pre contest. Gets to a point tho wer i stop weighin n jst go off wot the mirror tells me

  11. #51
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thnkas guys, i have weighed my self daily before and found that this very much influenced me in what i ate the next day as i would be alot more weiry of my weight and in increase... i am going to start doing a daily weight before bed time...
    Todays weight is 100.1KG which is down from last week but not immensly, i expect that is down to the messed up routine in the last few dys...
    I have done 30 mins cardio today and back on track with diet...
    Legs and Cardio Tomorroww...
    Another question, when should i train my abs and how... simple 100 crunches daily or mix it up with three exerceise and full 10 reps every other day???
    Appreciate your help JP2011 and alexISthrowed...

  12. #52
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Boys i have some ephidrin, thinking about taking this in the morning before i train, what do you think??? I know your supposed to stack it with asprin and caffine... so if i was to down them with my coffee in the morning would this be ok... should i put some asprin in there??? I took them once before 2weeks on 2 weeks off, in the off weeks i took some clen but got bad cramps on this so avoided it even though i was drinking alot of water... i found that ephidrin alone was making me sweat buckets...

  13. #53
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    North West, England
    I have always used epherdrine n clen wen im dieting, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycling each. In my opinion they are the best 2 that can b used, ive tried t5 n thers alot of hype bout them but compared to clen n epherdrine they dnt measure up. That should be fine takin wi ur coffee, i used 2 set my alarm abit early, take them n av a snooze till they kicked in n then i was primed n ready 4 my mornin cardio, then av a coffee wi meal 1, only bad thing is the come down if ur unlucky enough 2 experience one lol

  14. #54
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Todays Log 15th Jan 2012
    Trained Legs
    Leg Extensions 4 sets reps 10/8/7/10
    Squats 5 sets 60kg/100kg/140kg/100kg/60kg - Reps 10/8/4/8/10
    Leg Press 4 sets 120kg/200kg/280kg/160kg - Reps 10/8/6/10
    Calf raises on Leg press machine - 4 sets of 160kg reps between 8-10
    Seated calf raises 4 sets 40kg/60kg/60kg/40kg reps 10/4/6/10
    standing calf raises 4 sets reps 6-10 weights unknown as nothing on machine but racked it all on there...
    lying curls - 4 sets reps 6-10...
    Abs - Crunches 4 sets of 15 reps
    Cardio - today i started running/jogging 30 mins/2.15 miles/ burnt 365 cals/ speed varied/ incline varied/

    Big Thanks to Jp2011
    Big Up to alesISthrowed
    Thanks lads
    Diet is good, changed the cardboard aka tuna for salmon, so two meals chicken breast 2 meals salmon...
    I will probably start using the ephidrin this week, dont have clen on hand and as said i get bad cramps off it so i guess two weeks on two weeks off on eph...

  15. #55
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    May 2009
    Tuesday 17th Jan 2012 - just noticed i got the date wrong yesterday... doh...
    Anyway, todays log, i have just weighed my self and my weight is stagnant, hase not moved from 100.1kg??? Seems a bit strange to me as i ran like hell today and sweated buckets...
    Today i trained chest -
    Bench Press 4 sets 60kg 10 reps/100kg 4 reps/ 100kg 4 reps/ 60 kg 8 reps. I had to get help for the 100kg i was ok going down on the negative but could not explode the bar back up, still feel like i lost alot of strength...
    Incline bench press with barbell, 3 sets - 60 kg 8 reps, 60kg 6 reps, 40kg 8 reps... man i felt weak today...
    Decline bench press 4 sets, 60 kg 6 reps, 60 kg 5 reps, 40 kg 10 reps, 30kg 8 reps...
    Flat Flyes - 4 sets of 10 reps 10kg dumbbells/ 15 kg dumbells/ 10 kg / 7.5 kg
    Cable cross over 4 sets of 10 reps incrementing the weight each set....
    Pec Dec 3 sets light of 8 reps...
    Cardio - 30 mins, covered 2.4 miles, 360 cals burnt, speed varied...
    I would like to mention that i ahve always had a problem with lifting heavy on my chest, deadlift and squats is ok but i dono why my bench is weak, i have lifted 100kg for 6 reps before but dont dare push my self further just in case of risk of injury...
    Diet is going ok...

