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Thread: Pet inhancement

  1. #41
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage

    Then are you saying you are against spaying, neutering, croping ears or tails or even cliping nails??? All these things alter their bodys and are not their choices.

    I do not believe in animal cruelity... but I also don't believe they are intittled to choices. They are animals.
    Thanks for putting words in my mouth...the likes of which I never spoke.
    For my official stance, I am against spaying or neutering your pet unless it is otherwise a health isk. As for the population problem...WATCH YOUR **** DOG! Both of my dogs are spayed and/or neutered (respectively). My female is a small breed and I had a large extreme alpha male was a health risk for her not to be spayed.
    When I bought my Ridgeback, the breeder sold him as a pet not a show dog. by the sales contract, I had to have him neutered by the age of 11 months, or they could reclaim the animal.

    Having said that, I draw the line for choice where it crosses their best interest. Nobody is talking about HRT for pets here...if that were the case...great. I am putting my body at risk by using steroids...but that is my choice.
    Don't for one moment think that the use of steroids for bodybuilding purposes is actually going to make you won't.
    Same goes for the pet.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    pet enhancement, hahaha. just what i need is to be humiliated by a roided up cat who is bigger an stronger than i am.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    I was not putting words in your mouth, it was a question not a statement. Further more I ment no disrespect to you.

    was your dobbies ears and tail cropped? and are you against doing it?
    like I said I would not put my, or any dog, on the sauce. But I see no problem with doing it. They are animals, we own them.

  4. #44
    Swellin Guest
    No disrespect taken bro...everything's cool. The Dobe's were done prior to my purchasing him. I don't like docking & cropping, but in certain instances it makes sense. Other than for HRT, steroids for your pet does not make sense. It is rather cruel in fact.
    (HELL NO, I'm not one of those PETA folks or anything like that.)

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