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Thread: Captain Dominate's Contest Log Prop/NNP/Var

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    you could hit 150 gr for 9 days.. and 'carb-up' on the 10th.

    On cardio, i think you should bump it up to 90 minutes.

    60 minutes in the am.. 30 minutes pwo.
    Really man? you dont think i will lose that much muscle depleting for 9 days straight? Well, i hope to improve my posing, i meet with the trainer tomorrow and hopefully we can clean this mess up!....With my work schedule it might be tough doing 2 separate cardio sessions, you think 75-80 minutes in the AM would suffice?

    Also, which mandatories need the most work? please list, thanks guys for the help and input...

  2. #82
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Your quarter turn to the right looks the best but needs to be tweaked Your feet together with your back leg pressing against your hamstring to push it out and make your leg appear bigger. Also twist your right shoulder forward more so you can see your right arm and extend your hand down in front of your crotch.

    Needs work
    Ab thigh (way off)
    front lat spread (heels should be close together toes turned out slight bend in knee flexing quads.)
    Side chest (off)
    Side tricep (off)
    Back relax (way off)
    Back double bi (off)
    Back lat spread (off)
    Most muscular (off. try a crab most muscular to see if it looks better)
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 06-24-2006 at 10:51 PM.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #83
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Check out

    Look at the pros posing. Compare their poses to your pictures and you can see where you're off.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    thanks man, will do on the quater turn, and front lat...anything else to improve the other shots?

  5. #85
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Your legs aren't big enough to stand with your feet so far apart. Further apart they appear smaller. The pros can get away with that because their quads are huge.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #86
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Right side chest

    Back left leg should be straight. Place your right foot at the arch of your left foot your body weight resting on the right leg pushing down flexing the quad. The bend of your right knee fold over your back left knee so they're touching with your back thigh pushing against your hamstring so it appears full. Your upper body should be twisted back more and right arm higher. Your left bicep pushing against your left pec. Flex your left pec and right bicep hard. Also blow out all of the air and flex abs hard.

    I hope this make sense. This would be easier if yo had a web cam.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey Carlos..

    thanks man ill give it a posing almost every day now its just tough because NO one around here knows anything about bodybuilding so ive pretty much gotta do it on my own...ive been to many pro shows and have just about every top pro video its just tough when theres no one right there to tell you how to adjust your pose to make it correct...

  8. #88
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    Dec 2002
    Well guys, posing went great today with the trainer and i learned alot of new helps to have someone right there correcting your mistakes..i learned more about overall judging and getting the angles right, now its time to step up the cardio and try to come in better than i thought i could....cardio is up to 80 minutes AM tomorrow on an empty stomach and i will increase my carbs slightly to 25g more carbs to compensate....with less than 3 wks out im focused and its time to finish strong, thanks again guys for the help and support, ive learned so much already and cant wait to begin another offseason...until tomorrow guys...

  9. #89
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    Dec 2002
    Well today i upped my cardio to 80 minutes in the morning on empty stomach and it went great, i felt great the whole day and i compensated by adding 25g of carbs which was the best thing i could have done at this point. i was stronger on quads than i usually am at this point, heres what i did today...

    Quads--leg press, 430lbx15 reps, 610x12 reps, 660lbx12 reps, 660x12reps, 710x10 reps
    front squats--185x10 reps, 205x8 reps, 225lbx8 reps
    calf superset seated with standing 4 sets in a row

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I cut out eggs a couple days ago and i added a chicken breast instead; i bumped my T3 to 75mcg as well so i added one more whey isolate shake in between meals to try and compensate too....otherwise i will pretty much keep things the same from here on out...i normally increase my sodium on carb up days to help absorb everything quicker and ill continue to do that till the final carb up. I also usually buy the lowest sodium chicken starting 2 wks out (3% for each chicken breast) but i think im just gonna keep things consistent this year and stick with the chicken ive been using...i figure the diuretics will take care of the extra sodium the final wk...

