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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post
    Care to share that lab name? It is possible we may have trouble locating one here in the U.S. that will cooperate due to the fact that it is a controlled substance in spite of all efforts. My stuff shipped from China. Not a big deal to ship to U.K. for testing. However, that comes to $715 USD right now. Ouch. Have family in Manchester, Birmingham suburbs, and London. Could order directly to my cousin from China and have him walk it in. He enjoys yellow tops as well.
    Yeah once I get the test done I will be able to share the lab name and you will be able to get it done cheaper than me!

    Basically I phoned one of the places over here that does blood tests and asked them where I could get a vial tested, they have outsourced it to a forensics lab but they won't tell me who because they are putting their margin on it - when I asked if they could do it any cheaper the woman said "No because we're paying nearly £400 for it ourselves"

    Anyway - once I have paid them the £472 over the phone by card she is going to tell me the name and address of the lab to send it to so once ol' NotSmall has bitten the bullet and paid £472 you boys should be able to go direct and get it for under £400. (And I'm really pleased for you... cunts lol)

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah once I get the test done I will be able to share the lab name and you will be able to get it done cheaper than me!

    Basically I phoned one of the places over here that does blood tests and asked them where I could get a vial tested, they have outsourced it to a forensics lab but they won't tell me who because they are putting their margin on it - when I asked if they could do it any cheaper the woman said "No because we're paying nearly £400 for it ourselves"

    Anyway - once I have paid them the £472 over the phone by card she is going to tell me the name and address of the lab to send it to so once ol' NotSmall has bitten the bullet and paid £472 you boys should be able to go direct and get it for under £400. (And I'm really pleased for you... cunts lol)
    Its fingers crossed time!

    jing jai

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah once I get the test done I will be able to share the lab name and you will be able to get it done cheaper than me!

    Basically I phoned one of the places over here that does blood tests and asked them where I could get a vial tested, they have outsourced it to a forensics lab but they won't tell me who because they are putting their margin on it - when I asked if they could do it any cheaper the woman said "No because we're paying nearly £400 for it ourselves"

    Anyway - once I have paid them the £472 over the phone by card she is going to tell me the name and address of the lab to send it to so once ol' NotSmall has bitten the bullet and paid £472 you boys should be able to go direct and get it for under £400. (And I'm really pleased for you... cunts lol)
    Your doing all a great service bro..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah once I get the test done I will be able to share the lab name and you will be able to get it done cheaper than me!

    Basically I phoned one of the places over here that does blood tests and asked them where I could get a vial tested, they have outsourced it to a forensics lab but they won't tell me who because they are putting their margin on it - when I asked if they could do it any cheaper the woman said "No because we're paying nearly £400 for it ourselves"

    Anyway - once I have paid them the £472 over the phone by card she is going to tell me the name and address of the lab to send it to so once ol' NotSmall has bitten the bullet and paid £472 you boys should be able to go direct and get it for under £400. (And I'm really pleased for you... cunts lol)
    Only for those living in the U.K. Our dollar is much weaker than your pound and will actually cost us much more. $715. We lose almost half our dollar once it's converted to your denomination. I think you're the first to do this and possibly the first to post results. Thanks for your efforts. You'll be helping yourself rest at ease (hopefully) and a lot of others who's source may be the same. This is what a good forum is all about.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post
    Only for those living in the U.K. Our dollar is much weaker than your pound and will actually cost us much more. $715. We lose almost half our dollar once it's converted to your denomination. I think you're the first to do this and possibly the first to post results. Thanks for your efforts. You'll be helping yourself rest at ease (hopefully) and a lot of others who's source may be the same. This is what a good forum is all about.
    There must be labs in the US that can do it but I suppose you have the extra complication of the legality of it.

    The $ is alot stronger against the £ than it usually is so it could be worse!

