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Thread: Test E and Dbol first cycle

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    You can see a good difference in your shoulders chest and arms. Great job man, even your forearms look bigger. I just started my cycle so hopefully I see good gains like that. I need to cut some fat as well. The only thing I could tell you is do some crunches or situps and get them abs popping out to complete the package.
    yea i've been hittin my abs every 2 days alternating side work and front. seems to be making a difference my midsection is ALOT firmer. no more defined but definately stronger and more solid.

    Today was lat/bi's and it was baddddd assssss. had an awesome pump. i love when u cant touch ur shoulders cuz ur bi's are so pumped. started with weighted wide grip pull ups (havent done these in a while) so my numbers were a lil weak but nice and slow controled pull ups with an additional 45lbs i got 10 for my best set. makin sure i stretch at the bottom and pinch my back at the top, felt awesome. also i tried a new row that i've never done. i used the hammer grip pull down bar....if u know what im talkin about. and put it on the low row machine really nailed my lats a buddy of mine told me to try it out and i really liked it so i definately recomend it my weight is still sitting at 220ish in the morning ill check tomorrow and see where im at.. tomorrow makes injection #8 i believe... and shoulders/traps tomorrow i might take a video as well.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    please takle videos, and more pics. hows the weight increasing? i saw ur earlier post and dont worry about the bloat tat will DEF. go down when u stop dbol. youll probably still have a little from the test, but im on like week 10 of HRT and i JUST got a little bloat from test. i kinda like it however. its great for strength. use an aromatase inhibitor if you really want, but remember that water will be out when ur cycles done. if ur doin wide pullups with a 45 lb plate, ur doin great.
    i just use my body weight for like 8 reps a set, and its hard for me.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    my back width is definately a strong point. ill take pics in another week or so ill take a video if i can sometimes my gym is stupid about it they say you ahve to have a "media pass" its retarded

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i just measure my arms for the hell of it and they're 18 exactly. granted this is 3 hours after back/bi day so they are still slightly pumped but still im happy

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    you should be, 18 are nice guns. i want 20's when im done bulking

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    So your stopping dbol thursday?

    Some report that there gains stop after the discontinue dbol....hopefully the test will be kicked in full force and you keep gaining.

    Keep it up, and 18 inch guns at your weight is impressive.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hmm/. do u feel the test? any signs of it? itd suck to get off dbol and not have the test working

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    my strength has jumped up a second time and quite a bit so i would guess the test is kickin'll be the 4th week so im sure its about time for it to kick in so i've been told. the source i used has good reports on the test kickin in pretty quick. so hopefully ill be good to go when the dbol is done.

    HellMask why would my gains stop once the dbol is discontinued? its just a kick starter shouldnt the test kick in and keep my gains going???

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    today was shoulders/traps. i shoulder pressed 100's for 9 reps which i thought was pretty impressive. with good form. i've never had my shoulders pump and burn sooooo bad. it was pretty awesome. i was 223lbs pwo

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3

    HellMask why would my gains stop once the dbol is discontinued? its just a kick starter shouldnt the test kick in and keep my gains going???

    Some users notice week 5 to be a slow week compared to the first 4 with dbol. Most of the time those who notice a slump are just looking at the weight scale and arent gaining anymore water so they think there not gaining. But your running an AI , so you haven't put on alot of water thankfully. 223lbs jesus! Your gaining weight thats for sure. 100lb dumbells for 9 , thats pretty damn strong.

    Are you still checking your BP, how is it?
    Have anymore nose bleeds?
    During this time, how do your joints feel? Did you have any tendinitus in anything before the cycle? Are your joints feeling more "lubricated" even when using an AI?

    Keep up the good work.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Some users notice week 5 to be a slow week compared to the first 4 with dbol. Most of the time those who notice a slump are just looking at the weight scale and arent gaining anymore water so they think there not gaining. But your running an AI , so you haven't put on alot of water thankfully. 223lbs jesus! Your gaining weight thats for sure. 100lb dumbells for 9 , thats pretty damn strong.

    Are you still checking your BP, how is it?
    Have anymore nose bleeds?
    During this time, how do your joints feel? Did you have any tendinitus in anything before the cycle? Are your joints feeling more "lubricated" even when using an AI?

    Keep up the good work.
    no more nose bleeds, i havent checked bp in about a week ill check it later. nose bleeds quit a while ago i dont believe they were from the cycle. im pretty sure it was just dry sinus' due to change in weather. i've never had much of joint elbows bother me sometims on pressin movements but it hasnt gotten better/worse sense the cycle started. over head extensions bother them but nothing bad. but i do think i am holding water, i feel bloated lately. also i've noticed a decrease in appetite. but i've been eating i havent let it get to me. far so good. i hope the test gains are as impressive as the dbol was/is....

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    yeah test gains shud be better and more solid. however dont expect to add another 20 lbs. (obviously) any liver pain from the dbol?

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    yeah test gains shud be better and more solid. however dont expect to add another 20 lbs. (obviously) any liver pain from the dbol?
    nno liver pain and i know i wont add 20 more lbs. but i am considering extending my dbol to 6 weeks possibly. havent decided yet

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hmm. how many weeks so far? it wouldnt be a bad idea. but definitely lower the dose to 20-30. most people notice test in like 4-5 weeks. however i know a few guys who it took them 7-8, one who it took 10, and it seemed it was 8 for me.
    think of the test solidifying your gains, your gunna look lik a GOD when this is over if you do PCT correctly. might wanna cosider running som clen unless ur a fact recover-er.