    Another Question - When should i train abs, how should i train abs and the frequency???
    #Any other tips would be appreciated!!!
    Starting the ephidrin on monday, i think that will help smash a few kgs off.... certainly makes me sweat alot...

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    I'm not a believer in training abs as I feel they get hit with most other movements, but if you want to train them just throw them in 2-3x ew at the end of your workout.

  17. #57
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    May 2009
    Other questions - do I need to change my workout in any way? Maybe a split? I have done split before but find training each part individually hits the muscle better...
    I see people mixing in chest with legs???
    Just wondering what changes if any you guys have to suggest, workout, diet or even this log...

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    North West, England
    It all depends on the person n current goals, for me i train 5 days pre contest and train 4 days off season. At the minute my split looks like this...
    Mon chest n shoulders
    Tue quads n hams
    Wed abs n calves
    Thur bis n tris
    Fri back
    Sat rest
    Sun rest
    With 30 min cardio before meal 1 every day. Later in my diet i might add 30 min cardio before my last meal on sat n sun, but that all depends on how im lookin, how im reactin 2 my diet n if id prefer to lower my calories or increase cardio.

    Off season the only changes i make is i do calves wi quads n hams on tue, abs on fri wi back n av wed as a rest day.
    I only do cardio 2-3 times a week before meal 1.
    As for ur diet if ur still losin weight at a nice steady pace then i wouldnt change it, u knw wot they say, if it aint broke dnt fix it.

  19. #59
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    May 2009
    Todays Log - Wed 18th Jan 2011
    Trained Back
    Started off with Behind neck pull downs 4 sets increasing weight to a good weight on the fourth set, not marked on machine...
    Next Front Pull downs again four good sets got the back warmed up nicely...
    Dead Lift - 5 sets 60kg-10reps/100kg-8reps/140kg-4reps/160kg-1rep/100kg-8reps...
    Bent over Tbar Rows 4 sets 40kg-10rep/60kg-8reps/80kg-6reps/60kg-8reps...
    Seated rows - 4 sets started on 50kg, so the machine says but feels light for that did 10 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 100kg 8 reps/ 75 kg 10 reps...
    One arm Rows on machine - dont know what the machine is called and niether does the gym owner... 3 sets, 40kg each arm 100 reps/60kg each arm 8 reps/ 80kg 5 reps...
    One arm bent over dumbell rows - started with 30kg weights for 10 reps/40 kg 8 reps/ 45kg 2 reps...
    That was back completed... Felt like i had a good work out, had to stop my self could have done more...
    Crunches for abs 3 sets and leg raises 3 sets
    Cardio - today was a bummer because my stomach felt funny, it was either the casein i drank last night or the eggs i drank this morning... ended up walking 15 minutes and that was it my stomach was churning...

    Jp_2011 - i like training 5 days, i like your split, the only difference really is that i train chest and shoulders on separate days...
    How much weight is a steady pace??? 1 kg per week??? i am losing approx a kg a week sometimes more sometimes it remains same as previous week... going to start monitoring my weight daily so i know what i am doing wrong...
    Nice one for your input mate, appreciated...

    Diet is going on track getting plenty of protein...