    All I am waiting on is for the woman to call me back and tell me exactly what test the lab is going to run, initially when I asked she said "I don't know but they are a fully licensed forensic laboratory and they said they can test it and tell you categorically whether it is growth hormone or not" so I said "Well I don't think its unreasonable if I'm spending £472 to want to know exactly what test is being run" and she relented and said she would call the lab and call me back - it was nearly the end of the day by this point so I would think I will hear on monday - I then just want to check with a few knowledgeable boys that such a test is definitive and unquestionable and if so I will go ahead.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    There must be labs in the US that can do it but I suppose you have the extra complication of the legality of it.

    The $ is alot stronger against the £ than it usually is so it could be worse!

    All I am waiting on is for the woman to call me back and tell me exactly what test the lab is going to run, initially when I asked she said "I don't know but they are a fully licensed forensic laboratory and they said they can test it and tell you categorically whether it is growth hormone or not" so I said "Well I don't think its unreasonable if I'm spending £472 to want to know exactly what test is being run" and she relented and said she would call the lab and call me back - it was nearly the end of the day by this point so I would think I will hear on monday - I then just want to check with a few knowledgeable boys that such a test is definitive and unquestionable and if so I will go ahead.
    Here is an excerpt from a post by "RMACGURN" that may help regarding exactly what to ask for and expect:
    He was answering one of my posts where I was mentioning that I intend to do bloodwork and asking "which" test would be the most conclusive of confirming the legitimacy of the product I have/use.

    "I prefer to have an analytical lab test the product using liquid chromatography or mass spectrometry tell me ingredients and amounts. this will identify all compound, peptides, etc in the powder. Kiils two birds with one stone. no matter where you are there will be a lab as they are required for pharmacies that compound and for new drug approval for manufacturing. much simpler also then all the expensive blood tests. be patient i think we will have a location or two in a day or so at reasonable prices".

    It seems to me (from RMACGURN'S posting above) that you may want to ask them if they perform Liquid Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry tests. ( I may be mistaken, but I believe they separate all substances in your compound by molecular weight and then I.D. each substance. This would be much better than just telling you if you have HGH or not because that would not tell you how pure, if there were any other substances, or the potency.

    BTW - RMACGURN asked that if I found his posts informational/helpful, if I wouldn't mind upping his rating by clicking on the color button in the upper right corner of his posts. I did so right away. This guy is responsible for bringing to light this type of conclusive testing and furthered our endeavor greatly. (The whole goal of this and other posts and a REAL concern with tons of members is to find out if we've spent our personal hard earned money on legitimate product). Ultimately if this proves successful (Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry testing any product we should so question) it could mean the BEGINNING OF THE END of the countless counterfeiters out there. What a revelation?!
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-09-2010 at 06:41 PM.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post
    Here is an excerpt from a post by rnmacnurn that may help regarding exactly what to ask for and expect:

    I prefer to have an analytical lab test the product using liquid chromatography or mass spectrometry tell me ingredients and amounts. this will identify all compound, peptides, etc in the powder. Kiils two birds with one stone. no matter where you are there will be a lab as they are required for pharmacies that compound and for new drug approval for manufacturing. much simpler also then all the expensive blood tests. be patient i think we will have a location or two in a day or so at reasonable prices.
    Yeah I spoke to one guy at a lab today who TOTALLY blew my mind telling me how he would test the sample and I think the above is what he was talking about - if so he said it would take quite some time to complete and the cost was close to £2k!

    My understanding is that the test they are going to run will only reveal if it is growth hormone or not, as opposed to giving us a read out of every little trace compound in there - I will no more when I hear back from them on monday though.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah I spoke to one guy at a lab today who TOTALLY blew my mind telling me how he would test the sample and I think the above is what he was talking about - if so he said it would take quite some time to complete and the cost was close to £2k!

    My understanding is that the test they are going to run will only reveal if it is growth hormone or not, as opposed to giving us a read out of every little trace compound in there - I will no more when I hear back from them on monday though.
    Cool - Thanks for your efforts. I will check here after Monday (I may have heard from rmacgurn by then too. He believes that in the U.S. these tests will be cheaper than running the blood work. From the sound of your discoveries, we may find otherwise. Even so, if it's costly, I bet I can round up enough here using the same thing, to pitch in and get it done. Finding out that I have good clean stuff will enable me to spend a lot of money from this point onward.

