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Thread: MuscleScience's Iron Lab

  1. #1041
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Shoulders today and cardio tonight,

    Warmup: stair stepper, SITs exercises

    SM Shoulder press:

    DB Lateral Raises:
    4W drop sets 20-15-10-7.5

    DB front raises:
    5W drop sets: 20-15-10-5

    Reverse flies:
    3WS 20x10

    Incline rear delts:
    4ws 25x10

    Cardio: 1hour LISS 6 hours after weights

    Sauna: 60 mins broke into two sessions

    I was having a challenging day after I got some not so great legal news. Nothing terrible, just my lawyer dropped the ball on some bizz stuff and it’s going to cost me 4-6k to fix. So I really hammered myself because of all the extra stress.

    I was planning on doing some HIIT today but my quads were very sore from yesterday’s workout for some odd reason. It was a lighter day than I normally do. Overall really good workout, I’m really starting to notice more vascularity. I’m not losing any weight but I am getting more defined.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  2. #1042
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Abs and low back yesterday, cardio today.

    Did 6 exercise supersets for low back and abs each. I added this to my split once a week as an active rest day. Normally I do it mid week but felt like lifting heavy all week. I’ve really noticed a difference in my legs days since doing this dedicated day. My squat posistion at the bottom is much improved. And my love handles and low back have trimmed up considerably. I do it fast and supersetted to also act abs a cardio day. Probdbly my favorite workout day actually.

    Today I just did 50min of steady state. I planned on don’t some HIIT but my right foot and heal was a bit sore.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  3. #1043
    Join Date
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    Legs and HIIT

    Workout today:
    Trap bar DL:
    5WS 225x10

    SM deep pause squats:
    5ws 185x10

    HIIT Circuit 1: 10 rounds
    60lb straight bar push pressx10
    48inch box jumpsx10

    HIIT Circuit 2:5 rounds
    Burpees x10
    Crunches and side crunches x10 each

    45min sauna

    Carbed up on Saturday so had to hit it hard to deplete my glycogen. Looked really good this morning with full muscle bellies. Almost got my midline down to my lower abs. Got some veins coming out in my obliques and lower abs. Also around my hips and quads. I’m probdbly around 11-13%bf at the moment based on how I looked in the past. I seem to really lose a lot of BF after a recarb. I’m excited to see where I’ll be by the end of the week. I’m also going to lower my kcals this week to 1500/day. I’ve been at 1850-2000 for 8 weeks now. So probably time to adjust it. Really going to concentrate on keeping the carbs as low as possible
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 02-04-2018 at 06:01 PM.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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    MuscleScience Training Log

  4. #1044
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Was out of town all weekend. Had to work bi’s/Tri’s on Saturday.

    Today, legs:

    3 sets hammer strength leg extensions
    4 sets hack squats
    3 sets squats
    3 sets leg curls, final set drop 3x

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  5. #1045
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Chest and Tris

    Warmup: 10 min sauna, SITs exercise

    DB press:

    Incline press:

    Cable column incline press:

    Incline cable column flies:

    Upright chest flies:
    Skull crushers:

    French press:

    Tri pulldowbs:

    Pushups: workout finisher
    4WS to failure


    Good intense workout, my right shoulder is still a little cranky so I didn’t finish incline barbell press. Had a tremendous pump and looking pretty vascular when workout out Now. I had someone ask if I was going to compete soon, that felt good.

    Stair stepper 30min, 10min treadmill walking
    30min sauna
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 02-05-2018 at 09:54 PM.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  6. #1046
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Back and Bi’s

    4 sets of Lower pulley row with DB flies superset
    4 sets HAmmer strnght pulldowns
    4 sets upright row
    3 sets bent over dB rows
    3 sets incline lay pulldowns
    4 sets Hammer DB curls
    4 sets iso DB curls
    3 sets EZ curls
    4 sets shrugs
    3 sets DB concentration Curls

    Not the most intense workout, just wasn’t feeling it but I powered through it to get it in and done. Weight loss has been stagnant for the past week and a half. Typically between 203-204 in the mornings. Have lowered my cals this week by a couple hundred to see if that will stimulate so fat lose.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  7. #1047
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Legz tonight,

    Warmup: calisthenics, BW squats

    4 sets of 10

    SLDL superset with calf raises:
    4 sets of 10 SLDL
    4 sets of 15-20 calf raises

