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Thread: HGH 1st TIMER

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    damn it man, I started taking gh about 2.5 weeks ago and my experience has been nothing like yours. I started with a huge dose of 25 iu the first day to see if I would get sides so i would know if it was real and hen 5 iu a day afer that. aside from about 5 lbs of water I put on about three days later, which is gone now, I havnt had any sides.. MAYBE, slightly aching knees... I dont feel any better,dont have increased sex drive, no tingling, not drowsy nothing... :-( I want some sides too damn it!
    Damn, don't know what to tell ya One thing for sure was that the 25ius was crazy! But I have to ask: what exacty did you see w/ the 5lbs of water? Was it just all over, in your stomach or what? I've never had that happen so had 2 ask.
    Anyway I think what did it for me was that I started at a really small dose and gradually took it up. You on the other hand am sure sent your system into shock w/ all that stuff.
    I would say drop it to around 3iu's a day for a week and then bump it up to 4 for a week and then 5 again. You'll have to notice a gradual difference.
    Or just keep runnin it @ 5iu's and wait a couple more weeks but b ok w/o seeing any sides.
    One thing for sure is that my sex drive is like the biggest side that I've gotten. To b honest w/ u I've rubbed one out THREE times in the last four hours! Or since waking up! I only wish the other sides were as strong. Haven't lost much in the way of lbs. but my muscles r starting to take form more and more. The fun thing is when your body starts showing you what it's going to look like when your done! I can already tell what kind if shape I'm going to have.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankieBotz View Post
    Dobie: 25iu for the first day? Your crazy dawg!

    Hey's the new stuff? Getting some more Omnitrop in 3 weeks. That shit is great! Still on 3iu 5/2 ed and still have some drowsiness, sleeping like a baby, feel great and **** great! haha

    Prop is kicking in nice too so all good .... where ya stand bra?
    I can tell a slight difference w/ the Somatropin. I'm just going through the motions... Figure it'll be several more months before I see anything big so I'm not pumping my self up w/ any high expectations yet.
    I too however am getting some great sleep! Sometimes drowsy but no more tingling in my hands, at least haven't noticed any but I haven't been paying attention either. Maybe I got used to it

  3. #123
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    Still @ 5iu's a day. No big changes yet. Still feel great, workouts r smooth and getting stronger. Stamina definitly picking up! Losing fat but @ a really slow pace. Great sleep. STRONG SEX DRIVE> and not sure but I haven't noticed as much hair falling out. Not sure if this is a symptom but I used to get a handfull of it in the mornings when I'd run gel through it.
    Still thinking of upping the dose to around 8iu's a day. I'm just afraid it might be to soon and I'd just be waisting my money. Would really like some advice on that. Should I waid 'till I've been on it longer or would it help it I uped the dose right now(in my 7th week)???

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i think that you will start to see some real diference after 3-4 mather what ,so dont wasted your money...keep it 5-6iu and wait...this works in function with time...

  5. #125
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    Taking care of biz.....Are you stacking with anything?.....But def llil longer is like a yearll ..i read a post by red baron i think he was saying he'll use it for 3-4 years strait.....But i didnt see you were staking with anything else ...that could help if your not on any AAS

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlovefitness View Post
    Taking care of biz.....Are you stacking with anything?.....But def llil longer is like a yearll ..i read a post by red baron i think he was saying he'll use it for 3-4 years strait.....But i didnt see you were staking with anything else ...that could help if your not on any AAS
    No, nothing yet. But I am planing to drop some Test into the mix at around week 10. I'm a little nervous about the sides though. I've been known to have a violent temper in the past.
    What I'm planing to do is up the GH when I drop the Test and see if that helps. I also keep hearing about winni. might drop that in w/ the Test. and im looking into deca as well. I'll keep everyone posted as I go along. So far I'm really happy w/ my almost 2 months of HGH! I could definitly see myself running it for a couple of years... I do wish it were cheeper though!

  7. #127
    Good luck, I'm on week 5


  8. #128
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    Jun 2008
    LOL yeah ...I hear u....You using generic gh or like jino or another company? I don't want to touch it yet only on my 2nd cycel......The pr on the street isnt that bad compared to hrt or anything.....some places actually have descent pricing but its not jino or nothing but still GH..Yea GH goes best with test definitely!

  9. #129
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    So right now I'm dealing with the issues of sources and hooking up before I run out. I think I'm going to start buying in bulk. Like several kits at a time and just keep 'em on hand.
    Other than that I'm still feeling GREAT! Sleeping good. Runnin' 5iu's a day. Two weeks on and then a day or two off. Lost a lot of fat but seam to have put on some lean mass 'cause the scale only says I've lost about three pounds in the last 2 weeks! However my shoulders, arms and chest are coming in good.
    Last edited by takincareofbusiness; 07-14-2008 at 05:32 PM.

