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Thread: CARB UP, FAT LOAD, WATER all explained and planned out for you

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    is there a reason for no protein shakes?

    would lasex be ok for a diuretic, considering its a natty comp?

    kind regards, this thread is the bomb.

  2. #122
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    No to Lasix bad choice of diuretic...and no shakes as they are processed food and will have some level of preservatives and will make you hold water in my opinion, upto 1-2 weeks out of the show i do use protein powders...

  3. #123

    Talking carb/fat loading...mike XXL

    still not clear on that loading....i got the 18 hrs befor prejudging it...loading thurs fri....check
    now here is the question.....
    at mid night before show at 800 am prejudging.....what do i do?????
    1200 am do i load on fat and carbs only at 12 00 am ...
    or do i load a 2 hurs before prejudging.....
    load every 2 hrs till full ??? didnt get that part....I usally do the depleting till wed load till fri and every2 hrs at mid till show with carbs ans sugar......I wouls appreciate your input ...I go to texas show tomorrow,,,rather today...and sat.....

  4. #124
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    Load starting 8:00pm friday, first meal, than 6:00am second meal, that's it make sure no more water is being consumed...good luck...XXL

  5. #125
    Thanks....I ll do jus that.....I am real full ..its amazing...let you know what's up later after the weigh in....
    So far this is dialing my number......let you know on the rest......thanks again...

  6. #126
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    Limassol. Cyprus
    Hi Mike, Ive just joined this forum and am a newbie.. but ive been following yr posts that u ve written since 2002 in the archives.. im extremely impressed how u go abt explaining yr "tried concepts" that uve used on yrself etc.. im 3 days out from competing in our nationals here, as a master now.. i always have had problems filling up on the day, and always come in flat but hard and dry.. im implimenting yr 1/2 traditonal /shitload programme u outlined here.. im on Day two of the carbload @ 300/350 gms carbs tomorrow.. im abit nervous abt last nite b4 comp as thats when the duiretic question comes in.. i got Dumide-k with me but worry t mite flatten me out.. at mo im hard and pretty dry and slightly flat as my carbs have been low throughout prep.. ( 6 meals of 100gm white potato with my chicken and fish or egg whites.. ) i dropped shakes 4 weeks out... was running prop with parabolan and win inj and clen.. now was using masteron, suspension and winnie with anavar and Halotest..(wth .5 arimedex morning and 10mg nova @ nite ) how should i handle things from here regard duiretics as im in an open class with 90+ kg guys and im only 80kg?? thanx bro!!

  7. #127
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    Dumide-K is Lasix (Furosemide) one of the worst diuretics around and very hard to nail down fast acting and some what uncontrolable...if you must use it i would do 1 dose (25mg to be on the safer side) keepp electrolytes on hand, potassium, magnesium and sodium or pedialyte on hand in case you cramp, also in the morning before show 3 hours later after diuretic i would do a shit load to fill up and get full and tight. Monitor your condition and do small doses 12.5 / 6.25mg per if you have to adjust it allow 1 to 2 hours for diuretic to make it's way thourgh before making a judgement...i hope this helps out a bit, with Lasix better play it safe Bro.

  8. #128
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    BIG BIG THANX to Mike... damn bro!!! i followed yr prep to the T.. and it paid off bigtime... i nailed my form @ prejudging and my vasculairty was insane!! i was sitting a def top 3.. then by night i filled out even more and harder and the time i pumped up i was causing traffic jams in inthe pump area with folk trying to get a photo how vascular i got.. i took the stage and walked off with the Masters.. unfortunately Masters and juniors here are not invited to try for the overall .. pity.. i was on the money.. BIG thank u again... i will personal message u Mike with some small changes/additions to yr plan that worked for me.. RESPECT...

  9. #129
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    You are welcome. I will shoot you a PM as i have a request for you.

  10. #130
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    Limassol. Cyprus
    2nd comp is on 13th nov, would i follow the same approach as ive just done or change anything to the load etc Mike? This time i gotta make a wght class (weigh in on Fri nite and pre's r Sat midday.) how is this gona work?

  11. #131
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    What is your weight right now and what do you have to get down to?

  12. #132
    Join Date
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    Mike how bad are the consequences of having sex before the show (in my case Halloween night) would u continue to load up or go by feeling .... Have u known of somebody that has done this ...