  9. #169
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    NS, before committing yourself to paying the £472 or so to get a vial tested did you explore the option of regular blood tests conducted via your general practitioner?

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    NS, before committing yourself to paying the £472 or so to get a vial tested did you explore the option of regular blood tests conducted via your general practitioner?
    If you've read the entire thread, we've been all through this and discussed this in detail. It's also covered in "Chinese HGH and Blood Tests" if you want to read. There are very specific reasons for choices between IGF-1 Tests HGH tests IGF-2 multiple time testing etc and Testing the actual product itself. Just to mention one out of many reasons, HGH has been faked with IGF-1. IGF-1 is the test Doctors run to determine or attempt to determine growth hormone levels. This thread is in effort to prove not only the legitimacy but the efficacy and/or potency of a product that has thousands spending thousands and that which invites the obvious....many, if not thousands of counterfeiters globally. If it were a simple blood test that would provide the answer here, and saving money was on the agenda, we'd not pay a doc the extra fees to run tests. We would go straight to the lab (as many do) and cut out the middle man and his fees. Not trying to haze your "more than welcomed comments", just the common thread in this long winded thread is very apparent if ya read chronologically a-z. And it's a one that has brought "Not Small" close to quite possibly being the first (that I know of) to prove/disprove his product(s).
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-09-2010 at 09:56 PM.

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Yeah I spoke to one guy at a lab today who TOTALLY blew my mind telling me how he would test the sample and I think the above is what he was talking about - if so he said it would take quite some time to complete and the cost was close to £2k!

    My understanding is that the test they are going to run will only reveal if it is growth hormone or not, as opposed to giving us a read out of every little trace compound in there - I will no more when I hear back from them on monday though.
    That's absurd!

    £2000 for a simple chromatography run. This would not take them more than 1 hour and £20 to complete. This is a total rip off NotSmall.

    Like i stated in my other thread, i test all my AAS purchases at my lab with Flash Column chromatography and Thin Layer chromatography at no cost. I have no experience, nor do i have an access card to the part of my lab with the mass spectrometry units, but i am running it by a few of my colleges, and they are telling me there should be a much simpler method. I will get back to you guys.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    That's absurd!

    £2000 for a simple chromatography run. This would not take them more than 1 hour and £20 to complete. This is a total rip off NotSmall.

    Like i stated in my other thread, i test all my AAS purchases at my lab with Flash Column chromatography and Thin Layer chromatography at no cost. I have no experience, nor do i have an access card to the part of my lab with the mass spectrometry units, but i am running it by a few of my colleges, and they are telling me there should be a much simpler method. I will get back to you guys.
    Thanks for looking into this for us.

    jing jai

  13. #173
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    Guys do yourself a favor and listen to rnmacnurn and find yourself an analytical laboratory in your local area. They should have no problem testing your items. Blood test will not determine nothing.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Thanks for looking into this for us.
    No problem. Lets see what my colleges have to say, they are checking over a few methods for me.

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    That's absurd!

    £2000 for a simple chromatography run. This would not take them more than 1 hour and £20 to complete. This is a total rip off NotSmall.
    Then I was mistaken and that is not the test he was describing - don't worry though -I'm not going with them anyway.

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Guys do yourself a favor and listen to rnmacnurn and find yourself an analytical laboratory in your local area. They should have no problem testing your items. Blood test will not determine nothing.
    This is what I have started to suspect - if my riptropin comes back tested positive as GH then some people are going to have some humble pie to eat...

  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    This is what I have started to suspect - if my riptropin comes back tested positive as GH then some people are going to have some humble pie to eat...
    As in blood tests? What tests did you order? Remember GH pulsates in your body through the day, and blood plasma levels change quite rapidly, but there should be a massive difference from real rhGH injections to IGF-1 injections.