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    North West, England
    Ye i like trainin 5 days, i just drop it to 4 in the off season to give me an xtra day rest to help me recover better, my weights are heavier than wen im dietin so that xtra day helps me. Again that depends on the individual n ther ability to recover, some people train 5-6 days all year n manage quite well lol. I used to train shoulders alone but changed it, ur frint delts get hit durin chest n ur rear delts durin back so that only leaves middle delts to be hit so i just du sum presses n lateral raises after chest. I feel as tho if i isolate front n rear delts i over train them so i jst let them get sum stimulation from chest n back workouts n isolate middle delts.
    1-2lb per week is perfect, but dnt b worried if ur weight doesnt change or u lose an xtra lb or so, different things can affect ur weight such as how much water u drank the day before, if u have bin to the toilet before u weigh urself, even if u put ur scales on a different floor in ur house lol. But if everythin is goin fine so far then jst keep at it.
    Happy 2 help mate

  21. #61
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    May 2009
    JP_2011 - I totally understand everyone is unique in training/dieting/recovery, i like training 5 days would go 6 days if i knew what to do there apart from training what i have already trained... i think i recover quick - appreciate your input...

    Todays Log - Thursday 19th Jan 2012
    Trained Shoulders
    Smith Machine Military Press - 60kg-5reps/60kg-4reps/50kg-8reps/40kg-reps...
    Behind Neck Military Press Smith Machine - 15-20kg/ 3sets/ 6 reps....
    Upright Rows on Smith Machine - 3 sets 30kg 10 reps...
    Barbell Shrugs - 60kg-10reps/ 100kg-8reps/ 60kg-10reps...
    dumbell Shrugs - 30kg each hand 10 reps 3 sets...
    Side raises - 10kg-10reps/15kg-10reps/15kg-8reps/10kg-8reps/7.5kg-6reps...
    Front Raises - 10kg-10reps/ 15kg-10reps/ 15kg-8reps...
    3 sets on the pec dec facing with chest...
    Cardio - 30mins/2.3miles/360cals/speed 3-7.5...

    Todays Weight... 100.2kg, in my boxers in the kitchen where i normally do my weight... Man i am surprised that it has not dropped under a 100kg yet... Well i will kepp trying... I thought the running alone would have had a positive effect..

    Thanks again to those helping me in my quest...
    By the way Jp2011 - thats a nice dog in that other thread...

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Fri 20th Jan
    Week 3 over with just cardio sat and sun
    Trained arms..
    Close grip bench press 5 sets
    Skull Crusher / French Curl 4 sets
    Rope pull downs 4 sets
    Straight bar pull downs 4 sets
    Biceps - Barbell curl 5 sets
    Preacher curls 4 sets
    Dumbbell curls 5 sets
    21's 3 sets
    Concentration curls 4 sets
    Cardio half hour...
    Sorry for the shorter version today just running really late for everything today...

  23. #63
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sun 22nd Jan 2012

    Back to weights tomorrow, managed to do half hour cardio on sat and sun... I had to go out for a meal on Friday, ended up being the cheat meal of the week, but i could not eat as much as the others i think my stomach has shrunk... I know i need to up the cardio on the weekend which i hope to do this week...
    I have just weighed my self and now weigh in at 100.6KG, i thought i would have got below 100kg by now, to aid me on my journey i am starting to take ephidrin tomorrow...
    Whats the script with ephidrin and cardio? some say that cardio should be walking due to the increased HR that ephidrine causes??? Any ideas??? Lets see what i weigh one week from now...
    Thanks lads

  24. #64
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Monday 23rd Jan 2012
    Trained Legs... Man they are killing me...
    Started with Leg extensions 4 sets, first light, second and third heavy reps of between 6-8, fourth lighter 10 reps...
    Squats - 60kg - 10 reps/ 80kg - 8 reps/ 120kg -4 reps assisted, feeling weak, back was arching a bit / 80 kg 6 reps
    Leg Press - 160 kg - 10 reps / 240 kg - 8 reps / 320 kg - 5 reps / 160kg - 10 reps...
    Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine - 160kg - 12 reps / 160kg - 10 reps / 160kg - 8 reps / 160kg - 8 reps
    Seated calf raises - 40 kg 10 reps / 50 kg 10 reps / 50 kg 10 reps
    Standing calf raises - first set light, second set mostly all the weights on the machine 6 reps, same again, then light for 8 reps...
    Lying curls - 4 sets gradually increasing weight.
    Abs - Crunches 3 sets / hanging knee raises 3 sets / sit ups 3 sets...
    Cardio 30 mins - 444 cals, 1.75 miles, 30 mins, incline 10-15...