  10. #130
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    So today I've decided to take it up to 8iu's a day from my usual 5. I've read a lot of different people's versions/ideas and experiences and have come up with the conclusion that at my size (6'3" 255lbs) I should be taking a lil higher dose if I want to see more gains. I also want to start taking Test but will wait until I've ran w/ the 8iu's for at least a couple weeks. Any sugestions?
    Last edited by takincareofbusiness; 07-18-2008 at 04:08 PM.

  11. #131
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    On this site...
    Keep us updated Bro! Love reading your results...

  12. #132
    Join Date
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    This thread has a ton of great info for those of us wanting to lose some weight and get bigger.

    Keep 'em coming bro!

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Great thread I am very interested in trying this, thanks for all the info

  14. #134
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    Thanks you guys!
    So I've been runnin' 8iu e/d for 5 days now. Feelin' GREAT! So far not much difference from the 5iu's but late yesterday I started noticing my right elbow was stiff. Kinda hurt a bit. Like I needed to stretch it out so I could pop it u know, but it wouldn't pop. Then today my left knee started hurting. Not all the time, only when it moves a certain way. It's not that bad. Managable really. But I like the fact that I'm getting sides. At least noticable ones. Now let's see when the long term one's kick in!

    What has anybody else felt in regards to joint pain/throbing? Does it go away like the sleepyness?

  15. #135
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    Planing on droping some test soon. Maybe in a week...
    Last edited by takincareofbusiness; 07-22-2008 at 02:39 AM.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    good read thanks for all the info everyone

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by takincareofbusiness View Post
    Thanks you guys!
    So I've been runnin' 8iu e/d for 5 days now. Feelin' GREAT! So far not much difference from the 5iu's but late yesterday I started noticing my right elbow was stiff. Kinda hurt a bit. Like I needed to stretch it out so I could pop it u know, but it wouldn't pop. Then today my left knee started hurting. Not all the time, only when it moves a certain way. It's not that bad. Managable really. But I like the fact that I'm getting sides. At least noticable ones. Now let's see when the long term one's kick in!

    What has anybody else felt in regards to joint pain/throbing? Does it go away like the sleepyness?
    I had a little bit of joint pain when I performed IM injections. But none since I've gone back to Sub-Q.


  18. #138
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    Took it back down to 5iu's three days ago. Still feel great but knew I wasn't going to get that 2nd shot in for the last couple days : (

    Tomorrow I'm doing 8 again. Also putting in my order for TEST! I could either get Test 375 or T3 tabs or BOTH. Not sure...

    Please advice...

  19. #139
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    Just to check in... Feelling fantastic! Still runnin' 8iu's a day am/pm ed. Feeling strong. Putting on some lbm now. Weight not going down but am losing steady fat. Body's begining to change. Can really see my shoulders and arms now! Been traveling a lot lately. Sometimes it's hard to get that 2nd shot in on time. Sometimes I end up taking it really late. No more joint pain.
    Visiting some family in so cal. My cousin's a trainer at a local gym. HE'S HUGE! Can't wait to pull him to the side and ask him what he's on... Working out w/ him tonight>

  20. #140
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    Was thinking about dropping some test into the mix but might wait another week or two. Luv what this stuff is doing!!!

  21. #141
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    Great thread man,very informative and detailed. Thanks for taking the time to post it. I've never done it but seriously considering it in a year or so from now. I'll be checking in regularly.
    You rubbed 3 out in 4 hours? DAMMMMM!!!! lol
    Good luck man.

  22. #142
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    Ok, checking in again. Was ready to drop some test into the mix but I've been hearing that it might cause hair loss.?.
    I already have thining hair and it's been an issue for me for the last year and a half. Going to have to do more research before I drop it...

  23. #143
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    Has anyone in their late 20's to early 30's taken a 6+ month cycle of lower dose (2-4ui) and not thrown juice in the mix?

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaredLean View Post
    Has anyone in their late 20's to early 30's taken a 6+ month cycle of lower dose (2-4ui) and not thrown juice in the mix?
    That's a good question.

  25. #145
    taking care of business great read so far. hows things going with the hair since takin h.g.h? i have a little thinning and afraid to take anything else dont want to make things worse. have u noticed any benefits towards your hair while on it?

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacked*deck View Post
    taking care of business great read so far. hows things going with the hair since takin h.g.h? i have a little thinning and afraid to take anything else dont want to make things worse. have u noticed any benefits towards your hair while on it?
    Well for one thing it seems to have stopped falling out. I would always have a bunch in my hands after funning gell through it// but not any more. The hair on my hands however seem to have gotten thicker. Not sure if it's from the HGH or the summer.

  27. #147
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    Ok so I started taking some new stuff a few days ago. It comes in 20iu vials and in loose powder form with RED CAPS. Runnin' 8iu's a day ed am/pm and have to say this stuff is INCREDIBLE! Not sure if it's from the higher dose or the better quality of my stuff but I FEEL GREAT!!! Oh, by the way I also lost another 5lbs !!! Down to 250lbs this morning and it feels AMAZING!

