Ok, I've been reading steroid info for a little while on this board now. I read threads about what cycles to use, and it seems that people suggest to other people to use sust and about 4 other steroids. As it is sust is 4 steroids, which would mean in one cycle, some guy is using about 8 different steroids. Now I don't know much about gear, so don't drag me out back and shoot me here, but this has to really hurt your body. Or does it? What do you think the liver of these pro's look like? Arnold is in good condition. Lou Fraigno (i can't spell - the Hulk) is still, in his 50's, a BIG dude.
What if you subtitute steroids for alcohol? I mean, it takes a good 30 years of hard drinking to screw up your liver. Tons of studies have been done on that, but I'm not an alcoholic, I really don't care about that. What about juicing hard for 30 years, what does that do?
In one night you can drink and drink and drink until your dead, and it happens... a lot. But I never heard of a guy who juiced all night long and didn't wake up the next morning. I think I have found a government conspiracy!