    Training is ok, started taking ephidrin at a low dosage just to assess tolerance, will up it tommorrow as i felt a sweat come on but nothing different from normal really...
    Diet is ok, still got the eggs going in the morning, sticking to chicken breast and salmon throughout the day, i have taken out the brocolli and rice and gone for protein only to see if this helps in losing the pounds as my weight is stuck around the 100kg mark... I know that carbs give you energy and as a result i may feel tired, but hoping the ephidrine kicks in as well as some coffee to keep me going through out the day...

    Speak soon people

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    Sun 22nd Jan 2012
    Whats the script with ephidrin and cardio? some say that cardio should be walking due to the increased HR that ephidrine causes??? Any ideas???
    Thanks lads
    I always keep it at a brisk walk regardless of what im using. Normally about 5-6mph on an incline seems to do it. As i get further into the diet i wont increase the speed, just increase the incline level.

  26. #66
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Jp_2011 - Thnaks man
    Todays Log - 24th Jan 2012
    Trained - Chest
    Bench Press 5 sets - first set 60kg - 10 reps/ 100kg - 4 reps / 80 kg 6 reps / 60 kg 8 reps / 60 kg - 6 reps
    Incline Bench Press - 4 sets - 60kg -6 reps / 60kg - 5 reps / 50kg -7 reps / 40 kg 8 reps
    Decline Bench Press - 4 sets - 60kg -10 reps/ 60 kg - 8 reps / 70kg 4 reps / 50 kg -8 reps...
    Dumbbell flyes - 4 sets of 10 started with 10 kg then upto 15 kg then back to 10 kg
    Cable Cross overs - 4 sets of 15
    Cardio 30 mins / 520 cals / incline 15 / speed 3,5... Walked constant incline 15 for 22 minutes burnt 400 cals then jogged the other 8 minutes covering 2 miles...
    Sweating like a dog today, i think that was the ephidrine, gave me a bit of burst of energy and breathing was easier when doing cardio...
    Might get some clen...
    Just in a state of shock after recieving a gas/elec bill for £850 for the last three months of british gas... They take the piss... Hows a working man meant to survive???
    oh well....
    Anyway off to eat my chicken...

  27. #67
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have just weighed my self and i am amazed that i have dropped down to 99.2 kg... I think that the ephidrin has given me the edge in the last few days... Any way what do you guys think i should aim to drop my weight too??? i was at 87kg last year this time but my friends and family kept saying that i looked to skinny and asked if i was ok, looked like a crack head one guy said??? so jsut to set my self a realistic target what do you wreckon my weight should be, i dont want to loose muscle... i know that when my weight dropped last year my strength diminshed as well...
    Thanks for the help and input it has been a great help

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    Any way what do you guys think i should aim to drop my weight too??? i was at 87kg last year this time but my friends and family kept saying that i looked to skinny and asked if i was ok, looked like a crack head one guy said??? so jsut to set my self a realistic target what do you wreckon my weight should be, i dont want to loose muscle... i know that when my weight dropped last year my strength diminshed as well...
    Thanks for the help and input it has been a great help
    I dont set a target weight, just moniter it once a week or so 2 make sure its steadily coming off and then just go off wot i look like. I think that setting a target weight, unless ur competing under a certain weight is pointless. Just go off wot u see in the mirror.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I will do Jp2011 sounds sensible... just that someone said to me that my weight should be around 80 kilos when i got to 87kg i looked skinny...
    Todays Log
    Wed 25th January
    Trained Shoulders
    Smith machine - front military press 4 sets / rear military press 4 sets
    Smith machine - upright rows 4 sets
    Barbell shrugs - 4 sets
    front and side raises 4 sets each
    30 mins cardio / incline 15 for 22 mins - running at 5.1 for 8 mins / burnt 500 cals..
    Diet is good

