View Poll Results: How many members under 25 years old

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  • 10-15 years old

    2 1.39%
  • 16-18 years old

    6 4.17%
  • 19-25 years old

    81 56.25%
  • 25 years or older

    55 38.19%
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Thread: How many members under 25 years old

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    You slammed FIT simply because hes 23!

    He has a great diet, low BF%, has been training for 4 years, and has a decent base!

    But you take none of this into account because hes 23 so he must be too young?

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    Oh, ok........GOOD FOR HIM.

    Now with that being said, HE'S TOO YOUNG TO DO GEAR.

    Are you understand? I don't think I can be any clearer even to someone young like yourself.

  3. #83
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post

    Asking questions is ok, but so far, if you look through my postings, you'll see question like, I'M 21 (MIGHT AS WEEL BE 10) AND DOING SUCH AND SUCH FOR MY CYCLE. IS THIS OK?

    Those are the kiddies that should have learned how to use the search button.

    Don't you think?
    Oh, I agree everyone who even considers gear should put forth a hell of alot of effort to research and figure out if it's even necessary or a viable option.

    I will willingly admit that I'm not the most knowledgable guy on the subject, but I like many other younger guys on this site have spent many days just reading literature and opinions of those who are more experienced to gain necessary knowledge, but we look to those who have already learned to fill in the gaps that may be left.

    Now, I've seen some pretty ridiculuous threads posted where the poster clearly didn't do any searching at all and for them, I agree when you say "the kiddies should have learned how to use the search button," but just because a person is under 25 doesn't mean they are unprepared or ill-informed.

    You're telling me that a guy who's 24 one day, has his birthday the next is all good? What happened in that 24 hour transition that just made him eligble for gear?

    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    You slammed FIT simply because hes 23!

    He has a great diet, low BF%, has been training for 4 years, and has a decent base!

    But you take none of this into account because hes 23 so he must be too young?

    point in question!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    You slammed FIT simply because hes 23!

    He has a great diet, low BF%, has been training for 4 years, and has a decent base!

    But you take none of this into account because hes 23 so he must be too young?

    Do you get a tv show where you are mate called grumpy old men

  5. #85
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    24 years old to 25 is very close. I don't believe I ever said you needed to wait until your 25th or 24th birthday down to the second did I?

    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 is all too young to be thinking about gear. Your body is still producing plenty of test, so why wreck it?

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    Are you understand? I don't think I can be any clearer even to someone young like yourself.

    No, i no understand... haha

    Dude all youre doing is posting your opinion. It doesnt make it a fact...

    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 is all too young to be thinking about gear. Your body is still producing plenty of test, so why wreck it?

    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-15-2008 at 04:46 PM.

  7. #87
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    All you're doing is making an idiot of yourself by thinking the way you do.

    Best of luck. I'm betting you need it.


  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    24 years old to 25 is very close. I don't believe I ever said you needed to wait until your 25th or 24th birthday down to the second did I?

    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 is all too young to be thinking about gear. Your body is still producing plenty of test, so why wreck it?
    the problem i have with this statement is that you are assuming that all people in this age group produce in the normal range of test, which isn't the case at all, what if someone in this group is producing less test than more, or what if they entered puberty early(like myself, i'm 19 and my growth plates have been closed for years, mostly due to a car accident that did severe damage to my spine) and have the endocrine system of a 24 or older person?

  9. #89
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    the problem i have with this statement is that you are assuming that all people in this age group produce in the normal range of test, which isn't the case at all, what if someone in this group is producing less test than more, or what if they entered puberty early(like myself, i'm 19 and my growth plates have been closed for years, mostly due to a car accident that did severe damage to my spine) and have the endocrine system of a 24 or older person?
    How in your opinion (I personally know) would a person know, or not know this?

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    How in your opinion (I personally know) would a person know, or not know this?
    are you asking me how would a board member who is giving advice know, or the actual person asking if they are ready?

  11. #91
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    so if some one under the age of 25 had tests done to prove that their endocrine system and their growth plates were fully matured by the time they were 21, would you still tell them that they are too young?

    what is the point in people using a search button when they are only going to find negative remarks about people using steroids? or that you have to use foodrol etc.
    sure i can see your reply, "maybe if you were older youd understand my english, grow up" get over yourself

  12. #92
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    He'd reply

    "Youre a child, you should know youre to young, if you dont youre a child"
    BB just thinks he can enforce his naive views on everyone and hopes they will all agree.

    And when someone doesnt, he gets pissy and calls people children.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    so if some one under the age of 25 had tests done to prove that their endocrine system and their growth plates were fully matured by the time they were 21, would you still tell them that they are too young?

    what is the point in people using a search button when they are only going to find negative remarks about people using steroids? or that you have to use foodrol etc.
    sure i can see your reply, "maybe if you were older youd understand my english, grow up" get over yourself
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    He'd reply

    BB just thinks he can enforce his naive views on everyone and hopes they will all agree.