  13. #133
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Mike how bad are the consequences of having sex before the show (in my case Halloween night) would u continue to load up or go by feeling .... Have u known of somebody that has done this ...
    I am sure your partner would love to have pro-tan smeared all over them. In all seriousness, if you have that much extra energy the day before a show I am wondering how strict your precontest diet was. Most people are walking zombies the last two weeks. If you do feel that good, spend the time and energy practicing your posing. Plenty of time for Nookie after the contest.

  14. #134
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    Nice reply Fireguy.. i wish i could be that horny one nite
    Mike .. im well in my wght as gotta go in @ 80kg and today was am not too stressed abt making wght.. just getting it all dialed in again will be the iceing on the cake for the end of my season..enjoy whats left of yr w/end.

  15. #135
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    Mike. Just found out the prejudging is on the sat @ 15.00 till 19.00. then the finals follow on the sunday @ 10.00am. How does one do the fat/junk load with this situation?

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I am sure your partner would love to have pro-tan smeared all over them. In all seriousness, if you have that much extra energy the day before a show I am wondering how strict your precontest diet was. Most people are walking zombies the last two weeks. If you do feel that good, spend the time and energy practicing your posing. Plenty of time for Nookie after the contest.
    No, not a bb show... Just Halloween night ... But carbed up according to this and was good, i ended up not having sex before going OIT and had it after i got Home

  17. #137
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    No, not a bb show... Just Halloween night ... But carbed up according to this and was good, i ended up not having sex before going OIT and had it after i got Home
    You carbed up for Halloween?

  18. #138
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    Yep was a boxer

  19. #139
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    Well Mike im on day 1 of the carb up for the 2nd time, i fly friday morn to Poland for World Champs and im well excited how the loading will go 2nd time around.. i saw yr posted reply abt a two day event so will use the info u gave there. THANX again Mike,, i will post pics as soon as im back.. RESPECT...

  20. #140
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    Good luck in my home country of Poland...what city you at?

  21. #141
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    Mike.,we are going to Bialstoyk...excuse the spelling.. my polish is rusty... abt 4hrs by bus from Warsaw...any good looking foxy unmarried foxes u recommend?? haha!! will let u know how it goes..Later bro..

  22. #142
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    HaHaHa i haven't been back home for 19 no foxes...LOL...good luck...

  23. #143
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    Well Mike im back home training hard after a great but hectic weekend in yr homeland.. damn the 4 hr bus trip did not help with the 12 hour trip in total.. the hotel was excellent and good choice of food available.. i made weigh in on fri nite then started my loading around 4am as was well flat from flight and horrendous bus trip.. i shitloaded thru the day only to find that with 26 divisions i was in div 22..!! so i only went on stage around 7.30pm!! i didnt spill though and i filled well but the no water thing was hard.. i was realistcally hoping to bust into the top 10 but ended up with 13th overall.. i know this position only reflects that i gotta fix my wheels.. MAKE THEM HUGE!! to be competitive at this level its all abt SIZE AND more size.. Pics to follow shortly.. THANX AGAIN FOR YR HELP ..

  24. #144
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    Hi again Mike, just had another great weekend. i went to Greece and competed in the PanHellenic Championships last sunday, i followed yr Protocol Mike again for the 3rd time in 5weeks.. with great success, winning the Open Masters catergory. Thanx again Mike. Yr system and well explained layout made 2009 a great year for me in terms of bodybuilding. i learned alot. Please PM me sometime so i can get those pics etc to u..

  25. #145
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    SWEET, i am glad you had a great year congrats, remember it is easy giving advice and much harder following it all credit goes to you...job well done...and i am glad i could help :-) anytime!

  26. #146
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    Hi Mike!!! long time no hear!! i want to wish u all a late H...APPY NEW YEAR...enjoy the off season!!! how can i get you the pics bro?

  27. #147
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    Hit me up at [email protected]
    Happy new year to you as well i am planning 2 shows this year started dieting this of luck to you...XXL

  28. #148
    Hi Mike, reading this thread has made me join, and post in here.

    THis is all excellent info, but i have a question.

    Im prepping myself this time for my next show, as i was prepped by someone else last time and wasnt happy with my carb up/deplete etc as usual looked flat and came in great 2 days later.. once i had shit loaded after..