  30. #70
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 26th Jan 2012
    Trained Back
    Felt good in gym today.
    Front pull downs increasing weight each set to a good weight reps 12/10/8/4/8
    Behind neck pull downs reps 12/10/8/8
    Dead Lift 1st set 60kg 12 reps / 100kg 8 reps / 140kg 6 reps / 160kg 1 rep / 100kg 8 reps
    T-Bar Rows 3 sets 40kg -12 reps / 60 kg -10 reps / 80 kg 5 reps
    Seated pully row - 4 sets max weight on machine 10 reps / 10 reps / 10 reps lowered weight immediatly did 8 reps
    Yet again no one knows the name of the machine at the gym, you sit with one arm on a handle and pull handle towards you??? any way each arm exercised seperately - 40kg 12 reps / 60 kg 10 reps / 80kg 6 reps...
    Cardio - 25 mins, 1.5 miles, 420 cals felt tired today and legs aching..
    Diets going good just weighed in at 98.8 about to have my chicken but i think the ephidrin has given me that edge...
    Till later boys

  31. #71
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 27th Jan 2012
    4 weeks on, lost between 3-4kg... feel like i should be losing it alot quicker???#
    Todays Log -
    Trained Biceps and Triceps
    Man i felt strong today even though i had a rough nights sleep last night...
    Started with Triceps
    Close grip bench press, had to do it on smith machine, it felt easier on the smith machine opposed to the free bar normally used...
    I managed to do 4 sets 60 kg a side 8 reps each...
    French Press / Skull crushers - 4 sets 10kg/15kg/15kg/10kg
    Rope pull downs 4 sets
    Bar pull downs 4 sets
    Next Biceps -
    Barbell curls 5 sets, managed to put 20kg a side and curl it for 6 reps...
    Preacher curls 3 sets
    Dumbbell curls 4 sets
    21s - 3 sets
    concentration curls 3 sets to failure, by this time i was done in so i could not lift any more...
    did 5 mins cardio felt an upset stomach coming on so i left it.
    Last edited by Ca$tro; 01-29-2012 at 03:49 PM.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 27th Jan 2012
    4 weeks on, lost between 3-4kg... feel like i should be losing it alot quicker???#
    Todays Log -
    Trained Biceps and Triceps
    Man i felt strong today even though i had a rough nights sleep last night...
    Started with Triceps
    Close grip bench press, had to do it on smith machine, it felt easier on the smith machine opposed to the free bar normally used...
    I managed to do 4 sets 60 kg a side 8 reps each...
    French Press / Skull crushers - 4 sets 10kg/15kg/15kg/10kg
    Rope pull downs 4 sets
    Bar pull downs 4 sets
    Next Biceps -
    Barbell curls 5 sets, managed to put 20kg a side and curl it for 6 reps...
    Preacher curls 3 sets
    Dumbbell curls 4 sets
    21s - 3 sets
    concentration curls 3 sets to failure, by this time i was done in so i could not lift any more...
    did 5 mins cardio felt an upset stomach coming on so i left it.
    Last edited by Ca$tro; 01-29-2012 at 03:49 PM.

  33. #73
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sunday 29th Jan 2012
    Weekend has been busy so i did not get a chance to hit the gym, but stuck to the diet all weekend...
    Still feel good and i have just weighed my self... 98.5KG... So four weeks in starting weight 103.5 now standing at 5 kilos less so i guess i am going the right way...
    Strength is still good, not feeling weak or tired, just odd days here and there end up feeling a bit lathargic but nothing a black coffee wont sort out...
    Any hints/tips on how to aid progression... one week on ephidrine one week left then i will start the clen whilst having two weeks off ephidrin...
    23 Months to go

  34. #74
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Come on guys help a bro out here, wanna get into shape fast... i know that it is down to me, may be i am being impatient and want to see reults quicker but i am willing to do what ever it takes, just need a slight bit of encouragment and advice to send me in the right direction... I love training and the gym, is there anything that i should be doing on the weekends??? Feel like i am wasting 2 days, i know i am going to be told do more cardio, and your right!!! I find it hard to do more cardio during the week so i am going to have to get my butt in the gym for solid cardio session on the weekends....

