Hey whats up? well i have a few questions. i'm about to start on my 3rd cycle. i'm 21 years old, 6'3, 220lbs. The cycle i'm thinking about doing is this. let me know if this is any good. my goal is be 240 cut. so that is what i'm looking at to gain (at least by the end if the year for sure) and would like to keep 20 lbs and still be cut.
10 week cycle:
Test 200 - 400mg week 1-10
EQ - 200mg week 1-10
Winny - 200mg week 8-10 maybe up to week 12.
what do you think of this cycle? i heard i should throw in some Finaflix. i'm not familiar with fina so what should i do? also, should i up the dosage with this cycle i posted? how much will i gain off this? thanks for your help.
ps- seems a lot of injecting even though i'll drink the winny. EQ is every other day right?