now for some manowar to balance that out
hey mex
all my friend are dead. uh great song. must be posted:
With a little tweek in my diet and as soon as tren is out (for cardio) I'll drop those pesky lbs and hit 10% bf or less.
Manowar are true metal warriors!!!!!!!!!!
and i'm listening to die with honor:
If I Should Return
With My Body On My Shield
Tell My Son I Chose To Die Than Yield
Though My Life May Soon Be Gone
I Hope You'll Carry On
Remember Me As One Who Would Not Kneel
Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
I am Driven On In The Face Of All Despair
Trust In Steel You Will Find Me There
A Sinner's Fate Awaits Me
But My Vision Guides Me On
I Will Not Stray
From The Path I'm Set Upon
I'll Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
If I Do Not Return
Bring My Body On My Shield
Tell My Son I Chose To Die
I Chose To Die Than Yield
Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
Fight With Blood
Fight With Steel
Die With Honor
Never Yield
Fearless Hearts
Filled With Pride
Into Glory We Shall Ride
I'll Die Fighting With My Brothers Side By Side
Sup Voland just here at work, really dont want to be here im doing some IE shit since one of our IE's went to China for three weeks.
Inky thanks for the threads but your postcard will be sent out today.
good. hardworker. Tio estoy jodido. Estoy delgado, enfermo y deprimido, y mi vida apesta. Estoy cansado de mi novia. Quiero un trabajo de bluecollar pero aqui la gente que quiere hacerlo son la escoria, exconvictos, scumbags etc. Yo lo quiero hacer para tener un horario fijo...trabajar en un almacen, en el quiero mas trabajo de white collar...
goddamn anger feels good
i hope first contact happens tomorrow like everyone is sayin
ima kill me some groundhogs today boys!!
damn. this chick and her husband that want to do a 3some with me are texting me. they want me to do her in the ass as he does her vag.
Orale si se oye que ya estas hasta la jodida de la vida pero man sigue tomando tus meds para la deprecion eso te va a ayudar. El otro dia oye que tan mal esta la economia de tu pais que lastima estan tan jodidos que nosotros en Estados Unidos. Man yo eh estado en este almacen por 7 anos empese haciendo trabajo de bluecollar y ahora estoy en la oficina pero hay dias que no me gusta estar aqui para nada man.
Ahorita estoy haciendo puro trabajo de enjeniero industrial puta madre que yo se hacer este tipo de trabajo nunca estudie yo para esto pero lo que les gusta de mi es que cuando me ponen hacer algo que no eh hecho en mi vida yo encuentro la manera de hacerlo y lo hago tan bien or mejor que ellos.
No te me aguites hombre, todo para por algo. A veces para lo mejor y a veces para lo peor.
my grandma was born in Habana in what was called calle del cristo salvador or something like that. In Batista's time ofcourse. Family went back to Spain when she was 3. Funny thing we all speak in catalan. Excepte she that spoke in galician with her mom speakes spanish with her sis. lol.
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