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Thread: Killionb12 journey to stage with Euro Pharmacies

  1. #281
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Glad you had a great time! Your wife has abs! Nice!
    Thanks! Yes she does and they actually look better than what they do in this pic.

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  2. #282
    Had a good push day today. I’m really starting to see the progress after transitioning to a push pull leg split two times a week. Weight has continued to slowly go up from my contest and I’m liking what I see so far. I’m bigger and leaner than what I was when I started last offseason which is encouraging. I’m hoping this offseason I can really bring up my weak spots and bring an even better package to nationals next year.

    7-30-20 push day 2

    HS decline press 6 plates 2 25s - 12, 10

    Smith shoulder press 185lbs - 12, 10, 10

    Pec deck 180lbs - 12, 12, 10

    Skull crushers 100lbs - 10, 10

    Face pulls 50lbs - 12, 10, 10, 10,
    Push-ups - 25, 20, 20

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  3. #283
    Well I had a pretty interesting weekend with moving my son moving back In before he moves back to college. Weekend was long and ate like shit. Have to get back on track now this week. I have found myself giving in a lot to going out to eat lately. It’s something that I have struggled with internally after my competition. Kind of having issues with food. I know it’s in my head and I just need to get back on track. I have big goals for next year competing at a national level so I don’t want poor choices with food to set me back. Time to get back on the grind!!

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  4. #284
    Had a great pull session today. Got to lift with my son for the first time in awhile so that was nice. Getting stronger every week and more confident in my lifts. Pulled 5 plates on each side for rack pulls which I haven’t done since last offseason.

    8-3-20 pull day 2

    3 sets of pull ups for warming up back

    Rack pulls 455lbs - 12 reps
    495lbs - 10, 8 reps

    Hammer curls 60lbs - 10, 10, 8, 8

    HS iso rows 6 plates 2 25s - 12, 10 reps
    Backoff set 6 plates - 13 reps

    Cable curls 35lbs - 12, 10, 10 reps

    Cable rows 240lbs - 10, 10 reps
    Drop set 195lbs - 8 reps
    Drop set 165lbs - 6 reps

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  5. #285
    Leg day yesterday was killer. Love being able
    To push some heavier weight now. Here is what went down from yesterday’s leg workout.

    8-4-20 leg day 2

    BB Squats 405lbs - 10, 8, 8
    Backoff set 365lbs - 8

    Leg Press 16 plates & 2 25s - 12 reps
    18 plates & 2 25s - 10, 10 reps

    Horizontal calf presses 250lbs - 15, 12 reps to failure

    Adductors 295lbs - 15, 15, 12, 12 reps

    Standing calf raises 150lbs - 12, 12, 12, 10

    Leg ext. 220lbs - 12, 12, 10, 8
    Drop set 190lbs - 6, 4
    Drop set 160lbs - 6, 5
    Drop set 130lbs - 6, 5

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  6. #286
    Weekly updates to coach. Coming off a weekend of a few too many free meals finally got diet dialed back in and feeling better. Weight is at around 256lbs. I’m up 23lbs from my lowest weight during contest prep back on June 19th. Feeling strong and still holding decent conditioning. Probably be better even next week after staying on diet for a few weeks. Vacation at the end of July didn’t help much either. LOL.

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  7. #287

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  8. #288
    Posterior chain leg day today. Smoked my hamstrings and glutes today. Haven’t had a pump in the back of my legs like this in awhile. Felt great.

    8-9-20 Leg Day 1

    Weighted lunges 70lbs - 12, 12, 12

    RDLs 275lbs - 11, 10, 10

    Weighted Hyperextensions +45lbs - 10, 10, 10

    Standing calf raises 150lbs - 12, 10, 10, 10
    135lbs - 12,

    Lying hamstring curls 125lbs - 12, 10, 10
    Single leg curls 50lbs - 10, 10

    Adductors 250lbs - 12, 12, 10

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  9. #289
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    You are serious motivation! You look consistently amazing.

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  10. #290
    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    You are serious motivation! You look consistently amazing.

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    Thanks bro!

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  11. #291
    Pull day today. Went well. Didn’t feel as strong today but still pushed it hard.