    And when someone doesnt, he gets pissy and calls people children.

    c'mon guys, i know we don't agree with his views, but let's not bash him here, everyone is entitled to their own view points, and if we didn't have people like bbuilder, then we wouldn't have to research to prove and make our points clearer, so he's not a bad guy here, just a person with a different view

  14. #94
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    I agree but hes the A hole calling people names and being a jerkoff about it...

    Im not trying to enforce my views on anyone.

  15. #95
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    BB just thinks he can enforce his naive views on everyone and hopes they will all agree.

    And when someone doesnt, he gets pissy and calls people children.
    Ok, let me put it another way. I just looked at your photos.

    I can say with 10000% certainty that if you did a cycle, it didn't help. You could have achieve the same results naturally. Unless that isn't you in your photos??

  16. #96
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    No that is me in my photos thank you very much...

    And i find it hard to beileve you can tell all that without EVER SEEING ME!

    Or knowing what my genetics are!

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    I agree but hes the A hole calling people names and being a jerkoff about it...

    Im not trying to enforce my views on anyone.
    good point, but again, yes you are, we all are, when you recommend some use prop instead of enth, or a specific cycle, or pct, or whatever, that is based on your personal view of the different AS, some people love sust, others hate it, this entire board is dedicated to a science of personal choice, which in itself is biased to each individual

    anyway didn't mean to sound like i was lecturing you, LOL, guess i was trying to push my point of view on you by accident

  18. #98
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    So you posted pictures of someone else in your profile? Cool. Makes total sense to me, just like taking gear under 25.


  19. #99
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    I agree we are all offering advice.

    But im not pushing my views.
    If someone asks

    Which is better? E or Prop?
    Im gonna say
    I like prop, go with it!
    Thats not the same as.

    If youre under 25 youre a child and dont know what you are doing

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    So you posted pictures of someone else in your profile? Cool. Makes total sense to me, just like taking gear under 25.


    wtf are you taking about?

  21. #101
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    Your KIND make me want to throw up.

  22. #102
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    what do you mean my kind?

    Do you have something against Brazilians?

    wtf are you talking about?

    Youre making even less sense that normal

  23. #103
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    I've wasted enough time on you which is my fault.

  24. #104
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    again guys, chill and agree to disagree here, this type of argument is useless to the board

  25. #105
    Join Date
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    this thread fails.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    this thread fails.
    LOL, gotcha on this one, guess we're even now

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    LOL, gotcha on this one, guess we're even now
    lol. the stupid thing about this thread is all the generalizations (which you pointed out a few times). just because you're under 25 doesnt mean you have high test and gh levels. everyones endocrine system is different and basing things simply on age is pretty ignorant. ive seen guys on this board that were hypogonadal at age 19, without any use of steroids.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    lol. the stupid thing about this thread is all the generalizations (which you pointed out a few times). just because you're under 25 doesnt mean you have high test and gh levels. everyones endocrine system is different and basing things simply on age is pretty ignorant. ive seen guys on this board that were hypogonadal at age 19, without any use of steroids.
    i agree, like i pointed out, i'm 19 and due to an accident i am "ready" psychiologically, i just don't want to start yet

    anyway, i pass the reins over to you for a while, i've got a match and then some studying and i know the boards in good control with you watching it, later bro,

    btw, if you want to type up your diet i'll critique it and get nova to do the same and we can help you manipulate it to get the specific results you want

    it's alot of work, but i know you're dedicated and will follow it so i'll put in the time if you want some help with it

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i agree, like i pointed out, i'm 19 and due to an accident i am "ready" psychiologically, i just don't want to start yet

    anyway, i pass the reins over to you for a while, i've got a match and then some studying and i know the boards in good control with you watching it, later bro,

    btw, if you want to type up your diet i'll critique it and get nova to do the same and we can help you manipulate it to get the specific results you want

    it's alot of work, but i know you're dedicated and will follow it so i'll put in the time if you want some help with it
    thanks bro, i'll keep that in mind. i'll fire off a PM of my diet when i get some time to type it up

  30. #110
    Join Date
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    Yea i agree BBuilder is forcing his oppinion on people, the last person that did that to me i stabbed.

    just what annoys me is even though people are asking legit questions about steroids so they dont **** it up, bbuilder is shooting them down and having a go at them on their thread, even if they are 18-25 they still have the same human rights as everyone else.
    You have to be 18 years old to join this board, so that should entitle people between the ages of 18-25 atleast some information about what they are going to do.
    BBuilder can rant on about how young some one is, but is it going to stop them 99% of the time its not going to and with the way he has a go at you its probably pushing it to 100%.

    ive seen other members tell them that they are too young and give them guidance, i can respect that.. its a gentle point of view and its not spitting your faces and putting their oppinion down your throat.

    ive met people like BBuilder before, he probably did steroids before 25, but he has his own rules that everyone else HAS to follow.
    hes a control freak.

  31. #111
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    Thats true my friend...

    Its cool

    he sent me some hate mail a few minutes ago, making racial slurs and whatnot...

    I reported him, not to worry, hell be gone soon!

  32. #112
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    he sent me some hate mail a few minutes ago, making racial slurs and whatnot...

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