  28. #148
    thanks T.C.B.!!! when we going to see pics of your body? sounds like things are going good!!

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacked*deck View Post
    thanks T.C.B.!!! when we going to see pics of your body? sounds like things are going good!!
    Just as soon as I figure out how to post 'em!

  30. #150
    i hear you i dont no how to put a pic on hear either. I wished i did because i got called out for fishing for sources which i wasnt and i have this funny pic of me fishing where i caught the tiniest fish i ever seen. i was going to post the pic and say this is why i dont fish. will to truley see the humor you would have to see the pic. ill make it my avatar for a bit . i know how to do that. lol

  31. #151
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    ok, after further review of these new Red Topps I have to say that this stuff is definitly better! Much better work out and a much better overall sence of well being!!! I've also lost at least two inches in my waist! Time to go buy new clothes!!!

  32. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by takincareofbusiness View Post
    Ok, checking in again. Was ready to drop some test into the mix but I've been hearing that it might cause hair loss.?.
    I already have thining hair and it's been an issue for me for the last year and a half. Going to have to do more research before I drop it...
    Hey bro if your still wondering about test and hairloss.....just add some Propecia/finestrade.....but IMO test isn't that bad on the hair as some of the other AAS out there.

    Also what's the brand of the new red tops you just got?

  33. #153
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  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    Hey bro if your still wondering about test and hairloss.....just add some Propecia/finestrade.....but IMO test isn't that bad on the hair as some of the other AAS out there.

    Also what's the brand of the new red tops you just got?
    Thanks bro! I'll look into Propecia and finestrade. As far as my redtops; they're Somataxin and come in 20iu vials. I love 'em!

  35. #155
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    Well it's been a while since I checked in w/ everyone here. Been busy w/ summer and the kids. Been on several camping trips, beach, and So Cal. Always take my GH w/ me. I use ice chests and thermos.
    Still taking 8iu's just about e/d (take a day or two off in between weeks). So far I've lost 31lbs! Feel unbelievable all the time and get comments everyday! Sticking w/ the red tops my friend was gracious enough to hook me up with and am also looking for a good sourse of Jins. One of the biggest side effects so far is dealing with my pants not fitting anymore. Not to mention not haveing enough notches in my belts either. I plan on droping some test soon and uping the dose to 10iu's a day!

  36. #156
    I just started taking blue tops last week, i found out that i tend to be a lil light headed right now, and tired as hell....something I hope my body will come accustomed too and not happen once i get used to doing .5 every 2 days.....injection.
    Last edited by d1977; 09-07-2008 at 07:47 PM.

  37. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by takincareofbusiness View Post
    Well it's been a while since I checked in w/ everyone here. Been busy w/ summer and the kids. Been on several camping trips, beach, and So Cal. Always take my GH w/ me. I use ice chests and thermos.
    Still taking 8iu's just about e/d (take a day or two off in between weeks). So far I've lost 31lbs! Feel unbelievable all the time and get comments everyday! Sticking w/ the red tops my friend was gracious enough to hook me up with and am also looking for a good sourse of Jins. One of the biggest side effects so far is dealing with my pants not fitting anymore. Not to mention not haveing enough notches in my belts either. I plan on droping some test soon and uping the dose to 10iu's a day!

    IMO 8 IU's is already high enough......I know your itching to up it but try to keep the cash flow for using GH for the long term..

    As far as ASS stack look at TEST/VAR cycle in few weeks you'll love the hard dry mass!!

  38. #158
    Join Date
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    Good to hear from you TCB! Well done on 31 pounds lost! Yeah, I agree with G-Dude by sticking with 8IUs. GH takes time and produces slow results as you know, moreover I am sure that the 31 pounds was converted from fat to lean muscle and more to come for you. I would definitely drop some test and deca into your mix though. As for me still on it since early June at 4IU 5/2
    M-F (OMNITROPE). The results are there but at a slow pace but definitely leaner and I feel great. About to drop some Sustanon, Deca and D-bol into the mix this week. Don't be a stranger now that Summer's over..haha

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    IMO 8 IU's is already high enough......I know your itching to up it but try to keep the cash flow for using GH for the long term..

    As far as ASS stack look at TEST/VAR cycle in few weeks you'll love the hard dry mass!!
    Thanks 'Dude'.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankieBotz View Post
    Good to hear from you TCB! Well done on 31 pounds lost! Yeah, I agree with G-Dude by sticking with 8IUs. GH takes time and produces slow results as you know, moreover I am sure that the 31 pounds was converted from fat to lean muscle and more to come for you. I would definitely drop some test and deca into your mix though. As for me still on it since early June at 4IU 5/2
    M-F (OMNITROPE). The results are there but at a slow pace but definitely leaner and I feel great. About to drop some Sustanon, Deca and D-bol into the mix this week. Don't be a stranger now that Summer's over..haha
    Not at all! Thanks Bro!

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