    Single Leg Curl Superset with Calf Raise:
    3 sets of 10
    3 sets of 10-15

    Hack Squat with pause:
    3 sets of 10

    Leg press With Duck walk raises superset with leg press half reps:

    4 sets of 10-15duck walk (tibias anterior)
    4 sets to failure usually 25-30ish

    Cardio: 10 min LISS post workout, 40 min of fasted Cardio in the AM

    Trying to up the intensity to burn some fat off during my workouts. I’m pretty aerobically and anaerobically trained at this point so I am having troubles really pushing my heart rate during lifting. I’m trying creative ways to push myself. AM cardio felt really good this morning. I really like doing it and it helps start my day off better. Weight is still stuck at 204. I’ve been very clean with my diet so I’m hoping it starts ticking down soon.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  8. #1048
    Join Date
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    Shoulders today,

    Warm up: 10 min sauna, SITs exercises and battle ropes

    HS shoulder press, super set with reverse flies.
    4 sets of 10 Shoulder press
    4 sets of 10 reverse flies drop sets 20-15-12.5-10

    Lateral raise drop sets superset with incline sit ups:
    4 sets of 10 Lateral raise 25-20-15-10
    4 sets of 10 incline sit-ups, obliques left and right

    Front raises superset with incline bench push ups:
    4 sets of 10 front raises 15-12.5-10-5
    4 sets of 20 incline BW pushups

    Shoulder Pushups to failure

    Descently intense workout, tried to keep superset everything to get my cardio and weights together. Travel day today for work so had to get it in.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  9. #1049
    Join Date
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    Core and HIIT training today,

    Mixed in my core day with HIIT, setup all my work as circuits today.

    Circuit 1: 6 rounds
    CC crunch
    Wall medicinal ball throws

    Circuit 2: 5 rounds
    Reverse hypers
    Swiss ball crunches
    Cable crunch obliques

    Circuit 3: 4 rounds
    Push press
    Power cleans
    Battle ropes

    Circuit 4: 7rounds
    2min stair stepper
    30sec all our battle ropes

    Metabolic Finisher:
    50m Weighted sled sprints 10
    50m Sprints 10

    Descent workout, got my heart rate elevated over 95% of my max heart rate for 10 total minutes and over 80% for 30. Which is good, i have been having troubles getting my heart rate to peak lately due to better conditioning.

    I did my weekly recarb on Saturday, I definitely got my calories in. I figured I got in a solid 4000 calories, which gave me an awesome pump and fullness at the gym yesterday and today. I fasted most of the day today to get moving back to ketosis. I haven’t decided if I am going to do anymore recarb until the end of the competition or not. Weight loss has been relatively stable the last two weeks. Only thing I can think of doing is dropping my calories and no cheat/recarb days.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  10. #1050
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Chest and tris,

    Warmup: SITs execises

    SM Bench:
    4 sets of 10

    Incline dB press:
    3 sets of 10

    French press:
    3 sets of 10

    Cable flies:
    3 sets of 10

    Lighter day today, was feeling really worn down from exercise. I’ve worked 16 days straight, I was going to do cardio but my knees are prettying sore including the bad one. I’ll see how tomorrow feels and play it by ear. Diet hasn’t been super sharp today, lots of stress eating from work. Nothing terrible just not great. Abs still seem to be coming in more and more. The vascularity in my forearms is getting insane though. Just need to keep the diet sharp.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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    MuscleScience Training Log

  11. #1051
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I literally just had the most kickass workout of my life tonight!

    Chest and Tris

    Warmup: SITs exercises

    Flat barbell Bench:
    4 working sets to failure

    DB press:
    4 sets to failure
    4 sets of trap bar deadlift for 20 reps

    Incline DB press:
    4 sets of 10
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 20 reps

    Incline skull crushers:
    4 sets of 10
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 20 reps

    Incline bench cable column flies:
    4 sets to failure
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 20 reps

    DB french press:
    4 sets of 10
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 10 reps

    Tri kick backs:
    3 sets of 10
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 10 reps

    Tri pressdowns:
    4 sets of 10
    4 sets of trapbar deadlifts for 10 reps

    Insanely intense workout that’s all I can say. Lol
    Deadlift was between every working set. No rest!
    I only did 135 but it had my heart rate pegged the entire workout. I had to drop rep counts as my low back was feeling it. I was sweating like I was in the sauna. Just insane
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  12. #1052
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    I’ve been noticing some new veins I’ve never seen before in my arms and quads. Especially with arms, I for years didn’t do isolating exercises for them because they grew secondarily to other upper body exercises. It only makes sense that I’m getting a better response out of them with targeted work.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  13. #1053
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Legs tonight:

    Warmup: 15 min b-ball

    Leg press superset with toe raises:
    8 sets of 10

    2 sets of 10

    4 sets of 10

    20 min recomb bike
    10 min Incline walking

    Not the best workout again, but my right knee was tight and sore. Most likely from all those trap bar dead’s I did on Monday. However all is not lost, woke up at 200.1lbs. lightest I’ve been since maybe my middle 20’s. Diets been really good this week, I really am getting to be a huge believer in refeed days. I’m still trying to dial in what exactly that looks like. Having gone 21 days in a hypocaloric state seemed to bring my wieght loss to a halt for nearly 2 weeks. I think at a maximum I only go 6-7 days then get into a hyper caloric State for a day. That’s what I’ve done the past two weeks. My weight started to trend down again late last week. But this week I’m seeing changes in the mirror and scale every morning.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  14. #1054
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Chest and tris,

    Warmup: SITs

    Hammer Strenght incline press:
    4 set of 12-15

    Machine bench:
    3 sets of 15-18

    Incline db flies:
    3 sets of 10

    DB skull Crushers:
    4 sets of 10

    CC incline bench skull crushers:
    4 sets of 10

    Incline cable column flies:

    4 sets of 10

    3 sets to failure

    15 min recomb bike

    My right knee was VERY sore all over from yesterday’s plyo and spring workout. Probdbly won’t do that workout together again. Just did some light recomb bike to get the knee to loosen up and move some swelling out. Workout wasn’t super intense, I’m still feeling taxed a bit from yesterday’s workout. Abs were looking pretty good. If I have to guess, i would say I’m 6-8 weeks out from stage ready if I went on a strict cut. Having a lot of issues with diet, mostly from stress eating and work stuff. It’s not bad persay but it’s definagely not comp prep good. I’m really trying to bear down on it. Stupid life stuff lol
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  15. #1055
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Switching up my diet a little this week. Going to stick to 2000kcals but up my carbs to 50gr a day instead of under 20. That’s been helping me poop and letting my vascularity come out good. Protein will be at 200 grams. So right at 1gr/lb that seems to be a good spread for me. Fats are at 110gr I believe. Saturday’s and Sunday’s I’m going to go up in carbs to 100gr and drop fat a bit. See if that’s enough of a “recarb,” for these next 4 weeks.

    My TDEE is between 3300-3600calories with exercise of 120 minutes of moderate to intense exercise and cardio. I’m hoping for a 700-1000 kcal deficiency each day that will get me to my goal weight of 190 by competitions end. I’m hoping the moderate recarb will help keep me burning fat and spur me a bit more. I have great energy and feeling great, my groin gets cranky on leg day but that’s about it.

    Took yesterday off, which is my normal Big HIIT and Plyo day. The new sissy squats i tried on Wednesday had my lower quads still sore by Sunday. I’ll probably do some of that today. I go 12 total hours of exercise in last week even with Sunday off. My workouts are on point and I have a hard time getting my self tired. Even if I do drop sets, within in a minute my muscles are recharged and ready to go. Being fat adapted and Being able to use both fat and carbs as a fuel is such an advantage.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  16. #1056
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hey MS. Dragging my sorry arse back in here. Lol. Been sick, family members been sick and in hospital. It’s just been one thing after another. Anyway, back again to chime in, if you’ll still have me!

    Chest day:

    3 sets incline bench
    3 sets decline bench
    4 sets incline hammer strength
    3 sets flat db press
    3 sets cable flies.

    Sounds like you’re really setting the woods on fire! That’s awesome. It’s a great feeling when everything is clicking!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #1057
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Hey MS. Dragging my sorry arse back in here. Lol. Been sick, family members been sick and in hospital. It’s just been one thing after another. Anyway, back again to chime in, if you’ll still have me!

    Chest day:

    3 sets incline bench
    3 sets decline bench
    4 sets incline hammer strength
    3 sets flat db press
    3 sets cable flies.

    Sounds like you’re really setting the woods on fire! That’s awesome. It’s a great feeling when everything is clicking!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dang man, sorry to hear all that. Hope they are all recovered!

