Ron, just wanted to post the results I've had using your slingshot training method. testing done by a body fat dunk tank
When I started:
Weight: 206.25
Lean Lbs. 176.8
Fat Lbs 29.5
Body Fat % 14.3
now 3 reloads later:
Weight: 226.25
Lean Lbs. 198.55
Fat Lbs 27.75
Body Fat % 12.2
I put on 20 lean pounds while keeping my fat in check. My next reload I will start a cut to hopefully get down to 8% BF for summer while maintaning my gains.
Thanks again! This system works!
First off all I want to say that Swifto is a highly intelligent guy and a friend of mine. Secondly, I am not against the use of anti-es per se but I am of the opinion there is a lot of abuse going on regarding these drugs. Most stemming from newbies out of fear they are going to grow man boobs or veterans who are now set in their ways . I think it's a mistake to take another drug to try and counteract the side effects of another drug unless it's absolute neccessary. The more drugs you take the more side effects you are going to have, the more money you are going to spend and you increase the risk of having health issues later on down the road, particular a drug that is designed to fight cancer. Anti-es were designed for women with breast cancer not for bodybuilders whose estrogen levels rise while on a cycle and some of these cheap liquid anti-es being sold are bogus. Yes, anti-es helps prevent gyno to those who are prone and some people need this very potent drug. However, I do not believe it's an increase in estrogen that causes health problems when taking aromatizing steroids but rather an imbalance between the two hormones testosterone and estrogen. When test levels rise so does estrogen levels and that's okay in my book. It's when estrogen levels get so high they become out of balance with testosterone levels that can bring about issues for some.
There are people that do better using lesser amounts of aromatizing steroids and higher amounts of non-aromatizing steroids. For example, 500 mgs of test may be all they can handle to prevent estrogen levels from becoming out of control and causing gyno without using anti-es. In these particular cases, I would recommend not going over 500 mgs of test to prevent taking a potentially harmful drug (anti-estrogens) unless you were a top level competitor. Too much estogen in relation to test levels is not good for ones health but neither is taking anti-es at any dose so basically some are in a no win situation in term of side effects from either having too high of estrogen or having to take anti-es!!!
I don't think anyone, including myself has the final say on this controversial topic but I can tell you from experience that I have never had gyno and that even smaller dosages of anti-es make me feel depressed, give me headaches, decreases my libido, make me feel lethargic, cause irritability, increase my joint pain to the point I can barely train some days and trust worthy pharm grade anti-es cost a fortune! So, I think it's a personal decision everyone must make on their own.
Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-25-2012 at 02:28 PM.
forgot to mention im also on accutane , into my 2nd month of 90mg a day, before that it was 40mg for 2months, then must go back again to the derm, was checking it out earlier and it seems many people sweat a lot on accutane so im hoping this is why, what u wreckon ron? i have booked a doctors appointment for next week aswel of coarse
Good job bro, what are you using? 8 weeks on 2 weeks off?Originally Posted by djdizzy
Ya, 8 week reloads, 2 week deloads
1st reload 500mg test, 400mg Deca, 50mg Proviron
2nd reload 750 test, 500 Deca, 50mg Proviron
3rd reload 1g test, 600 Deca, 50mg Proviron
all deloads were 250mg test and 50mg Proviron
Start 4th reload next week doing a cut with
500mg test, 200mg Tren, 150mg Deca, 50mg Winny, 50 mg Proviron
Will do another body fat test come summer time and post the results again. Loving the slingshot training!
Thanks for your advice Ron, right then after some more research i have decided to do 20 weeks using your slingshot method followed by 4 weeks full pct, i wont be doing 30 weeks as i said before seen as im new to cycling and theres a slight chance i will change my mind about wanting kids in the future : )
My cycle is looking like this so far:
week 1-8 -Test prop 420 mg a week
week 9-10 - Test prop - 200 mg a week, hcg
week 11-18 - Test prop - 500 mg a week
week 11- 15 - Dianabol 20 mg a day
week 19 - 20 - Test prop - 250 mg a week, hcg
week 20- 24 - 4 weeks pct - nolva, clomid, hcg
I have arimidex, obviously a hot topic with many different opinions on if i should use it throughout the entire course or not, i know where you stand on running anti es but if i did end up running it i would .5 EOD suffice?
Also, for my second reload i want to cut down fat and water and harden up thats why im only running the dbol for the first 4 weeks? Then i would like to add in winny or masteron towards the end of the second reload, what one of the 2 would you reccomend and at what dose? Ive heard great things about masteron and people say i wont need an anti e if i use masteron?
Last edited by adamjames; 03-14-2012 at 04:47 PM.
Are you having any acne or sides? Going that high, I was thinking of doing the same with test and a low dose of deca for the jointsOriginally Posted by djdizzy
But I was going to do 400 test ew 8 weeks than deload for 2 weeks, do you need to run test at a low dose or stop all together
Than jump to 600 test ew with some masteron and be done lol
Hey Ronnie.
I hope the rehab is going good for your back.
I really like taking Havoc/Hdrol. I feel when I run those my shoulders and arms put some size on. I find when I run test/tren I put some size on, its slower and i get stronger. When I run Havoc/Hdrol the size comes quicker and less strength. More anabolic vs androgenic?
Do you have a recommendation for an injectable steroid that will give me more size gains over strength?
Thanks for all your help.
good to hear your recovery is going as well as mine did ronnie... post lumbar fusion....dr david mccords surgical ability....n ..your rehab advice is the bomb!! you guys are awesome brother!!! can the upper chest be worked with pullovers???
No problems with acne other than when first starting up the cycle, which is normal for me, and then I added some HCG into the 3rd reload and broke out for a little bit from that. Thankfully I have no problems running test or deca at those doses.