    8-11-20 pull day 2

    Pull-ups 3 sets to failure to warm up back

    Rack pull 455lbs - 11, 10
    Backoff set 405lbs - 12

    DB Hammer curls 60lbs - 10
    50lbs - 15, 14

    T-bar rows 4 plates 10, 8
    Drop set 3 plates & 25 - 8
    Drop set 3 plates - 8

    Seated DB curls 40lbs - 12, 11, 11

    Seated low cable rows 225lbs - 9, 8
    Drop set 180lbs - 8
    Drop set 150lbs - 6

    Cable curls 20lbs - 12, 10, 10

    DB Pullovers 80lbs - 12, 11

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  12. #292
    8-12-20 push day 1

    DB incline press 120lbs - 12, 9
    Backoff set 100lbs - 10

    HS reverse shoulder press 4 plates & 2 25s - 12, 10, 10

    Incline DB fly’s modified - 12, 11, 10

    Overhead tricep ext. 100lbs - 10, 10, 8

    DB raises - 12, 12, 10

    Cable flies low to high 140lbs - 15, 12, 10

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  13. #293
    Leg day 1 was successful. I was wobbling out of the gym today. Got to grow these twigs! Weekly checkin tomorrow with coach. Will have pic updates.

    8-13-20 leg day 2

    Hack squats 10 plates - 12, 10, 9
    Backoff set 8 plates - 12

    Close stance leg press 20 plates - 10, 9
    Backoff set 16 plates - 10 reps

    Seated calf raises 3 plates - 15, 14, 12

    Adductors 300lbs - 14, 13, 12, 10

    Standing calf raises 150lbs - 12, 11, 10, 10

    Leg ext. 225lbs - 12, 12, 11, 8
    Drop set 180lbs - 8, 6
    Drop set 150lbs - 6, 5

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  14. #294
    Updates pics. Weighing 260.9lbs fasted in the morning. Up 26lbs from contest weight which was 7 weeks ago.

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  15. #295
    Leg day today. Got it in early due to plans later on today. Lower back got a bad pump in it and caused me to go lighter on deadlifts. It went away about halfway through training but was still a little sore. Will be going to chiropractor on Wednesday. He is an IFBB pro as well so it’s cool we can talk about competing.

    8-17-20 leg day 1

    Weighted lunges 80lbs - 12, 12, 12 steps

    Deadlifts 315lbs - 8, 8, 8 reps *had to go lighter lower back was bothering me.

    Landmine sumo squats 4 plates - 12, 12, 12, 12

    RDL with v-squat 6 plates - 12, 12

    Calf presses 230lbs - 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 12

    Lying hamstring curls 140lbs - 12, 11, 10
    Drop set 110lbs - 8

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  16. #296
    Coach pushed food up after last checkin. This is what training days look like now.

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  17. #297
    Hey guys and gals hope all is well. It’s a non-training day for me. Looking forward to the time off today and just relaxing. These days off though mess with me mentally. I’m always thinking about the next workout and what I can do to get better but I know growth happens while we rest and recover. Here is what my non-training day nutrition looks like after last update.

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  18. #298
    Pull day today. Felt strong and lower back is feeling great after I went to chiropractor this morning. He did some electro dry needling. Back felt amazing after it.

    8-19-20 pull day 2

    3 sets of pull-ups

    Rack pulls 500lbs - 10, 8 reps

    Incline hammer curls 60lbs - 11, 10, 10

    DB rows 120lbs - 11, 10, 10

    Cable curls 35lbs - 12, 11
    Backoff set 30lbs - 12

    HS iso row 6 plates & 2 25s - 12, 10, 10

    DB curls 50lbs - 12, 11, 10

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  19. #299
    Had a pretty good push day today. Strength was there and was able throw around a little extra weight with slow controlled form. Have checkins tomorrow. Feeling tighter lately so that’s good. We’ll see tomorrow.