    Training has been going well. Hit some stubbing blocks with my diet but I think I’ve got it sorted.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  18. #1058
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    Chest and tris,

    DB Bench:
    110 got 3 sets of 6-8 new PR

    Incline bench:
    185 2 sets of 10

    Incline cable column fly:
    3 sets of 10

    Hammer strength Incline Bench:
    3 sets of 12-15

    Incline over head press Cable column
    4 sets of 12-15

    25min b-ball

    Intensity was a problem today. I did get 110lb dumbbells for reps today. Which is a new personal record. Upper body seems to be getting stronger each week. The incline press really bothered my shoulder so I think I’m scrapping that for good for awhile. That was my second lift and it threw off my workout with my shoulder hurting.

    Switched up my diet a bit. Started adding in a bit more carbs. I got in 100gr today but a good part of that was fiber. So my net carbs was closer to 70.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  19. #1059
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    Congrats on the PR! Those always are a confidence booster for me. Good call on scraping any movement that may potentially be causing you problems. You can always circle back around to it in a few weeks and test the waters.

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  20. #1060
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    4 sets hammer strength leg extensions
    3 sets hack squats
    3 sets leg curls
    6 sets hammer strength calf raises

    Strength was ok, stamina sucked. Usually will incorporate 3 sets of leg presses or squats but just ran out of gas. Amazing what a minor cold and/or allergies will do to you.

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  21. #1061
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    Oct 2006
    Back and Bi’s yesterday,

    DB rows:
    130lbs 3x10

    Low Row:
    200 3x10

    Lat pull downs:
    200 3x10

    Bicep curls:

    Preacher Curl:

    ISO curls:

    30min stairstepper

    Woke up yesterday feeling a bit off, so I just did everything heavy (for me) and got in and got out.
    Today I feel like absolute hell. But luckily I don’t think it’s the flu, just a cold. I hope to train tomorrow at some point. Even if it’s just light.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  22. #1062
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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Nice to see you still attacking and challenging yourself.

  23. #1063
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Nice to see you still attacking and challenging yourself.

    2018 should see the best version of me to date. Seems like a lot of things are dialed in and I’m super motivated.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  24. #1064
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post

    2018 should see the best version of me to date. Seems like a lot of things are dialed in and I’m super motivated.
    I've been keeping an eye on you and read some back dated workouts and I've got to give credit for being consistent because results will follow. Well done

  25. #1065
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    Nov 2016
    MS is killing it. Can't wait to see final pics...

  26. #1066
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    3 sets bb curls
    3 set incline db curls
    3 sets preacher curls
    3 sets high cable curls
    4 sets forearm work

    3 sets tricep cable extensions
    3 sets French presses
    3 sets reverse grip extensions
    3 sets db extensions

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  27. #1067
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    MS is killing it. Can't wait to see final pics...
    I’m a couple weeks behind where I thought I would be at. So these next three weeks I have got to really bare down and push.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  28. #1068
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    Workout today,

    edit: been sick in bed for 2 days.

    Did some light shoulder and leg stuff. I didn’t have the energy or the strength to push to hard. My legs were very shaky while doing lunges so I went to safe exercises for legs. I was afraid of grenading the knee with the lack of strength.

    Basically I did supersets or upper and lower body exercise in machines. I got my heart rate up and was sweating perfusely. Did 30 min of stair stepper after weights. In total it was about an hour workout. My body hurt sooooo bad when started, but felt really good when I was done. Tomorrow I will see how so feel, might just be another cardio and light circuit day.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-10-2018 at 03:00 AM.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  29. #1069
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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Workout today,

    Did some light shoulder and leg stuff. I didn’t have the energy or the strength to push to hard. My legs were very shaky while doing lunges so I went to safe exercises for legs. I was afraid of grenading the knee with the lack of strength.

    Basically I did supersets or upper and lower body exercise in machines. I got my heart rate up and was sweating perfusely. Did 30 min of stair stepper after weights. In total it was about an hour workout. My body hurt sooooo bad when started, but felt really good when I was done. Tomorrow I will see how so feel, might just be another cardio and light circuit day.
    Not good enough push harder MS

  30. #1070
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Not good enough push harder MS

    Guess I forgot mention originally that I had been sick in bed for two days
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  31. #1071
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Guess I forgot mention originally that I had been sick in bed for two days
    I take my comment back then. Well done

    Keep pushing ms with your warrior spirit

  32. #1072
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I take my comment back then. Well done

    Keep pushing ms with your warrior spirit
    I’m trying to incorporate more about what you had told me about attacking the weights and going in angry. I use to lift that way at one point in my life.

