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Thread: Pete - Getting ready to cut

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Nice work petey. Looking huge. I have too agree with arnold those arms look bigger than 18 1/2 to me. Im a little disappointed that you left out the Oakleys though . Do you know what your cutting cycle gonna look like yet?

  2. #42
    Looking truly amazing petey,
    What is your cutting cycle goona be consisting of.
    I wish i was 245 lbs lol, but then again i am only 5'5 so 200 is good enough for me

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Agree with you bro's ... pete's arms look bigger than that...

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Re: Pete - Getting ready to cut

    Originally posted by Pete235
    Ok guys be kind. These were taken at the gym last night (01/22/02). I know they're shitty quality, but I was taking them myself and I was emabarrased because people kept walking in to the locker I was hurrying. Let the citiques fly. I know the BF is far too high, and the plan is to post update pics 5 weeks into my cutting stack. I've never compteted but my goal is to do my first show in mid April. I think I have decent structure but would like to here from some of the members on the board who have competed. It's a work in progress so I'll keep plugging away.
    You look super Peter, looking forward to seeing your cutting cycle pix. Good Luck big man !

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Pistol Pete. You are looking freaking SWOLE! Holy hell. Amazing bro, I'd be afraid and run out of the locker room, if i saw a big kahoot like yourself flexing your guns in the mirror. When you cut down, it is going to be un-flipping-believable. What else is there to say that hasn't already been said?

    Good job bro, inspirational to say the least.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Fort Worth Tx
    my god you have wide ass shourlders man, and your still not out of room for growing , i hate you pretty much your one large dude

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Manitoba, Canada
    your massive, get those traps blown up though!.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Pete My Bro

    I need updates!!

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