    8-21-20 push day 1

    Incline BB press 315lbs - 8, 6
    Backoff set 275lbs - 10

    Smith behind neck press 195lbs - 10, 10, 8

    Incline DB flies 50lbs - 12, 12, 10

    Overhead tricep ext. 80lbs - 12, 12

    Lateral DB raises 40lbs - 12, 12, 11

    Incline touching DB press 80lbs - 10, 9

    HS incline press 4 plates - 2 sets to failure

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  20. #300
    Weekly updates with coach. Holding tight at 260lbs. Coach is dialing up more food for this week. My body seems to want it so we will keep feeding it!! [emoji123] Have leg day today and will report back later.

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  21. #301
    Leg day was successful yesterday. Feeling pretty sore today which is unusual for me so I must have really kicked my own ass. LOL

    8-21-20 leg day 2

    BB Squat 455lbs - 9, 8, 8 reps
    Backoff set 405lbs - 10 reps

    Leg press 18 plates - 10, 10
    Backoff set 16 plates - 12

    Seated calf raises single leg 110lbs - 12, 12, 10

    Adductors 300lbs - 14, 13, 13, 11

    Standing calf raises 150lbs - 13, 12, 12, 12

    Leg ext. 240lbs. - 12, 10, 10

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  22. #302
    Pull day was awesome today. Got a huge
    Pump in my back. Typically doesn’t happen so it felt good to have one.

    8-23-20 pull day 1

    Lat pull downs 230lbs - 9, 9, 8
    Drop set 190lbs - 6

    Rev. Grip bent over rows 245lbs - 12, 10
    Heavy set 275lbs - 8

    Incline DB curls 50lbs - 12, 10, 10, 10

    Meadow rows 100lbs - 12, 12, 11

    Ez bar curls 110lbs - 10, 10, 9

    Straight arm pulldowns 140lbs - 12, 10, 10

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  23. #303
    Push day today. Felt pretty solid and had a good connection with pecs. Extra carbs added to plan have been harder to get down but definitely have more energy in the gym.

    8-24-20 Push day 2

    DB decline press 125lbs - 12, 10, 9

    DB shoulder press 100lbs - 11, 11, 10

    HS Decline press 6 plates 2 25s - 12, 11
    Drop set 6 plates - 12

    Rope tricep ext. 150lbs - 12, 11, 10

    Reverse pec deck 150lbs -12, 12, 11

    Pec deck flies 210lbs - 15, 13
    40 sec set 180lbs

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  24. #304
    Leg day 1 posterior chain day was successful. Back was feeling pretty good and I got into some heavy deadlifts. Decided to go for a 1 rep max but didn’t go until I failed. Was able to get 545lbs deadlift pretty easy but decided to stop there.

    8-25-20 leg day 1

    Weighted lunges 100lbs - 12, 12, 12

    Deadlifts 405lbs - 8, 8, 6

    RDL on hack squat 4plates - 10, 10, 8

    Seated calf raises 3 plates - 16, 15, 14, 12, 12, 12

    Seated Leg curls 195lbs - 14, 13, 12, 10

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  25. #305
    8-26-20 Pull Day 2

    Pull-ups 3 warm ups

    Rack pulls 495lbs - 12, 10, 10
    Backoff set 405lbs - 10

    Hammer curls 60lbs - 10, 10, 9

    Db rows 125lbs - 10, 10, 10

    Cable curls 35lbs - 14, 12, 10

    Close grip low cable row 240lbs - 10, 8
    Drop set 195lbs - 6
    Drop set 150lbs - 6

    HS iso rows 6 plates - 15, 12

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  26. #306
    Leg day was a success yesterday. Had some crazy pumps in my quads. Feeling strong lately trying to push it harder every workout.

    8-29-20 Leg day 2

    Close stance Smith BB squats 405lbs - 12, 10, 10

    Plate loaded squat press 14 plates - 12, 11, 10

    Seated calf raises 3 plates - 15, 13

    Adductors 140lbs - 15, 13, 12, 10

    Standing calf raises 225lbs - 12, 11, 10, 10

    Leg ext 4 plates - 13, 12, 12, 10

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  27. #307
    Recent updates. Weight is up 3lbs from last checkin. Still holding decent conditioning. Feel stronger with the added calories.

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  28. #308
    Nice Little TD to add to my bulking stash.