    My strength is nowhere near where it should be. Other aspects of my physique are much better though. I want to get that last piece of the puzzle in and especially get my 3 basic lifts (Bench, squat, dead’s) back up to respectable totals. I think most of what you talk about as far as bringing the aggression to the training session is what I have lacked.

    I would love a training partner, I also think this is one last piece that if I could incorporate I could be at the next level in my fitness and gains.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  33. #1073
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    HIIT circuits today,

    Still a little weak from being sick but a good workout and made my body feel better. Still somewhat knotted up everywhere but that’s to be expected. Got my lungs to clear up pretty good too.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  34. #1074
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    3 sets wide grip pull downs
    3 sets narrow grip pull downs
    3 sets bent over rows
    3 sets rack pulls
    3 sets t bar rows, drop x2
    3 sets hammer strength pull downs
    3 sets narrow grip incline bench cable rows
    3 sets hammer strength rows

    Felt strong today. Used to never work out on weekends but kinda liking it now. Time isn’t an issue on weekends like it is during the week. Long w/o today but had plenty of gas in the tank and felt really good so I took advantage of it.

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  35. #1075
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    3 sets hammer strength single leg extensions
    3 sets leg presses
    3 sets nautilus leg extensions
    3 sets leg curls
    Calf stuff

    Didn’t eat quite enough going in today. Can’t seem to learn that lesson. All in all, felt good. Finally getting some resolution with my SI joint and can do some leg presses again. My body mechanics seem to lean more favorably toward presses than squats. I always feel like I can never dial in with squats. I’ve tried narrow, wide, shoulder width stances, parallel, ass to the grass, half reps, front squats, you name it. Just can’t find that mind/muscle connection with squats. Leg presses...whole different story. So I’m definitely glad to be able to incorporate them again.

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  36. #1076
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    3 sets hammer strength single leg extensions
    3 sets leg presses
    3 sets nautilus leg extensions
    3 sets leg curls
    Calf stuff

    Didn’t eat quite enough going in today. Can’t seem to learn that lesson. All in all, felt good. Finally getting some resolution with my SI joint and can do some leg presses again. My body mechanics seem to lean more favorably toward presses than squats. I always feel like I can never dial in with squats. I’ve tried narrow, wide, shoulder width stances, parallel, ass to the grass, half reps, front squats, you name it. Just can’t find that mind/muscle connection with squats. Leg presses...whole different story. So I’m definitely glad to be able to incorporate them again.

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    Have you tried smith machine presses where you lay on the floor and press up?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  37. #1077
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    I never have. I’ve seen the vertical leg press set ups but never had the opportunity to try one as one has never been in the inventory of equipment of any gym I’ve ever belonged to. And honestly, never thought about using the smith machine for that application. Bet I’ll try it now! Lol. Thanks for the info MS!!

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  38. #1078
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    Missed Yesterday,

    My cold came back with a vengeance, more so fatigue than anything.

    Chest and tris today.

    SM Bench:
    3 set of 10 with quarter rep burns outs to failure each set.

    DB incline press:
    3 set of 10 with quarter rep burns outs to failure each set.

    Tricep pushdowns:
    3 set of 10 with quarter rep burns outs to failure each set.

    Single are cross body tri ext:
    3 sets of 10

    Walked 5 miles today

    Intense workout, the quarter reps to failure at the end of each set was insane. My muscle pump was off the charts. I only did 2 exercises for each body part but it kicked my butt. I have veins in my triceps I’ve never had before popping out. People are really starting to notice my body transformation and that feels good.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

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  39. #1079
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    Trained back yesterday:

    4 sets wide grip lat pull downs
    4 sets narrow grip lat pull downs, drop last set, x2
    3 sets bent over rows
    3 sets neutral grip pull downs

    Today: shoulders and hamstrings

    4 sets MP press
    4 sets hammer strength press
    3 sets db flies super set w/ bent over flies
    3 sets hammer strength shrugs super set w/bb shrugs

    4 sets stiff leg deadlifts
    4 sets leg curls

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  40. #1080
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Trained back yesterday:

    4 sets wide grip lat pull downs
    4 sets narrow grip lat pull downs, drop last set, x2
    3 sets bent over rows
    3 sets neutral grip pull downs

    Today: shoulders and hamstrings

    4 sets MP press
    4 sets hammer strength press
    3 sets db flies super set w/ bent over flies
    3 sets hammer strength shrugs super set w/bb shrugs

    4 sets stiff leg deadlifts
    4 sets leg curls

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Nice work!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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