  15. #95
    I wouldn't lower dose if you plan to extend, keep it at 50mg/day.. That isn't even considered a high dosage and lowering it would be pointless (might as just stop it now).

    If you're concerned with stress on your liver then have BW done to determine whether or not you should continue.

    Btw, Ironaddict: What is liver pain?

  16. #96
    Yea if you have insurance just schedule an appt with your doc and tell him that you dont feel well and want to have bloodwork done for your own piece of mind.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    oh liver pain, kidney pain, i got it when i ran on oral too high a dose. your lower back on the right side HURTS REAL BAD.

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    oh liver pain, kidney pain, i got it when i ran on oral too high a dose. your lower back on the right side HURTS REAL BAD.
    definately havent had this. but i do drink quite a bit of water....ive had the back pumps on lower back days but thats it. nothing like some people report. and if i do decide to extend the dbol which im pretty sure im going to to atleast 5 weeks maybe 6 i wont drop the dose, i dont see the point.

  19. #99

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    quads/calves today. pretty bad ass workout. 14 sets of quads and 5 sets of calves. i had veins on my calves! quads got super pumped. i did hack squats, lunges, and close footed squats, then burned out with leg extensions and was wasted by the time iwas done so definately a good workout. ill weigh myself again this thursday which will be the end of 4 weeks. tomorrows an off day and me and my gf's 4 year anniversary so i guess were going out to eat as well...

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i have decided to up my arimidex to .5mg a day due to bloat and i am going to run the dbol 5 weeks possibly 6. today was an off day. tomorrow is triceps/abs/forearms and cardio after

  22. #102
    How's the diet? That can be a major factor in retaining water.

    Oh yea, bump for Ruhlfreak also.. I'm dying to hear about his training theories.

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    How's the diet? That can be a major factor in retaining water.

    Oh yea, bump for Ruhlfreak also.. I'm dying to hear about his training theories.
    lol u F*cker dont bring him back in here and start an arguement. ill send u a pm with my diet.

  24. #104
    lol.. good deal, shoot it over.

    Couldn't let him think I forgot about him

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    haro has ur cardio suffered using dbol? i hear it gets bad.

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    ive never really done much cardio at all...i've started doing 15-20 mins afterevery other workout tho. i have noticed a shortness in breath lately and a decrease in endurance especially during sex lol kind of funny but something i have noticed could just be im not used to the extra 18 lbs im caring now

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    morning weight today was 221.5lbs so today is the end of four weeks and that puts me at a 17.5lb increase in morning weight so far. is that average...hi side low side...? of weight gained in 4 weeks of dbol? im jus curious where i stand with the norm.

  28. #108
    Pretty normal Now if you can hold onto it.

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    How's the diet? That can be a major factor in retaining water.

    Oh yea, bump for Ruhlfreak also.. I'm dying to hear about his training theories.
    u really feel the need to get me riled up again???? don't matter to me i like it

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lol haro, thats funny. its the dbol dont worry. dbol usually hinders endurance. and sex, is an endurance activity.

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    today was tris and forearms. awesome workout got two sets of dips with 135lbs on the belt as low as i could go so i was happy. ive upped my arimidex to .5mg a day also because of water.

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    today was tris and forearms. awesome workout got two sets of dips with 135lbs on the belt as low as i could go so i was happy. ive upped my arimidex to .5mg a day also because of water.

    Tris & Forearms ??? What kind of workout is that?

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    well i do alot of dips so it hits alot of chest as well. and it seems to be working so laugh if u want

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    hey haro, i have been watching your log and i am plannin on doing the same cycle thx for posting this it really helped me out, i am currently working on my diet b4 i start my cycle, could you pm me your diet also so i can take a look im almost the same starting wieght, hieght, and bf and all i am looking to do is gain 20-30 lbs. thanks again

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev_325
    hey haro, i have been watching your log and i am plannin on doing the same cycle thx for posting this it really helped me out, i am currently working on my diet b4 i start my cycle, could you pm me your diet also so i can take a look im almost the same starting wieght, hieght, and bf and all i am looking to do is gain 20-30 lbs. thanks again
    yea ill send it over later on tonight. glad to hear your willing to get ur diet in line before jumping on.

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hey haro hows ur weight now that ur off dbol? or are u staying on a few more weeks

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    hey haro hows ur weight now that ur off dbol? or are u staying on a few more weeks
    im staying on for atleast one more week. but ill let you know soon and prolly take pics next week. i feel like im getting fat....i think its just the bloat messin with me. either way ill post later today was back and hellla awesome workout ill be gone for the weekend tomorrows an off day ill lift chest on sunday.

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Chest day today. 130's for 6 on flat bench really slow controlled movement felt great, then incline, dips and a couple sets of cables to end with good workout, really felt strong, striations looked whicked i lifted in a wifebeater which i never do so i could see my chest better and it looked awesome. i was 225lbs after workout today ill weigh myself in the morning see where i am.

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    weighed 223 morning weight today. so thats almost 20lbs in 4.5 weeks. today was hamstrings/calves. all went well.

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    nice man nice. im still readin this by the way, and so are other people.
    i cant wait till i do my dbol cycle lol

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