During deloads test is run lower, usually at 250mg per week. Post up your cycle for Ronnie to take a look at and he'll point you in the right direction. With his guidance and the slingshot system I am very happy with the progress I've made so far!
Glad to see ya back Ron
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to start out by saying that the knowledge you possess and share with with others is very refreshing. I have been lifting since I seen my first Steve Reeves movie at 10 years old. I am now a Grandfather and have been lifting with my grandson since he was in 7th grade. He is now in 10th grade and just turned 16. He loves to lift and play football. I have him on a STS 4 day split. He wants to keep his Bench, Squat and Deadlift progressing due to him being tested in these lifts for football, plus he just likes to lift heavy. He also wants to bodybuild. This makes it a little tricky but this is what I've been doing. Mondays - Chest 6 sets, Back 6 sets, Delts 4/6 sets, Triceps 4/6 sets, Biceps 4/6 sets.
Bench press would be heavy - 4x5 reps working down to 3x2 reps in an 8 week period.
Fridays - would be the same as Mondays except that for benches it would be 1x10/15.
Then 5 sets of other assistence lifts like Inclines and flyes.
Wednesday - wk 1 - Deadlifts 3x5 Saturday - wk 1 - Squats 4x6
2 - Deadlifts 3x5 2 - " 4x5
3 - Deadlifts 3x3 3- " 4x4
4 - Squats 3x10 4 - " 3x3
5 - Deadlifts 3x3 5 - No Squats
6 - Deadlifts 3x2 6 - Squats 3x3
7 - Squats 3x10 7 - " 3x2
8 - Deadlifts 3x2 8 - " 3x2
Now Wednesdays after Deadlifts he likes to still do Squats in the 8/10 rep range for a couple of sets. I try to keep him from doing no more than 6 sets total for legs after Deadlifts. Week 4 and 7 could change depending on how his Deadlifts look but basically thats it. Saturdays are mostly for Squating heavy. There again taking a break for one week and just doing leg presses and lunges no more than 6 sets total. My question here is if you think this is to much or not enough? Do you have any ideas that could help? He is the type of kid that likes to keep pushing and sometimes I have to slow him down always thinking of injurys. He weighs 195, Benches 300, Squats 425 and Deadlifts 525. We are presently on a deload.
PS - I don't like box squats for his age. What is your opinion. The football team sure likes them. I just don't think they much better than regular Squats and the chance for injury I think is greater.
Also I would like to throw Power Cleans in there somewere, I just don't know where to put them. What do you think?
Thank you.
Last edited by layerofblock; 03-09-2012 at 06:39 PM.
Sorry - but Saturdays routine failed to post. Here it is.
wk 1 - Squats 4x6
2 - Squats 4x5
3 - Squats 4x4
4 - Squats 3x3
5 - No Squats
6 - Squats 3x3
7 - Squats 3x2
8 - Squats 3x2
I[B] have a lot going on right now so please hang in there and I'll get to your questions this weekend end. It seems there are not enough hours in the day![/B]
No worry's Ron, take it easy. Me and everyone else will wait as long as it takes I think...
first off hope you are doing better.
This question is for my wife. We finally had our last child on 1/1/12! Now my wife is back in the gym and ready to lose her pregnant weight.
She is starting phentermine from the doc to help kick start some weight loss since it worked on her before. she comes to the gym with me 5 days a week and trains hard.
When she gets lower I was pondering putting her on a small t3 and clen or just adding t3 to her phentermine.
WHat dosages would i put her on. Would i follow the normal t3 protocol or just put her on 37.5mcg throughout her cut to keep thyroid at normal lvls? should she be on 5mg of var to keep muscle wasting and if so how long can women cycle this for?
Any other help will be appreciated.
I am glad to hear you are doing well from your back surgery with Dr.David Mccord. I truly feel hes the best orthopaedic back surgeon in the world and that's why I reffered you to him. . I'll be glad when my nerves get through regenerating. It will probably take me 2 years to recover but mine was much more serious than your 2 level fusion.
You work the upper pecs best by performing pullovers on a slight incline bench. It's just the opposite of hitting the lats which are best stimulates on a slight decline bench.
Just a quick question Ron. I'm running 625 mg MENT/525 Masteron P/350 NPP/50 mg Dianabol/ 8 i.u.'s GH/HCG 250 i.u. twice a week for 8 weeks. I'm also taking 50 mg Proviron ed. I've always run Proviron like this and my question is this. Does the Masteron make the Proviron redundant? If no then why? Thanks.
P.S. Thought of another one. I see a lot of people doing the GH PW. I do mine all in one shot right before I go to sleep. I work out at night, go home and eat and by then it's 10:00 pm. I remember you saying to wait an hour after you eat, so how are these people taking GH post workout? Should I keep doing it like I'm doing it now?
Lastly, if you'll remember I'm 47 years old and am prone to elbow (joint and tendon) problems. I'm currently doing 9 sets on Bi's and want to do the same on Tri's. For Tri's I do 3 sets of rope pushdowns then 3 sets of overhead unilateral rope tri extensions. I tried doing some light weight skull crushers for my 3rd exercise last night, but I could feel it in my right elbow and immediately stopped. I think it has to do with the palms facing away that's irritating it. I believe my skull crushing days are over, or could they be done with dumbell's maybe with palms facing in, like rope exercises? My elbow's are currently in perfect working order. What could I do for my 3rd exercise and is it important to do one exercise with elbow's down, one up and one in the middle position? Thanks again Ron and I hope the rehab is going good...
Last edited by The Titan99; 03-16-2012 at 02:23 AM.
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