  11. #91
    Join Date
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    I think you look good for 3 week out, some improvement in the condition is needed but you still have 3 weeks, i agree with Nark on a lot of advice he has given and also Carlos, the posing deffinitly need improvement, like i told you in my PM the carbs are low at 115gm but at this point io would not change much leave them alone and wait for carb load, with some diuretics you will loose most of the water and given 3 weeks you should be good to go...just work on the posing...also do NOT screw around with your sodium any more ,leave it as it is...reduced sodium cause the body to produce aldesterone which is a hormon responsible for holding on to water causing water retention, so do not change in any more...good luck...XXL

  12. #92
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    Dec 2002
    MikeXXl, hey thanks bro for the input and advice, i wont touch my sodium and ill just continue as i have been the last 5 wks, and i will use your diuretic protocol you sent me in the PM..i increased my carbs and cardio and its been going GREAT! i now can function like a normal human being for the most part and im not like a zombie all day now! I dont think ill lose any muscle in the last couple wks as its fairly hard for me to lose muscle as long as im training i bumped my cardio and im still feeling energetic throughout the day. Ive dramatically improved my posing, thanks guys for the input...i was forgetting very important angles on most of my poses too in that the judges will be looking at me from my feet level so ive adjusted alot of my poses so hopefully well see some improvement in my 2 wks out still staying full while losing bodyfat as ive only lost 3 pounds since i started this diet...currently im 177lb

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Todays chest workout was great! i was even stronger than last time and im staying full even with the increased was the workout today

    incline bench--155x8 reps, 205x8 reps, 215lbx7 reps, 185x10 reps
    flat dumbells, 2 sets 70lbx10/8 reps
    incline hammer 2 sets 190lbx15 reps
    cable crossovers --2 drop sets 45lb, 35lbx12 reps each

    Well guys i bumped up my dose to 4 tablespoons for last wks carb day and took that with 16oz of water before bed...honestly its tough to really say if it works for me, i can say that i did have an awesome workout but i think it was mostly from carb day that helped get me through quads...i used another 4 tablespoons today 1 hour before my chest workout with some niacin but i didnt have much time to pose after...i was stronger on my workout from last workout but i think it might be the androgens from the masteron kicking might have helped fill me out a bit but i dont think it did anything to make me more this point i dont think i will be using it for this years contest however i may use it during the offseason to help stay full and hydrated....i think if its too tough to notice, it probably didnt help me significantly...

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hey Bro you look good, you look thick for 177lbs, you must be like 5'6" which is a good look. I have to tell you the pictures look awesome bro, but the poses in those shots I'm hoping your not going to go on stage posing like that. if you have someone around your area that could help you out with posing that would make you look 100% better on stage, posing to so important. I went to a pro my first time on stage and I learned how to pose the correct way. so if you know any pros or even a top amature, then its worth the investment bro. please. bad posing will cost you 1st place. ttyl

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey Ment, thanks alot for the kind words man! yea im actually shorter! 5'5! Anyway I met with a trainer last weekend and we improved alot of my mandatory shots and hopefully you guys will see some improvements in the next photos...i wish i had a little more time simply because i dont know anyone around here that can pose correctly or any other bodybuilders that compete that could help me even more these last couple posing everyday now to try and get some of these shots down, today i also read more about the basic shots and how they should be executed, i will do my best to improve these last couple wks...thank again man

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Hey Ment, thanks alot for the kind words man! yea im actually shorter! 5'5! Anyway I met with a trainer last weekend and we improved alot of my mandatory shots and hopefully you guys will see some improvements in the next photos...i wish i had a little more time simply because i dont know anyone around here that can pose correctly or any other bodybuilders that compete that could help me even more these last couple posing everyday now to try and get some of these shots down, today i also read more about the basic shots and how they should be executed, i will do my best to improve these last couple wks...thank again man
    Where are you located, let me see if I know anyone around your area, if you wanna PM me on thats thats fine.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    will do man, thanks

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well, these days im just getting drained! even with the added carbs, i keep improving condition even though im maintaining my weight at 177...back day was great with a PR on pull-ups (which ive never been good at) here was yesterdays workout...i got shoulders tonight followed by some cardio and posing after a meal, its a rough day for sure, that After a 10 hour day of work to top it off! but thats part of the game...ill be gone for part of the weekend but ill get more pics up this weekend with hopefully some improved posing....later guys

    pull-ups, 30 second rests 20 reps, 15 reps, close grip, 15 reps, 13 reps
    stiff leg deadlifts 155lbx12 reps, 175lbx12 reps, 205lbx10 reps, 225lbx10reps
    barbelll rows 4 sets 155lbx10 reps
    machine close grip rows, 1 drop set 150lb, 140lb, 140lbx12 reps each
    Last edited by Random; 06-29-2006 at 05:26 PM.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Capt., id love to see some new pics to see how your posing is coming along.