    I will gladly eat all the pie you throw my way... low fat offcourse.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    As in blood tests? What tests did you order? Remember GH pulsates in your body through the day, and blood plasma levels change quite rapidly, but there should be a massive difference from real rhGH injections to IGF-1 injections.

    I will gladly eat all the pie you throw my way... low fat offcourse.
    You haven't read the thread my good man have you? lol

    I have found a forensic lab that will test the vial for £472 - I am waiting to hear back on monday as to exactly what the test is that they will run and so long as the more knowledgeable bros all agree that such a test is definitive and unquestionable (your opinion would be most welcome) I will proceed.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    You haven't read the thread my good man have you? lol

    I have found a forensic lab that will test the vial for £472 - I am waiting to hear back on monday as to exactly what the test is that they will run and so long as the more knowledgeable bros all agree that such a test is definitive and unquestionable (your opinion would be most welcome) I will proceed.
    I have actually, but i think i got confused, because a few posts ago i saw you say you weren't getting the test anymore, but now I'm assuming your talking about the mass spectrometry for $2000.

    When you get told what test they will do, please post it up before proceeding.

  20. #180
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    Also NotSmall do yourself a favor and contact some analytical laboratories in your local areas and see what fee they will charge. It may be a lot cheaper. Plus its good to have a range of options rather than kicking yourself now for spending 500 pounds when you could of got it for cheaper.

    Unfortunately i cannot do that in my local area, without approval from a licensed laboratory, aka my university, but they will not sign off on it. Not to mention that it not much of use for me because i am too young for GH use.

  21. #181
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    Please read this amazing article, it explains a patent, specifically formulated to test the purity and biological activity of rhGH.

    "Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."

    ^^ This would be our greatest fear as we know the conditions of some labs in china are not legislated and inspected like those are in other countries with stricter laws. So basicly the company could be making REAL hGH, but due to poor conditions it is biologically inactive.

    "currently, the analysis of biopharmaceuticals relies heavily on the use of sophisticated methods for the demonstration of the structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products. These methods include amino acid and carbohydrate analysis, N- and C-terminal sequence analysis, spectroscopic (UV, CD, ORD) analysis, peptide mapping, electrophoresis, chromatographic purity profile methods, potency/activity assays, etc. It must be emphasized that no one method is considered to be sufficient in itself, and that multiple methods are necessary to completely characterize and/or control such products."

    ^^ Those above are the current methods to test purity of protein-based recombinant technology creations.
    Last edited by Mr.Rose; 07-10-2010 at 05:52 AM.

  22. #182
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    I'm just thinking out loud here, but if someone with more biological expertiese like MuscleScience can chime in, wouldnt the use of real hGH promote an increase in anti-hGH antibodies? So if you get a test of anti-hGH antibodies, and they where high, would this not be an indication of real hGH? But this may need to be tested with a HPAC (high-performance affinity chromatography) analytical analysis. But if you can find a lab to do this, it should be much much cheaper than anything else. Considering that most of you have been using your GH for over 6 months, this may actually work. There is no way you can inject an exogenous protein body without causing an immune response.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I have actually, but i think i got confused, because a few posts ago i saw you say you weren't getting the test anymore, but now I'm assuming your talking about the mass spectrometry for $2000.

    When you get told what test they will do, please post it up before proceeding.
    Yeah I definitely will.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Also NotSmall do yourself a favor and contact some analytical laboratories in your local areas and see what fee they will charge. It may be a lot cheaper. Plus its good to have a range of options rather than kicking yourself now for spending 500 pounds when you could of got it for cheaper.

    Unfortunately i cannot do that in my local area, without approval from a licensed laboratory, aka my university, but they will not sign off on it. Not to mention that it not much of use for me because i am too young for GH use.
    I called about 8 yesterday, some wouldn't do it and others said that because they are not set up to do it the set up costs would make it prohibitively expensive.

    I know the £472 seems alot but the cost of a blood test for GH from the only place that sounded like they knew what they were talking about was £195 and they said to really get a good measure I would need to do it twice!