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    The only thing i do at weekends when dieting is cardio, no weights. Through the week i do 30 min before meal 1, at weekends i do 30 min before meal 1 and 30 min before my last meal. Apart from that i just get my meals in at weekends and relax.
    Last edited by jp_2011; 01-30-2012 at 04:17 AM.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    Come on guys help a bro out here, wanna get into shape fast... i know that it is down to me, may be i am being impatient and want to see reults quicker but i am willing to do what ever it takes, just need a slight bit of encouragment and advice to send me in the right direction... I love training and the gym, is there anything that i should be doing on the weekends??? Feel like i am wasting 2 days, i know i am going to be told do more cardio, and your right!!! I find it hard to do more cardio during the week so i am going to have to get my butt in the gym for solid cardio session on the weekends....
    I think you need to up your cardio as you know, but maybe just keep it a mild increase. Save some intensity in the bank so to speak. Keep at it, 5kgs for 4 weeks is a great rate of loss. Be patient.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thanks for the advice again guys, i think i was in an off mood yesterday...
    Todays Log - well not much to tell as i missed the gym, had to go see a mortgage advisor which took 3 hours including travelling there and back then i had to get to work, not happy but i will be training legs tomorrow, i guess this is why it is good that we have two days off just in case days...
    Diets going good, aiming to get to 95kg by end of next week... got a doctors appointment tomorrow so i will try and get him to do a bf% measurement so that i have a better idea of where i am at...
    Thanks again for yout ime and input people

  38. #78
    Join Date
    May 2009
    31 Jan 2012
    Trained Legs
    Leg Extensions 5 sets 10/8/6/8/10
    Leg Press 120kg - 10 reps/ 240 kg - 8 reps/ 320kg - 5 reps/ 160kg - 10 reps
    Squats - 60kg -10reps/ 100kg -8reps/ 120kg 4 reps/ 100kg -8reps/ 60kg-8reps
    Seated Calf Raises 4 sets 40kg/60kg/60kg/40kg
    Calf Raises on leg press machine 4 sets of 8-10 reps of 160kg
    Standing calf raises 4 sets
    Lying curls..
    half hour cardio - 15min bike ride 5km, 17 mins on treadmill, speed 3.5, incline 15, 300+ cals,
    Feeling good, training went good, diet is good too...

  39. #79
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Feb 1st 2012 - Already???
    Todays Log - Trained Chest
    started off with Bench Press 5 sets - 60kg - 8 reps / 100kg - 4 reps / 60kg - 8 reps / 80kg - 1 rep / 60kg 5 reps
    Incline Bench 4 sets - 60kg - 8 reps / 60 kg 5 reps / 50kg - 8 reps / 40kg - 8 reps
    Decline Bench 4 sets - 60kg - 7 reps / 60kg - 6reps / 60kg - 5 reps / 40kg - 8 reps
    Flat Flyes - 4 sets - 10kg each hand 10 reps / 15 kg - 6 reps / 15kg - 6reps / 10kg - 10reps
    Cable Cross overs 4 sets - incrementing the weight each set, doing around 20 reps each set.
    Cycled Ten mins - feeling a bit tired this week???? Just feel without energy and demotivated, pushing my self never the less...
    Diet is Clean, so far so good...

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    Cycled Ten mins - feeling a bit tired this week???? Just feel without energy and demotivated, pushing my self never the less...
    Diet is Clean, so far so good...
    Might be worth having a high carb day somewhere. Ive found it helps me to have high carbs the day before i train legs or back. The benefit of that is not only to top up your body with some carbs for energy, but it will actually give your metabolism a boost

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