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  29. #309
    Had a pretty decent push day yesterday. Felt strong and busted out some 140lbs Dumbbells for 6 reps after 3 sets of 125lbs.

    9-1-20 push day 2

    DB flat bench 125lbs - 12, 10, 10 reps
    Heavy set 140lbs - 6 reps

    Behind neck shoulder press 195lbs - 12, 12, 11

    High to low cable flys 180lbs - 12, 11, 10

    DB overhead tricep ext. 100lbs - 12, 12, 10

    Seated face pulls 140lbs - 15, 14, 12

    HS Decline press 6 plates 2 25s - 12, 11, 9

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  30. #310
    Leg day 1 was yesterday. Felt pretty good but pretty sore today. Must have did something right. LOL.

    9-2-20 Leg Day 1

    Standing leg curls 80lbs - 12, 10

    RDL on hack squat 8 plates - 12, 11, 10

    Deadlifts 405lbs - 8
    455lbs - 6, 6

    Horizontal calf presses 250lbs - 13, 12, 12, 11, 11, 10

    Lying leg curls 140lbs - 11, 11, 10, 10

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  31. #311
    Weekly checkins. Holding a little water I think but sitting at 268.9lbs this morning fasted.

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  32. #312

    Killionb12 journey to stage with Euro Pharmacies

    Coach decided that a deload week is needed and I agree. Recovery was taking longer and was more sore lately. We are also dropping Test down to 250mg a week for the next 8 weeks at least. Will drop calories a little after next week while I cruise for 8 weeks or so. Looking forward to this offseason since I have a much better starting point than last year at this time.

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  33. #313
    Enjoying this deload this week so far. My body already feels much better after just a few days. Pretty much keeping it at 50% during my workouts and just getting a decent pump. Will get back at it hard this Friday most likely.

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  34. #314
    Weekly check-in with coach. Pics are below. I’m officially back to 270lbs and loving the conditioning I’m in compared to last time I hit 270lbs. This bulking season is going to be fun!! We are cruising now on 250mg of test and 100mg of Deca for joints weekly.

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  35. #315
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    looking fantastic my friend, nice job brother...WOW!

  36. #316
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    looking fantastic my friend, nice job brother...WOW!
    Thanks bro!!

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  37. #317
    First day back full power. This past week at 50% definitely did my body some good. Felt strong today and what better day to come back 100% but on leg day!!

    9-14-20 leg day 2

    Hack squats 12 plates - 10, 10, 8
    Backoff set 10 plates - 10

    Close stance leg press 20 plates - 10, 10

    Single leg Seated calf raises 1 plate and 25 - 15, 15, 12,

    Adductors 300lbs - 12, 12, 12, 11

    Leg ext. 220lbs - 12, 11, 10, 9
    Drop set 175lbs - 6
    Drop set 125lbs - 6

    Standing calf raises 150lbs - 12, 10, 10, 10

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  38. #318
    Had a pretty killer push day session today. Strength was definitely there and was throwing around 125lbs dumbbells with ease on incline press. Unfortunately that’s where my gym maxes out so I will be stacking dumbbells here soon with the assistance of my badass wife Here is what went down today.

    9-17-20 push day 2

    DB Incline Press 125lbs - 12, 12, 11

    Behind neck Smith shoulder press 185lbs - 10, 8, 8

    Incline DB fly 60lbs - 11, 10,

    DB Overhead tri ext. 100lbs - 12, 11

    HS Decline press 8 plates - 10, 9
    Backoff set 6 plates 2 25s - 12

    Face pulls 150lbs - 12, 12, 10

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  39. #319
    Weekly update pics. Holding steady at 270lbs. Feeling like I’m hardening up some at this weight now that I have been there for awhile.

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  40. #320
    Leg workout from yesterday. Went really well. Getting stronger on all of my lifts.

    9-18-20 leg day 1

    Weighted lunges 110lbs - 12, 11, 11

    Deadlifts 405lbs - 8 reps
    455lbs - 6, 6

    Good mornings 80lbs - 12, 12, 12

    Seated calf raises 260lbs - 14, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11

    Lying hamstring curls 140lbs - 12
    155lbs - 10, 10, 10

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