    If the test they come back to me with is a recognised and credible one then that is what I will do - anyone who wants to use the same lab thereafter will be able to get it done under £400.

  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Please read this amazing article, it explains a patent, specifically formulated to test the purity and biological activity of rhGH.

    "Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."

    ^^ This would be our greatest fear as we know the conditions of some labs in china are not legislated and inspected like those are in other countries with stricter laws. So basicly the company could be making REAL hGH, but due to poor conditions it is biologically inactive.

    "currently, the analysis of biopharmaceuticals relies heavily on the use of sophisticated methods for the demonstration of the structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products. These methods include amino acid and carbohydrate analysis, N- and C-terminal sequence analysis, spectroscopic (UV, CD, ORD) analysis, peptide mapping, electrophoresis, chromatographic purity profile methods, potency/activity assays, etc. It must be emphasized that no one method is considered to be sufficient in itself, and that multiple methods are necessary to completely characterize and/or control such products."

    ^^ Those above are the current methods to test purity of protein-based recombinant technology creations.
    I really wish I never read that! lol

  25. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Please read this amazing article, it explains a patent, specifically formulated to test the purity and biological activity of rhGH.

    "Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."

    ^^ This would be our greatest fear as we know the conditions of some labs in china are not legislated and inspected like those are in other countries with stricter laws. So basicly the company could be making REAL hGH, but due to poor conditions it is biologically inactive.
    "currently, the analysis of biopharmaceuticals relies heavily on the use of sophisticated methods for the demonstration of the structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products. These methods include amino acid and carbohydrate analysis, N- and C-terminal sequence analysis, spectroscopic (UV, CD, ORD) analysis, peptide mapping, electrophoresis, chromatographic purity profile methods, potency/activity assays, etc. It must be emphasized that no one method is considered to be sufficient in itself, and that multiple methods are necessary to completely characterize and/or control such products."

    ^^ Those above are the current methods to test purity of protein-based recombinant technology creations.
    This is getting worse, has anyone got any good news?

    jing jai

  26. #186
    as i stated before... maybe a truck load of gh was stuck in traffic on a 100 degree weather in china..

    who knows whats going on... ive had some gh come to me and it look liked it when thru a hurricane with the powder everywhere (still intacted but on top the vial)...

    i can't wait to get to the bottom of this but until then... :

  27. #187
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    Mr Rose - Thank you for your input here. And thank you for the much needed doubt you've created again, I can't help but rib you! LOL. Each time it seems we've got the answer... the next curve ball comes. I've read the article/link you posted ( I now grit my teeth because I have been a subscriber to chromatography and mass spectrometry. However, some may be satisfied enough if their substance ID's as GH? And also if we do or do not find additional fillers. What if you run a LC or MS test and the answer is YES - growth hormone is what your bottle contains and no other trace elements found hopefully- or if so, very little. Even if we don't find out the potency, I've pretty much ascertained that I have HGH and may move forward and continue my therapy and purchasing with confidence from the supplier I currently buy from.

    Rmacgurn has PM'd me that he may have answers by this Monday. The company he works for supplies mult type of HGH and more recently carried product from Asian sources. I believe They/he intends to have tests conducted, ie; Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry.
    If testing of these type does end up being cheap (I guess you working speaking of HPAC as far as being cheap Mr. Rose?) - I will also lay may wallet down for more than one (if after taking suggestions it is communicated to me that there is good reason to).

    Again, I said in the past that I have Yellow Tops purchased form China so I'd be getting answers only for this kind and this batch. I would also let those know where I've ordered and appx when without breaking lab posting rules, or course.
    Thanks again NotSmall for committing to doing this. You're obviously not just helping yourself/own endeavors if ya do this. You'll open a lot of eyes. But jeeese, what the hell type of test to do?!?! Maybe Mr Rose ribbed MuscleScience enough to put his 2 cents in.
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-10-2010 at 03:51 PM.

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    You say you know that your Hyge's are legit and I am not doubting you..but what is funny is that a sponsor on another forum is saying that the H y g e t r o p i site that is on your box in your pic is a fake site selling fake GH...but yet he is selling fake GH.