    Anyway, it would be great if you could advise me on how to practice your loading technique, and how many weeks out is the most i can try it ?

    Do i just follow it as described and then jump back on to my diet the next day ?

    as after my last show i had a massive sodium rebound, and it took about a month to subside etc..

    So the question is how do i practise it and not mess up the remaing of my prep ?

    Many thanks


  29. #149
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    If you are ready and nearing the 4% BF you can try it 2 weeks out, limit the water intake for that day for 1st half of it to try to maximize the results, the next day back to the diet to clear any fluids and rebound, 2 weeks will give you enough time to make small corrections and get ready for the real run for the show...I usualy recomend one medium size meal 14 hours before the show and then bigger one in the morning of the show, make sure the water is cut atleast 4 hours before the start of shtload...and thank you for your complements.

  30. #150
    Hi again mike, thank you for your reply.

    I have a couple more questions, if thats ok.

    regarding the diretic use, i have aldcatone at home is this ok to use as outlined in your method ?
    Or is it to risky as ive never used it without guidance before ? could i go without it ?

    Also i aim to be 73kg or 160lb on stage should i reduce the amounts of carbs in pro to my bodyweight as i read its set up for a 200lb guy ?


  31. #151
    Hi Mike,
    i have just one question....
    During the morning shit/loaiding i can it every shit what i want?
    I planing....
    -bacon and whole eggs
    -muffins and donuts
    -jelly sandwithes
    -bannas + honey

    Can I use this food?

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by cumajstr View Post
    Hi Mike,
    i have just one question....
    During the morning shit/loaiding i can it every shit what i want?
    I planing....
    -bacon and whole eggs
    -muffins and donuts
    -jelly sandwithes
    -bannas + honey

    Can I use this food?
    Yes that sounds good...keep foods including yeast adn dairy to minimum thou...good luck...XXL

  33. #153
    Hey Mike;

    I'm doing my first show in 4 weeks. Been dieting for 6 so far. I'm 5'9, 185, around 6% b/f. Been lifting for almost 10 years. Am running low Sust, added Masteron last week and adding oral tren next week. I am much more interested in your shitloading than a typical peak week--mainly because I'm a hardcore ectomorph and I know how my body responds. After reading this thread, I'm pretty sure I get it...just want to double check with you on the last week: Cut out shakes...No carb load (keep carbs mod high during week?)...Cut water 4 hrs before first shitload on Friday 14 hrs before pre judge...2nd shitload early Sat morning...whats the best snack/food in between pre judge and evening show?

    Thanks bro!!

  34. #154
    Join Date
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    I really enjoyed reading this Mike! good stuff indeed

  35. #155
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    Devilduckizer09, thank you.

    Depends on how lean and flat you are i would go 1 or 2 shtload meals.
    if you are flat after 10 weeks of dieting like i always am the 2 meals. yes 14 hours before pre-judging is good timing and the water timing is good as well 4 hours.
    Snack food between the morning and afternoon, if you want to keep it clean i would say ricecakes and peanutbutter ordry oatmeal works for me.
    Are you using diuretics? If yes what kind?
    Good luck...XXL

  36. #156

    I usually am flat every morning and by mid day am fairly filled out. I also think if I did the typical peak week and carb depleted, that even with carbing up, I'd still not look right as even though I have not done a BB comp before, I have dieted for modeling & wrestling before and somehow always respond better after a shit meal or 2.

    For diuretics, right now I only have Lasix...not really wanting to use it, but might not have access to anything else before then.

  37. #157
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    I do not like Lasix hard to time and even harder to control and if it goes wrong there is no wayto recover. I prefer shtload method to any other method out there i have tried many ways of doing it and for me this is the most controlable way to carb up even thou it seems like it's out of control eating. Let meknow if you need anything else...XXL

  38. #158
    I've heard a lot of bad stories about lasix. What do you recommend instead? I highly doubt I can snag some Dyazide...

    Do you sip any water at all if you do a shitload meal the night before?

  39. #159
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    No water at all, i eat few icecubes the day of the show if the going gets tough, but usually stay away from all fluids...i would use over the counter diuretic over Lasix...XXL

  40. #160
    I've had a few guys suggest a glass of red wine the night before...their reasoning sounded alright, but I am still not sure. Whats your opinion?

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