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    OK guys im getting pics up tomorrow! Its getting close things are so tough right now its simply a mental hangin on guys

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Hang in there man you said its all mental....and its mind over matter.

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    poses look much better. great work so far.

    i was going to say not to do the victory pose also, not that you look bad in it but its a pose for a larger body. everything else looks real solid.

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey thanks alot man! yea i wasnt planning on doing the victory pose just did it for sh1ts....

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    On the rear double bi, dont lean back so much, Straighten up a lil bit. On the most muscular, dont lock out your legs. Bring your feet a lil closer and slight bend in knee.

    Things are looking nice....Progress from last pics!!!!

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Doc..thanks man! ill try and adjust those poses this wk! thanks again

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    looking great bro!!!!! keep going strong!!!! & thanks for all your help w my cycle..going great.. KICK ASS & we'll be looking for the updates..

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Getnjackked...hey no problem man!!! thanks again for the support, things are going great! i feel great, 8 days till i start carbin up!!! heres my current meal schedule, which hasnt really changed, and heres my back workout from today!

    Meal 1 grits and chicken

    Meal 2 whey isolate

    Meal 3 Chicken and rice

    Meal 4 chicken

    Meal 5 chicken and rice

    Meal 6 PWO Steak and brn rice with zucchinni

    Meal 7 chicken and zucchinni

    Meal 8 Whey isolate with Flax Oil

    my base carbs are 150g per day and on Carb day it ranges from 450-475g of carbs...i cut protein shakes on sunday and i begin aldactone on not changing up my sodium or depleting much either, i want to make sure im full and maintain my weight, today i weighed 178lb which should be perfect cuz i think ill come in right at 175lb so ill be at the top of the middleweight practicing my routine and posing more and i feel great...i just got a couple more sessions of cardio and training left and im cruising to the show...

    Back Day

    pull ups--4 sets 20 reps, 20 reps, 16 reps, 15 reps
    stiff leg deadlifts 155lbx12 reps, 205lbx10 reps, 205lbx10 reps
    barbell rows, 155lbx12 reps, 165lbx12 reps, 175lbx10 reps
    T bar rows 2 sets 185lbx12 reps
    shrugs 3 sets 225lbx25 reps, 315x20 reps, 275x20 reps

    all sets performed with 1 minute rests

  28. #108
    Don't worry bout ur weight bro, just come in as well conditioned as you can get and you'll do great!!!

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yea man im not worried about my weight im just glad ive made improvements from last year....itll be fun im looking forward to it...

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Yea man im not worried about my weight im just glad ive made improvements from last year....itll be fun im looking forward to it...

    looking amazing bro...keep it up, its always good to step on the stage a year later a little are almost there bro, keep it up

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    abs and thigh is a damn good pose for you bro

  32. #112
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    Mwolffey..thanks alot bro! I cant wait for the show, i try not to get caught up in winning and who else is competing, im just ecstatic on how much ive learned along the way and improved...ive overcome alot of injuries this year and i can say that i trained hard and dieted hard and didnt even consider cheating on my diet...its been straight the whole way through and i got alot of friends going to support me which is always fun...ill keep you guys posted with more pics...

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Lookin cut man great job! And you waist is tiny what are your measurments?

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks man! to be honest i dont measure anything!..i pretty much just judge by the mirror....

  35. #115
    Join Date
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    Are you doing the bodyrock

  36. #116
    Join Date
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    Na man its not bodyrock...

  37. #117
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    nice thread this my first look at it .. kuz well.. im lazy but anyways
    u look pimp bro
    props to u
    but did u ever think maybe ur arms are too big for ur body? lol
    maybe its just my eyes

    anyways keep up the dedication u got me beat by a long shot

  38. #118
    Great job capt.

    I've been following and taking the advice as my own lol.. my show is in 7wks..
    You look great!
    -B D

    [email protected]
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    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  39. #119
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    nice thread this my first look at it .. kuz well.. im lazy but anyways
    u look pimp bro
    props to u
    but did u ever think maybe ur arms are too big for ur body? lol
    maybe its just my eyes

    anyways keep up the dedication u got me beat by a long shot
    His arms are def big. After the show he should ease off arms a bit and let the rest of his body catch.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #120
    Join Date
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    Someplace Civilized
    Great Job bro!!

    You look great

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