    Here is the link to that thread...

    That sponsor has turned out to be a scam as Frawnz and I and other members can vouch for because we attained Riptropin from that sponsor and it's bunk. There are numerous locked down threads in there GH,IGF forums about it on there in recent days.

    Everyone stay away from Riptropin because it's all junk

    I got no increase in my IGF levels at 10 freakin IU's per day for 2 months and felt nothing at benefits..side effects..nothing...and yes I had a test.

    I don't feel that I am posting a source..but informing everyone of a scammmer.
    I have read the link you posted and everything, I am concerned now..... Can anyone confirm this??? I am going up in dose and see if I get sides, I had numb hands and little cts on the kefei's but they went away once I got used to it and once I switched I felt no changes. I think I am going to up my dose and get my IGF levels tested.

    If they are faking real quality looking packages like my hyge then I might as well give up on this crap all together. It's even vacuum sealed.... Again, can anyone confirm this information about hyges?

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    I have read the link you posted and everything, I am concerned now..... Can anyone confirm this??? I am going up in dose and see if I get sides, I had numb hands and little cts on the kefei's but they went away once I got used to it and once I switched I felt no changes. I think I am going to up my dose and get my IGF levels tested.

    If they are faking real quality looking packages like my hyge then I might as well give up on this crap all together. It's even vacuum sealed.... Again, can anyone confirm this information about hyges?
    I noticed your hyges picture, and I think you might have the pinwheel tops. This thread might help you out. I think Slide ended up getting in touch with the hyge manufacturer, and they sent him some new boxes. Read this...

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    I have read the link you posted and everything, I am concerned now..... Can anyone confirm this??? I am going up in dose and see if I get sides, I had numb hands and little cts on the kefei's but they went away once I got used to it and once I switched I felt no changes. I think I am going to up my dose and get my IGF levels tested.

    If they are faking real quality looking packages like my hyge then I might as well give up on this crap all together. It's even vacuum sealed.... Again, can anyone confirm this information about hyges?
    Don't panic just yet - as far as I am concerned nothing is confirmed.

  31. #191
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    I just finished to read this thread throughout.
    Another good idea XL.

    I was thinking, can some of you guys instead of just guessing, in the mean while we help each other to find an affordable lab to analyze the drugs, go checking your somatotropin and somatomedin levels after the injection?

    Otherwise we will keep talking without sureness.
    My data is too few to be kept into account for everyone.

  32. #192
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    Fot those who have not seen this post in the other thread and are interested, it is really that easy and can give a good indication if the HGH is real or fake and/or underdosed.

    Looking at my HGH and IGF-1 values, there is a difference among the three powders I used so far.

    Basically, this is what I noticed:

    IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 424]______________________159__________________238__________________________________________________ _______461
    HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]_____________________________________________11,1____________________________________10,5_________________22,2

    __________________________________________________ ________________EuroHormones
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______Generic Green Tops
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________Generic Yellow Tops***

    Injection time: 05:30 am (all three types)
    Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all three types)
    Blood work time: 08:00 am (all three types)
    Amount injected: 4 iu (eurohormones/green tops) - 5 iu (yellow tops)
    Injection site: umbilical (eurohormones) - oblique (green/yellow tops)
    Injection type: sub-q (all three types)

    So, it seems that the best result was achieved by the yellow tops either in terms of somatotropin and somatomedin, even though I could not check the IGF-1 the second time.
    Last edited by BJJ; 07-12-2010 at 04:06 AM.

  33. #193
    What we need to be careful about doing here is condemning a particular brand, I have already mentioned this in another thread but I will repeat myself here.

    As we know there is a ton of HGH leaving the shores of China every single day and because of the number of counterfeiters we simply can’t condemn a brand because what you have may not be an original/genuine product? I know this is difficult to accept because we all want to believe that our source is 100% but in my experience nobody from China is 100%.

    Let’s all keep working on this together and I’m sure we will get to the bottom of it.

    jing jai

  34. #194
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I am going to order my bloodwork today and we'll find out the truth about the pinwheels... From what i've read they are probably gonna turn out to be fake but I am gonna make sure.

  35. #195
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    I am going to order my bloodwork today and we'll find out the truth about the pinwheels... From what i've read they are probably gonna turn out to be fake but I am gonna make sure.
    Will you check for HGH and IGF-1?

  36. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    I am going to order my bloodwork today and we'll find out the truth about the pinwheels... From what i've read they are probably gonna turn out to be fake but I am gonna make sure.
    I think its fairly common knowledge that the pin whels are not genuine hyge's, whether they still contain some hgh or not is another matter.

    jing jai

  37. #197
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    OK - Haz PM'd me the details of the lab that XL passed him that he then emailed and found that they will test a vial and I just phoned them, they can offer 2 different tests to check a vial of rHGH.

    1) HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    This will reveal whether or not the vial contains rHGH and how much is in the vial HOWEVER it will not confirm that the rHGH is intact or biologically active (as per the info that Mr Rose contributed)
    This test would cost $500

    2) LCMS Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectometry
    This test not only reveals whether the vial contains rHGH and how much but also tells whether or not the rHGH is biologically active via peptide sequencing analysis.
    The guy I spoke to was not 100% sure what the cost would be but guesstimated about double that of the HPLC - he is going to find out for definite and email me.

    Clearly No2 is the test we want providing that it is not prohibitively expensive.

    The UK based company I have been speaking to left me a message today saying they are still waiting to hear back from the lab as to which method they would be using.

    I love the way we are working as a team here - our knowledge on testing GH is growing at a geometric rate!

  38. #198
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Speaking of blood work. I'm only on my second week of nd blue tops. Would it be better if I waited 2 more weeks to draw my blood work, or go ahead and it drawn us as soon as possible. I plan on ordering an Igf1, and and hgh test.

  39. #199
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    OK - Haz PM'd me the details of the lab that XL passed him that he then emailed and found that they will test a vial and I just phoned them, they can offer 2 different tests to check a vial of rHGH.

    1) HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    This will reveal whether or not the vial contains rHGH and how much is in the vial HOWEVER it will not confirm that the rHGH is intact or biologically active (as per the info that Mr Rose contributed)
    This test would cost $500

    2) LCMS Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectometry
    This test not only reveals whether the vial contains rHGH and how much but also tells whether or not the rHGH is biologically active via peptide sequencing analysis.
    The guy I spoke to was not 100% sure what the cost would be but guesstimated about double that of the HPLC - he is going to find out for definite and email me.

    Clearly No2 is the test we want providing that it is not prohibitively expensive.

    The UK based company I have been speaking to left me a message today saying they are still waiting to hear back from the lab as to which method they would be using.

    I love the way we are working as a team here - our knowledge on testing GH is growing at a geometric rate!
    It sucks that it's gotta be so expensive..... I can't just shell out $500+ but then again..... why pay for bogus HGH.....


  40. #200
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    OK - Haz PM'd me the details of the lab that XL passed him that he then emailed and found that they will test a vial and I just phoned them, they can offer 2 different tests to check a vial of rHGH.

    1) HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    This will reveal whether or not the vial contains rHGH and how much is in the vial HOWEVER it will not confirm that the rHGH is intact or biologically active (as per the info that Mr Rose contributed)
    This test would cost $500

    2) LCMS Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectometry
    This test not only reveals whether the vial contains rHGH and how much but also tells whether or not the rHGH is biologically active via peptide sequencing analysis.
    The guy I spoke to was not 100% sure what the cost would be but guesstimated about double that of the HPLC - he is going to find out for definite and email me.

    Clearly No2 is the test we want providing that it is not prohibitively expensive.

    The UK based company I have been speaking to left me a message today saying they are still waiting to hear back from the lab as to which method they would be using.

    I love the way we are working as a team here - our knowledge on testing GH is growing at a geometric rate!
    Crazy, it is even more expensive than in Italy!!!

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